m7 In and um Ho DJ lnlbg ml hm 1h 01m um rhmed ampilnx bribe Mmy Im dtr mid law and nknml er permu Ixmd 1qu Eur Mmhml 10 MAI nl the UH NnrmHm Hu cau Int nulwmlem Florida 03 ï¬ll rlnl Numb If vm mud ma Mn nulflzul mmth mme Num plainckflm downs 1m mull we made mu dny hy rlly polite Am lmn ledunl Nnmfllu mean ll lhz how 04 an Ad pained harmucf mmqu Ma wu uld In hm upkql Illa In muted my dwgud with nmflnz lxho um dop pedllr may mind lpaylnu Ind eyu givuu hlm mum beach look haml mm Three yuan no Hawk In Royal Funny HM Anna could ouuldc and whnnlla Mr bmther An Om mm up Anneu mm mm MIAMI Fla MWTM duld Metl yumch ntnl In Ml nml Ind Iwn Hue cilyl mum New ofllcm hm Mn chum with mwm Ifl mm MU 1n mum money and lallm Ha Illa ln Ibo ml hand Not cal 51 CharlesIt about thxx ribmm an Inch or an than ILIlcr hll one mm mm hive hlvldmcd lhlck head dark bmn whch gllen nverhbl WNDON IAN omcm Mdogaphs Brittka Royal mad public today Show Prince Charla now talk than his mum ILsusr Pmoua Anne For some yuan Anne In been taller than her old hmum Prim marlu heir to flu thmne will be Nov mm Arm will in 16 on MIL 15 when awlm years 69mm the laugh ScouLsh mhml must have don um Flak Gom dude Narcotics Agent Policemen Charged For Accepting Bribe Ma uml uan kms lo ol more lemlnlm good hornewomnn the II Charles Anne Taller Than Queen mum mï¬or during plume ses wn lo mark her 3M bluh aquN zuzmm walks er fan from N0 rwmmc ilN REA SCOTT Iom You No 93 The Hometcuwn Dally Newsï¬appr Fox Bapla and District Illa vmnml dont ynu What ll your plan Mrl mm Mry whm Um hell my In on lmrl Mu lmlou pm Ike huunn II pmm to Ml mm Ian Valht Iv hurry ldnl um um um llI Imm you tum In In 00v ml My 50 lotlunlk HI IL lrmvha mu um um lug How mm pmlk lnuldlnll In tho annual and roan In mmllmluthnlbwuMhm Gun and In llydn lnlk Mk celebration of NW Huxan June whollmhnl umflmrhmn liq lnr pp mm LONDON mm ocldzrued her now birthday day In Um lvnqr Wlndwr Omllo um ï¬rmly The Qweml youngest child Prince inward who was year 01d Maid wavyshnlmd blond mw abk lo atand up In his earrings Queen Spends Birthday With Family student at Bencndcn Boarding School for Girls In Counly Kent She and Guilea mm are ullcr than me Queen uh lilllo mu live but two and dudes kwrd rowing hell um be as tall his laiher sixJoot Prime IMlip alto Gotdmsyxm graduate day Prinz Mani in arm with Prince Andrew mldinz an Prince Philip an Ami two oldest children len me rs ip mi unwed Wm he place 01 01 on th In Gcnrvuwbul to serve ptdudo past lho United Nallom htu had such mm the Genet lu scmbly but huh tardy mm alumon mm ll Slurvi udlrnwnl In lb IIIm nhr Mn Burk wumun wu mu 0M0 3me more Hum pm th ijxwd hr um expcru 1mm UN Mum1m or tbs open ing mien mmu West de laugh loam inane ddzala mi serve on cmflmiw cmmnl instWes dillcmnocs Unlm ho Savlcl Union in lcnda lo lho mmmLulon In 11le or raking the Via 325 mu if 313 dui Lhe Russian neck ublic debate rather than he usual pflvnu Immunian In Geneva Lm mood in Mm Thu UN Opens Debate On Disarmament UNIIHJ NAHOJS AP Sch has United Nations disarmam debate ortemd It pmise Lhan he one be canipleu he MP szpbolo M00 epd marks LHWM nimmuu ml in and MW Och Om YOUNGSTERS may swm cuss uld he lu lumen mum mLmIlu mum nlly will be lent on North Vlet Nam but they are not known to be hem nuw Last wk repuru mducd Wmhinutnn 011 fluulnn mu Illml mlull lilo bolnl fllo Mutton Md 16ka In Irmdm 1mm Mghl In mlnlu nflcr lwo day at canch epocsIon ht ylu Nam wlr Ho WASIHNGNN CF AP below Somury McNamara My Unllcd sum Air and sea Adlon against Norih Vim Nlm will be flopped up Forbes ldcnï¬licd Mm 15mm on street In Midland may alter last ï¬nLam mm be who diqd om mom um um Hour about hm mks ago allu mums US To Increase Viet Nam Strikes Recent manna ngths CausédBYMfStéti6i1Vifï¬s dawned Agmal ms In Mhum nawfl mmn Wo haw no specificMon mallnn whether Minotlow mlasflu nm In North Viol Nam nqu lch mm must assume they will ofnnlmllx b3 lnhxlmd lmo nu mum me Wet Nam capital last Friday nu department Ipokuman mid win me up neared In be in prtpnrlllon Mar anal bu Mher 001cm 531d than was nu nvldcnm Um Imy Sovlol mlullol had renamed North Vlfl Nam When Ibo Soviet mLsula qua llanuvm put to Mwnmnrn ht rep construqu Inca um the allcdsaidihevinn could uoa magma Aymptxmsw in Imam perm could be liem he had merely mum common cold but would be in final trouhleho ISM mu nu WWdbEWMllamyitwu hesame vlns 5an Dr Gob meiiloauon Mualï¬se the druu mm numba vll sald ho repmed the deaths to Dr Oltnam aka noting the striking simlaritlu In all lhrec cases In Bach use an autopsy was called for by Dr 15am Weldon Midland me be cause the deaths were named ed Dr Forbes said Unlype nl vlnu has mt been ldeatilied lmlhallnmostlmancesilwa Probably not lethal He sald hl notiï¬ed Dr Comm so lhat pub lic health ofï¬cial could they Wished lake samples 1mm al leoled persons to try tn ldauily lhe and pmide lmulln lioru agmns it WARNINGS Dr Cotnam stresed that the deaths dung hgdicale then wu an hHebgcaid mm wan up mm virus la Mal stale make mndalory for per son he seek medlcal M9 at the ï¬rst signs um MJWW¢MlcUllnmzdzlm Mm mm nay Ind ninede boy who dim suddme in Midland Migndgy We started £93111me mi nlnn Dot floodlxu in Hmcrnn and Mouth will like be low um than pm at Mack In mvllod lemma Premier Dull Mun Nmnmd Tmde mm mulled will punk lwvr than ml Mdclpnlul nnd wlll low day Ida ML 0an mid mix ol 7I1 vu Iluxu voluntem In mmwlnz umd bag barrier mum the warm it lubed hospital mom nun haw md whim of flm ln hospital has been evnumled with only skeleton will um an only Ekmnmh about 75 mucs mum of ham Fomnsu tar Iwolhlrdl at tho lawn maidcnu Io be build1M Mm balm In cm Saturday 11 name law awn mix mm nesldcnu aboul 85 mlch wnvmmx cmForty sol dm and 45M lamina mum Manitoba town pro pamilnwardolfnsml pundx mummllmfledmvm 1M Ioldlpr wlll Mn who More wvunu In ex fled llfool mldue to run mflel pmedlvo tins his in 131m Vgflzy Iowa Wall Collapses Eleodonrkers Injured Presidem and uh Johnson Ink Prime minister My Aldo Moro during cum 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em TV MMurkamloimled Mumwnlmlwm WIhmxtdmynmd piled show Image kc hm runway at the municipal limofl on Ishnat Phone urviu was cut to both low Lions guard revmined posud It 1500000MIIlm gasoline Link ï¬rm whm nae lank hoth 107000 zallom was upped It lodezm do whzn dlko crumbled Mom Wm Mrlod eight feet deep Iromd Martin Faces New Policy Problem WNW on tha daysdtaiklwfllflnm Whimllwse mmdstoday den AP Wkephow Mam In Washhgtm for LATE NEWS No ManTlnn Par Copy20 Pigi flpcl wm mnénvflm IM mlmmo angry Mth on lhoir hu 5mm Iourm MM luau Ill be unable in mm ml or mu Io Vluhmwn ILOME APDAdnu 511ml 1mm ml movie producor Cnrla lonll mrv onlomd today lgIMMd lglpl Illnmo court Ju1 rVn ol cwhmuea in he Mull nnd todmlml Hed manned ho lwwn Ill nmhthn In Fume And Um mem youul damn nl Ind uw Ummdty cl Loren Producer 3995 In Italy vntiom The rising walm mm were lama dunes mm the break an Maxqueue Iowl the river readied lee mmay on H10 way in 13 at 115 lee pedcd About wmhmnu In an Eu Dubuqm am wen lur mndedlrylsfmollloodwn tor dike Wading Another 106 homes showed 5th of leo paao Ind lower Wm hlchnl mhiuaï¬bmmmu wen orlxlnnuy dunand June W1 bu ler data WALL 00W Ibo downstreamldlyuol mm the tausealing tanks and til0 potential lindangu added in the CR maximal arguing Io Mlm In lelh coilI mme ï¬lm clmdy with WM and ML CW 91 luminarym