Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jun 1965, p. 16

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KEEP Ul Ll HOMES DHLFAKI itlYAnw mrrn menl ol lehem lrrlnn In prrwne nnwnlrnl ham lha Irhh 1mm ol U5 pm Menu Woudnm WMu And hum Alnn Auhur Mlnlllu ordnn nmmd Thursday Um Cnnmln mulb ulld In llrllninl new floor 000000 1mm mm um Inlrrnn unml Mmmvy RM to he uncut 71310301 Bolster Fund Nominated Emu Juhm Gardner Kennrdy Sask Inrmnr and purllime Inclurtr at the Unlvmily ol Saskatchewan Wednesday was namlnulcd In context June so pmvinclnl byeledlon in Mooxumln or the lemll One Due lonzrange oilccu of lhe new v5 policy it ndopied by Congress may to let lhe he wnnld price of sil ver rlk 0mm said that if it reached more than 3166 an mince in Canadian iunds it would be pmmablg to me de Canadian coins ior iheir liiver content MM myrsday 0mm GUCanada may have to lower Ihe silver mn len LI coinage as result cl President Johnsons ramm lpendann 19 Congyess lo cut Mr 913 called the meeting sober ard mrking din Mr during whldl he outlined hell9M opportunity for Indus trial and commercial llnm tak ing pm in the alt Mr Sharp met with the at dais nl Canadian and U5 com panics at dinner in Detttt Opposition Leader Didenbaker asked whether the minister wax able to aim thc decision of the cur makers not to participate in the Viair TM in Finance May Cut Price OIMWA UPITrade Mln leer Sharp said lhursday that mu hls mcellng with Auto mmufflcuflrs Wednesday night he quite confident that this Industry will take an Appropriate part in the 1067 worlds lalr re can no quea den of the GDC belng required to Invest any part of flu share holders money the puthl money In social capital or mamwork prujcculhls would be lndelenslble No alnglo en my like the CDC could opera necesslully if It had two dJs limllu objectives Sharp Confident Public shareholders In the carparaklon will be sceklng prolilabln mum on their In vestment and this will be the mnln aim of Ihe CDC Mr Gor dan Id In speech In Illa Innual meellnz the Canadlnn Texllles Institute aHhIs resort centre mirth of Montreal ST ADELE Que 1UP innnm Minister Gordon jaid Thuriday ihni the govern ments propnsed Canada Devoi opment Corp will be tree at government interference And will hIVD nbiu iuli time man KSKFPL NEWSROUNDUPr me silver fin AmwcrIcan GARDNER Dévelépifiéiftc6rp or Intétferéhéércbrdéfli imvofl we misled heré Wllllnm Han ol mhawa usodnllon uldent sald In In lnlmlcw undny Ibo wl deuce will be presented to flu government lo back plea or Ital lnresllunlora to look lnla quullmmhle bankruptcy um hnpe to document mm cam durlnu the mmmec Io that we will be ready to up much the lnwmmcnl ml au lumn Md Mr my Mail hmbermenl Anodi lion ll collecting evidence whleh will show lhal Irnudulcnl bank is My in Ontario The DimTenby Scarbur ouxh and Tommy will be upon or publlc Inspection Sat uxday and Sunday Saturday morning under walcr exercise with HMCS York will be about the only training the 700 nlllcen Laden Inglscame neg hnwjevgr other ncllvlflu planned or flu tailors who Mimic seven mm Malaysia toabure tour at mmpany planLq Ind mburban Schwouxh trim to the movlcs and concerts cricket and tooth maniacs THY EXAMINER WANT ADS IHO 7282414 TORONTO CP Wee Bril Ish nlvy lflgales are paying four day visit to Toronto as part of submarine raininl txerclsc Collect Evidence er the vale Mrs Bartram and her husband were called Into lhc meeting and she wu licensed as lag Heaphcr The cometme oommttteo had decided that the Mearold mother was seeking not so much the at of God sell lutlltlment an sent the matter back to the pmsbytery or remmendatlon agate meet lng In Woodgreen Church voted lo um dawn declsan made Wednesday by cont ence commillee that Mrs Bar lruml nppllcallon tor ordina lian be posponcd or Lwn years Frigates Visit TORONTO CPD Tomnlo gnueh presbylcry at the United Garland William Bartram Be oryialned minlsler In myomjm anm anurla For Ordain Woman New Ambassaddr Robert Louis Rogers 61 Ottawa has been named Can adian Ambassador In Israel succeed Arthur JulIan An drew 49 whubecomcs ambu win In Sweden Mr Ragarn anauve Tqronln now is head the ar easlam dlvi lion the external Altair do parlmenl at Ottawa leieliloBdefiulf he laid BILL TOLTON TOIJON EQUIPMENT LTD II link MIN ROBERT ROGERS MASSEY FERGUSON SEE ST DAflGFRfIELD MOTORS LIMITED Dr Dymond outlined lhe phn the first amour speck mn fercnm on nursing education vhldl was attended by over 90 delegales 1mm 25 Ouawn Val le hospital beam nulhemie nILs are to be liven nlccmlcn emu In landon June and In Toronto June Ind 11 About 110 0mm hospitals would be Involved Jinn loe new Anhools would draw on the ndllllel of summit all Iaged hospital 0mm CPIHealth Mln Islet Mlllhew Dymond Ontario gald Thurseg th pmvlnceplln to create 44 new regional nurllnl school by 1971 Dr Dymond said Nae new schools almedal mealan 0n Carlol grwlng need or regis tered nums will Inclcu the number of inurseslgrnduauu annually to 15000 kill the next we The visit cameduring the alt emoon Mon ol an lnlennlva daylong usslon mm mum designed to main henna dim Mar tankle with nnafmt pun mun ML YAKUISK UBSRCPL Canada vnorfllern Affairs min islet Aim ulnxhdeucmded Huh ol min at all Sgberhn city flmrsdny and skewed back flew monumgo 11y Multan ulna hudlna Ilemoncr dim delegation seeking In by In mum or SWMCInI dun cooperaqu lawnmm development vLukd mtg nnenn menrdI9huuber uped lama Yakulak Penant In Create Sdhoélé mu lay cmu mm pm 182 any bills $30000 Average pd and yield 9001 Ind mm cenl that week 98040 £01 per MID Heads Dél¢ggii6n MAWA owGovernment laud day Irmury him ummm an aermVpIIee nnd wad mm and per unwind cum Atyaur ChevroletOldsmobile Franchised 0K Used Car and Truck Dealers Tiéééury EBills NoWs the time to get behind the wheel of used carbuyl Skyrocketing Chevrolet and Oldsmobile new car Sales are brin ing dealers the cream of the tradeinsPick your Used Car now Get better used car buyl mutt WARtry km with mrallllfingma damnaémuonnvvidofla Iy other may wen disposed John Bennie Canadian Nui lender niulu ha wnlku lrom comImam in Toronto city ilali Thursday when he appunred to furl zoning by law charge Bcnllia was bul en in Toronto park in week end by lame crowd ha Nazi attempted to hold ing éESnEFi he Lakshud Prim vary umuz fill terminals All qrggmrone mm nl or weaned VOODOOSEAREMRMED Ulm Gleelwcehllna MALE naald Thursday in lho00mrmnuus Ill Canadas Yoodaq madman now Ire nucleararmed He was replylnz IloNerw Dexmm LeaderDoug MONTREAL TWO Iomv wen rlvzn lull lemme And mmmn wmxrcluxed ball Thursday when they Ip 19er on charges can om bushel wheal ml has been mad to Palmt trad uumnld Mudy he uh for ulxNem mm the Fuel POPULATION mm EDMONION cm eman mullnon iwfll amass In 12 000000 with our yearn Dr leko Rubber 04 thu bur uuu sumo Add www It mwll 19mm Dr Kluhm told lhl annual met In Chadian Public Hulth Afilnodlllongmnt he hh mm come aux mmm bith me mupled with nqw flaw of lmmimnls 5m mom Zwmm Wm PM an 900 bughel wheayamla hn NAZI LEADER Inn to hum um mud filed IMI Ilul filmGordon Scott My Atllnllc mime dlmm 1m lhe northcm mm and llnnnl resourch doparlmenL 1mm Clary Bun former mmu pIIyer wilh Tor onlo Amount ol the Eulam Football Confluence run11i Muqull Male ville 67 one at In In de scendlnu Mumn lho bmlher Joan of Arc mam Palm mm 1956 to 1961 MonlmlMr Jndlce Louil mule Emil Boyer upwno wn responsible or the law prohlblunu chfldren under 16 mm Illendlu movie thema in Gnome provinu wuunmn New mum Scout re Zenlyd ¢gll rantms in no Caudlgnl the 150 Mm hostages lull hail by rebel In the mnheut Oonza External Mlnin Minim mum uld Mrsng In the Germany He lilo In In ugly to Chester Machc Pc mu 5mm that noun Iho Canndlm for flawed with the Canadian Em bassy Mopoldvflle Ives Mn pmem locnflan In am pm Conga when thurobau IUH Active CHANGES HATS REGINA 0P vHodDI Min Ialerhwld ileum hul beetn mum Mobonnld or mihllure nunlller Pmnler RwThnuhor lll nuanced pm mum The am when Mr and lined Ml lammum mm In Illiguflure minister md dew Wmemlar last week AMBASSADOR NAMEDI UIIAWA 1GP Arum JWII Andnw 4i Camdlln Im blunder1 loltrlol md hlfll mmnlu our 0mm been Appointed unbamdor lo Sweduh Emmal AllIlrI Mln ldsler Mmln Inmnccd Nun Ayn 31 THE CANADIAN PW bmwrrflxgm 54 UM government duIdeghfiunday viva Jew um lint rep mentluon on fin Protestant 5M bond at Mon reJ Jam will men by flvn dolmm out bond lolnloll DEATHS AwhovlmlOK Uud Cu Dqur In Burlox Geame Mellnllh xovcrn men Houle leader lhen bmunhl In one Um would low Ilma 11qu hey no Ilreed In by an uleuly cummnlen In ND amendment lhal would MW 20 minlm the lime Hmlt or all lpuk except party leader wu wllhdrawn Gordon Churchill PCWin nlpeuNmlh Conlrn salt the gawrhmenllhould drop tha nrgpo General Mm Nlum nld pmpcled 0mm llmlu during MillHon do but Ihauld corp PC Parry knka wu defuled by vol 60 In the rulol de bnle ll vmuld hm llmfled nim lng llme during debate no minute or firm except lhI prime mlnlsler And In appo Illlonleader er Pelmnln nmmccd uranium Ilockpll Inl pmgrimfnnt Ilrlctlonl ennui511 road no or Ice pulp0lol umlum oxide wouldM fnrchucd nt 90 pound mrgcompanlu which hm pro quLaully By 1qu cANAmAN Pnzsa mmgAy June my ammo continued dluuulnn ol the prapond mien chum vallnl dnwn Covllxprvlljyy nmendmenlv Pailiainént fit Glance 110ch Ford Camdal Wander to Ruull rev oolved lhauymbollc lmdom thoch Thinway from Mlyar Stronnch in Lon don Ont Mu Ford Wll Ilv banquet ram propgqll by gordtan Aiken HONOR FORD ndon mm Id In an In Jervlow balm Ml ordination nundny nlm thn Ithhurch gum In 15211 up animal day Ti The ucumlc mmlca Illd Wu mm Ill me unlu Inta dllcunln Ml Any olher church wllh View In developlnu mm 10 cr allonund mulbIO wdor union MNDON0nL mm Inaull mount of he United mun andon confluncglhun dny look what wu non IL llnl ml Ilep toward ecumtnl chm since ll reluuol princl plot Imon batman Ihe AnlllJ sun and United diurchel Tue mm mm Mirna mun Church Meet Real Stapg PAINSWICK ONT DENIS SHEARD 14m lean mdll Imnnmcnu Imnud wllh munch pymull airnu Fnrm Bulldlnn Summer Cot um Home Addtlolll ncmodelunx We will met Ihell of your horns or Id dann or compute 11 job THE BEST CRIEDF ABEANGEMENT PHONE 7285951 7261811 wssumum DEPENDABLEIJELIVERIES or ITEXACOHFUEII CHIEF Hum Hiking SIMCIJE WWW 7282563 1IAmnci BARRII mm up

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