Charged With Capital Murder Sir Pierson Dixon Dies In UK DOIIAM Enlland 11mm Mr rlmm Dunn lllllnl duld admit It ha Unllld mum Im IM lo mo and Al hll homo hm only today Ma mum um Ilc wn to KINMM It Komdh Harbour II dmlllc 011 and may Mom um Iml In Out with mm mum In Mm IIUI um mnumu dup kllllvu Im Luann Klnum Mum IM YIRBS Rolzum CF Id ma Belgium cam Vllbm In Hinder mu mvulawd In an World War um dalmu om bud mm In in old 3W mn ma on Man Found Dead In Bathtub WINDSOR Ont CPI Wm Km r1 law in the Mth In homo unn Dunn pullwloxlu uld dufll turd ï¬n Belgium Canada Commemorate Anniversary Of Gas Attack my Fm in mum and canam mm WIHUM WHO mm early thin momiu with hm momma wm IN MW 01 Acmmodadvn Jam It ma Jor pmhd Ibo mum el pllym between the am ol cm Ind 14 In mm In yd vnu homu An esth equal number at catches mmzerl immanent Wield and push luv bunmad m1 Iooommov dnan Na leu than 10 city hotel Ind motel and ob mom chum ha dly limit In eluded 1n Ml mm hvulon Way We hvolvlaa emu who luv In chunplmflflpa and ml 27 WW thus clubs In mien V1 not hem mu us far awn whilu Iho zmup 11 hand In Colllnzwood Mm cmfl under thr7 udon ylnz Camp Borden Dawrflm Banh wu braced lgdny for an Minx of hundred mu hockey plays and their and Himmu Many ar rived KM and mu morn Inx and by denim more than 1000 will beln Ibo city 111 oomlon the annual Lgmo NHL mm of nmplom MIND Young Hockey Players Parents Invade Barrie cow oAnv znwmna ol NW Bay um mu um um NI dunmt 1m now Your No it Barrietgwelcemesi LATE NEWS The Homeiown Dally Newapnpar For Bum and 131mm mm Klnum runny IM mnum wrl Wm Km IX 04 wu lound and lo Mth In home wï¬m In llnd llmc Dr puuwloglu uld dun no uuud by luc mi Imam Mllm nilnary ovanM Mud up wm limllar dud mmlnm mm Cmda A13 mud In 14 Na MAY lrnmoart plum um mm per mutingo amp 50000 min on unathlnyw mm BL11hva Mr day Um Canufln dud out MN In April HILIMICWBR thtlhohy Camrle Prince Philip um harm mm Ibo blnhdy embra Uom all 1011 urlu cl trip Abram Mu present for quiet lundl party mu flu our Royl mumPrim 1mm Prim um imam on of bank of um um wNDON OP 1h Queen celebnlod birthday wadmdny fm ollldd en moment And with her Inlhmd nomad but Windor an gvluu dm mmhka Dunle um All um wui 1n coon mum can um 11h um mu Lindon Ifqu tho EM the bid mm Imlmfllunearlymopeople we on hand Lu Barrio Arm for the 1m mu Queens Birthday Shared By Family minute pep talk mm mm at Bank opened wot Area ddeueodlhdr EEEE mt ï¬lmw Tn on Way lady Mills 1M Burk Examiner 0M way to nmll load II my on Hon ml onlylulu or human MM planned Around wardrobe mm II pan to mllu mu arm or murm do flu wort dim walla b1 mun Md Mm W04 Wllvm up rum link my of TM In uni Hum dun II with Hm nu um am In tullet woman an um Mull hm II Innin ol porlm or Ill lull aw In any mu an wolldrlud Indy 01 Allied mulled um an hunt And In mounu of mud la 11 her an hr lollunly my How INN II own tomllhlnl My About in lull unl bu bind phyla ulxlhdny In You lid Horomyflullh um our AukKy the Own Ind ddldnn mde lmm do In Iha muemw ennui 11mm uluh wu red And Windsor mum to Ill nor mll mew ulm BAND PLAY The noynl Family the WW 11mm Ilrld privacy but flu um momlng my ehuulnl Aha mm Windor wu liven loydl 3y ugynmm cm Anne Frlnu Andrew And 333 nA mm Prime Maxwet with Mr hule 1m Snowdmu mumed Prism Andrew and flu mm In urlu ol worm unhdny publlwd In the Drum new 0M pleura Mod Mm III lanlly mneman dulled to hit rnothar Annular hld him candenme um Ihc bub on hh 15mm bub mu perkrlmlltor FASHION NEWS IN SUPPLEMENT Mailer Cooke will mid ym tho ouldal open face 745 Along vim mun NHL president Jlm Calla han of Cocktle Ind Ia hard mklnl lml emumum nxq pa ou hand or an cum um won hat year wwmw Dmlner PM Dd ml Hum Inn woman mm wuwmm Wmmwwmm mmwmwmmmm an um wand Ionmu Moot mu tau Mum flood lo lamh Klan Iouthl lo Ml mania nlnmou and 77 DUHUQUE law MP ï¬ll Inl Mlunnprl Hood Ion mm In 11k rum am mi$3 fluzwm yhuMmm WWMWMNWM mmw mm Wdummmmm mmmwmmmm mr mmmmwmpw Warc In mu nadi non mm valndfl Coordi er Punk Mulrbend If mm mm wetlthm 10 aka mm the mum nml Thu 00 resident Emer Ion 70 mu WM Wl In walling or flood loucgu yogadu hen mm mm It the Ith Red River flow to home And 0ther manner 91 lha om wore quellloned Wednesday Dwuly ilk1 Flak nld be de pmmenl In bull ï¬nvuununl 1119 young Victims mIked and llaln In theIr own home were fund early Wednemy by harmed poIIeemm dispatched to dud on flu Ibuncelrom duly my poIIu countable hound Home Ham And Ml wIle Ily dead In Mr bedroom IbeIr dd dmu bodlel were mltmd about flu Iwme three Hood lulned Icon Some at them Ind tried lo hldo nhou rang lrom their Iatberl I357¢AIIbrr mumn revolver Dewa Uriel John Wk my Vmcoum poll tom bald Hague had beg under rub ï¬ckle In the Feb re unoefled money beInl Inn to Ihc mInIIn MW to be dedroyed Joseph Permit Ionnet any wnltlblc wu mailed re mfly In Edmazlan and UMer qu mm on of 12 ooo mrumyir Downy We TU uml be ménigm Manitoba Is Ready For Red River Crest BC Policeman shows Wife ChildrenSelf Inrrlo Onnrlo Cumin Thursday Aer 224935 in 9P An Little Allssmrs Dakou wu 5890663 lie the um In mm It km on moved nonh In Whnlpel cm II loot wu ended next week lxm lee belvw the CW pd mnry mm The lava rm Re up 411 downrm trough nanhem Naflh Dr Army Engineer Jame Gal non uld me rim mud milewide Wu and ml the wont be men In mm The P0041411 Mher lo who led mm lave mledle Februlryl robbery tram runny wnmhoun wu carricd Mwllhprcchlan by our mm Hole had been rammed In the but 00 make than worthlm but Ibo monay recovered In Ed monton had beenpuma with wagonJ 1km Bom my palm and no la mam am new WhHa mo of we own Uth have taken mention mm Iha rbw water were mm be lmnocm that the flood will mi behind mo And me flood have been moved to Wu hm pink Ind old Mela was on duty The muddy mum wa we PM 50 bow Noreen 12 and Darlene rmmdhmhmunenl and were Ibo them by their purluer 1M last victim helm Rogue himsell we Rldmd He had not Ml hLl bed Polee Mid nine mu In were Ind and the am had to be reloaded durlm the mauaq flyth nu brag the head mung ago Police nld Homes wife are probably the um to die that as she wu asleep The next Vlcflm Larry la wudmuheuiedhozetw hi lop bunk In an upstan bedroom Raymond arid Mymd 1m lnclmrze of the lnvexliqun because llozuel mbulbln Co qumm home lie within MW jufladklion ROMP Supt Woods Johnum said lhe murder mac wu the moat meson ï¬ght ha ha enmmtued In myoan of police work The place was In sham bles uld one policeman We kept llndlnz bode ovary wbere Police ellablhhed the lime ol the death an 14 cook Mich mng Junior Poluhoroum North Bay MIL Pdvrborwn North Bay Wm mummnmeh mm wwwmmwmwmw mm WWW mm mm um mmmummmw mm Wmeme Flgu Round MORNING SCORES Im In um lwo delmd and 28 um le porud missing The lavatan claJmed but 53 Wet 0mg Wed But limes nld Hub claim IP peared to be mumand 1h menill septum up an rim54 lhuemqflnrl moms rm and Iboul lo maguwm mm the mem mam nus om our Vie Cm woman mm mm MARINE1 my 1139tmgrmnw¢ teacal oame South Vlelnamue flme orn Attacked mflulry bulldlnu In Mara bloody defeat on Wad halts of South Viehmmlsl mmd arm retroaled mar IM as aw we 111 North my Pelerbor IllIke SAIGON CHA mung gav 3mment for was dealt gym mi Sétbackv Hits RSIMarines Engage In First Encounter NWMm Thu Tï¬ParCopï¬Qlb The Glabe And Mnfl reported lhal thngowrnnwï¬ may no Newllflflrmhlllmollhi Ontario Ftdmflan bl Home And Sdml vacuum mun for munluee HIM pay dlolozml mmdm Iodl woriul mm In study lhn axlulnx count in relic shun lmlnuflm mm mm An Ian 5mm Hum laid wu nur prlsed ll the posibikly flu the lemlalm would lhm ualoua butmctlm open to mm mm dlwuulon alter Mm be uld um 15 year cl happy ex pertem In and religion ï¬n Schbol Religion May Soon End NEON rmamal lcuoa wls mixed Wednesday law to mamt um tha 0n Iaflo znvemment is nearlnl dchm thatcould man the end to mllglmu hmulm in my Mauls wink 1mm Da ï¬n Emma madnlnflun In Ind hurled mnadu law ham hot doe hid lhe Omnmunm Mutual WM mm mu mid undle was may Damon mucxs Momma ah om pmpeuuu drlven nema mm we IanEu Vietnam alr flognfljxo farMm um um on mad mm In North Plflneu wen 10¢ quid live Gcqrxg 14an ï¬t Suw wiu dwdy Mendy law showers 1m lady and tonight how tonight 11ml 45 SunmryAm pm two mo marine