Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jun 1965, p. 4

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lhe gm state tint letters hm been nib Oxliario Water Maureen 90mm on £0400 heads of indugirles It vuiom poinis wnmln them oi thu con lequences ii their fails to take 82mm action to reduce pollution It in step um companies which mist in discharging industrial waste to sun ilce water without adequate control meuures are liable to iinea of up to $1000 impmonment of up to one year or both fie stsgndy Iincretm in film pflifilfloln in pro ceswa eraupp cuury we have become more Krbanized and industrialized in recent years has caused incrennin concern in certain qulrtera The po tment of the OWRC to dell with matter ave promise that some lotion would be orthcoming it me ho ed tint Witt from industry wou reruit this has come readily in poms instances it has been slow or air rent in other and has caused the Com mission to take more direct action Barrie Examiner Juno 1950 Work was proceeding on Barrie Bypass of new dual lane highway Grading was com pieted from Weston mil oi Barrio Final seven and one miles around Barrio to Crown Hill iigured to coat $3 000000 Grading and structures should be ready next year with paving to come by 1952 or 58 Names such as Hill crest Dalton Hiliviow and Valieyvlaw were being suggested for as yet unnamed now ubiio school on Manic St John Mite mon resented ch no or 85000 irom Cans an General ectric Barrie Works as donation to Barrie District Memorial ital mind Largest boat built in arrie for many years was launched at Delaneys boaiilouao Ma or Edwin Wilson was present with vie officials Rev dePencier Wright oi Trinit Church christened Del Crait in iradit anal manner by amashin bottle oi chamgagno on prow liev rant liiuir recan graduate oi Knox College induct ed as minister AllandaloStroud Presby teriInAparish lbny Decariechair Awarding to report fromQueene Perk the tall he been pmedto tndue try tn the ate pad up tight belngweged by the Ont government to cut buck the extent of water pollution which has teached excessive proportions in thle province p110 project undertaken with the gulp and paper lndust hn brought out encouraging mul to dnle This latest move In sending letter to other kinds of Indusmal firm would indicate Walk Publllhlr Fight Against Polluflonfi Being Stepped Upu Gréqtly IS YEARS AGO IN TOWN mnn SC MI Scpuaio Scth board announced an to bulld nvw school on finperly mm to present school mm mm mm offidnlly op TRUE FACE OF CANADA Oflllla Picket and nmm When we look or the of Cm Ida tho face of Quebec French government outclal decfared racerntly To Franco Quebec In Cam The comment war made In the course rovlew of tho growing links In Inclnl and mcrcnnulo well clhnb cal whlch llnk Frnnco wIlh lho French uklng communlly in Cnmdl Ind oubllcu it was Intended to reflect only the growing lwnronm In Franco of tho ocppmunluulorbullncumon in French amdl ruult of Reno bevel uel uebcc trade crusade Yet for ll of It tho remark mun deeply dlnturb all Candiam or rolled the moat lbrymnl lgnonnco of the mo mturo or this Ion and or the vc rpml rolrllonthlp betwetn lha coun ry MON All Ill Wall AAA Tabb mm TIC Monu 5mm WM 00 Damn IdIImd MII mun cllhghfl mm null mf 153H vf in My mam mf12m mum mum tutu nlunn WIND MIMI Ill Mlflfllfll Mun no DAVID mu Hm Ill MUIIAI IIIL Ilillull mmn DONIILIJ CluIlllll Mill mm ml mm qu nium out punms am Au hm Iunn agmazggmmwwe Lm gumq mflmmTT 753 cuu cfilm mouth ml 5hr Edwin The Barrie Examiner ifuifl mi Publjihd by Olnidlanr NIWIpfipm Umliqd 16 Bayfllldjlrm BurlLOpfnfigA OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE VVVHyWIllon 0mm Mann mm m5 the Comnflsalonhlgaln 4110 wldg cooperudon of Industry Ind ld dlng mu thin senueprod to xgt things moving more rapid pm One of the rallied pxbbiemu which con cerns the Commission in its work is what oea on in political jurisdictions outside Province but bordering ii One ox nmp oi the situation is where the Com mission ha pemigdgd the city of Ottawa mlsslon ha waded the cit of Ottawa NEWUJ 59 WWW 1n the mm of dum in their wastes ma flowing water or indiscriminately tnnsiiion period to controlled disposal my be milieu Ind expensive The OWRC reco es this and is willin to go along wi progruns which take time 1m lament tully the sum time the mmission has become increasin ly concernedat the 11 rate of iuuousndlhe dun eri poses not onEoto society enm but to the very existence of industries which have been diletory about taking action ifitavilllxévbtffiévnfirmlbufiovgfirfi ltti ii wenmo can uon filler come from the Quebecpglde of ever mu nun Here 13 en excellent exem lo of the need of ermnnent federa rovlnclel secretarlat act liaison no only be tween the pmvlnces but between the Federal government acting for prov lnce with the United States With the new fedenhpmvlndal conlerence due in about ten days It to be hoped the mat ter will be on the agenda ened Kiwanis Club sponsored Spike Jones and his musical group in concert It Barrie Arena Barrio Art Club ex ressed preference st shmvin tor sellp0 all done by Mrs We don oi Codrlnglon St Walter Crlig elect ed president Veeprl Softball league Brotherhood of locomotive Elngeers hon ored 38 retired engineers ban net in Barrie EastemlSler Hell avers was chalnnsn Fangear emblems were proceed re ebuluflmrfl It would be untrua to fly that Brlt tany tor example lI FrInco but It even more human to fly thIt Quo bcc ls CInIdI For not only lI Queboc llko llrlttIn only pm of much lIrg or whole ut unllke BrlttIny lt hu culture lIngum lam Ind trIdl tlom qulto It mm with thIt at tho nntlon II whola CInadI II nItlon tn the North Amorchn ldlom wlth In outlook condltloned by new world con ceptI orlontcd to tho ontolda world of trade Ind expansion IpeIklnz the lm gun of tho burlneumIn Ind lured to pm of the 20th contury Quo but on the other hInd II In oldworld IurleIl mm the 18th century fly lng toull morvod by In Iccldont of hllto In onl now expolln the long cherlx ed lnItl utlonI Ind lloI hlu at bygone In to tho eroding ntlu once moderndIy mItorlIllIm lt ll communlty In vlolunt rule of flux tho len ongondmd In tho promo IlUlflUnf Ilmplo IuthorttIrlIn com munlty now my 11 currently blamed on AnaloSIxon oppreulon but mu tomponry upcdlont which won wlll pm Yul the hot romIlnI tlut of mo ment Quebec not only not CIde not tmly ol Clnldl It It only urIduIlly Idjuotlng ltul to nIltonIl conceptI Ind mpIctI thm In Itlll many Que who mm to look back to co lorlwlnnt to urMnl luturo Yot Mu thIn In otlur mtlon Int 91 Man 1mm Mm more Edam pIIt nther Illln La made by Cheesmnn misled by McGuire and IL Graham Tour to CNR made by Hobum enenl iupprlnlyfideht NorthPay 910qu Order of Nurses executive met home of Dr and Mn Turnbull Dr Turnbull made presentallon to M13 Elgood ML In am Ind Mlle Ralnl Shopolf In precla on of work done by Ovenden Co egu or VON hmugh yam An Colle or VON hmugh yam An nual action 45111 Antlka Regi ment Gray and Simon Forester held Owen Sounds Vlctorln Park with Major Genern 33hr qul mpgcung omen Californll eld Instructor flrnmy Mc Conkey visited parents In Blrrle where he started at tho 11 on hm around town One day In winter he let new coum record It Yosemite Netloml Perk whole and the poxHon that Is Quebec fiifn Brlho Ernie Candi it her tlookinfln mm omm den hm Ith and thl mu men whnmehhn unlryn 3min lrmurl llms ergwand out FEr man Industries which hivabean Mu MM dumnlnv hair Wists Into Recently what of flnm hm hm bulldlnx up mm of conflulon here when th medlcm debm bu llmly Ema on 11mm NRONIOMa may be lb In to the IN when WI wlll be IbIl to talk mm only In term at wonlucked blond firm hm been dllm um the Hull commlulon Inld mod lul me would col only $2491 mm Alhm um itl egmcnt pramm prerkncl the Snatcfiowin medical womm ll comm only $21 yelr One membtr chimed the nonprofit PM plan In an provincn It hmlng we mt PM MM Ian80 llvll mu um Innhlnl can It Any Mm hu ruched critic1 1mm won how Um It hpdad or WV mm or And the thdlor Mcdlcll gleangrim plan ll chm oniy Arul ono mull an d1 promm huklng maid hikerbu pincoll up fibeptuflnxrem at them Another 11 um chm can fulion beam surea mt bum only In nod mum and tho clrwmuneu tunmain It And In Théu lll chum chm will In mm d1 whoa mo rullnl unitary huh an nlvo lhu rm ol lln mlou Ind fit all ulur or My the Junta hill Mum by martin mde on 1m lI polbk won mm Communlu olamonu flunk 31ch WWII will ll INA MUM ol 3000 mum go under tho mm on in anm would bu Ll Pu 1mm pun But through many mom that been Ihwfln nmmy Th country In WW II Inc 70 Am Ind Madman mum Ilm Way II who tho junk phl Into Ik In Imluly lam llu mlnm Juan 11 Much Jun II lhc Junln can umqvllky tn tho mllolldlud lllelnu INTERPRETING THE NEWS may Ind union leulm Ind ulluou In Ml In Jul land pom fled kg rm Madam mm MIMI to IM In but mun mm with ma mu Ind II BIBLE THOUGHT mg lin gem1 Bolivia At Crossroads Facing Peace 0r Chaos DON OHEARN QUEENS PARK Welter Of Figures Build Up Confusion nld will con HOW DO YOU LET GO In armament oenluhu an 111 um than Acton no no being brought oul and mperly welfléyd 111 kl In the Hunts13d than In norm In You my reclll um mm time no labor ruereborn pro ducln Ilufllnl militia on the number ol peep Allegedly living ln randy In Damlo mime wulunluppomd Now cmotlnmlly dillurbod children In lnrlln onlan mm 113000 lo WM monon Allyldinumd chlldnulqlh yrovinu But how WI Litur arrived don know Jun how dumbed the children clumifiiu by yen than will In Anywhcn 9m °°9 59P You hm to wth um well lnunlloatd mm running any with Unh dooodhm Whll would they must um ovary chlld hnvo plydllmlstf on who bu bid to dill VIIHI and well sum or 3° You nus am on elm enm hnlion they vnrr often dont Idd up to Man chimed tar them And quite elm they In an Iudm ha minu In mod cue remahl to openl In tho mm mlnln mu who the gnu hit an pm dcch to mmy into lha mint mu In he 13me mm II Inn wllhln thn Inn gum mwpomlul amblllam and lhllllnl Ia Allin WWN II counted or mm than on an IM mm Inoom But on nunUm In lbll Hon lb Inlm nIlIonnltud ll Inudny AND II II tHURSIRI DIIVI II lllnllf If at ESorRIAO Iolmmmmmfii HAIL EéLdisHéw QNE onus flaw ADULT INTIITAINMEHT IAN BAY mayg fl CANADIAN mm Junei 1m Thu Gordfin Riou begun in iondon 85 year no dIyln 1m when lard George Gordon tin oi Scottish duke led mob Wilma Paalfmnifllgnn pen on In Catholic which hid been lifted M7 you helm Than wan 60 mu Illiu in men dm chaos durinl which New aia Prison And the Bunk 01 mind was Iiucked um cogemu We In Inlended the down but In dled In prim in 179 when be me llvn naming at good comm um flniiltnl II term or libel Wm yenu no 1916 Cfifiddlm vim men AM In nq Mo wur wrdmu Edda om omupied Ema Chr mm one n1 Mnuno TEE mwmmmrswm mu mme suu wwwmeom JAMIE llllflll l8 BABKJI Ml Dnl lloi TODAY IN HISTORY uJAMIl BOND mm IOND in DnNo It 100 MM MIMI llmk All OIIHIA fir Edna wu Manda mm mm your hudllm on page Snip uldlyl Barrie Examlnu that the Iudltomnnm 091ml denlly the ea hundmd do PM pa the world mmw you nyholwthapegwn wgm Mm Man mm Han and re im my lllpmflll which loans 1mm mphany comma to mule education hhalwe Mod the mum tree ol charge And ask do you Mam Hill Phyen and the Immunity Concert At Iocllflon etherhn Unt uwmdmflm Rummy lees my In two m1 Mum orndnflons he one Iervlnl Barrie In whirl an hr Iw mvmnm am teade mazmmwmm Auditorium chmmom night veflmamhyln arnnlmlon means 1h 011 the Mann used In Inch educational work and It rlvnll what wmhl be found In ldehcfi mm shop bu to bI moved and minced helm dab IE 3th the next mornlni Fm M01 mammal Ilml ho plapea bum ten mm umally to the confusion dim nnd mils who phylor open In etcram loclnflon other In Unt B1 madamJuan HE my lees my In two manly filletInt omninllons he one Iervlnl Barrie In annual um nu Ivy novmem non gram my me than Toronto WI non in MM being Bufleywl mu bolkflna the Barrie Cen tfll mm made It poublo In the Communal Concert At nodHon to be MI dlenule mm 770 well we thauund membera In um mm the local Runyon mended privilege to the otlmluunn mu Um un bu Mud In my ethn Kim at tho Geominn Bu Dlo ct Littles Hm playm tomd Nut wholly amateur and who locll gun to um their on whit the diairnun oi the bond rede national hull thwhidclhnefiug In many cr he ms tnted uutomerl who viewed their production That it we mediation need badlth timed to any who saw it didnt man was present num remIt thlt the bath Ilium whim many now evince taillowtenomatthaycan use the Central milladum wan mt tn evlrimoe at thetime tha nudibxiun wu tint dehatgd Aside tmm the plea 1mm Town Councii Ind the heroin tort or thu UntversityWomenlCinh no one cm lorwmi wtth pub llc Itntement on the necessity for suitable ludttwhnn Now that it has mmje than pgovgh worth mnbody mm It And for nearly me 11 um thrift with whidi this utilitarian but not necw urlly IrllaJc lull vm built preventod Addition of drain mom Mama the foyer con lain numerous hand balm ol letg mung mirroril HM WHEV lOVE 70 new war Ar mam AcAbEMY AWARD WINNER chHAnunumUNAvmnnumw BUHAHKEHHSUELYUN 1115 NE ll mm Wilma Ibo MINE mum um EDWARISJUDDmufmmIERRYJHEMAS LETTERSTO EDITOR mwmmmmmnmmm MUMI Mm mu and MM TONIGHT Womenltw to Invade ell er the mun mum or the www puma In order lo hung up zmk And my point out that every mulde pedomunce meuly dmacalelju operation 01 one of these Mammals within the nebool 1119 Mam £01le In laments male tum flu teadwr of am sanctum gm Auditorium classmom night veflmam byln grunlzylonunmns gm ugl In oondmlon Mr Mtgrnw 1min out untlJnnJm ployeeolthebommdlnno position in entenlnla the Mull an tees for thgmdloflml d0 roe however flu on who Insult do oxtra work or mullc class to do extra work every time the auditorium rented ea In mm orzlnlulloux thatldohmlfightwaml these moan on ml cameo 32 mm II Including V917 PM Board mm realize flu thr man of flu milkdun 011k tide mandamus dip Manon In class niuflno Ind pro QHEEK Mum JACKPOT $31000 LEGION HALL 71 COLLIER ST STARTING AT mm mm open p111 Mule130mm BanIo Md Nlefllh Gema1 WEDNESDAY JUNE Emmanuel Bespdffily yomjl LEGION hmso Wm PM

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