Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 May 1965, p. 1

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lholllometown nhaiiyNewspapcr For barrier and ilistrict QUEEN ELIZABETH II cl Britain escorted tr west Ger man President He ch Luell ka left roviewr West German army honor guard drawn up BONN illeuterrl Britaina Queen Elizabeth arrived here today by air from iondon ior an lldey state visitthe iirrt Inch vialt by ruling British monarch in more than 50 yeara 2tgun salute thundered out the Queen and Prince Philip topped tram the plane into ctrvdy rprlng day Prelrlri at the airport in wel come the royal couple were hurt West German dignitariel handed by President Heinrich Luebke and icderal chancellor Pralerror Ludwig Erhard The Queen rhook hand with them at well II with membera oi the diplomatic mrpa Ge man hand then played the Brit irh national anthem lhe queen and Philip accom panied by Foreign hliniater Govt To at mwum airport no Ceremony took lace tailoring the monarchr lariival ior state vklt Ofilecr in term to mentor oi the Britllla liltchaei Stewart will Ipend ll deya in Weat Germany return ing to Britain in the royal yadtt gritaania irom Hamburg May The Queen war wearing an aiternoon dreu and coat in goldcolored rllk rhantung with ieIthered hat and Prince Philip the uniiorrn oi marrhal oi the MP The Queen accompanied by ledent lairhire reviewed German guard at honor The Queen then rntereii hieradar provided by the War Gmnen government tor the drive down the autobehn to Buckingham Palace on the lthinaihe Peteraberg lioul perched on hilltop l000 icet above the Rhine which will be Withold Further Spy Data orrawa cmInn govern mrnt haa decided it will make public no iurthcr lniormation on meat or plan do Ictlvltlrr whlda Naulttd in two Ruralan embaary oiiiclaia being rent out oi the country Acting Prime Mlnirier lierttn raid Monday lllr rtatcrmnt In the Conr mcnr brought the charge irom Oppoaitlon lander Dleienbaker that it iookr like another care covering up Mr llartta replying to de mm by hir Dleicnbalrer ior the armor oi two Canadlrnr connected with the can raid the governmenta decialon war taken In not to diaclou the nature oi Canadian reeurlty meerurel and how much la known about Ipy activitiea in remity matian involving lamina agenta it la dltlicutt to make iatormatlon public without communal arrange menta to protect the recurin Ind Iaiety oi Canada ho aIid some AW were attll under lnveatlgatlon and he lied to the Commona lo iolow part practice oi permitting the gov omment to decide how much iniormelon can reicly he re vealed LATE NEWS Eleven Killed By Grenade VWANE tAll gram exploded apparently red dartnlty arrid mm in aroyal ltaloi itlinrrr It pmma and Stanly ammtai otm watching an oilrloor Milan tolli dam Pram atanday mm to notion poll France Russia Sign Agreement MW itieilmLI Firms antmil r11 cooprr on in nu Writ aimed try lenth martenreenath and lturria todjaim new NW merry letutranlc oitlrtalr oi the two com Report Oi Breakdown Expected mthlAMMMMMMIM hetvvvruthallorordoly lrdialeakdoornbndlfilom ldrnc fllemmd IdihaWimUrdondMloEm ptoyrra II exported today Seamans Mission Given Grant TiliiUNifl illl rant oi ilairaltun litutma tn mm 71 um haa bun awarded to the Andorran liarltoirta Fva on the touredan metlad ladI1 Ottawa Man linoatod Ritor Search llliiXliVlllifl 0rd it untold II oi have III awetat hm todao otter ram polka atlartrri the Mail vlottat poth not in rar rtnlnt in Prouni round near mire elation at and ll mlln llowloe war rclrocl by tmlrenehape BanricrOntarlo Cr GEORGETOWN Ont OP Aboutto pareatI and Univen Iity at Toronto atudenta con tinned mailnip altla at Holy Croaa Separate School here curling up in Ileaping bruvand was alter reading children mitttn war organlred to pn iorce the demand of com mlttce oi Frenchrapeaklngv par entr ior IFrendr leaguage kindergarten at the school hire it AGelinearrlt aema innmutt tn and last weeka boycott cilklthe DI atudente aaldltoday the attain party while oiileer at rtfl rearlatheciarananderoitlu Wart German honor guard rap Wizephrto by cable trorn Bonn the royal home during two day my In Bonn Crowdr waving rlnlll Union Jaelu lined the drive out at the airport lhe political implications at the viait were reen by many Ia atretching beyond the two coun triel now NAm Iliiea alter ilflttlnx each other in the tiltid Ind tanstn wars it war ex cted the Queenr trip could gve new impetua to Dr itch and Welt German eii to atrengthen the Atlantic tary alliance and European 090 nomic cooperation dupite the negatlvlem oi France larder Prelident da Gaulle Erhard writing in hia landon embaaryr magazine raid the Quwnr Vlalt war the ultimate reconciliation and an event at tremendour Importance tor thI iuturc oi our two countrlea hiilea oi rtreeta in Bonn were lined with the tags oi Britain Weat Germany and the ltata oi North Rhine Westphalia Store windowa were decorated with Union Jaelir and photo gapha oi the Queen and Prince would continue until iter de KI ZlGun Salute Greets Queen In Germany Réport Air Hits By US SAMSON AP The United Slater resumed atr atrikea Igalnat North Viet Nam today US military Ipokcrmaa raid The spokesman raid so us Navy war planer into the us 7th Fleet earner Oorli Sea Itv trod petroteunr cragt am PM Qui is aouth oi llanoi North vret Nama exp ital initial pilot rcporta raid re vm damage waa inflicted on the target wind was reported bumlar the then were the ilrrt aralnrt the Domain north in rtx darn there war no axola rlatiolt hare ior their teamw DIL Twenty All propellerdriven Skyraidcra and At Jot Sky hawks rupported by 10 F4 Our eader late hammered the target with tour oi bomlu rottetl and Ilrtogrouad mirailea In mailman Iraaultl the apoker Wishart Denies Interference With Coroner lind Department TOROMO ON lnaucatl Ilmid be removed from tho handa oi the attorrloyxmerala department and put under the control oi corotter aI tree porrtble irnm littcei cort tmt Vrmon nor ti Downavlewl told the lerlaiatun Monday lie recommended that the coroner like the provincial and itor rhould be an appointee oi the It ieztalatura ltaeli would be independeth and II rernuvod II he could be lrom the dwtodoy tltlcal try teriercnre that otherwiaa be Ittadred to him it he um under thenattomygenerotr do Mr singer raid title would IN PAKISTAN Cyclone make the coroner rort oi ummmen ior death and would roltnva any Mlle con cern about miltour circum rtnncea wrmtmdlng doatha in the province At General Arthur Viihart riled then la any po litical intorierenca with coro nera by hia department in dctrata over In inoth held into the death oi Guelph Defamatory prlwmr Millard with rare heart diarara ltlr Wiahart raid avidenca that the prtroner hrd been In rolttar confinement and ialned oi Itdinerr to dayr on hia death war not tnuflrt out at May ID 196 eliied what iurther action to ihelrchool handle this com munity is miter eaat or Guelph announced Monday the achool lI closed and woutdlremairr dared until law eaiorcement agoncier canensure the artery at thevridiool children and the privacy oi Idaool the parents have kept their children irom classes since last Monikarendinl them instead to makeshift claIreIlrun by Iympathatic university dents Earlier Monday night rome oi theproteattng parents along with Englishspeakingme IQSeSchooIAiter nitha parLrh discussed avporal ble rotation to the dispute More than no pertabionera recommended to the board that biltolttli kindergarten be held lied Elli ii It It roll war almost unanimous in its declaration that English and French be taught ina united kinderlartrnjelria tor bohthuiean girage preren re is only an mush kindergarten although other classes are held in both languages te the praatncemot making parea meeting atroag criticism waa voiced oi both the boycott and the altin Phillip Carney who organized lhunderatomu torrent ior to night early Wednesday inn ohmic aluminium ro NWWI°WOM Not More the meotlnr arid that until Monday the boycott had not Ii tested his childreaa education in an apparent retention to univeraityrtudenta taking part in the attain be added But when people are in our Ichooi who have no right to he inwrrchoclandtheyareai feeling the education oi our children it gala my back hair Robert ttromnson board dralmran had appeared earlier Monday heiore the dunonatra torsand told them the board will not consider their demands until the boycott ends Mondawa sit1n began when to parentI la daildren and tour university abrdenta merdted vulNARAID REDS carroaru error wasaca zoo Summertime ta iua time in dlmcoe County and one at flu but placer ior children to re lax in the urological park at US Domingo Coalition Waraga Beach lien Danielle Rhea and 1hacy Lee at camp Borden main iriendr with Virginia and ltlule Deer at the Upper Canada Zoolog ical Roddy Park lhcy are the dtiidren oi Mr and Mrs RM Lavlgne agent Sanm Cairo hot mm Yifrrsrwlhotol Govt Appears Stalled norm DOMINGO OWA new U3 aliart to la to Ilttloo govammoa In the Do mlaican than appeared Itallod today Diplomatic Iourcea raid that U3 Iuaroatton lor coall lion headed by Antonio Guzman iomrrr minim oi Igrtcuttnra the iwruart because it war in relevant Toll May Be 1200ik KANtall Olllhm 11W ml were iaarrd dead law the llaad lIUINIt Bdone week ago An Mhrrlad ammo irlurirtv lam oi Ira am an ml rim in rat momma rovermr oi Hort Haiti Mam Kiwi told ri pottlu Mafia ntnM thrt the mill hail arr linll liver lit the latttrtan Im AIM rvwrtrd lium Home to day it war and It leari mm ad died Ia twinilem Italic ml ltrlnl waver trod in tire routiv at latrtrtan lhlh Im rail that turn to tilt per and ot the ntrnay in the vtlaaner the troubled mar uhmloma ua ultimo up by rye wirrda engoulied thouaaodr at ot arm There Ia tear thei oi atria and mat will vtttIm when or Penman arrnlallva oi the drama thrillin ta vim the Hunter area to null the under lormer prerldenl Juan Beech received In initial re tlotl Monday by the dull Gear Antonio lmtlort liarrem 1mm the national racon almdlon Moment mmnldthrtthau hintlevel nitton rent hrra by trealdent Jotrnron had won tavoratrla remvtion tor the ma tltion Idea irom the corrrllhr Itonal rrr headed by Oct Franctacn no The mlulonila led try Mo tlaorga Bondy lrIoalitntl John aona mint Illa tan or ID Mortal Hilarity it Illa included nromaa Mann underrth oi up tor male liairr In 00 mm It an int Hog mire rem r7 ratlata for inter American at an Aalredrrbout the mom oi lie Iliort to arranra eoalt tloo immune the honor mtaalon had not Med oi him or other oi hia government on the aorta Itic made by the Dominican them reivea lrrbert raid ha doubted mm the U35 wotaldlllrzvolvci ret men on the Dammit ita uhltc when antmt ii the ltlon ich had come mm any other he raid tlwra were ciluuiatlng in Canmaaoa motion relied about the coalition hion day night war thlt thla war duration which mid not be an Iwgfod becauao it do not ex krill lmbert and Oaameno de nied they had met with lltal dent Johnrona interior but in tormed roumr raid there had been contact between tho inta aton Ind both the recontrut ton and constitutional re mar Meanwhile the Mo alder made mottldtna ctatmr room StateOi Siege Ruled In Bolivia LA mantelm the Itva military ta todI ruled ttrtr landward loath the heavy tinting that con tlon oi Santo Domingo died in the tint tun itll tire to the revolt ride and that hia mlltary iorccl had talien 600 prlaomr rinse the trattlo began Western diplomatic Iource uttered Harman the ot the coriatttutl merit two dayr no lie arid iiurman vrII believed to he in Warltlngton realdetttl Business Has To Society IDNthl IN Ont and to rnctety ln world is lacing hectare oi tact notorioal thanlaa the annual Ontario Gum UII told llorv timed in the northwestern rec Caamano mom Junta battle that broke out tunlay alter twweck new however raid then had been in earrarltiu on hie raid that launano pinmalty govern tililOtallo and mail bar rt to ill em cl com to help meet the dirt near the inn poppet halia mile to the Idrool car lag placards in Englleh and reach whldrtaatd Educate our children and We demand cur rtshtril When the Idaool principal Fillmtattriu told the group that the adult mold have to leave all at them eat downin the school lobby and returcd to move Shortly after the group moved into the retiools main corridor iorcipg teacher and Itudenta to detour through classroom Among those taking part were member oi the Canadian Friend oi the Student NcnVlo lent Co crdlnattng Committee than the University at Toronto Relief Troops Mauled SAIGON OP Smith Vict naame gmde tonnes and US helium Blind Viol 0mg Had cartan or in three opera tion Mhndly and bodily the Wet Dang inflicted heavy annuities when they at tached hamlet till miles east white ground lama roininmcd regional tom normtony da irndttu the village us rrlolioimon raid 50 Vtet were Him at than by lira from the belimrnerrauhtle live at the dcirnrlcra wen killed and four would Swth Victoruncno mariner made rate oi lwem opch thona iii in Kart Nm KIW tnoo 60 min north at Saloon Ind killed an Vloi Court UK unknown Irtd My itva Wed Oorrnnnurta warr Wired Responsibility 010 Meet Told tooled tunnel that would have had thte rhurrtrer pron tor llanltrtlm on the manor oi wortarc comny motored beton it would have had to meet them In onllaettvehan lalntnl raritutton our pitrented We Ontario iaturr Act In re ergInIIattrn with tam than trauma oi wotdd ha allabla lotlhr rlnht MW

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