Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jun 1965, p. 14

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Knock on Phils RyMUIIIIAIGIASB Auoetetedlreeeflportamitee it Bob Vaaie can trilre out in better when her tired how many can he trika out when he lresirl the Pittaburgh pitcher may get nlrrnce to mom that voueation helm tooth lire reply could be meter league airtireout record Vdrle lanned id Phillie urea day night the Pinter de iested Philadelphia to Ior their 12th straight victory Rein de lryedtnegarnetwlcalorahital of two hour and live mlnuter Arked how tire rein atlected him Veala raid it hindered me It made me little tired lie was so tired he came within two oi equalling the ma lor league record oi la trlkv otrta rel by Bob Feller in me and tied by Sandy Kouiax In 1959 and rose allln Vaelee to were the men in the major tirlreearon broke hie own team record oi 15 and lnrxeeaed bis eaaorrtotal to 71 me man munchr ihe alxdootaix lelt hander whore at trikeouta led the ma iorrrlart rearon pitched hlr third traight complete the Pirate treah Veale now 52 he allowed only two run in than three vic toriee and has ilceri hi earned run average iroar 874 to 170 in itvehltting the Phlitier the 29 year old bespectacled roe twice truck out Ilve consecu tiva batters helping him nail ti trikeout in the final lb out He lenned powerhltter Dick Stuart and ltlch Allen three time each and received etanding ovation when he trueir outibny Gonraler in the ninth inning Ior IrIa lath rtrlkeout In other NL games Milwau It THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JUNE Red Wings Erupt Against Toronto By THE CANADIAN PRESS The seventhplace Rochester Red Wlm enapted for to bill Iueaday night in an lnterna tlonal league game against the lintplace lloronto hiapl Leatr They needed every one at them The Wings talented the heel In 11 inning dwnlte aome Inapt base running that choked oft one rally and threatened to mull out Master charm In wild ilnal lrarne The lose out Iioronbo lead in Amateur War Goes Pull Out NEW YORK APtllhe war between Ital Natlonntlcoliaciate Athletic Auociation and the Amateu Athletic Union over control oi amateur athletioe In the United States in ring lull blast again today the big loser may be the track team the United state will send against the Russian at Kiev July 31 The end to an urreaay truce between the organiratioos came Tueday when Everett Banter pmidart the NCAA told ita MM to bomtt the national MU championship at San Diego on Jun 3611 Barnes director at athletic at Colgate tlniveralty raid In epeclal memorandum that per ticiratlon oi college eligible ath ate In the MU dronpiom ahlna would violate NCAA by lawn and mbieot hir institution to enlomement procedural IIrla bland In Indy tha mspeet oi atmng team ing electad ior Ure dual meat with the Soviet Union The that two llrrlrhore In eadr event at the AAU oerahl traditionally er name us learn liarne added turnover that the directive against participa tion in the MU drrmplonirp rhrnrld not menu that NCAA athlete need be eliminated irorn team competing urinal rta Ihey rtmutd be permitted to Jottth ttrlwgh other ertrbliah dramatorrahtp meele itrie via an apparent micr enca to the iorthooming NCAA drnrmionrhlpe and meal eon dotted by tire Ud Track and Field Federation alitllatod with the NCAA Record Purse For Indy Race IMIANAI0LL1 tAll rru aooil or record puree mm the toth running at the lndian pollr motor Weya no mile race were dirtded at the annual vloiorg dinner ee day night with winner Jim Clark r1 Dune Rolland ani Ieciln OIMMI Ilrrtgrrtrg take alert remnt 01 which lnduded aa Irrrn the roadway Mme hum mm Water and mono In lac prim itre prree ever more than MW Inv thel tor Int llourton one game over the idle Atlanta Craokera 1n the only other game To iedo Mud lien came irorn be hind to down lnclraonvilla Sun ea Bullalo Birona and Syra cuse Gilda were rained out in Syrawre In Rochester Red Wing hlarv Breeding war thrown out twice at the ata on outfield throw in the to innings An other Rochester rally war nipped by an interierenee call on base mnnerlnou Jackaon whit lbronio econd baseman hirilni wee fielding the In the lltir rhreedlng opened truth his lorrrth hit double and Jim 1mm lined ItIl Mirth hit alngle to right But Breeding was tossed out at the plate by outlleider Mike Page Andy Etcheharranwa Ruled intentionally and pitcher an Row rtruck out But Bob Saverine Irlt line tin le acor lnl Ltuett with the wnner In lbledo Mickey Harrington lucked pinch hit homer with the bases loaded in the aeveuth to pull the Mud Ilenr even at Iolado won the ante with two more in the at iir on run producing ringlee by Bill Ito man and Don Wallace arm kee Brave edged lloueton Ar tron 11 St tout Cardinala tripped San Freneirco Giant and New York Met whipped Chicago Cubs 105 in the only American League contort boe Arrgeler Angel deleaiad Horton Red Sort ti CHASE Minamr ltre Pinter in extending the lonleet winnln treat in the mriorr thla erearon knocked out atarter Art Mahalley in the iirat inning rooting two run an alngier by Bob Bailey and Bill Virdon Wiiile stargell Iacrtllce i1 and ingle by Jerry Lync Only one Phillie reaohed third Conreeutive home run by Hank Aaron and Mack lonea oi the Brave gainat llal Woode rehlcir In the eighth inning wiped out Hi lerd Houaton took on Walt Bond touring ning homer 1hr rally the nu lilied the brilliant reliel hurlinl ol Claude Raymond oi st Jean Que who hold the Bravo to three lngle in MM rm Cardinal stopped their livegame losing etmk and San Frenclrcor livegenie win ning tring behind tho livath pitctrlng ol Ray Sadeckl The Cardinal rcored the do eldlng run in the ninth inning on one of Bill White three ln gler loreo pl inlieid out and Dick Grortr almie llm Hickman drove in tour run with two home leading the Meta lohlt banage lllr hitting helped overcome 51 lead Chicago built against War ren Spahn The Cube battered the yearold southpaw ior lo alnglea in inningr George lininet rtopped the lied Sox on revenhlt while lose Carderrri recorded hi reo ond mat of home tlrir reaon Ottawa Ready For 65 Camp UTIIAWA CPI About Iii piayera will be reekim lob with Ottawa Rounr Riderr when the Eattem Conlerence club open It training camp this month lha club ald Tuerriay that head ooach Frank Clair and hi aralrtarria will open the June 11 with to adi Four day later the US No crop arrives to be allowed week er by member yearr team Quarterback lturr ircirron and law other veterans are expected to berln drill earlier than their root to mmater Jackson to attend pecial come at Queen Univerrlty lor three week in July and will begin training earlier to mlake up or the time hell mu anrnnrrflnrconn By THE CANADIAN PRESS National League NLGBI Lot Angels San Francirco aa Cincinnau at Milwaukee St Lorri 2t Irurton 1t 71 no gr It on runabout Chican Philadelphia New York ra Tuesdayr Rewrite New York to Gringo St Louis San Francisco Philadelphia liltburgh Milwaukee lloilaton Iraehablr IItdterl TodI1 Lo Angel Dryldale at at Mile Waahbum Philadelphia 1qu at Ilttaburgh thtm 40 San Francirco Stew or ends Ml at Milwardree John aon Oinrtl OI It Cincinnati Hill 74 New York Olaco Hi It Gringo Urchon ITIIredaya flrrnee New York at llttlaurrtr Iloualan at Cincinnati Barr Francine at Milwaukee Angeler at tit tout New Vorh eoerumrorr Chic lWIWIiII It son Person it It narth llll it and Oonder Mill Hi McDaniel Oi liurrr nirreyr to Warner to Alter nrthy and lIiltl NV lltthnrn It ll8min it At that MlllMl In Ina oremeoor II hadeohl and Mritarvrr IIrrtdrrl Ml Iiolln it end Illatt Ill wMtOotey til Milwaukee OHMI II Itth WINOOOI II Imarter ODrll ltIt ill and Tom temll Raymond It Woorlerhlrk Ill Owen II and Brand Hiter Rita Aaron Jone t1lr Hou Ikltd It E£ TI on 25 CI Ihtla ewaeeeeee II Pittth M001 Na ll Niraliey Mt nonlette ll Bell and Tnartdoai Veaie and Miami Anerteaa lull leIJIII Minnesota liiiMI Grime 1110 It Detroit Baltimore Cleveland to Angela hoeton New York 16 IR 666 it 511 Wt 23 510 21 IH We IO IZI Iii Warhlngioa 411 to Kanaa City l0 86 16 Tuesday Reralte Lea Angeler Boston Probable PltcheraNay iioaton Lomhorr err rt Minnerota Grant Ml Nl Detroit Aguirre Ml at New York Mallard re tINl China Rotten at uevelan Terry eel Baltimore illarber Ht at Kama City lTelaot Ni Ni Waehlngion Daniela and Ortega H5 at tor Angela Oalmod 04 and Newman TN nuredaye lame Bolton et Mlnneaoia EM Angatea mume Match MOIIMI TI lirunet ad and ltodgora lilorehoad Ht Nidile Der lttrrr Di and Tillman laleraattaaai League In IeIJIRI We It 15 014 Atlanta II 11 Columinr rr tit Jubonvliie 11 11500 it rareree It In tfl oledo 04 Mi lIorhNter II II Ifl IN Mlalo II tilt Tweedayl Iterth Toronto Rodrerter lrrhotrvllle into llntialo at lyraouu pod rain weemm mam laekeomtiie at ibledo Atlanta at Calmin Tento tIlOlNOJOd II liartr mMOIIIOI Gentry AMHIM it tirilli It link ill and Gibeonr linorlee Rowe in and Eletrrbarren mu RodaOe meter laekrliie Iaeerreeeerar me wearersaria hernia lleodrattea til Deo nt oer Egan tar and lmtthr Women let it rItt vrrir rat at cm ihii it unlit ili IlaW ti IEAN MILD cunan swrer PICKtED TABtERIIE cannons FINEST RED or true BRAND acre srrrnrrr rrr rorsrs 75 cirrrorNIA sunklrt Velenelaa orrarrors FRUII PUNCH ORANGE GRAPE Coronation Drinksa OSt nrnns are 0V Frozen Peas 39c it or hegr VANILLA 0R CHOCOLATE Kraft Coromels 1N IthlOR OTRAINED OLA GERBERS BABY FOODS 69 6i69c SAVE THESE EXTRA TAPES FOR FREE GIFTS or EATON CERTIFICATES RECEIVE AN EXTRA till TAPE WITH IT WHITE llIOE IOLIAII email It II on our RECEIVE AN EXTRA JIM IAII WITH THE TEA MOO pkg at DIIJEV IIltIUl white er oeteared twin peek RECEIVE AN EXTRA it IAIE WITH JAVEX LIQUID BLEACH alre RECEIVE AN EXTRA 00 IAIIA VIIll DOMEHIIO IIIOTIIENINO In lb ell lltATI MILD CREME Cracker Ilarrel toured ll er ert TOMATO Irodrire ei UlA Cal Na trade it OI tube COOKED IIAM Iahlrlllte Hired or pkg IRWIN DEMONADE Arrhilt the till rnawrr it ffl MUSHROOMS HAS CARROTS itrourrr arwrrs sun orrrrr rrsr ATIG lb manner or unit CAN no GRADE Froduce ol Atrica lira Can No iirrtlnka III Dan 990 SPECIALS TOMATO arrmrrcnrsur LEAVE CIIOICE WHOLE ea liar ii at tile 99 99c 99c AVIJIIIZFI CHOICE it or tiar ROBERTSON VARIEIIED MARMAlADE ll IOBI 99c CRISPY CRITTERS 99¢ AFTERNOON IEA AMORIIIIENT MCCORMICK BISCUITS $399 BIECIAI COMBINATION OFFERI IGA FOILWRAP It CHARCOAL Free Ticket My Boy DriveIn Theatre II it At irtirrte Ital rI ltante rad Oriliir liver with rarh purrh III or ever at three IGA Item IIrkat Per car Valid Ar Night Erropt laterdag it on pkgr IIOIiI Hardwood nrrn rim $560 in rurcrrrsrs Prrrcisrrrrcrryr JUNE we reserve run monr 10 MM ouaurrrrrs 101 IIAO 89 Produre ol AIrIra Can No tirade 59c starts 39 APPlES 5439c IAST wrrrr FOR IGA SUPER TV BINGO nn sunr 1o ENTER All or norm usrm amoo cnnos You my on our on me worry orwrn mum wnr NEIL OF MAJOR ELECTRIC APPLI ANOE IGA CANADA PACKERS SAlEI MAPLE unr re WIENERS IIAILE LEAF ILICEIJ RINDLIM 49g SIDE BACON ykg on DEAL CHUM DOG FOOD I2i 996 RAM SQUARE lUNCHEON MEAT 85 MAPLE LEAI COOKED cnurrro rrcurcs Irriui iiiri on sag III pkgr IULII MARGARINE ll aait CHRISTIES IGA ll Ina Road MARKET SQUARE IGA FOODLINIR Wanty and Mulmter air YOUNGS IGA MARKET llraud Ontario

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