Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1965, p. 16

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2e 3953 thaw Righfly or wrongly Johnson belmlzblporled lo II direglly respons or postpoung Iflwduled by Prime inbu La Balladur Shaskl of India ind Pakhuna Plasma Mir hmmcd Ayd lawn Shnerl angrily called his US trip dlgcfluer almuugh nun planning to vldl Ottawa in Illa May or early Jung Ohmms continue to welsh he official rnasnn given by he nresidem for dalnylng he vislu pressure of domestic allalrs Ind Vial Nam Then ha been slaée debarlmcnl cnmmcnl all and here is speculauon lhal the slate department was ulmt lhe postponement lndha altitude la the 18 right back when was in the day when the late prime min lsn Nehru 1nd his defence mnlslcr Krishna Mch were mmdtd by the 115 as duonic bum undnr the saddlc me much himnt If In one interpretation be ing drawn Is Unlled Slates re lonns wkh India skid bark to min after camaraliva AID CONTINUE The relationship warmad somewhat under lhe lam pres dcnl Kennedy who among olhcr Ihmu dhpnldxod Onmdomm John Kennel Galbralth to New Delh mmmlu Whlle Johnson has wmm Indil the US mum to pour vnl IMUMI of Aid Lnlo hm munlry Vorklng with Canada and elm other munuics the L1 prwldlu another um parade opening 61 ms seam the Naw Worlds Funmamh 31 AM MACKENZIE Clnldlu Pun BM Wrmr Shastri Plans Canada Visit But Not To US PARADE OPENS WORLDS PAIR OPENS SEASON an the $1000000000 em mind the annual mum Ion no Indlls current liveyear Ian lndlan somlLlVillex run deep In 1962 India was humbled by Ohlna mllllarlly nlonz the north rm calculated aclbyulinaservedloahoww lndla Asian and lhe world as compmwvo llxer lndla rm yearn been blekarlnn wllh Pakistan and mayhave resumed bllherly bo lng lumped with Pakistan when Lhe v1le were pmwonedsome diploma say OM mm lmlda lhALJohflGflll ruled wllh me best 01 motlves The reasoning is that Johnson wanled la avoid havlnz PAkLs WWW 91mm 2° YMMVK OWA5 filo hardy Dutch ml bad so Zulder 226 to ammo new amfland thcy Ire liming remains plane whim mashed dud tho sec wd World War Kn that sally arm of the Nodh Sea Genlo Zwancnbn 37 of Burn The Netherlands hm made MM Hum these lust nixmall and mm on his Minn in tho currenl Lssuo cl TKhe Rounddl Ibo RCAF mun zne hm Imh lmm visit In China No says we Royal Mr Force RCA and outer Comnmwnllh air lorcu nlone lml mm 2300 planes am llulhmd during Hm war nnd that lens 130 came Mu In mo 7AM Zoe mm flue mud of presldenla around me Unlsphere odny Flu weather And mm Dutch Locate Plane Remains As Zuider Zee Is Rolled Back visitorsmnibed mo rwbeilds In who ipcdil Main mm And MW and mm 09 posing US Vie Nm policy The Amencan view of Kim LI minted by the m1 Pakistan 12de about momma in aid before luminl in mm and Russia But 11 PM was to be put oil the naming KW India had In be included Ohm macs Jamison we irked with Indlaa persistent can tor pause in bombing Commuldsl North Vie Nama pmposai originating with Prime Mlnlxter Pearson but received coolly in Washington and not Still olhau say Jnhnmn Ilmply find shale vkil loo limeconsuming when hal busy he said in effect In giving MS official mm mm In the vbiu the Royal Nwwrlanda Mr Fame began 10 gather up mange cum in East Eleva lmd claimed 1mm Zul dcr 2M Alma the Second World War 1M wreckage enteddm mud in ma WWW ploumhw and mum cumin ive munWon 1M shalom 0mm have been lound In some weeks Idenulled Ind hurled in MM villale graveyards FOUND MALT Mr Zwmmmm my In Lcl airman have been found 011 was Flm Varld War German Coma Dormer and In other postwar Dutch Hch The 11 Second World Wit 1an mad were No Lao ulllorl and one Wcmnzton bomber 0M Sleu one Mom quite two American flylnz forl mum and our German qu up he hm bun unto In in lhnl IAlvnzed para Well lnzlm bomber coma plane flown by No mmdrm Md that damn Jun IL IN ldcnllllcnllon many plums Ind mm eroainblo became new number haw been trod pm Mr Zwumnlgurl 11w wnlor hm dmtmyed pr pm and maps And ollnn wmhed nway Mde lelLL llul mm ohth won wrved maddnegun ldu Rim nml lounll mm mu wrnbe an um an holllu um d9 2on warmly Irv low4 Mllor Um Hlyr ilrllflmd um he run Illal buck ll hm my left and New York cIiy pavtllam in the back amum NP Wirephmn of ewéév flaw is BMSIONES IOI BAYFIELD SI 7266549 IEI TODAY BEST Tlll IVICI BUY THE BUY whom he wuf sobk um Con urvnlve party Isoldershh and when iLbecomu amiable am Im érEmrz uutiue qu mk loademhl laid nun no money at If and when lhera In such vacancy would wrm that anyone who mm be hummad in my lead Irgxlp wouid doso that all mom 10P Scam and flak Mm bu by Emir hum Ilvo up lha IBM linemen nLGen ave to blame the Vlet Nam emu in said they tuned their In flmauon Luella lmmufialely nmr hhe Gemva unlemenl created North and South vm Nam CInMdlA and Laol Mn Marun Md the hndail Life Manl OM North Vle Nam Cmnmlmm Gina and file Soviet Unlon should mu their poale on the recent Belgrade pmpml or We Nun commence Mllch would allow dbqrgalon without walk mm om ommm nal Mala filigsmmflacxgn said Wednesday mmun huhby hum up WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF Elia Sandman mu mfennue m5n ulu author David McDon nld presldonl cl nu Unllnd Signlmrigerl nu TM union on mu Buy Ilmmmt ll undid by en LONDON CPDJIM first fhl yearl Ontario trad mk alon flew lmdon Wednw day and mm go down to the bum MIN mod um mm from wheat to WWI equipment Three he nlnemn mnflnuod on Sloc lm Editing Ind Milan The other we lo meet Brlfllh ammumen helm lnvndlm the elemnl 1111 ll 1m lath union won wmmm ve trade eunuch mth two rem In deputmcm ml mm the mlulonx have brought the provlnca about 3504 000000 ln nw gala abmnd NEficfiwm pmldmc of ary canvu WW mm in sell vnrlety campus eqdpmmt He also wlll vlslt Wlles la demonstrala unique dovloe or use In rnlnem mu of easll inflated canvas balloon to it Vumownym sealing all palsowu gue nr mlan nlr mu PITTSBURGH lAP Both union Ind management said Vaheadary they have rolecltd and oUIorl comad pmpoaall In hula ncxollnwml or the Amech moi Induntry Conmd Cooper Lido Liv muuvy negotiator Add the an Inn had demade Mirna Im wwldfloliu you 8th uuwu pm In now than no new Hymn Blames Reds Trade Mission Reject Proposals Inuntqgn heuhd he unlop H2esDu¢ksQu=stij11s3T Over PC Leadership In VMIOUI man 01 conhutllon Some VII rook on v4th povnd umtrm loundulonl lub goal on and backml Locmd In Nu Town Wvlm emenl worth ll nu Vii FORCED SALE BUILDERS OPPORTUNITY Io MODERN BUNGAlOWS UNDER THE BANKRUPTCY ACT BOX 61 BARRW EXAMINER 0pm lar Any Ruwnnbll Olhr In rm or In Bloc All fnqulrlel will be mlwmd Mmmu Amngul llt 0M wn IE Irwinn 51 mymm an zven an elderly Dutchmm to finance vixlt 07 daughtar in Canada same 2000 guilds About 3500 raked hy nu mowed ml WW pmfmity has been mm by Vroon to Jan Van Berkel 72 who hm mgwmd or 50 years Vrcma bar in Ihi city mile of Amsterdam Van Berke said aim months ago that hb mam wish be fore he dies ls to fish his mm 502 Med tn uskadmz Ont lhe daumur nunfled Canadian amt the Second Work War and has two sons Ind two mom mqu 0mm nu on an 0mm Inzoma mom on mm an ommnn Gruwlh Immuonu Growln Immu umm lIIv IM me lIIvuInrl Mumll Imrm mm In IIquII AtcumI IIumI um Muml Imam Muum IIand Imam ImImI Nlmm my and Inmuml VANCOUVERJCP Print ers on the Vancouver Sun and Province duly newspaper gavg apprwallyled sec ammh Cln mumd can an And Burn Elnlund CommAim cowl lnvlularl Ml Clnldlln An canwun Div Mm Grlwlnm rmu cum Unmd Axum Approve Contract WNDON Ont 0P Oahu adna concern or mlal and economic prom Ln nuw Com mmmofnfiéimmér an am HQ in Tallzanla Ex ternal AflnLrIMWJm Madln nMWednosday Amwuumiveatflm Eu Mrlenn Cgmlmweaflh to 03 la and the country no qu mrnenu for Hillary and un lramm tram follows Another Canadsan military lroup maxed 1n mum lhnzamns med lama He told Canadian club meoUnI Canada has remnlud that ecalwmlc and soda pro Brus my be aghkved jn Com bub oHnLemafoTw nifiu bmw Military Failure moscow Mum 4m mwm picturing Stalin only dlaheaded military mm ing the Second World War dint tar ll ffluyam aa war armed moss said Mu wade scribe what he did wartime lender un mm mid but they will be camiul to balance an lyposmw ml the neu Ilwy wifluahow be was in from hem military men hu Stalker Study Country 02¢ Ho will comma to be IM or the poun purges his era Ind 101 hiapuwnal fly cult loukl No dvlnl Naw LUCIIE Wall Fllnt comes lady Io uu rich Ind oxlulhick II clmas Io brush or wllav Wont lun down mu mm lrkl nvdmary puntmy axlcuy whm you pul i1 lulckv any cIunuv Uvmhu mum toner pm an mm IOIIY um wm Wm unlollllwvlh mpuq1ouclupwnnnoslmlu no mm LUCITL cuneull hnlylmu mm Ind wvh lllwuy Du Pommmm yodun mmmu Look Beauty without bother Oates Paiht and Wallpaper Ear Wamlca Bldg Supplies ltd In My row ll TH HAM EXAMINER THURSDAY APRIL 22 ms TORONTO OP Gregory Clark veteran Town My PEPE man was named Wed new um honmaw be all newly tuled News Hail Fame George khanmu o1 Nneiq may an 65 nlccfionfi 1E inmgmuonu th oonv Ptess Honors Gregdry Clark kxbuuon 10 Ch newspaper 9R3 flw 53 we NW 72 ML Clark used aw stor of Weekend Magazine Wish his columns no kmzer Appear mkly he still contrflnfles articles to that pub lkgatlm Mens Prim HumEm Hall whose hm sum The Ca nadinn PM when it was waded 1143 runny capau ding yea assist general man agar below his death 1543 Yarnw as Cm ch18 11376 in mum Barmmand Bailey 0km beaben doaih £7 pas dunonus RAWMI 3106ka Ans Dixon so imam and semaflve to me United Na run 1951 to 1960 ingméhufigkrrrfumwm atnmlc physécmallc whom the mm Layq the sums ITS ARNEL TIME Be sun to mad the special Aml mwkmmt chamber Sn todays maudner HO Dunlap SlroolAWon DEATHS mm oANADIAN Buss Wmd 11 1°59 ImamMm Maw m3 ngsjg Pierson lewis Hardware MlDlAND Canadian Tire Bay St Em Box 97 STROUD 82 Dunlop St Em AllISTON Canadian Tire LUCITEWALL PAINT BARRIE Modun muchlng colon for waodwovh luldun and bamvumn wnllx and mllnal un DULUX SumShun nlmcl In mulchlnq LUtIIE color GM ham yum mmhholhwud pInl dull In 21 color And Mm Look No Iplmul Now LUCITE mp you nut mn whun you do tha ceiling Speed he Job by coming hlgaar ma with lawor Hoop Ind dipl Dries in 30 minumAnd if complmw washnble vm bevirip ln um um headmmm 11 Muth honmjymlb wmxgm mingle 8W number comddes with INI flonal Pms Week April 1925 whldl culmlmmthh weekend with LIIevmul Bylim Ball Frklay night and the New paper Award dinner Samday whidrPMmhr Jean Aug onIIdbecwfllbeflmlpedm 21 Canadian new gen jmed best in Hygdflel W58 mgraphywul receive no mi ultimate at them dinner in Tommm $5334 swam such as tiTi lonal Newspaper Awards Annglmqemea 531901100 ITSTHE HALIBUT AND THE BATTER THAT MAKE OUR AND RESTAURANT IDQ BRADFORD 51 FOR TAKEOUT ORDERS PHONE 7160502 FISHQSE CHIPS TASTE BETTER SMOKED FlllETSSSc BARRIEI SEA roons SPECIAL THIS WEEK

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