TENTAE APARTMENTS TonaNT TWO BROOM DmarIaI lmerrldrfol want rum cu RI run In LI VIII Nona II II marinairon Ho manta None Mm med Ref or etove Ind on blII MILI Imr mar rumourAlma four hrmlrhefi Ipmment neond oor 4mm can to own Ieum only relapnm 11 RR bum nun Ind umare 1m mm knoll tabled arrive lrnr bur ltorII IIlmull lllAUmlILLY furntrlred menu on Ind two beam MINI SLHILWR so flfllï¬ OIWIIODI 11de onovrm noon at eonuimfl bed rlvmrmnf Ivro il room dinlnl room Ire IhVerL Avauabll now tea monthly Wdurmlh II lndvllllll cu mam arm APAIIMINIS III eonutned three more and oan murmur Iour more me our of duplex up pIr unfllmlmd Ind four more and bath or ex lower unrum nunl REE erI m1 Ind ILom op flonII 716 II In AmtTN hunt Elm meat cowltel mm kite Elle Ind throom So In and pnrlnn In EIIIL Ilnen two teachm RENTATRUCK and MOVE YOURSELF Call AVIS 7261412 APTS WANTED TO RENT YOUNG MAN nqquu IlIlrcDIv laud furnhhel flat In downiowrl rrm wnt Ru Earn 45 mm miner mm nï¬i Piirf mu Dun IIHIIIL 5m CIII more between mo Ind pm TWO BEDROOM donMIA lvlrb llmrL WInIed PHVILI IfIIflMO RIIIDDINI nIII OIII IduII OIII anud PHIth rut end Tele IpADnI 71H III In ROOM AND BOARD IND ROOM WMII bond or younl mln Dunle Illfl RrIdfoM 5mm diatrlel For dunner Inlofv mIIIlIn Hepburn 7100005 R00 AND RDAIID lot Mill or your IIdIeI lid for Dix Prime noraa Telephone ACCOMMODATION IVIIIIEII for ranlenIII huntllell Ildy III modm romlonam home In Codllll ton Smool rrlly IKIndiy writ RlnIl hammer ROOM AND BOARD WANTED MA LADY lalulondr null to And bond In moltbid home WHII Mnl defIIII to EDI l3 Elma Bumlnu ROOMS TO LET LAIOI Armhhrd Mueller room ldulp VIII IIon In It ériuntor man1m preferred InLrIl hellloll Telephone 718 me Blillml lumllhrd honour In Ilob pILIi IoM PIrIIM IVIIIIDII Me pnoaa Mm IIIM pm LAROI mild Ill Ron ml meor and no PLHPNIM wa derardlodla IKIIILIII Corr trill Iocllod IMPMM TWIN Tar eleerrr In chowr elm eloul Into on One unIlemII went pnon Tuna MIDI Ammo would wiIIl Ambit In AI um and mm rum 13h Izdmrlm Ii one or Sumo sum OARAOES TO RENT LAIOI MALL Dunn or II Intel lrnmd Telephonl mam In may be II rur or ery II or DOD Roy Iliclllrll 40 um Dllr ARTICLES FOR sALa FOR SALE New and uud TV uu Varurlm CIurrerI com IeIe IIock oi hour begr beII hnreher Re eln to All mnku Authorer fooler RIICI ADVANCE TV AND VACUUM SERVICE II IIuchIIer 7ND USED BUILDING MATERIALS We have on hand hlr In am um um rhetl plywood window doore tollr hathfubr IInII roll 9V Dblng Ind furnorer IIuronoblI prim TEIJTIIONB TIADIM KAYS BARGAIN CENTRE Goori All New Ured CIoIhlng ROUOIIT AND SOLD 4AarlclEs FOR SALE 4AlmcrEsron sally eAUTDMDTIVE III HELP WANTED SPECIALS CLARKS HOMEFURNISIIINGS OUaed CHESTERFIELD Suite nylon cover Iood condillon nos OUIed macrare sawmo MACHINE mos cum AUTDMAncwAsnEn HelvtaatorAsMs eumnarnloanmnat name breodr to and up IUIed ELECTRIC mvas well known mlkeItioo and up OUSED iVI ferrule or rent ONaw SPACE SAVERS aood nylon coyera from $5009 esavanAr PIECES or nan NANI VINYL FLOOR COV ERING ODD SIZES Budaet TomeFree Delivery 33 Ba field St 72 4848 PHOTO REPRINTS IvaIlabI Ir The Barrie1 Examiner II you would litre to have re prinuboi Algal 1ng pleturea taken our ozrapherl learn all It our blutnelr ofi II We In lorry we cannot rec phone calla No 46 no SERVICE GLOSSY PRINTS lo 125 OILII ll CAMERA FANS PARADISE Canadian and im Dried equipment supplas BARRIE CAMERA CENTRE Photograoby By Drummer op St mom ESSO FORCED AIR FURNACES No paymenII until October roar Fully Installed with burner and duct work ONLY $703 ItIDNIIILY FREE Twin air worth 340 with this special Tel 7261859 Anytime WALLWIN BURNER SERVICE Your Imperial Euo Dealer LOWREYI ORGANS MASON dc RISCR PIANOS New Ind Ueed Jack Webster Baler Ind Service Visit our studio Aleolle Reach Strolld mom PORTABLE SEASONI Cornpkla line of RCA VICTOR Portables 813996 up IIIONARCH Ilafriaeration Co 110 Dunlop Eu 7184060 tor laid laugh oo one uro cl offer TIIImBII 1m WEDDING Dlul Ion ILII II colon brocade l7 bod eerie lion Telephone III IIIID Coll Ind Wood Fund him nu Mun Tolohone em nanrloorr rum Ind lrrtenen luife for uh armor rIuratrrr 0x munane millr MNOI tor IIII man MM urnnu err mu we nu Thom IIIMANI lull IIIII MI Arrn re aninnmrnmhf no ONLY dearemtmor lune Dot Palmfl In HOW condition 31th HR Queen hill IerlNoCoI air fora re vollee Annie IlOM TV ll Input Hnbaxrlnllen II II no Urrd room 1an norII III uud an 01 tired barren IHIIt om Ian TRASH and urine AnTIcLEs WANTan HARDWOOD IIIIIIIIIfllId Nil roll for loll hr rtIurr men In Llllphonl SRII mg Dr enquire Elwood MEKID grant Ont Does PET llflIlmlD Hill minuanur allure old timid moulrmecl or puplunny Irornl mine enter new For amIneruu OARDEN SUPPLIES WILL lamb Manure for III any quantity ammo Alec odd job done with Irina pinup Tele ma num use more In door with III Loni moron cAns warm APPRECIATION SALE Yer our volume Ilu doubled thle nut month will volume mo war prleaI to you It RAYS SIMCOE MOTORS LTD SI Tiffln SI VIM Where Iervloc II flrrt nu vollrrwro irr unmet SHINWARIIE EITHER din rowanluau Ilia In radio one owner Ad canal on Will ull meal rm oranuoaru Hagan11 rum ppm eomruu wrrl II II lrlda In when Andrqu you run Dd wu Irldwflo to mum awn ed ed loo or but offer Telephonedllll after Dnll ANOLIA ml Inn with IId Interior anmawaer eIeIIierA eon FARMERS MARKET HELPER Ammo DEAD srocx Hithelt prices paid for dud or crippled cattle and Small animal removed fre For flit rervlu PHONE aAnnlE man IColleeII or ark for NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH MINI NO CHARGE 24 hours dry dIyI week RR Foxmeed Ontario Llcrnm No rower NIeIr Montague Prov INCOME TAX Retuml prepared hula nerd ueauonl Kidd AI unlant lDuruoerutht IIIphone 1mm FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies In Service Care New Holland David broom Bentty 170 BURTON AVE 725137 CASHTRADETERMS FEED SEED GRAIN CIovers Grasses Hay and Pasture Mixtures To suit Your Needs SEED GRAIN CORN GARDEN SEEDS PETS dc PET SUPPLIES PARSONS SEEDS 110 Dunlo St El Barrio 85000 IAuI or Iwo oarold III In hail TIIeptnele 1M Ea falJAi mm arsiru mlxddilnw eor 70ml Hurdle mo vrmo BmDIrOMInIoII um ï¬gm rumno ma TIeSnLac GOOD QUALITY Yuri RIIIII for Irt LEWLR WEAR Inn 5an My mm led Pititaflromknghel Nah ll VIII IR on mmmr COWII Till Cllvll Ind LJa one TIT or Sterner on none ivy loll mar nourmr Arm northern Cow or no rm nu are due rt bred Harvard Arm rrm Ifcfler ulf re root Hereford st coloemlwgolll 709 Ill ISM bAUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE IJOOKI nearly new Immune car It LXznï¬a all door IIJf PIERCE MOTORS LTD No beiter value lurmtu Than Car with Plemonellty II Elle Itold 7M 505 We are cold out Gun earl needed immediately NP Pili anon nunu for urm Mun and venue Folly Ind Ifom RUIN III dork Ind llIdl lo udder Allen Wolia IL Rum up lm cellarI telephone 115 AVAILAMIA mini III III IDIJMMM lzb It ELEM ï¬lmmcIlL IllInn IBIIIL mm mm an mm mm IIIII Inn on lam rm iorhtllery qlmaulkllmm In ll Mm II IRI MAI Tarpom tour or roer CHOOL Dull NIIM lo Id ï¬lmy ml DI humid rlmml nrkl DummAIlaLl III IIMTMm IUIHIII ITAM AM realm III III Dude 0mm Ir prune cupmr Ta rueInn ï¬ngernva Im III to You will run lot of other In frreaflnr IIIIEIM priced no love you wont lien youlreif I0 COLL IlTIlIZIiT Second Floor BROADLoOM RUCS room I007 VIIIfor wall brouilm ran an fL plain or freed heavy under padding wlltr rm Innunion em SIIOI AT HOME SERVICE IhonI TWI IIlnf rmlll nvrmelrled All AM n7 ml In 19mm nm nrmnrf lamn may maroon ero Tele NM It tomED Tu on me ml lime mou ore ll um num In oer rueWEM Elï¬n mm nu 17 nae run rm ORV HARDY morons LTD 176 Bradford Street 7284272 VIAU ro RAMBLE r1 Conn St 7mm BEFORE you BUY give ARCHER MOTORS Umi Can fly rev Bradford It not IIIIY WILD Coolldom AI BAY CITY FORD Drive With Confldenre d5 RRADFORD 51 7207031 Byron Graham Motors HI QuolIt LO Price TOP VAL 1595 m1 GIEV STATION WAGON cylinder ImamIre lone radio MINI I71 Dredford leer rnluln rum Al mm Int III mule Jm pm um mule all IHVAII IA OI Mudlblku lArk statan Irvon lour door lrrot windlhled with Or ondlilon em Ell IL ï¬ll nlltll III III er nihil morrar moron 1a MOBILE HOMES HEY LOOK YouerntIfford to buy any where before you In our new 1965 MODELS CITATION GLHIDEIIE GOLDEN FALCON GENERAL MOBILE HOME TRAVEL TRAILERS humbly TelDom and ear Telephone IIHIII after EEMALE HELP Perméoenf Qr Temporary Or Partlime Regislered Nurses Aged Newmertret IlIIe ourau Illa raoulred ly Green Aerer Home for Mme Euro st New merket or 301 Bloopst Earl Iblonio mlddl AVON EXPENSE PAID VACATIONI EARN expeneer without ne glecting your Illnin re IentIng AVON Colme Ice Write rim WIlker rr Clrleltlln Crer WIIIowdDID ODI or can Barrie new ITW°IIIII£IH malaise Bullion Int reru runners ru lorrll UrnElly mlllld Telephone All the leading maker with 7M years and years experience for you the buyer TERMS TO SUIT YOUR RUB GET RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Home Euler and Service 170 Biiriorl 7189866 CAMPER Super Deluxe Pigly Rack IenthouIe On display now Clean or Factory outlet for GEORGIAN BAY CAMPERS 0R0 TRAVEL TRAILERS lehwry it at Hawkertone Open daily and evenlnnr and Sunday afternoon Ielopllolld 407de QUALITY TRAVEL TRAILERS Airstream Sharia Rambler DelRes ï¬rm empty IiiDo Serro en err Ontarloyirallere Limited 1571 The Queenrwry Toronto nrnlun II rt lion fully Iqulppod Wm deliver or Inn Idlhndl you IALI on mm New mm and Honda rum mum rr fL r1 la la no me bmn AIII If I4 re loDhlI rum Wue Irma Onf Telephone 1mm mun IAux II IL Travel hall or um and mm ire be Complete with Inn Imirrl ma hlldl on If Inn at or airlrhm 1mm WANTED FOR SCRAP Care Complete Car Bodch Truck IOP PRICE AND PICKUP Damonmm on mom TRUCKS TRAILERS III mm an Du Tom for Ill bun Danr man la red null none mm iml lul mo At Durban larder In uSdumdr body Nellhf 117 ILLLAFLTC pom 0mm Here II PERSONALS mcorra we rlmm xrea Amourm ll urn IE Wn DMD NIH nu WOMENS COLUMN Easter Holiday Specials HEY MOM LanoIIn Perms II REG $550 FOR $4 Olhor Perm 20 OII POM POM HAIR STYLES 32 TRIM Sr Phone 7289BI Cali Mid All on DI Ibo rem IIIrifled Id mm will fled to ueiet you Ith you In IALEILADY Illnldd for lldlll In dytowelr doplflmlnl Grog Io Personnel Manner ooh worth Dlyllld St LADY II III II lull Ilfler Iur helm old duller North and TIE dlyl weekly IIItholld 7266570 for furthdr In Illan BABY Irrrlll wanted Tuerdry and may afternoon Irom to pro at Vincent and mm Ell IIII on 71M IIMl pm LADY mm to be IrrlmaTr Hui er AoSrmrn 35 Rea to Icluarn Dunlolt arm tut DY WEI rerun Ind rm Ina bod wager Ind wrung eon tioar Avrly In plmn Io Erich lifenon ll Dunlolr ltml IAIN amA cAelu Puma IcIIa Ina wm on mu lion AppfteInIl rrrlnt rm Ilene Mr DonnIo errr before MALE HSLP EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY For married man experienced to look after modern well equip ped ml unit being part of large frrrnlng entrrlrrlu located 10 mlIeI north of Toronto Ex cellent wager good houre heat IIIIIII telephone mini hot IdIyI vreatlon with pg neur ma hnldl plan III rehool bus at late Pollarch Icron Ihe road vIl age mlief Refer erreer required Apply Mr Strnr bury norm or Box us sour vIIIe Ontario Aflfl of qu Mm II dy mole Int EMIth Andy menu It now lALIlMAN 2545 lIIv an emrut Telephone II Ewe Munroe Omllnnu lorry we by no II or flood mm 11 IIJIIOIIII1eI IRERHII ll all ARI IXPANEIEO IllInï¬ll Ill MM II VI in ï¬letub bill and You In mNIIonï¬M Inmate nun laminar III1 For Green AerenHorne for the Sallry range 60 tum Grad IllIke layoff Good Ilewlel AIIINIIDN We need TR HARM murmur TUESDAY APRIL IDI INS II 10 HELP WANTED MALE HELP TILREPRESENTATIVE Excellent ammume for NATIONAL men advancement with LARGE ANCECO offering local employ 3min High Schoolgrlduate zoos won one to two you flnrnca experience Good starting salary and com any benefits Please contact The Arroclatete ed GrantstreetBarriesvzsoolo Welders Upholsterers STEADYEMPLDYNENT TOP WAGES EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS 43IIOUR WEEK COMPANY BENEFITS APPLY To MR WILSON HAYWOOD roilrcsr AVENUE STEADY WORK GOOD CASHINOOIIIE Secure yourself for life urlnrt Dcrlerr Alwayr have ltea work good can Income many with in to to yam Good Dir IrIetl now open to Indurtrloru men to achieve permanent rue cell with Wyelhold line Home Neoeeeltler write today for com pleta Information how to amt your own meetsful bullneu backed by worldde IIIILIIIII RIWIEIKII Dem MTG07 I001 QItlelialleu St St Henry Mon NI llnvicl Hutton Selma emble of rumlint HID medical end all Inllrnlwo Id Milli flrlfld IO All rurllu In atria Suï¬ write Ion SI RIM Blmln rflru enllflvll L0 do IIIIDNIIIM nqu earreact work In this and mflwndl COHIILIII Mill Dell CIVIC or Allan IIIDIIII commiutolu IId No llhl no mute wor No invecunent re qulrld 1th promln VIII ll our yrmnt don nor ema up In IIII you oil It to youn IOI I9 Inver III IMJ Mmlnlly cody Comet Mr ecolernrn American out between 0250 LTD and In WMIIMIY Ind Tillman amnion No phone nil WW TYPIST WANTED To Learn IIS puncher IIrrlt have It lent no word per min qu Apply To Shepherd The Barrie Examer Ierr 100 prn BOYS and GIRLS for BARRIE EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTES Application Forms available It CIRCULATION DEPT lo BAYFIELD ST cummo ADS WILL BRING RESULTSI tleally new Coehlnltt WAKEFIELD ORILLIA TELEPHONE 3254221 MALE FEMALE FOR DRY CRANE HIIII in IIIIII hurlneed Prater norm Illa experienced IIlINrAnIHrerrAr remover ErrorAA elem a===== 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Wedneadry April 28 at pin sharp for DALTON SLESSOR It lot 77 oonceulond Veapra Township mile were of Mom store lrmlle north SIII of Ifolrteln cattle bulk cooler milking equipment and farm machinery Including one IIIR trletor plough and dirt and Ironlt1 end er hay rum and rrnr cam no ruerve II Mr Sleuor II working Iwe JERRY COUGRLIN Augtloneer Watch for toil Iilt April 23 AUCTION SALE Saturday May at 1230 pm aharp DST For NORMAN GIFFEN At Lot to Concerrlon Sunni dale lo mllel 10th and mile earl of Sunnldaio Cor nerr off Highway as sale of no head of Drorfhorn Ind Hereford Cattle Flge high elm farm machinery Ira grain rim and some houretlo effects Telme cash No reserve or the farm Ir rold JERRY OOUGIILIN Auctioneer Elmvalé Sales Stables Ltd Your lending leuloelr Aueliea Sela AT PM Tel Elrnvale 69W EVERY THURSDAY or Barrie moor For Want Ad Service Dial 7282414 la AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE on head of Hereford Critic melding of Cowr Culver stock Calvel Yenrllngr year oldr III rtorre Seed Harley itlrllell In Rodney Seed OI Selkirk Spring when and Greneellor FRI meal led are In race wUmrudlona from ADAMS AND SONS Io II byprbllo auction It premieer newn no In Iou elpra or Townllnl FRIDAY APRIL 23 AT 100 PM SHARP the foilovvlna TILE Durham Corr eare old qure bred Here ord Cow yerrr old bred Hereford Cow are old Denture bred Hereford Heller years bred to frerhcn In An ril Durham Cow year old PIIIIIIB bred Foiled Hereford Heller yeare paltuu bred Hereford Cow yearr to ireeto on In April Hereford Cow yeerr old bred Black Cow Aealf Itcwfoot Ifereiord ngur yearl ar rm bud Pollcd Hereford Im yearn fresh calf It foot Red Durham CW years fresh cell It foot lidrciord Helferl yeare to freshen In Nayullero ford Cow yearr tofrcshea In Mr Hereford Cm years fresh If at foot Md Poli ed Ifervford Con years fresh call at foot Polled Hereford Cow yearr frclh calf at fnot Hereford Cow your old rebnd Hereford Cow yearl Ireah calf It foot Holrteln Here rd yearr fresh eaII at loot Hereford Heifer yearl old frerh CHI at foot Hereford Cow ycarr fruh calf II fooI Red om Cow mu bred Hereford Cow bred to freshen by date III Hereford Heifer yearr call foot Herefon Heifer yearn to frelhen by rule date Holrleln Cow yearn to freshen IaIton Hereford Holler ea calf at foot robred Rearmed Here rd Helfcr yearn to freebcn in May Hereford Heifer yearn fresh all at foot Hereford cow can fresh cnIf at foot IlorteIn Sleerr Id monllu Did in Hereford Heiferr year old on Hereford Stem year old Hereford Helierr id montha old open Hereford Slam month old Registered Here ford Buii Rodanx Breeding treat roanmm SEED 400 bur of Selkirk Barley 100 bur Rod ney OIL hrnflleneeilor Fear 100 bur of ituaeell Gate 100 bus DI Selker Wheat MISCELLANEOUS 1951 Dim Sedan In mnnlnr order Buck Rake Fanning Mill wtlh Icreenl BIrn Roper Ind other 35 omen nyone wflhi to buy cod cattle uwld Dan Idvlmi to attend fill Ialee Termr Cub No merve or men are taint out of cattle burlnerr Nofhlnl to be moved until IeIIIed for mover or IRMIMIIOIMIIL em rerponr or lnhr or Itlcldflill on property d3 Ir Ladler WA will umIuncil Scott Clerk mm COUGIILIN Auctioneer Phone Barrie mm For Want Ad Section accepted until prn Day before MINIMUM PHONE 7mm ceAaarrraDa coNTrNLraD oN ern Students for loans under the CANADA STUDENT ranvs visit your nearest branch of méaHNK