DINNER AND DANCE PARTY dinner denim party was held in the Willow Room at theOontinentalinnlastevel sting with members or the ing as hosLs lhnss attending were mentbeu at the Bunis Kiwanis Club and their wives Among the guests are the Panel Discusses Raising Club Fees The annual lutslness meeting of the University Womens Club at Bards was held Wednesday evening in the staff room of Central Collegiate After the reading of the minutes by cording secretary Mrs John ston the president Mrs Arthur Malena called on panel to dis cuss Finances 19641965 The pariel convened by Mrs Ken Caldwell and including Mrs Alan Gnndry lira Dick and Miss Jeanette Gilles pie discussed the reasons Why them was necessity for raising the fees the example of mini mum planned budget tor tons on and brousht forth ideas and suggestions regarding the Schol arship Fund Many or the points brought forth by this panel were the re suit of work previously accom piished by the finance commit tee lira Dick stated that the Canadian Federation oi University Women had increased their fees lrom the club and why this had been necessary Will the old of graphs and dram Miss Gillespie demonstrated to the dub members where their money from the General An oount goes why with the increas ing costs everywhere we have had to spend mom each year and outlined the proposed bud get short discussion period followed The panel was thanked by Mrs Scott ANNUAL REPORT The annual report was pm ented to the members Many in tercstlng acts were noted in this report some at which loliow Mrs Diti Mrs lt ODonal and Mrs Srider at bonded CFUW matings Mrs Snider represented the Barrie Club It the lath ntennlal Con lerence in Winnipeg and rep resentative shall be sent to the CFUW hunted meeting to be hold at Leurontisn University Stulhury Ontario June 11 in ohrsivs The moon from the trnaaum Miss Gillespie proved that the presentation oi Patricia Per rin and Spring ihnw were tinnnclal successes and the pro coeds had been placed the sdrotsrahlp hind Kinettes Enjoy Pot Luck Pare pot luck stupor was enioyrd by members at the Barrie Kit cits inst evening at the horns of lira it lisp hours at Sunnidnle ltoad On arrival guesla pretenttd an artlds to be sold at the Knolls itummage Sale which will be hold on tiny at loyal TM llitreiisli iii lttnwrvnmcirt It its mvrner la Mrl George Harper Arrutgomonts wm msdo for transportation to the tolerant dinner to be held on Mayo at nertpton Members of tho iter ltinrtts Club will he hmll 9mm llnrrls tlncitre plan to attend The Kinetic Ck booth the itarrls Exhibition will he in riurrge oi lira lame Carter and Mrs Chris itstings tmvrner oi the Fairyland ni Fashions Mrs list itrsu ttrsnk ed all members who had Isalsl rd with the show Ki who had helped to main it such one ll Quit games worn roadth ir program mnmtcrs Mrs imrw ortrr and Mrs Andy lrsy irlee winners were Mrs Clsyton Wilson lira loss tturweil lira ii lltmt um Arid Mrl llili limo How to relieve Mrs Archie Ross convener of the Centennial Project tom piled amassed and presented various ideas to the members February saw the establishmmt oi Centennial Fund to provide in 1967 sum for the purchase of books at the University level Last October the past presi dents met to consider revisions to the constitution Proposed re visions had been presented to all members prior to this meet ing and these revisions or the Constitution and bylaws oi the University Womens Chris of Ban rtel were adopted by malorlty vo it was also passed that the membership foes be increased The murmurship decided to send to the CFUW donation of for the CSth fund This iund sends teadtars to under developed countries NEW EXECUTIVE 1129 new executive or 1965 1966 shall be past president Mrs Arthur Malena pmsidmt Mrs Rod Snider VimPRIideMMfl Rory ODonal iederntlon resentatlve Mrs Dick Sdroiamhip oonvener Mrs Ross Adams program conven er Miss Priscilla rtwmpson social converter Mrs Dueli worth membership converter lira lurnhull recording see rctary lira Speed corm pondiag secretary Miss Laura Your treasurer Mrs er press secretary and ardrivlst Mrs Kcn Caldwell protects liaison offrmr Mrs At an Gundry Refreshments were served by Mrs John Stewart Miss Laura Young Mrs Ross Adsnu Mrs itxobert licbb and Mrs Man The iinal meeting of the oh tor this year will he dimer held on Wednesday May ii at the eramar Gardens The guest speaker Mrs Edythe liowden will ha topic Woman President of lbs host club Don Allan Mrs Robert Bentley Mr Bentley Mrs ii irra chsn Col iteration west speaker at the event and Mrs Kcmpenfeit Kiwanis Chis set above from the tort Allan tksminer Photo Gertnrde hing Engllsh born Calgary botuewtis who learned French because she likes it is the only woman member oi the Royal Cons misslon on Bilingualism and Bionlturalism She is young looklag so with loud of grey in her hair She ihinlts the remission bu resulted in it no cm Photo Volunteers Needed To Assist Children Swimming lcunns far the re tarded children in the area will commence on April imrn 950 to 1030 am at the Barrie YMCA However organisers of the blessed are still seardring for vol unteers in look alter the chlldra be in the water and to assist with dressing them These volunteers danothavetuboexpartawlrn mm as there will be qusilicd Instructors In charge Volunteers will be required to go into the water and hold child up and give assistance in turning the fundamentals or swimming Classes will be conducted ev Tho ingroup is wearing Pic cadiliys Choose your Piccadilly from our swinging collection of cottons Sizes from to is Tenn09ers really dig these new Piccadilly like WOW 4W4 some orlproan AND rum RETURN ro STATES Mrs Filbert Anderson and ebidren Elisabeth and Billy have Bhuttng he Pillildblpgil or an extra ed holldny tn the city with Mrs Andersons grandmother Mrs marten Caldwell of Dnsry Lens Al CAMP BORDEN Hat Show and Tea arm sored by the Ladlea Guild of Trinity Gravel will be held at the Buell Building at Camp Ban den on Wednesday altmoon the tea will be held from to 80 with the hat show two mencing at 145 oclock liars will be modelled from Mrs Ci Ohittlcks classes in Allistoa and Camp Borden nownupmnna Mr and Mrs Wilmer Row ell announce the engagement oi their daughter Nancy Elaine to Dr David Ernest Steers of SI his son of Mr and Mrs Ernest Stetre oi lurislip Mlddlesex England the marriage is to take Film at the home oi Mr and rs Rowen alt Dun lop St Barrie on May 195 at two oclodt BRIDAL ENTERTAINMENH Miss Carol Agnew wsa guest oi honor at several entertain meats prior to her marriage to Arthur Martin on Saturday Miss Diane Hagen Peel Street was hostess of miscellaneous and guests at this party were claurnates the graduat ng class oi mt RoyalVictoria ii ital Sdrool of Nursing Mrs Will arn Rsycrsit entertained at bridal shower at her Marion THE STARS SAY EETRELLITA FOR WORROW Financial snd career matters continue to be generously influ enced There are some plane tary restrictions where personal relationships are concerned Many persons may be larder stress new particularly the elderlyco emphasine kindness and patience FOR Till BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday you may look ahead to year 1dr should bring sstlstylng recognition lor past lob eiiorts Original and constructive ideas put into eiicct now shortld have vital effect on future pro smss but you achieve the results possible By June your occrrpstionai and financial Iiialra should be quite stable and you can lllasa on exparxltng your interests in late August with grsrlytng ro wards resulting throuflsout Sep tember snd October Be very oareiul to avoid speculation at end of year there is strong likelihood that you will travel in early September also dinin the late November December period Any lengthy iotahey taken dur ing the latter period could prove advantageous in making new mutants Best periods tor romance and metal interests late June an excellent period on All normal end August Relative workers guano benelicinries 5i line rs onund profit the next three months Achlldbomonthlsdaywtll Imusually shrewd in binlnen matters sod keenly perceptive ery Monday morning iron April until school closing Anyone wishing to donste iew hours each week to this worthwhile pmkd contact the adlool prl pal tin it award at will have to lol low through if you wmdd is asked to Crescent residence Another rnls callanaorrs shower hostess was Mrs Ron Pickles of Johnson Street and guests Included friends and neighbors of Shah Bsy Road Following the ding rehearsal Mr and Mrs Sydney Martin parent of the hri en ertslned bridal party at their Bayfteld Street residence VlSll IN CITY Roderick Lewis Clerk of tho Ontario Legislature and Mrs Lewis ot Willowdale visited on Monday at the home of Mr and Mrs timid Cooper Rosa street SILVER ANNIVERSARY Mr sad Mrs Norman Novils will mark the 15th anniversary at Mr Wedding at an house party Friday eveningwin Aagu New Lowell Oommuntty Hall ourovrxrn The lsmlly at Mrand Mrs Wilson of Street have as Easter week WM time oi their talent irom Glt They are the Aflken ellidtlu George bets and Me Mr and Mrs Althea sre vacathningln Tobago for seven weeks anmsr momma Several miscellaneous showers have been held in honor of Miss Angela Jones May brideelect Mrs Ross Koll entertained in Miss Jones honor st her Oak Street ruidenc Mrs Ralph Knapp the matron of honor wls hostess of miscellaneous shows am the or or at the home at her grandmo ther Mrs Mal Carolina Street Miss Sharon Deal was cryhostess of this party Mrs Ernie oak ley of kit Mlneslng also an tartainod st abrldsl shower for Miss Jones The brideolect is the daughter Mrs LiliisnJones oi Tomato Street She will wed Keith Ver non Maxwell at an aitemoon ce in Trinity Anglican chem WRONTO GUESTS should Mr and Mn Dean Munotst teeth which or and tamily or lbmnte were Easter weekend guests at the home Mr on him Arch Brown Inmate Street auonoassonn Ihe Mens Club of St Georges can Chunhsro sponsoring thosanuaiSmorsarhordtobellu Es Allan moans If He Acts Likeilliear Find Him ii Cage Dear Ants banners several ago the greatest kid ave ever known came by in hls convertible to pick me tell you we live in Win is 1wa oi Chicago it was freezing weather and Jamie had thetop of his convertible down wouldnt say it was snowing but tow flakes were flying When my mother looked out the window she streamed You not going any place with held Saturday evenhxg Supper that irolreclie lie is nskedl will be remain StGeolges Patti Hall from until pull All It Church WomenaAssoots ere busy collecting srolelu for Rummagesals to behold Ssh nrdny lbs lmlwlm cmmm ofth caroupotBorten Avenue Uni ted Chinchwtllbo lags ï¬rwashonw aolnthe Qurdl YIN irom ll ma rat til 5pm TEE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY APB 1965 HIGHLIGHT OF PROGRAM One at the hm oi the mgrsm on Koren held at 07l er Street United Guards Fel lowship Hall lat mntns was the performance at Carol Yun oi Toronto Mira Yint loss than three years in Can ada la sclolrt In Thronio col legislo glee club Ste is drawn lsova with Lloyd Mord or tried to eglain that Jamie is member the Polar Bear Ohrbsndtbeclubwssgotngta take dip in Lake Midtlgan its Pie rlan WI not naked lie was wearing swimming trunks also tried to explain that some at in girls ware going along last to sale coma Wald but wrwero not going in the water My mother walked out on the nerd and shouted Put on shirt or Mary Alice is not com log out Wills that Jamie pulled away and havent seen him since amiraartslck My mother says he is ovary say just becausa person is little nonconiomr ist does not mean he is crazy Please print my letter and your answer so our mu family can no it My dad is on her side Eesrtbroken Dear it Jamie is not may be Is such ahowolf that may be borderline case Polar Bears or anyone else whowanttoukeadiplnbaka Mlddgan in inning weather are not necessarily nuts in the Scandinavian mntries this is quite spotL But for kid to drive convertible nrormd Chi cago in ireeslng weather with the top down and wearing swim ming trunkswell like said it hes not crazy hes close BTEADY VISITOR Deer Ana lsndefn nearly 50 years age share home with my widowed ntolheri the pmeni may notl seem mportan must this all my chest My older sister comes to Visit mother Jessi live tirnels week She ways stays too nag ihey can yak tor three him about nothing at all But the thing am writing about is habit which drives me insane Just when you think the my taste is finished they any undaand thats the start another sentence Since this house is hall mine dolhuvelherighttotnllrny sister she rrnrst telephone be lorushoeomessoioanho elsewhere If listen to any more sndas ill have to be carted off Thank youa Dear it if you an nearly 50 and your sister is older then your mother must ha in her 70s You are not going to dunge their visiting habits By now you must have fairly good idea when Anda will be mating over so plan Accordingly Alida lots iuï¬ NATIONALITY Dear Ann tandem My hub band and have been married seven years We have two sons waist oi Collier street United My hubands parents were Quads leamkser Pttotor horn in Poland but he was born up puts down PoliahJ in the us Whenever he has to till out form and he coma re tint word nationality as Our two sons were bqrnln Cleveland He says they an Polish too because the children always take the nationality of their tether have tried to ttll him he is wrong about the boys but be say dont know what talking ibout lie thinks you are snort woman Maybe if you tell him he will believe it Please help me straighten this urthefors the kids go to schoolunread Dear Grateful Nationality means the nation oi your birth Your sons are Ameri canssad so ta your busbsld Forecast Showers HsppllythsAprilshowsrswe welcome this month are those gay events designed to fits anta ho occasions hsqusntly calling tor fancy tints sendwlchsn way seeds or celery seeds mamed Into the boner does woudsrsto perk up the flavor oi those dslnty sandwiches Salad Switch Pulse ssleds to sandwiched The dressing nukes the inlsdlnmostussosndd ry sour cream ms Tlms Savor It sslsd cells lot mayon nslss musing mix it but and half with whipped em makes it much lighter eremist For huh sslsd tints maratchlno cherry lu sdds touch of color an bit of extra flavor Hot Salad Chicken salsd the petsnnlsl isvorit gets new min when served hot Just turn your my bed sated rrtixttn nrsaatng and all info pretty casserole ï¬sh and bus in saor oven is minor Sprinkle with sun at shredded Cans Cheddar cheese snd rein to the ration until the chem melts Sweet Treat mun bon buns disappear horn the urtdvdish magically The moth ussmy centers are made by matting pscksos oi semi ohocotm pieces ow boiling misnlhs stir asmslcsn of mpomed milk and cook over bolting water othrtnov tnqusnllv about 30 minutes The rrtlatrnl should be vsrv thick Chill thoroughly In the chocolate is easy to handle litpo into all halls roll to coconut mwmntmmd MI CANADIAN IAIIV IOODI IIIVICI IUIIAU WWI11mm tall