In lvYmn mmuml vgnh III nu Icnnllnbnlll Cu mu 00 lTodl Hum lmmlu ii tlmxu mm human1 mm MO lIotly um mom human wana mm um ml Iran 1mm Mom cm NahI hull in Whll TM 30 all Rom IWII lawn Nuwl 7m Hum an mum uum iWa Wnod pun3 nunm tummy ILlnyd nmm lnnhlll XL nu on MIL an Cowboy iAqmuu Goodlcllwshvp Unlt UOW Inc at lhe parsonage on Wed nesday with as mamben pres em Euler worship pariod was In diam Mn Hamld Rab erLson Mrs Flnll Ind Mm Hub berl bus lrip was planntd fur the June meellnz Spring tea and bake sales were also set 00 Iflocb and mum lClnoonl xu wmu nuu Nlcnl Storm uklu Mauu cm 57W mm 141 numm MR5 BERT MULHOLLAND UCW mman nhalr set ï¬lm an mount of cash Cam were played and Fred J3me and Mn Hem Shelswen provided music or ï¬lming ML and MIL Ed Bafchml Ind Paul Newcastle and Mr and Mn hm Hayes Illd sons Bar rde wen Sunday vlslhu with Mr and Mrs Mama Hayes Edm UCW will meet Apr 31 1319 fllel Jm Me Eouhlohauwefd Nanamm number friend zaLhercd In the hlll Samany night to Bream Mr and My if The mu meeting Modern Missal Grou mud blouse and made has blndlnl Then wen member resent uncy Fyln Group rcoelved book cover and board for samples Achieve men Day us were oranngLd or I6 Line Sui up him Mmml Watson ll wr Ling the dialozuo Mrs Lapp dammtrakddulnlnl blls strips and ï¬lling blouse Ptlze winners at emth Man day nlghl wm Norm Noble Elllc Reynolds Lulmuzh Knew Ihw Mel Slewm John llam uy am Thompson lucky lll llés Thomson lnbel Brawn Luella Day JalIn Sutherlnnd WllluB Slnclnlr Scotch Sellleménl maples club held mocsslul Sprlnz luhlnn show In the hall hereWednu drg pvenlnx Nam Nun gm no Sympalhy exunded la Jmchasscy In me death 91 hkmolhar lune with card ï¬lial5an fBUFFALO lBARRIE tBUFFALD ITORONIO TUEDAY APRIL 20 EVENING umlul lump Im WEDNESDAY nyms MEL nowm THURSDAY Al BOND HEAD TELEVISION PROGRAMS SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS STROUD EDGAR Judy Watson kltonunlnllnu lYHIMI Hull lChll DIIM And mqu nIII lhlfltl Ilkll Hulk MI nut mnan 1100 AI lupoyl 0m ml Any Imm lllL MORNING AND AFTERNOON lNIIC lAunu 1mm La Lucy Mm 14m MK mm ll $0 ll lJuwnd ll 1m SHAY Alth i457 ocmy It flllfl iN fllL ll MOW AND AHERNOON wantM zm 323s khan Chlrlulfa 51 mum Inw 54anqu 611 mean 1mm mu warn snmn vum pm mm mn Olha on moon tnmm umr 180 xvanIn WovMl Ipqu mi 365414 cmm Acu no um um inuumm Hm Koch sAuou Cuna La In Wouï¬lrm lMr NW1 iWmfly Hum mm ur llu om 00 HR lmny INN Has an ml uncflw HM 9190 33 mu lulu ML and Mn John Watson Tomnta spent the weekend with the lattcra parean ML and Mgs James MaDcfnmlliA Mr and Mrs Ben McLean spent Sunday with Mr and Mn Jam 84 All mm me with Ester Davis who had hem v19 Sllnx lo few days In Monla Mr And Mnf Keith hlchnel Ebblwke and ML And Mrl Mammy Mchnel Ind lamlly lbronlo spell the weekend wlh IbeIr paran here LOL DANCE Crllevale 605 IM oran dance In Skwd Oom munï¬y Hull April busty arguel Mglmlllnd 0mm Monday MMI euchre had boll nine tablol with wmnarl being Marjorie ll Mn Bridflt Allan Wu and glam Hunter lone bands Mrs be euchra in slmud Communhy mm In lid ol Cancer Fund Mandfl April 24 Many prizes and lunch his is sponsored by the Hall Board Mn Fwd Wright spent aw duos with daughter Jeanine Mm Mm Smuh and Inn In Nutmarine Her twin In children Pamela and er Smith hm their lamb birthday Saturday Mead Mr swimmer rxina Bmda Kin mm mm with ï¬ne mm 9155 Mr Ind Mrs Mul hzrgnm Rev and Mrs Fred Jackson léll Monday evening or Inn hr tervluw forth pastoral charge Inth Pally BRIDAL SHOWER Mn Gordon nu ma hasten bddll flower hor horn Wednem nllhk for Mnry Weh nlu hr Mir St Paull Anglican Church About null from St Paull Ohurch and gmmxuï¬mm 31th er were he utter Ann 611mm Ind ery Rlx Many Inelnl um were received c1910 FUND Mum IVY By MM WEMER WILSON Miss Marlon McVanel and Mrs Linum IAhvludlhll In VIMM Tum 1no mlqu ml lmnn Mm my Iann IYqu nn oI 5n 1m ITMIIM Inn anll lam Lmn mu ua Irnuul ch millu 3H umum XXII urn nu In 1m tcu NII Wk In sum Ln pan or In My my My In nu 1mm 0MB tMul mo Mutu DDKMIW IMO 133 tIu nu Warm Tum Ilhl Inmath Bl Trill cum um um ll 11M sTomm 51m lAJI lawn low wma una Hum Bl IAW FE him mum nan and mum zrw tancan human annlul 1000 iWum Ian Hamsad Num 1030 ihl 07in lnhbmlu lhow HM hwuvmm mm Ir rnul In Mum But mm In blddiM ll ulna luhln wllh heal In low Um ldrln leh panned Ind Eul hemm rkclmr Innlwrnrl mm alum mntrnd In In by mm ML Ilaover llvo lHu MM annulled me Marl hld II In dun man mild lumnl ml ully when Wool In udl em but ll IMn hll head In Mil Duo 5mm rhym IM any with avmall when IM mm nnt HI In hul lour South hand um play In nul In In Inll dun Um mm In ulcd he Nonh rkm Irv lcrnnuonnl um lur 1m 1M mm mm ml In Ilmmd Brhvnhm PM lovmrlu Mu Dummy Ilnydnn ml ll mm All ol Nu Yolk and Mn Mm m1 Kolav7 lmmn bow at In AnnIN Palsy French Ind Shawn Sib lhamo wm Maibus of Lha MS Band who gave comm Friday nlzhl In Noï¬hvlew lldfllu Col kllbe hwlo Wm ML Mod mrnlm mumM home Saturday rI Uayd Aflmugng Mm mun mnluvfll mm Wllllam Stark Mu when dxer hawkHm 1le threecar locMmL The United Church Women bald lholr April meeting in lhl church hall Mr thnsnn mowed fllrn imp Mm Ber annh presided and dexoï¬annl period wu Lnkln by Mn Joe lockl hm picture 91 the aster child was mlved Mm Bert anch reported on Shnooe Pm byterlnl Mshop held In Bah hmchwu served by Mm Orgm Rwy3 Mrg Jog Lodghart Wallace Wood 100 In to MI boa In Gododch Mn Allan Drinkill mom few dam Emma mwvflï¬a 13 Rem Drinldl Mr and Mn mm Crlwlord Ind dnughtm vmled minim lnnrnnlqrd ohm Gnum abandon wn on suitabille Home to the occasion Home Economlst Mk Kay attended Mr Ind Mrs Ivan Punch VI Md with Mm Ed Callnder in 3mm Mn and Mn Bruce lmcka Brampton spent Ihe weekend wllh Mr and Mn Robert Parr wlmlrfll um oHflCluh 54 held In um mm Glover numb spent the wk end with Bruce McVanel Man ion remamed 1h week or hoyday Congratflatlms to Mr And Mrs Thomas Lee who will we brake their 50111 weddlng Innl Haw wav Agnl 15 Some ol us in ale become lama some techie came Minn In other lel So ll Ihai IotV mm the lnflrmltv II In ha maid other live we will oug mena1 delgrlontiou Nothing on be done to verse time mental themes Jug take care of your mother Ind try to manage her to help herself may gueve dhén It in aenilky it can inOoIve emolinnnl changes revmal in personality iorzemxiness lou of interest in ml or the rounding world And people In general is an aging and lnliura he brain cells clean II when my mm or bike her Ind wash her hair She worm evtn like her closing 03 lad pu warmtn ween hose anu my are ready to all all She never 1115 the truth Ind when asked the doctor It our on wen llke her he slid Yes he lesson In some Hum cmt remunbercanl mnem ber Inch thing beln truth ful and keeping clean Do you hear of many like this Mn 11 W1 leadkl 14 chain By JOSEPH MOWR MD lDellrm Mélneri My mother She dwm hum dggn Mai and mm Noah duh Norm South minerbk 10523 an Deu Dr Nolan Should By MM REG DRINKILL WAVERLEY cakes Hit in Mlle In CONTRACT BRIDGE 3km 31m 170 each 3mm By JAY BECKER Mental Déterioxaiion cams With Old Age WOMEN WITH MOM Ambrmnu Wonwl Ml mm mm armkm len men Dr Mufflh WI Hun Medial School In In nmarm micron on Do pmulnhlllmur hm men ru III mm Em flingth In mum hc Id IN Bomb In In mall with iwo CM lndknlu Dml flan be mar lhq hld mmnally mink that ho om unImlmlrlu mum nonwL nerd ml with Mmd parl nrrdud mm more 10 Ihnn lo gnln llll um mlunenl LI nl mum Miler In mm Aller In MIMI than helm mm he named that overalka mm mme4 um Hun they deserved but null lb hand triumph or raw lelna The pl wha perhilcnlly Hm ml 04 Inc wflh My Md rfmt mm lo hm hunted mm In whbk bid to he Gal for flu were cl them went down 500 and N0 01 Mm 300 II dub doubled Into In mull two mimmp comma wu doubled Ind wont dawn 1100 luckily partner Mn lLv dentVIKIleth tlnh awrer mm to pm the mnlng hear Md 1M mull wulhnlwenmodnxmdmn lm guyhu out hmbk on lha nwy ale worked and 01 In preunra lulu In zovunmeul lponmd cmflmml Muir Kenneth Coburn pm mum culled It mm noting that we Ind that mm cm live met or long pcrlodl llmu Jar month anywnywllbmu my had died PHILADELPHIA MP thlnk wa could have one in and on flxm was no great an comlort We ndoyed cut Oyml Smddef U3 vay mm mm Atlanta made the comment be Ind llva olhar Aviaer Imbach And unbaflxedamrzed from cylhudrlcll chamber when they mm day In nlmulmd Jugnay into meg Oflen the trouble lublldu Ill spontanemulybul not mediaI ably pmunw that the injec lle you had wu Ilerold dmu ourflsoue type mung have had delayed medal And helped more than you re Illu rent that have no pumaK Ila offenhabuthil ugliest npelton pe you tam mam vu Ike phyiloflmapyiWhal IVE once ollen works second Limt with am John An Injury flu breast be also can cam prolonged dll comfort of the mun you do mlbe Involving the Join or me am rib and um breast bone The tause lino knownmm may be more than one Since In ailment ol the joint may properly be called part cl Bio general picture ï¬rthIlla Il thong nIunberless mph with arthritis do not have nodule Dur Dr Molner am flred underarm teacher 16 MMFar year have Ind Inn bone under the brown 111 dinnonl ll Tlemn diam pm of the Arthritis lyndmme have nuueml with esteemHr um for yam but It better tlnlow that am not under len on have lud one Injection for nelmn dluue whlch did not seem to help And physical then men came bad In law wall Flange ell me whit to do Could Make It US Pilot States DeuDoetor luvs diabetic neuritis Wm 11 the trauma and how long does 19 um Mn his it one the compile flom whim mnflnm develop with diabetes Skid control the diabem ls essential In mm Inmates Vitamin com Max 12 mad 1M prob lem may be sluUbom to am up but It an be lmpraved when with varicose vein whi eiuiic Ilockinu or will the ushlneu 010w circulliim M26 Eluiicntockinst very Mun beneï¬ciaL Briefly the elm llc bosiary wont Inleflm with blood flowing down throqu the nrliuieu it vrliihelp became it will in mm upper or IN VII 01 tho vain whim have income weakened Ind wilmdi militia in more or less nub MM umlnilom of blood and hm impeding the rem of ibis Mood to the heart lump munMW ww mm mm mm mm Tum mm to Im lam Tum Nam INJW MGR mu dITnN our IN MI MYARD DNA uar AFTERNOON wml ammo curr ON rJ IR £53 roé ï¬ouu PLMTK wnma rooL me