Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jun 1965, p. 3

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Two Accidents Hospitalize Horticultural Society Planning SeVeral Events PIrhlda Driv mafia Mn 01m Wu flirt her two mull Man 11m othy In lid Hm mu taken to nml Vlaodl qu or treatment um dlllon Mend ulbh head Md hmlm Mu Hm Ind er ml Ind Mm 111 mud In the any rug 5nd Iglgued llnrtl ct IE Iii Mad M1 gm my Wtjf 99wa to Jim Same nu ma wlll all lfifbez WWW lawn platen lprlng Rum will bu 1m Ihc lrlI than June 10 14 lon Ill buanelt Id eu lrlu wlll bc received Mum 25 MIL And open to Ola pub mm In June In fig Ho laid the city In good mu mould ave bullneumeu Mai on Inch thin and that any perm would be given Ma Th city would tender or Any job one mlchkm pm The price per too with the machine and with thovnmnal mound oi llying form 10 up pmximauly me mm 0175 am The only line which in bean don on the llyl pcrmlp lion with lha nucth is Helm Alderman Smith In not yet hid an wpommlly loin ct flu curbs It he Mn build bu¢ Ilnmd that the cuxblnx mt chlne II being uud an MAI bu nnly Any luhmdlrd curb will In lakun on And we 12 91° camMM 91¢ He notad that they dlymd dive and that uvml plleel hm portion which can Iloughed all with heel MAL Roberta llfllled that not nroudlotlwuuolthcm no the waxk coming to Illndlld but ltllddylhl nther notion curban poor the city lhauld reluurta mt thunk ITS SUMMER VACATION TIME FOR YOUR PURS mulled Binlooulflnz Co nu Pa 09 FIN Bulldlnl Ht culled tho work mlflllnmry and nld he would hm no pm acceptance by the any To prove hIl In he Ilwwed Indifference moon the no Hon curb hit by tho sky And the nations Installed by Farm WM Smith my tha Iub cl curb um mmrmr In Ian Mondayl council mullnl Bu badly mud hay mm to we omguw nrboua cm Bumllm sun Idler Aldermin Ociry Robem m8 lnllc Work Chumq Freq 01151CurbingsMci¢hinei nu In um 10 und your fun In gogm Hip will bl mlonally slam in our mpcrllun Mob Ind null or ho mun urm Rum or only vilhtloa mam mlnlmum Councfllnr may look um 10 PICKUP AND DZLIVKIY ZXCLUIWK DINIIN nmvnr DlAl 7260259 MCI 51 $300 Il cum altyd cumer Mil lagmmme awn 53 Vvfiihimé 5732513 luxury1 BOX STORAGE Wrenold RM Anlun mm EMMIMW11MH 12a nu ladder In Mlltd bl ll Fm um lhc city cu maul loday um milk HMS 19W by studywhit carmum mu two puma an un nth on BMW St In Inn mm BvA Mon Wk flan PM um fly youca la Inmuzauu Damm wu euknuted ll lie mm Gun speaker lathe mm will be Bryn Me On Jm 11 chm idmLuu IBM Stunt Miriam can the lwraved by the oily engineer mchlne vln lbeir lubdlvlllom or thuwfll be taken out AM Idenlkl mun um be Smith emphulud gmk am Mr cum uni 17 ALD ROBERTS TESTS CONCRETE Hum mm Ind 00ij um to qu Cohan nod mm of floun will mu noon With finish Merl Mum Vldorla 110mm 1m you RVH will than tho emu III the today But town am now being or anlzed or 29 Jul ma c1 ex chem the figsan the cam gum project army Ptanh filmmzmwm rvmmmm Ida window hotel will mv EXAMINER WAM ADS PHONE 77834 Savings this week at DA MacKays Pharmacy mum ArnoM HMplmgnlg 1451 KLEENOR Antiseptic Mouthwash 592332 for 49 CHlORTRIPOLON Tablets In Sue 88 QT Lu L67 FEENAMINT LI 55c 44c SPRAY NET by mtm Cunt at Sun mu 77¢ 10 Lin 51¢ 43c nus SPRAY DEDDORANT mvgLJ 119 ASPIRIN DENTAL CREAM mm Dump SPECIAL PRICES 000D UNTIL JUNE In mmh my Pail hm hid chum ol ullerinl med cheque Iniml F10 Township mun Ellery following tin Attempted main of chemu Ii tho Bunk oi Nou Emil in Barrie Ontario Provincial Poilca in with MAME on iiilhwny so the Uwpll RoutDunno in the mio Ic ddent In Mr mm in been dun with driving on Dwain Berry RCA Camp yargm 115x punt humleg mum ilmoi Two divoroe Action were in mud to flu next union Alla put mm nit ior dnmuer mm motor pccldqni ouq aui ior dunm was Ieiiied Ind mu wn dilmimd Mummer flzence could not be proveni Divorce were mned in tin idiuwinx um erzam May Mind wruu John Malcolm Mord Ind Judith Leachz Don othr Mutant Moni1 rm Charter Willi Frederick Murril me 111 between two lu venlla 1m nllht brought um Mophmo cowlnu In our mln um to polka 11 two pun lidplnu by my Illncted lidplnll fnun map nu cted lame and and men the caller though rm we In mm Alumum oer cumsd cl Peel Ind Grave mlvejlvme ncllolu Mi whld were mended were armed um was by Mr JUL goo Mgr31d It thomqygnymw ER irfimfm dumiwnTbT 1315 mm macmm bl prop app guiding Couxtllnjm Ipfhfedbx 0mm Munch joltdrwfll lament the fifimmq Tho bound billy IN um lilactram nm map 51min met my mods um 01 Ian 11mlde prepared for the met In to be held In tho Int week July flu mamv fill give Lb hupeownergl dimqu 5mm WWW 23 its nwbédnflm 1m to board oran on plan ning Boyd rm JIM Be on day would wtwnethlnd We More the when luck uflnllnmmzlilho wgd $619 ex camp to The clflun mun hm lomethlnz melee beam Aha can Canummenled that not very many citlum would Farm fun out to Illa meeting JM flu one out or blood chairman Mum Slicer replied bony Illq igélgied um ow Feynman Fight on Street Brings Seven Calls To Polige Deptr Twelvé Divorce Abiions Granted Ht NonJury Supreme Court Allandulo Drugs llmmd Em Rd 71 f30ajrdiélcéficemed over Proposed jzonmgfilnyléw 100 Lin cm mm luucd by the oumnfllu of may MIN mod um mommied the government turn over oontml ol rmul In leIII to board maroon Mich In gm Idmlnlmflnx 1WD mflellfi Illn Am Dymond Monday dildoud 1pm or heflu mg nmomouhema rdxflld the Onlnrio walla Pendin xuhhena about 30 mile north Dr Mk 2006 domdlary wlll be bull or az lna Ind homdeu Mien re lented mm mental homilal but mu In need of midenuu Edward Chum Held variul Bernice Held and Russell Arthur Iowan mapth Mary mam ough versux Elmond Patrick Meowth and Frelda Roberta Sum Laurel Graham versus Bertrum Mamba Graham Ind Camila Currlgnn Mkhel June ery vermr Kathleen Edith Gray Ind Jlmeu John 21 nann Burl Jlmu Cerlwell wan PM Ruth Cam and Donald Mildlmd and Meade Louise Pelmfl Ed win Clnmm Thomas vmul Daisy Evelyn Thvmu lfldlfi wit Wfldll Helm Cnflnrlne Ann GarIda verau Samuel Edwin Gmlde and Joan Ml can Fiel den Irwin June Clark vernu Freda Ellie lurk and Ruby Haw Dorothy Eflumh Wntg Ion mm Harold Wellinmu Walton and Donll Jonson RI chard Charla Wlnter verm Vl elu Ann Wlnler Ind Edward Fluer Pyke 400 The Depunm way propeny hu been unwed beam the boardlleell ll conceivably Ind or fu lure elmHeal The wnlnl wax queued by the mumumx dpal Allah Dopaman nanw prourlyln Alludan mg zhrmd to mzanllm an All flu Md the CNR pull wt letter MUM that the well block to Fun Bold ll up or sale Wu marred wdty council for ill wnliderallon no band also mnded 2880 be amended to puma flu grchlm at mull row house duveme on mvasEu¢ Im mmflm It also réémmd 37 space min be mom on an Id 19 at the northaasl mflg mm mm Disclose Plans For Dormitory 34M HI will mail wl be amIM mun Munlclpa hopewu public meek my will be enth to cunvlnce uwprwlndzl board Ilmld man the bylaw whlda luu been eld 19m two yemxu kill not oommenl on in new bylaw will probably be breed to and lhabcavyand complex am menl by dallvzry mm legw ery homo RECOMMENDS CHANG on change wan Mmde or abs bylaw by Alderman Ev erett Emmi He led the me lnqion the Canadlgnv Malaya Ha dgclinuj Ila qlqmmenl an annn 80m SUG US 119 Harpers Pharmacy 167 44 77c 43c 119 The warmer will be aflarlnl more Inn moo In primnun well lmphm and expect to iuro lop driven from Canada In pm Unlled sum lib03rd competition will in clude Canadian One Design Maple In 150 ed ha planned can and two fizlrdmxlle mm on the bay WM specmar mum to be 10 calch ILSCTVIpeegtPqu nelr the city Tman when the Bil dc Harbour Commlaxion hu fmd to pmvido benth Idl Ug 101 flights Climber oi Dominate olflciala arenw workinzon iinei nnxemenu int the regatta ex 1pectod to kbeeomemn mull Rem manm Ali Ham ion Midame loo boats Includ lnd 40 hi Powered lnboarde will be coan in themes The ma hi bear med by the Candied Down Federation and the American Power BadAmdadon member oi Gunnan mundane ha been working on plan lor the even for elmoei yen it was originally pinned to infinde mwmhmd come one and summer carnival but the committee decided to Ipumt only power boat rldnl and water nki lbw dill year Other mull will be Added In later year to utmiihe om de event lo three amrdinl in minimum The Wile will be one ghe ioyjn Marie 00 Include clmel will two beau 111173 dMlhn Qnugoardrdrlvm will gm mzifim mber Oommerca mum AumLfi d2 neg 1n yfiéngi Power them vpflM by top Canadian Jud American driven will be racing on Kempgnleit wanna t2 mosInes fly numberWire Candin ol Comm mxuumom luq motlu IMHO oIik film or pain boat he to be held on Kernpen Flor7i Regatta August Robertsons fabric 117 DUNIYOP um um MRI Ignlo Wegkend Feature may TOWEllING $153 Yo cum and will roduce InLInly may audit or to day Ind Thunday Oomldenhla clwdinau howmr will mm the mthwemm corner and muttered shower MIikely to day and um 0mm lah mum Nlnnn norm am Lulu Huronflamnlo Ham uh St Clair Like Erie mthorn Lake llumu Wlndnr landon Mainly cloudy with law About and chance of MM IL mu mu emp erllm HIM windn high mum near June FX draw3m pm 13¢me Faynnq In lined Haggai BgalfiAimlnuon Bare We mme llld Imdaflanl letde strict renditions re nng mm BWWW Ibwdflhst 11mlde reldlpldflnftlncbckthil Bnrrfle tum one of just over 20 centres on the OBFciwulL In Museum with the men the chamber his artmed pro ma wnmmn felt Bay Aumt Above left to rlxht acme Muster am Jun chumn Au Haudr ton Ind Pnt Puttemn The committee has beenmegthu I1 mgst you In preparation tor Bquogkx An axlensiveilxu Expect Warmer Temps Thursday Have You Seen The Selection Of Fabrlcs At Robertsons COORDINAED annl DENIM ma mum mum AND mm mm mum mmcmu 1mm mam mumrm um mum rurr AND mm mm HUGE SUPPLY mu AVAIMBLI ton Au YOUR mum EWING Bi Folecu Mannhe uyynlm hm 1119111117 Milena water Iii Micah inleIm mm he mm SH sngoI pphgfl¢ld0nlgflo DomAllen Gentle mler Bel Femlug Bob Dangle Dr Boledwwaky and Pat Pita leison Bum Jnyoeu will Ilsa Mp upoan IM event coma Emmi ev ham 100 beau Include huh 3° mhsémifi rven Imlnér Photo HNMI 933 11 at

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