con wmnm lb um willow Humid mmimidé mmï¬i Ida mm In cm PM mm local mv cmmul hmmï¬hoday ch mm the Wm ol rerkml jmrmmml prlotily llm Ind laid Our Most dilï¬alll mu In autumn hr na our mm mm lmfly on mle lw dmllly conupu In lho pcnlool the urban Hmon doo MrAlknwmuMknm urvul hyman Wllllun Mien MHmwman Mm dninnm and gang nphy prdmmr Plan of Ibl Umvmity Woman On luh both lhe at WNDS city Mvtmm mum 1an Chulu Wmmummmo WLNgSï¬R CF hJldwynm or nx spam zov emmcma and urban lmfllc Ipmked the common 01 Drunken May An annual muting the Camdlnn Fod ornflan of Man and Munid willch hm Nah Irmau Wyn nines Industrial mew now Jami Wflypkbdubl 3166000 plan to new Chrysler 0m boani Dorporntlm plant ll 513 mm by Ind 13 Km wlr mu Appears to the mm mde 1n 19 flatly because 01 nddl mm WM develqmem 3pm construde In nan1e comma lomave nheadrlwllb least dmmmnjor pmlodn under way other but complai od And stll more soon no can 05W building hspedvr CM lg toduy that May oop WIMin Expanding City Governments Receives Support At Meeting mm oh my Annmu only PRICID $85 Zenith HEARING AIDS IIASONABLY mm em with In Ihcnzflwnlna munlclpll 10v emmcn Ind ldmlnlllnllan In In 151ml ML Joiwan nld the but mm mmldpu mm Item to lo In Io mammalian ommnon In 0mm In och busineu Mayor sigma ghmonj Dubu mi in mm Ind 11 mulUnx lam ol mined gov Pal mice wul not deankc cash but bald flu lmmwed MIN Jusllflad my lam that may mmw Ifnrcd by me Metal nod MM mHE Flats Canndyld mm Anne 51 mw Iddhl 11500 Iqum reel In project mm It 555000 ADDITIONS Addition are now under can won at ï¬xing Banjg VIS nedy Bard 1mm may Workmen An mw blnlding Ibo mum for the Ghana rglthiy too eas¢ cl Tnnpu OK Johï¬lgn mm mm ANTI YOU IIUCI llNlAL iiihiiiiiï¬ 7266525 The DI Held dweloplmlu Jack Sifllar Oummdlon elude both own home and In ducked If unity than llouslm plum under way In Darrin Imllldt two In MWIL Barrieka ubdlvhiou almo mmpldtd wllh mm the new home occupied Another he work Ind Won 00 Includes 100 10h In in Mm shall 5L non wspoo 10 REBUHD STORES mgwmmï¬ï¬‚mh 35 iffl Inuuy In tween lo um permit or UM rehzlldlm who Dmlop 5t Ind Manic Ava within the next two web Oomdul building in also mavinz toward my my the MM 1m 21 new 1233am mm we we value ha Merlot 1119 new wing Wig 5195 man mt in um Aunt ï¬ne mad at Bani Plumblnz Supply Met nddl Klon la mder constnwm Mills Ibo Moldex ml at Vupm Si hm flrgadv moved me their 20 in mm pan cm um luau In mam HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED AT PLAZA CLIANIRS DURING THIIR 50111 on vw 6n 2th bum mm DRY cmï¬aï¬s Ixmr niwn mwcn 70 Discount 0N CASH CARRY AVAILAaLi PLAZA SPRING SPEClAlS MK Anéur oUn noxnonol ram Milan mud Kaleb and Firm allowing ha chum Blllall Wu Irmltd on Mr nnl by palm 1mm mornlu lo ilop 1h chhcha Ipcd own 11 olflur 1qu Com Bob Gm who was an cruiser palm Ind Ibo ollloon punqu the Fallow high lpeod chase which am flopped N0 men were mum but on taped The can wu taken from Inlcsmlnl lelon wagon Much wu parked on bohlnwl Ely ï¬eld Street parklnl lot car was seen Invinl the In by Conn Tam Hockey 01 Burk Min momma men muted yesterday on chan zes of the and posseulnmol stolen goods Horst Knrleln and June Elï¬n 30 Angus and James Find 11 of RR Barrie were charged 0110wa tho belt 01 sample use can talnlng aver $600 In ruleL Bail has been an at $2000 pmperty orflmo far three ma OFF Cfly 01ch to urn nmplhl EMERGENCY NUMBERS num Will who hava oonlrMcd lo hava been very lenemua Donnllonl can lllll be lent to he Citadel at Du mm mm Compfly on Darle Street MIL the Sawmon Anny drive hold Mundny have ya been mtdmd Much no bell NHzchuwmovl the Salvation Army Red Shield mm um um lot many her butllill will bi hi and this aï¬cfld la last humelaw so mm if ml mid 113 53 iii district The early Imqu omst NH Amwwhsr Milli Drive Termed Succéssiul AVAILAILI FROM CROPS MIMIIRI JACKSDNS GRILL PLAZA DRUM ADDIIS CONIICTIONIIY ALIO AT THI DOOR ONT HOSPITAL BOYS BAND LlASlDl MAJORETITIS PICKIRING DRUM CORP PIOCilDlFOh BARRII AND DIITIICT RITAIDID CHILDIIN AND KIMPINPILI DRUM AND IUGLI COR THII ADVIRHIIMINT COURTIIY OF IICKETS ADULTS $100 STUDENTS AND CHILDREN 50c Barrle Arena 800 pmQ SATURDAY MAY 22 KEMPEN FELT DRUM MARCH TIME 65 BUGLE CORPS STREET PARADE 700 pm Earlton Saul Sn Marim Knpuskulnl White River mane Laka Ene Lake 11 Lab SL Clair Lake Ontario Niag gn gnlibumï¬nhgdlhloeh Geor 21 BY zonal White River Oochrmo West James Bay Wlndsor Inn don Hamilton Nmnlo Naflh Bay Sudmry Sunny Ind ML Wind light lonllhl WhyIda FEATURING MOI903 PRESENIS and SIGNALS REGIMINT YORK LIONS DRUM CORPS OPTIMISTS DRUM CORPS Rev And Mn Gm Hm mmlonulu Baum Bum Amulet will want In Mlle servch In ch Chm mmï¬W2W mu III on their Ilnt Iurlouzh due bo 5me the anmen at World MIL of In Nmmo One Fire Call In City Tuesday Bank my Inuth on yemrday no man Ind in oxflnzulsh blame Inside hol low willow lm In mum Put Sham County Mutual Fin Md With moon lo nlm ln Ouidwmr Fire Chic Dan Wilson at Ozkvlfle will mat on in pmenllon and In mnnuon pawl Multan Town Council banned the uk of limericku jum He at mun Monday TM all Midi upiulm wu mlrlchd lo pawl 16 IIII In Ind om Perm wIslllu to light Hui cracker mull apply or no mission to we Thou villain to but Elem at on prlvm ump uty must hm permluloo of Mn owner Donne Illa culled or tendm on new truck lorlnow piw lng Ind mu lhn fln comm lec luthorlly to can or laden on new pumper or the In depnrtmenl Collin prion 11 311000 Next meet of the AL lklmp Council will In June GUEST SPEAKER Acting mayor Murmasd he II propon nu mum to an municipal that would Iva man power to maulde mm In cook In thlor Ilkndlu momma mum halallur no any on Hut mdxu to I1 to Hach Buy Fimcrackers In Allister ï¬rst Iuvéniles cant BARRIE nxmmnngflwnmnn MAY 10 my Hersey Endéfses Amendmeï¬ts In MunicipalAct ©IFIR ®fl©fl© ONIAIKYI FAMILY Mm yum ml in 4411le mar5 WI m0 m6 ho mm mm KM Mum loom ll Mn mm my my mm mm mi mum ma mvflllnhlo wand 0001 mo MM Mandi of an mm um any with null on unlr 1m beam TM 6mm uplbk eon yum up r35an yo Wmmmmï¬mm Mmmwmmmmï¬wmm mmmmmmmmmm mama mmmmmmmmmwA llSTEN HERE Iwuvl town and cine oi 5000 popu iaiinn or mm present city mun have pumalion ol mm iï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬f ml Buy and sell industrial uni wimwi the permission nth Municipal Ailain Minister and Restrict in number mind mlmmmhep new awnea In Iou which the puhllléuhk Invlud nn madman LI deï¬ned to cud hotflu uh Mr Hersey ukl ha mund menu that Ive mom pow lo muidpnuue uvdulblo uuse they wpuld Imam HM vdmof manl veto Another mlhr pmod dunn would um nunlcipallllu on ganglia to curl WNW or pm wn In mid permugmloml conv trol pollution or mmua Under Aubu mandran munidpllluu mm IN to levy upechl chlrlu mum huhflu bulldm help or extra mu war Ind wu mm ndeded 10 um xudl ï¬g Qudgogrccnuol 1n Floor Trading Being Studied local autonomy cod tortho country Mr Hem nld Most lb Imendmenll Ir dullned Io encourage munlcl ldu lo lMnk In um 01 Ioverumenl and than II rellnllon pllernnllsmhy tho an mu One unendmenl would limo muddpnlllles Lhu rim to can tn lyre dolly hgun MW 31 2L ylwpu 3w limit on you MEET THE mom prom MILK SHAKE SALE 24 Rel 103 Brldford Si CORRECTIONI