NRONTO CF Premier Rohlrls sald Monday lbs nvcrlunmls wish lhak Freder lck Fawmflpe released ram hor PeneKanxulshano hnspltnl at meearllcat punk ble momenl As no we round mentally Ill thecharzc were never haunt Oomnwnunx on In duclslxm lo refew lha calculo zoy unmenl ambushed advisory board or an opinion on whether ancell should be relelsed Mr Rohlrls Iald in mu nARnrzfamnNm mm Amy m5 Fame 50 My Owen Sound district lnrmer whm tnyour detention has rllsed hElMd controversy In the legislature wn committed aller qllezedly Ihqotlpu two uusesos Govt In TayhrOi Fawcétt Release RobeflSStatéS CONGRATULATIONS MARY ST AnoIhIr Flno Naw Building leng BROCK STREET MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING THE SARJEANT CO LTD To All Thai Mama wm in ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES FROM THOMAS ELECTRICAL sumias LTD und SINCERE BEST WISHES Medical Arts Building CONGRATULATIONS Doctors and Staff We Were Ploned To Have Suppllad THE READYMIX CONCRETE For This Flna NEW Building Best Wishes Opposition critic Mr gm brunlerl amoummnen wn lnadequnlu because ï¬lm Ibring hwcelts immediate ease 1119 Advisory Bond on 11w Dolenhan of Pnllenu wax es tablished last Damion Ippealsjor rule The board child mm In About We mama be pre mlu uld But perlodolalx months alnce the 1m court do cmon wauld be hemuuult nble lime he laid mm are respomlbllltlen Mhlo Mr Fawcell nnd aha public um muuqumat Lani conï¬dent mu procedura will meet these responsibilities PHONE 7282461 lo the of the and BARRIE By ARCH MncKENZlE Candim Pm sin erlcr Prime Mlnlater Pearsons roposals or measured pause United Stale hir strike against 09mmunlst Noth Vic Nam at the right lime con tinue to draw some support Democratic Senator FuL bright of Arkansas chalrman ol the Influential US Senate mm mllloe on omlgn aflaks echoed the Idea Sunday in an Interview Viét dmi PropOsal Is Gaining Support Eearge Kcnnan armor MODERN MEDICAL ARTS BUILDINGLON WEL LINGTON ST NOWSERVNG BARRIE AREA BARRIE flunk nld In special llam must that Inlirafllack palm had beenpvndmvd bullhnl ll would only encournxe lhe Iz smsor Ind Marten our Mend who hear he brunt of bulk McNma replying cally In Fulhrlght look apefhm llar llne and lflld 01 us has But the rim most senior now ernmenl spokesmen In ha us on Vie NamPresident John sqn Defence Semury McNa mara and Slate Secretary Rusk have reiterated opposition to any Ilrslrlke pause Johnson Ipéke In am Easter message 1mm his em ranch lenhr US career d1 lama now continuing his 5113 ol the Corrmunm war at the Insu luie Advanced Studies ll Princeton termed the den con structive IL Montreal He said he no the us would Imp men can The Idea that fluepauxe In air Muck would make It ezslcr or the Communlsu to come to the eminence table 0111ng nv JOHNSON Publlc Utllltles Commlsslon Of The Clty 0f Barrle MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING Right in this locality the coat of flnmeiem electric heating compares very favourably with any nutemntic fuel uyniem And cienn ante quiet electric heating ole you many more ad vantages To loam more nbout the low cost of electric heating end its extra beneï¬tscull qualiï¬ed electric heating eon tractor Another Modern Building Choosing ELECTRIC HEATING IAYIIELD ITRIIT CONGRATULATIONS to the Medical Am Building on Your Opening WI wm pluud Io hlvo hld 51er In this buulllul hulldlng Coflgraiulatibns Doctors and Staff CRANE SERVICE BY KNIGHTS 0RllllA lTD The International ie who have picked mi the Fear son Idea are Prim Minister Shastn oi indtavand Foreign Ministrrltii Bhutto at Pakistan During Ihe weekend on around of pressing domestic and Vietnamese problems rel idcnt Johnson pmiponcd sched uied visits tromPakLsisni Prey iéent hiohnmrntthbe Khan and ShastrL Nis statements byJohnson liqu and McNamara Itso coin cidzd with public demonstra tion in the United States Against the American presence in Viet Nunconducted our the Johnson ranch in Texas and by an estimated 15000 in rant pi thawhita House iniVAsnini one Ipeaker at Iho Whlla House demomlralion was Derm mch Senator Emu Greunlng of Aluka who ha been one Inflow vocal mmsslonal crit Icl U5 Vltl Nam pollcy no Imitation that cessation of the bombing would move the North Vietnam to discussions leading to terminutldn of the aggresslan against the scum TO THE OF THE SEEKS JOBI VANCOUVER CP United Church Canada mln islet has arrived 1mm Japan to lock Jobsrloru mmwho were orphaned durlnz Iha Second World War Rav flunk graduate 01 the Unjverllty ol Toronto who helps operate so cial cculre or homelesl youth In Tokyo said Monday the nun are between 21 and 76 yoan old and have Iradc lralnlng QUEBEC 0P School chUdren Ln 5mm s19 Foy have been soulnua biz kick out oldialinl cec xre reIephone number and 11321an to recorded mica SECRET NUMBER GETS RECORDING In womnnl voice ther law Mind and Lha message lay something like mix Hellouclxedgvdly 1w you call hp yddr mus yiby havepeen Win tor Sm 51 Max Plus 99 NW Tho klds though rent Inn and ï¬ll the warm unlll lhey found ha number was that striptease theme Ln bus Angelou Each call cont mm mm PHONI 71M on In Mind Toronto4w the driver ol the mini car Sha And her husband mm were not Inhned PREPARES OFFER DEEP RIVER OIII OP Am ndIol board me ur inx Illenullv ofer in hauls lo uvoldlnn InnInma tion of public Idwoll proposed by Redraw County mum ur ller thll monm The count proposed that lie uhool boyardl here In Gm Hm Ind Illa Unltnd Town Ihipl of Ralph Buchlnnn Wy lie Ind McKay oln band Cltr Allld MIIII United iféwnilih InfEmmi 41 Toronto wu killed And ï¬ve other were injured In tinemu wlllslon Monday on the MAMAan Iler Freeway nur Cudhul On mun Mn Injured were he hmnnd Douglas 39 the driver at cm air their two dauzMen Jen nd 10 and mu 12 mm rloe Boyman 49 mo of Tor onto and MI We Enter 45 Mr vaman my driving In obfler rules mu critical eondlllon Kitgum hosylllllkflle were when to Emckvillo Ogleer llotvlnl Ice pm um um manna 11 Inc new lddlflun to the cityl Ikyline II hullmillion dollu three my Manila building Mad on aVcIcu Wilton the math sick 01 W91 llman St wand Eula In mpmflflx ï¬le muuuqnlor PN many future or mum comm eledricrmflnz and condi Wh In tam Ind mt loocu 1713 In addition mn hnpmved working cplee or flu mowt lng mentions who Ill um In new qumm It to their TORONTO OPD Pmnler Nahum said Monday Prime Mlnmer PenIan 1m Invited onuflo an pmlclpm in led ornl pmvlnclnl wellm non efgnot Olm May 01 Mr Mum uld much ï¬le eonlm would deal with enl pmpoeals mm ln an speech from the throne April for Canaan Aulttuloo Plan The plan would unbrnee All Vellum mam andle mull mum flexiblllw ln mnllna lod ml Iulalame the provlnm Mr llqbam did Mt Iny On lulu hu Wed ma lnvlu tlan but gm no lndlullon there would be my mm or Onlnlo not in maul lectlnllfltedv ma dove mupolloclldomn or pa lem convenience will be olllclal ly opened by Mlyof Lu Cooks pm Wdeax Aprll Benmï¬whu mlch head in ur wu ll Mllan gmdlllqn ACROSS ONTARIO Opening senior iAprilt 21 enerzl Hot In galAlb Ga 41 of Embl cum mu WOMAN gymvlumcg Thelmn CONGRATULATIONS 127 Bradford 19 Ian 13 Imh To Conference MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING W0 Wily Pluud To Han Suppllod ALL THI WALL BOAR MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING On Your OponIng Cum lmlu by STEWART CONSTRUCTION the DOCTORS and STAFF of the BRYCE QOWNESS Congratulations Doctors and Staff OF 114 med and Opoulod by INTIIPIIII larvla 11M Lawan loebreaker Mex uldor Henry II to mnke Qho Ilmtrip Invinl Georzhn BayMnu¢ dny In 1nd napping en route on delivor nthtkcepm In at in the wt 0111th Smyrlog 11w Snlormulon breaker Indlulu ms Illu hand navlullon bhould baby by nan weekend FORT WMM HOnt Fame of Pm Arthur ha lranspor depanmenll Im Iine mutant melved am Monday thu tho me N4 McLean In Icatxaaker wu lo lom Georgin Bay or MN piogdqyr elflylogay OVEMVEIGIII NEED cm Unlmled dinbem an own blindness Any werwelm per 9n yup dim IM runny mould havu chedmp Mr Gnu mim iumtloï¬ 13 mg canoe lomu um ulll rm idmthth mom lhl can ompigyeu 33 1111 onpe prom Ind Ineumm Mia we the mam in nlunder Bay Thurldly Fri in time In prevlmuly modh ed wllh relcmaltv Groundbreak lorllu bulld lng lookplnca ml the undllclal opanlnz or the am mpnu wu llnl ms Except for lhe maln con trnclar and mhlloot tln lay flat Modlnal vAm Bulldlnz we per call local Dc veloped Ind own by the co opmunt occupants Ill prev lmly praman ln lilrrle lolmbcmlnclm Ind 11 mun mum Pu mules valalon ha been mm In Mmmr Iddium flu rod by Bunlo HutMadl Am Building pmllollnl the lManrcxpmnIan program recently outlined by Royll VIMIa Hospital Th3 propoul lallowed Hon from Hulk nlvar log £100000 loan under the Mun Aulmnéu Act new rmvm mvmou BUDBURY OHBol Gllel ucrehrymlnuer ol the No cm Onlulo Tourlu Outllll ma Manny that InformMon asked by the pravlnclfl mem mon In Humbug member ll In lnmjon otr prlvnry Member nnmmd Hm or an Inn two yun tho term lzurlltiftxulller Im not lppeiro nn ml Mr Gila um thin aired Hunt umilllonl Idenllty Hide Ile 10 magma Rum lncludlhg lha Bin 63 yutllklu Ill local wisz 3ng with gent mm in Eénï¬mï¬mi mile noflh wluglgl Fgmbfok 71M mm