FOR TOMORROW Plulelary Influence In the lanaoon warn against belles ness and bickering Some per lons will be under pressures so emphasize Ialcrance and under Iunding gaod Mercury pm Avon written matters howeverespecially In the pm FOR THE BIRTHDAY ll tomorrow is your blrthday your horoscope indicolcs that while your job Andor modal Illaer could have lagged some what durlng tho last two month you are Innready ln tho beginnlng of An excellent three mnnlh plauelory cycle which should help you lo advance these mailers In fact the week between now and Sept 15 will be excellcnt or all GomL nlans on practically all from Not only will you we dolinlle lrnprovemcnl ln the alomnen cloned Interests but the period will also be hlmlll milieu or both travel And 31 mlvldes Mrs George Miles Canadian Girl In Mums Whiten dm of Central United Church presean graduation unil lcata to Miss Betty Oberer Miss Durlng Ihe In two weeks in Swumbcr It wouid be IdVll WHAT THE STARS SAY GRADUATES thrmr good hm and good cllowrhlp mingle GOLD STRIPE Is very much at home For with GOLD STRIPE your pleasure Ilngm you enjoy honesttwnoodncsr ryc fluvour right to the bottom or the plan If you purer qualin Canndian Ryo Whisky with thaner youm dcflnilcly GOLD STRHI lypc Try it the next limo you buy We promim GOLD 51mm will please you two ways mm In qualily and flu price Are you Gold Stripe type By ESTRELLIIA FROM CENTRAL UNITED CGIT able Io consalldau all monelary gain since with the excepllun of possible breaks china tbs ï¬rst mm of Mober and the last week December you wont see another upmnd Alan these lines unlll early next March when you wlll emu an 51le 97 ooerer earned her certiï¬cate sue flvn years in OGIT pro ceded by four years as an Ex plorer She was mo mull of mission of the daumh or cle more than usually conme ram mld0ctober through mld Dcwmber also In January and February Mung perional llnes you would have generally good year but It will be extremely lmparlm um ynu avoid frie linn In domestic circle belween early November and midDe cember when an unexpected nitration could bring great IK gravaflanll you perm Best period for romance The cur rent month Isle August late October um February and April cth born on thls day will be enmer hnnginallva and versatile an talcum Ind aleadmt dead two yam Mn Miles record of service deserves mammal no she 1m served us super lntendm of the OGfl or the 2539 dx yearn Examine 1b unwilling mm of bar bemed hamburg Ind hot doll anracud about 400 hungry adult and ohfldm lo Barbe cue sponsored by he Steele sure Em and Schol Asso dnuon The ground Slat Shut public mm was busy spot Miday evening Smith president the Associ ation Mrs Smith was asiisled by Mn Ben 5111 in charge of purchulng and Mn Harvey McKee kitchen convener younger guest wcre win non ol the judcy drawg Why SIZZLING FARE LURES CROWDS Jack Milchlmn Jr and MI committee proved lhcm ulm barbecue chefs Convener this mm fund hiya evqu quMrl Danny net Tim watch was sevenAyeamld Bï¬l Galflnger of Cook Street Burwcll Melrose Avenue won dolL sum Royal of mm sum as nine won the lunch kil luck miner Needed the 133 business maxing which wnx ollnwed by entertainment Mrs Gibbon pmidem ad vised in would be having Ibo my to mlde In Windsor and Mrs Ferguson has vol unteered to lake mm lh duties the pmldenl for the remain deg Millie ygn SiGIEWomanlATxflinry hr the Summer wu held on June Guam andï¬W number we yelmmgg Mrs Glplgon silver ollecuon was taken andwill be sen to he adopted dalld In Korea for her bmhdav along with some dothlna Mrs King manned Mn Chou wth In apprecia tion ether mhlp pm dent Mn mu Mn Gib bons mother was van all spa wi 31 lo Mo beng Innings um means mï¬m ski wu presented by Mn John Mrs Bowno and Mn Mamhall menrhea of la Wo mans Auxiliary Mrs Hicks then mm ad the ladies wibh severni rmn olozuu and readings ï¬budf Pigeéihdént 01St5GiléS WA 111E IIIAREIE EXAMINER THURSDAY JUNE 10 165 flle ï¬rst student recital of The Davies at Canada swam or 1965 Wu held ha Saturday avo anK in Johann Public School and was greeted by capacity crowdr Approximately Walndenu took part in the twoburr proram of varied amen vocal and piano mloa duets MOI and dra mall relJim Pianist from the Sludjo par ticlpauu In the perlormanoe wen Sharanjowman Wendy Catt Brands Cole Sheila Col leux Charles Cole Trudy Exdl Susan Folbet Michcla Glriepy Barbara Human Joyce or An it even iockiu Qflkmn Aï¬ï¬‚im In DAVIES OF CANADA Students Present Musical Program read the letter signed and 1mm your add ling wont yet It Is nhlgengjelmml glance Lg mm or when um chunk called Franks wlfe bow Jagged brand In ovary right when Hm one in the Hater You puz gesuon um ka Wu mush neck and that be and hi wlle NEW 19 Aalstymnl himgos he lgasn my gut and he is nun nrpe to Matt king in dam in mumInn Any more ques lions Itme eélled you thiew W6 wood Bum Jayv Nena pmle Kathy 5M5 vmzslon Marie lowden Dan ny Mulleny Judy McLean Syl vln Nah Mum Paulln Susan Penman Allison Porter Mn George Benton Kim Robertson June 5mm waln Smith Rob 1n SnelmveJay Stall Sta phen Ward Barbara Wflmx and Cauly Wood The vocal number were prei sewed by Den Clrwbell Don nn Campbell Join Cnmpbell Jenn Crook Jim Flemhu Sum Forbu Allan Green Mary El 1111 Gmr Sandn Jamex Dun Lumen NIch hymn Panama Marl Wnkalnm and Mn Gon don Wuhan upmenling the ml de plrlment wen Brenda Cote and Andy Hauzhlnn with two md Plum accomplnbmnu were played by Funnel Davie Vern Hendmon Davie and Howard Smith Nelle Davin was man urdmremanlca The Davie Canada Studio will present am other public recital In the all thll yur th dale be Announced met SUGGEST ANSWER VICNRM CPD Governor General Vnnier said Waincsday lnmmanlaxe Bullsh and French making Canadian would be the elfccdvu met problm nnUonal unity cm only pmMcm LI one or Ian and that could be told cMc hon 11 may mud Iurd but Ibo mum in or all Canndlnn to IMermany ngds NotrIn Shape To Tackle The Target LANDFRSK SPECIAL Den Ann Linden in lemted In your wnmln who alrl whovwm drool in boyvynhadammhlallp Elhn 111 ms concerned about lip cancer You told her And correctly um lipcancer wal not nearly so and as mum dsean which an be com traded tram Basing nan dvmulrued rentx mun and named hhereal unreal month are Men So many teenage have nth pxoblem that mos nations In paged of adolescent blossom believe you would perfome Invaluable union ll you printed mm Inlarmallan on subject What does lyphllls me look like slrl dlsomrs nu lbahuklssednboyAhatha has sure on Ills llp would applying alcohol lo her own llpe proud her axalns the ill easc Ill petgvn LNIIBJHMHI sgmous rgonmi venueal duase am afraid In an bl parents what should he da1Iam thh sch senior and mm ponies shameful Il nqranpe on My Kciï¬ sommdy mum get the idea they have done are maxiTao MI km ï¬x mm talk about vgnerea urlous 50cm which know My one lip mouth or anywhen on the rurfnee oflhe ï¬lm It often lid Ind in Him horn most note because it it my slow to heal Andthll tirednliyoubzvenm that in mm about din nppenrlng it is danger signal WLplnI your pa with alcohol in no protection exeinst syphilis iiyouhmnmallomkon yourlh1t£ likely that the germ ha already moved into your blood Itream Anyone who InspectI la on venereal dim Md do either of Ivan Mull It once First go to physician know of no doctor who would tell your parent ll you ï¬red hnn not In The treatment in male painlesx and relatively lnexpeneivo Second no lathe dty or county health department and nak or VD text In molt citia both the to and treat ment an tree flle doctor will mpeot your outflow ll ynu Isk than to Plbiic MINI ol flccr are not Interested in turning kids in or pqmiï¬iinx them an interested only in treating and curinu palienu of this deadly disease Mlldl ll not treated can can blind denui ORGICIC Refrigcrmnl PLAN REVIEW UIKAWR OPA mvlvw of An interim vmhmionary order In connecuon with dimInme hate literature Lhmuh Nu mall will open Monday the post ochu dmnrtmcm minced Wednuxday hm mln board at mviow will In quire Into the order Iplml Dnvtd Sunley Vancouver and lomlcrly Tomnla IInd the Natural MOT organlmhan III DUNLOP FUN Free lrcewr AulomUc Dorm Auwmnllc Molnuro Disposal No defrosting EVER with Frost Free Refrigerator Benny wan uw Artie Flow Food Compartment Mann Lock Door Deluxe Slldooul Shol Twin lomlnln Crhpom Bullcrkcc Forbiqu 411 Storage Huï¬o Storage In door mules etc 00 Procter 11 Cublc Fl SWEETLY FEMALEZ sheer cotton gownall rosebuds and ribbon and ruffle and lace nght elry comlortebll for restful Ileep Deilghtlully dainty and emert or flitting about the boudolr lvee Ihlh style with scoop neck sleeveless ruffle trim lace Inlet with ribbon threaded through Dripdrv ï¬ne quelin cotton machine washable Choice of cool blue meebUde or delicate pink raiabudl on while backgmund Sim SML Also available in matching Baby Doll Pviemu seme coloutl same sizes same price LINGERIE HOSIERY CORSETHY SPORTSWEAR ACCESSORIES ONLY THRII LEFT llora 1qu mo Mn la 00 MI Cloned Aflcmcn FRIDAY lo 2881 7262059 Phonl $493 wllh mda