MODERN EQUIPMENT IS FEATURE Elisabeth Fiahei lab Buiidlng to be the latest In In Alec has Iacllltiaa or den oratory tectmologlrt IIrIda Iae IIItIar at the Medical Arte 5512 IPE Computer Talk TEor 1964 Tax Formula UIIAWA CPI to time Ia ripe to pay that me orno tam and In the Ian guaae at the electronic oom oIIter thate epelled ROBE RIIPJI II part at the mula the revenue department has mired out tar unwaver wlth large payrolls who use aleotmnio amulet In bnt the amount at tax deducted at source But whether youre working tor large organization or email or working tor yoursell Iinal paymenta on IBM Income taxes are due In the revenue de tn partrnent batore tiny Thin year the department sent 000 individual tamlyera what it called pcnnnalired In come tax lama They were per aonaliud by having the tawny era name already patted to the IoIm with sevendigtt code hunter The revenue department has elready been cmeterIud as rthey say In the lanxuage ot the Ier ago With the rum red taxpayers It should be poulbla to procma tonne more gottletkly and net back chroma may or overpaymenta when they have been made the formula developed tIIm yreaolormyrotlmwtere that man at tax auction to be talren otI pWhNIHWWTOud lax thnea Income atter enemy ttona ion constant time to correct tor taxable tam aII fl It divided by the lumber pay pcdode in yen In alaetnalc term thin III equals Imam all over And whua the revenue depart ment aim the definitions they ANOTHER MILESTONE BARRIES PROGRESS II modern equipment Buldu auitea or doctors the build spell IIteraIIy TithE Ir the mortal at tax deduc tions the highest applicable rate at tax the role Income or the pay period the nuntr her of pay Perioda In year and the annual personal ex amptim the content correction But while the ocrnwtera may llgure this out or you and take the gnaw ahare at your pay no areyougetityw etIII have on till out the Income laxtorrnandaendltinnotlater April on along with chagau to the reoeiveegeneral oi ada ll you still owe some II There era good rn Inc tore allectlng the Indivthrals taxthat the payroll corrwter cant time out In advance mh aa your contributions to church or dIIIItabie Institutions end your medical bllia Remue hilnlater Benson said recently that most mtaunder Itandang seems to be about the DOCTORS AND clearing contract LAND BARRII CONGRATULATIONS NEW MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING We were pleased lto have been awa LEE HART manrmmsnmnmm rm WW tat In warm lm detldcd Mndon home at on Gatehndllilookinl Ml dledoaed Monday lad aturohlll Judethe red but house ulcer Hyde Park too large Ior her and too tall ot mamories Delore OIurchlII died there in Janu tethered outside minimr haunt the house In £119 tor £80000 120000 moon oonalderebly more II Part at the house was also used as diurDhilleietlice alter he lett the prime mlniatera ol tetal realdenceat to Dwain tattoo lsh Bu MONTGOMERY Wales Mua Pitth young Welsh nabomltsts Monday burned the Union Jack and heerd tlIelrI chairman tell them they mus eliminate English aggression InWoiee lhey were protesting agalnrt the clywedog Valley project which aims at danIrnlng the my and turning it Into Nlr mailman Robert Grittilhs cl Swlnsee said the valley pm Jed Is an example oi para uneuion by the Ennihh cannot Itand by and watch the EnzIIAh drown our valleyr oerrewte our people Ind kill live areas oI Water We must eliminate English up More than 200 member the nationallat Plaid party aorns of whom live the Unlted flake America Ger many and Ireland have lot tor father to buy three acre at and In the valley In an elton ï¬t the min by Tatum lists pharmacy and pbya lotharapy room claims taxpayere can malts tor charitable You cannot claim loo dona tlone to charitable orgenlzatlona outside Canada donations to In dividuals atlona at old or ex no and lotteriaa even the garner are held for the bendlt oi dun IlIe maximum that can be oh Ior charitable dona tlon to per cent at not Income and you must have receipts to show the revenue department 10 THE DocTons own my DOWN Unnan HOBART Tasmania tom Mary Iheresa Freeman born blue blry needed Iiva blood changer In her ltntrrark ot lile Doctora eald one had so many antibodies In her Them negative blood that the uauai two change were not enough tire neeman Ina uIree eons but loet live other childre IVIEDIcAI FROM DUNLOP SUPPLIERS OF STAFF OF THE rded the land LEARINO BY THE plrtment In Donoontn Id brlnll I1an George DIngrnan to AND STAFF OF THE NEW Robinsons Contract Finishing Hardware WE ARE PLEASED TO HAVE BEEN CHOSEN BAUIEIIIOIIE MFATe Sun tnlrd daynnder rtTIke by th Inerlcanliewapapcr GuUd announced Monday nlgttt that It the newepape myeam history that parts twoworld warrant it atoelr kttcrash the on In the Wre editort de partment shorliy alter he told srrnlemolo stllion lhelob ol thelpub rhera decision The altnmtncementf came Ion than an hour betorevthd oiptrs morning editlona were due to bit the rireeta IiaII OI Bullets SAN FRANCISCO IAPI sudden hell ct bullets poured tram acar speedlnypast the lie Iock hamburger drivaln at lunch hourrllondly killing one youth and critically wounding another Pcice laid lung ot ebr youth was captured In the car shortly alter theviolence Pa Iroi unit were led on high speed chaee throttlh crowded alreetl tor more than mile Ihe car was described as roUing arsenal that Included rhotgun maiibregIIn used In the shooting and number at spent and live rhells Inelud In big bore AID30 shell Tianygnuhchnn Cha get In as ronr IAUDEIRDALE at st ihomas Ont was an reigned before US contrain alaner Monday on charges elem rnlng Irnm nowepeper our ale noodle Commissioner Jame Minnet Tet ball at 36000 on charges ol conspiracy to commit Iraud bY wire and mail baud Dingmnn we among per eons Indicted by laderal grand iury LII Detroit Mich May lose lie was arrested by FBI agents at nearby Pompano Beach while vocationlnlt Dlnrmen end another man one charged In theindicanent with creating ï¬ctitious publish Ing company and bank In Byron near lamina Ont us Ing them to obtain syndicate nude and its answer belore the weekly deadline tor entnea MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING DONE BY JUE UWEII ADVERTISING SIGNS ARTS 126 6775 snor Al mm or ELLEN man HARDWARE Tazaanrua IDNDON RenterII Nearly mmmanarmn toner 20300 iaemonunon Protest is net Iaoruicrtn at annual rally organizedby Brit aine Cantolut Ior lnrd Broekwaybest him hunk Brochway leading leftwing lormerbabor member at the Hoose ol commons401d the demonstrators We are dumolntod dismayed and hu miliatcdby the Import which the labor government bar givenV to America In Viet Nam 20000 antid nuclear demonstra tore marina protest march In 1ralalfar Square Monday to cheer parting Labor peer as he denounced Bdtaml auvpurt Iorv Untied Rates policy In Viet Nam Ihe monumenttum in cluded delegation um Ameri gnckaudgta wmgnr Iamiliaa more Many of them had epent three dtrye marchinl trouta British air base to miles away Iorthn standing on the base the towering NeleonMonnrnent Brochwayvloid the crowd cortgtalulaticns To TIIE Decrees AND srAEr or THE BARRIE EDICALARTS BUILDING oN THE COMPLETION or TIIEIII FINE NEw aUILDING FOX LTD MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR BURTON AVENUE BARRIE ONT SuppIierl of Workman and Material for PLUMBING VENTILATION BEST WISHES To THE DOCTORS AND Vsrarr or THE BARRII MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING FROM KERBYj sons LTD ESTABLISHED 1890 I95 Wickteed Avenue Toronto l7 PROUD TO HAVE BEEN GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRST FLOOR PHARMACY DENTISTRY an EVANS Dlt we EVANS DR II JACK srcoND FLOOR DIRECTORY MEDICAL BUILDING LABORATORY DR FORBES Pathologist an DUANEY Caenï¬stugery on WALSH MEDICAL ARTS Ophthalmology CONGRATULATIONS TO THE PEOPLE AT BARRIE MEDICAL ARTS LIMITED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS NEW MODERN AND FUNCTIONAL BUILDING IT IS AN HONDA To HAVE BEEN CHOSEN INSURANCE AGENTS FOR THIS COMPLEX PROJECT GRAVEIIING or THE PARKING LOT In IARIIAIN DONALDA InNClI In MINER lIIRRIIIIII In INSURANCI aorncr LTD MINrsING smccn MEoIcAL odour DR LIIIIJ DR SMITH an GIIAY Dlt BAILEY DR CROSSIAND Gen Surgery DR WATSON DR IIKKALA DR DICK an ZEIINY Internet Ilentctne Dlt an WEATHHISIONEQbr lyn DR It ASQUITII Pcadlalrlcs DR ROUCIIEII July IaI Orthodontics THIRD noon savrlatotonou roam on BUILDING To DO THE EXCAVATING and on wrrannmom Do name An on BEAIQN to sitMoan MIDICAI one or Mull MET DAR or Inna our um one wuuAnII