Sunk limo In almost my lime whether uhool ll in union or not and or nourirhin And ulAr Innck in hard in but milk and me Ilnui Rolled Cookies lrl nï¬lcy butler cooklu mllu mm with your inncy too mum now but in Ill so keep the recipe ior your yurround Inlck ille WALNUT ROLLED COOKlfl Mnlm dmn cookies mprlliird Illpurpou flour impoon ballng powder teupoon all leupoon dnnnmnn cup roll butler cup Uzhllrpackdd brown lulu CHI cu llnelykhorped mlnula ullrjlcrpoon ml Impoon vmill sm logeiher iho flour baking powdtr nli Ind cinnamon Cmm bull Idunlly bui in rupr Add egg0110 II limo bu in well Iliu each Id dlllon Blir ln null milk and nnlllm Ildd rliled dry Ingredlenlu lo creamed mlxlure ll lime coma lrlnlng well um ml Iddllioni dough ln rm ed pa and chlll maul noun Pro at oven to 400 deg iloll chilled doule out io VAlncll lhirlmm on ll hilylilourrd board or canm Ind cut wllh Zulu cook rullm on cool them In preheated oven In 10 mlnulu Cool on can mu EASTER BUNNY SANDWICH Maker nrvlnu hardcooked egg chopped mp shredded dean proecued ehmo IV cups dleed cooked him tablespoon llnelyehopped ewed pickle lacunae can cream 01 celery wup slices bread toasted Preheae oven to 400 degz Camblne eggs cheese cooked ham and Week pic 10 In uncepan halt sour Ia boiling Int Add egg mixture Ind Ith unll blended pread lllllng generoml on bread Illm Hake on cooklo mm In preheat oven lo mln ulem To make bunny hm cul lrlnnllel from the elder the landwlchel or the can Um enrol ollve and ecle Him or the eyee note and mouth Berv lmmedln ely Easter Bunny Sandwiches are just an openlace landwlch iumed into gay bunny with few makes of tho knife The llllln it In egg and ham mixture you will probably have lh Iround nilcr Easier Sun day combined with procemd chem Ind celery soup Tout them in the oven for iew mlnuiu then cut triangle 1mm each side 01 tho undwich or the hun nyl can Amnfa them on phi md let the youn um make the ma ullng celery and carrot Illc andÂ¥drclcs oi olives Fuï¬rllieartnndï¬igh In food value they make real luncheon Ircal Give everyday food little hollds touch and It takeson new tlsvor snd added tnteree tor the young members of the tsmtly And it the youngster help with preparation even it Its onlgi greasing retain Into cookie lace well then the ls beyond com pare its not always easy to have the youngsters undertoot tn the kitchen or to ind simple thing they can help with However ted redeï¬ne especially design ed to please the me try the youngetere no out of school thle week why not try one or two who know you may be teetering an Interest tn cook ing that will grow over the years wwwth Mutant Man Rh no nmmmamun DAWN UNITED Church will be the mun or lhe nur HI of Mn Sharon Lea Lav mm of Barrie toJohn Glen Gumball of Toronto The Hidedeaf 1l d1eflmmlmlol Mr Ind Mn John Lavender KITCHEN GOSSIP mums T0 man my MAY ay EILEEN DIXON BR 3m flu brlde mom elect the at Mr And Mn Alex Campbell Mil amu wed pa Iy 15 1mm by In 0mm Sludlo mam muumuum lht mm III 1m II Mm Hr 3ri Manhood had at IN My Ml Inlflluto bald In mm pot luck Madam mooan ll uu ham at Ma wmnm senu MMMI mhlmmfl kilowth mmmlmn md mm mm mm llDu dNubnfl Mum Donn Ildnddcu Pam dl mm and Hum mtmbm flu Julor their mdmd mm Idiom Mn 0mm manm went ruffled durlu the Women Plan To Raise Money For Building Fund Hm lo ma maan mm um money or bul Ind wen dimmed unï¬t Gun Uniled lede women mm mom hold on or mad Jun mumuummmmado for the mud Tu Ind Bike flak to Md In the cumin Edumion Cenlu of Du dud on my mm to pm Mn flu devotional period Mn Mom ma In urb tun hum Mn Pmy Ford 1er In WCTU Members Welconie President mmwnwm Wmme mmmmwm WWmmn mu Wmm ML with If Pucg Pot Luck Luncheon Precedes Meeting gh mnu Hun ud locuml Avoid friction in elm dmlel In early June and July both domeulc IM Joell mum nhmld manor or ml of um your thud and you In all 110 alum mane mdor nunhurls possibility In 1m my Juno or Aumut mvcl will be under mle lnllu an1 In urly my Jun ml Auzuu dllld born on dly will be extremely maï¬a Ind wlll bx Wm 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DRESSER CflPflNS YOUNG NEW YORK PORK SAUSAGE FEARMANS DAVERN SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS lEAN PEAMEALED BC RID DILICIOUI 9° End Cuh ByThcPlou lb APPLES BACK BACON 39¢ JIIICET3 1002 Lims GUlKCOOK lONG GRAIN SWIFTS UNION MflllGflBINE 100 79f ONTARIO FANCY SPY OR MclNTOSH 16 DUNLOPï¬ ST EL BARRIE Conm cm or Slltu 4B Nut CHOICE SKINLESS 89 00 0T BSKT fln