Luck Interest Kills Red Cross fStqvner Branch Thu Cmullun llungcr Found Illon In omniutlnn hu Iumndercd vnlucd mumbu th And mvlcu In nrnnllcd ulnuncc 1mm Cumin lo llun cr Prnhlem Arm ma world er Jnnm Moore Mun Clnldllll Count nu HI cluhl rlnowlcdud In Can Club conlrlbulhm hy wrfllngz May we Illa um up ponunlly to cum nd mumbm lelwmzl Ml Cam ch um Iplmxlld murm Inn And also much ha pineal luccm In your ICUV By KEITH McflUER nle lender and member Ihe NONIWIIIKI All Corn Club decldcd the mi lhn 1m club yur la mllu conlrlbu Ian 01 33 lo Um Clnldlln Hunger Foundlllnn The con lrlhuunn walnut 0m prlw wilh the Common Blrhcrry control pmgnm John huh and Anderson dull wllh spuyl Ipnym Ind wtcd ran lml pmlrlml 1n Um urioul crow of lhu counly lleel lmpmcmrnl Imlrlm fll Slmcoc Counly Dee Im Mun Mn yummy turned by Iho 4H lnlcrl pro an Cluh Hfluullonll mum whlch Inn an Tutday 01 um um wn Lhawn lg 1954 mum week under Um chlhmlnlhlp Fair at Mumy Wlmlfl dllcuu Thu Cmullun Hunger Iaund the pmzrlm for the county Illon In omniutlnn nu Roll Bully pmvlnclll pml luncnducd mum mumm denlbmughln numb olldcn th And mvlcn In orgmud to 0m menu It wn deddtd IIIMIMD 1mm Cumin lo llun la hive dcmomanon In at Imhlem Arm ma world llhnminl II III lulu Ind er Jnmu Mom Mun commluto wummcd lo amn uler Clnldlln Countll and In heel pmmollmnl pronm HI cluhl arknowlcdud Inhr lhu lull Can Club conlrlbulhm hy Cm lmwowmm nun wrflhu May we Im IM dlrcdau ha Soulh WKfl1hffl53flfkfï¬1 ms Wyn eOFF THE CUFF 4H Club Donates $35 Donation My poor teacher she lï¬ll Am would probably be shock cd ino com If she heard and believed that her meal recalcit ranl pupil had rlsent to Ihe 1x151 lion of educnuan editoru never lIl Min lonel And M1 was liille bl ol rammar mm be can can hear her yet Hnrvcy dont say between yml and lay between ynu And me Be tween prepositlon and musi take the objcdlve form Never let me lmr you my be lwcen you and am he Inmate all righl lye uschu like Lo see her late tum purple and the vein and am an her neck So In Achieve lhls readlm would now Ind hen slip in be lneen yuu and an hullcUn In In bun melml dullnl with Follu lvrnlllulinn or Hrld Crow In Cumin Two lnlcrfIUfll toni QIulmu Imml hy Loo Coughfln mercury of tha local brunch slid We Just couldnt qel enough pcoplu nut 01 In nnnunl meeting so we have relinquished our crunch Mr Couzhnn slid It hu ecnlncrculnnly difficult to ct members Ind lo gelun gelail ulmoit lmpnsalbl The Sllyncr Branch alike Clnldlln Red Cross Society In been operlllng or years Mr Couuhlin doesnt know how many bu he flirted with It in 1950 and it hld been in open Goes Long Way My reaction every time re ceive one of they pamphlet or new releases so addressed Sowebody down them love RATHER IONIC II ï¬nd this education edilor hil rather Ironic My last brush th education was when caped during recess Imm Grad Four In public school It Moose Jaw Saskamhawan and luv nl been seen since OI coursev considerlng some the mm that happen In wa suppose mu mlxup here and Him Ls not loo sur prising But not aidclze people wha say nice Mugs about um lven though Ihey arent rue ran BABE EXAMiNEB TUESDAY APRIL ms 34 STAYNER Stall Th3 100 bunch of flu Cuudlln nod Crass ï¬ocely has folded ï¬ler lcvernlynrs of mend wgrk lnd gglccesslullopenu HARVEY BLACKSIOCK Enmlner Dlslrlcl Edllm Mail cuminuu to some to ma from Ottawa addressed Harvey Uackstock Education Edilwr Barrie Examiner MY POOR TEACHER and luccm lllcl ll II no In In Iupply nllmnrn yhowhu and mush la unml Inn mm by my in lhm nulvlem on OI He nld We had successm cxmpllgn end yen and avan In yen5 campaign wn quill successhfl hipulminlunl 756 SEIIMI No lnmm In yield Im II mu mpl cm In uperl ul fmm one or maul ION aptly mullullnnn Nflmnn Ilmnph ml xnmh when ulcqu Imnunll nl Ihur nul mm In by Ina yotnuy Iago 1M North Ind Bambi Elmo II and Crop lmpmw mm Anoclllkml held ll um rommnnlli lull In umhm MI nl wu Tnlnr nl th llld Cum 1mm dull ihn 11 um um um mndudnli Emily blight oglh my Bouth Little Grammar rill Irr iivlnl ltmlmr In He ma hope um will he reorganized loan Ind of to new start Sllyncr Ind dimlet will mlu the work at the Red Cross 5021 cly When wu In apexuni here It Ind dlmtcr service to aid mum um were burn ed out and so on laid Yes and 11mm you were doing it nth well up lo nnw am you appear ilL Do you not feel well imagine General nlamlhur used is lone voice when ihflll mIImJ There ms the Loan Cupboard which supplied wheel chain crutches Ind so on Once though axed her pat lence loo lar and she sent me to tha blackboard write out 500 hm deun you Illd me Along about ha lwo hundred and mintyninth 11m not little weary So just for varia tion added and ï¬le gate post 11 um every llme Illa mal English or mmmar com up manath rub the hair the m1 my remember once mu laker likï¬ me Do you speak any lanxuaze when repfl Just smal tering of English ha laid hh pencil down alawly zripped the side his desk ï¬xed me with add slur and said idly Young man Im Just trying Io do Job Ha closed MI eyes nm he opened Ihem slowly picked up his pencil And Mid We shall More was Wnrk ï¬Ã©am and women knlfled garments In ham the needy The branch I150 kid Senior Citizen Commlllee There Were lwn repméntl lives from Nomwangl lnrl twg rgm WynldlyeAlqulgl Mr Coughlln attribute full um the hell hrlndl to con lane to genml lick lerest JUST AS WELL Ihese educauon pamvhlcu or new releases on uiucnllon do come to ml Probably need Lhcm mar Dun anyone else hm And who knows maybe 50ml nl it will rub off on me And hdwcm you Ind maybe will be appoinled ndumllon tdilor mm day Glass reaction drew ML Jonzs attention to this and just for variation she made me erase everything nnd start ovu again Absolutely no sense of RUB THE RAIN mm undc chairmanship Jam lull Ilry Id up numbu of unlr um Itch ll mm mullnl lhll pul week ll Ill umd Unl lh mm rumpetllk hould he ur rlul on lulu In uldllkm Inn 500 hum poms club WEDNESDAY Aprll I4 STARTINO AT pm Dun PI lm JACKPOT $23000 lEGlON HA COMM ST lEGION BINGO in mealan of District High School Mani April to hear Iha dain and plan which Irapmposed lot In new third high scbonl lo be built In Barrie soon The hudzet in ms ivr ihe area will also be pmenwdlbciore lilo council the municipalities reyrpsenied in he am If party deshes to sell small portlan ol pwpeny whlnh Is not rtglslered on plan il necessarylo gel consent The commlltee mists of El Vamica William Wallace and Maul1m Reid 11 lauers leml had cxplrcd but on motlon ol council ll was rcconmended he be reappulnlcd lot the next three years With 0w possibility of NHL Monal dmsions to be made by this eommfllne was mutated thal member the planninz boald be added This was Mt latter mm the ï¬eld com mittee representLIV the cen Iennlal pamnklce was read In thch caunclli mambo llld others were InvIIed In Miami mama to he thd In the Con thlentnl Inn mmmencing a1 am April II ï¬lm will be shown along with plannlnl dis cussions of various local pm circular sent out by Salt Fleet andStonye Creek munich palilie ask support of other will heavy police cost to petulant the provincial govern men asking grant tawanh the cost 01 policing whlah moun ting annuallyx on time the province altered the lownshlps including Innlslil set up lhcir ovm 50m to whluh the municl pality would pay an annual cost ADJUSTMENTS COMMITTEE cc as be come one the imapflm nu lhorllies ol lhe municipa ily as after May they will handle the musk lur oonsenls to sale of pamls of land that are not totally on registered plan lnese consents have prev iously been Ihc prerogative ol the planning bond CENTENNIAL PROGRAM The invilaï¬m requested um local smug send daleganm especially to lnclnda lédiu Inn nisï¬l has l3 new park mm In whi the swamp am In mmlon Is in be converted mu Cypress Gardens They will have anvnypodunily 10 mar plan be outlined by the centennial oommlllee POUCE COSIS IMPERIAL Thu Advnnvurl of Surnmouchl And RINII cl Lovn Innis Ooudcuwas in Item WESSIMML nwmumm oonoa ITiTiil mwirinï¬ï¬ii LAST TIMES TODAY JOHN FORDS Hunmhmhmlumhnmm uncutm mwmumm LAST TIMES TODAY DImnl humpfl Plan 01 Pam GARRY 0N JACK Adnnlml llld ley nn thl HIEH 5m Bany on San sail In Spanish on Insz lmuis mum lllls INNISFIL NOTES CounbifHearéiiman 01 NeyHighschool unul tho Idluunen mmluea hld xcpmted workmop meeting being spammed by Ihe mlglsterlnumrgmlo ware helium Four up llculln the commune nr decLsion Al bert Eises Prank Gamer Mel Brawnlnx and Garyey qll at whom have problemtwhidu mv er granting ol lands mostly In family wr relnuves PLANNING BOARD 1h phnnlhz board at meet ml held Mam 16 degll wllh norm dance received mm the mnlsmB In which he oul llgled the muster or aununl these nuthorlunq lo he IdJnst ment committee The plnnnlnl bound consists of George Bmon Allm vaan Mulhoh land Johnston Ind Reeve minanew David attended lH hadmhlp Week at Guelph in Ha ha compleded Grade II It Hlm School and in been very active In HI Club work having com melpd +H urieulmnl club Omksmwn Ira Ire budget was received by council Ind IL cepkd The dIaJnnan thI ï¬re mmmlflee Wile buckle was Absent State at Georgta mild east become wlnter lonrlst Ire they had seashore ln their mountalns ll ls them are many expenslve heme being built ln the mountalns when people come for lute portlou the year to get away from the elites are staying these law day with friends In mill town Just in loothtlls the mm which are part ol the federal park system 1m mad thrmlgh drum sometimes curve back an themselves But it delightful drlve with sprinz flowers blooman now David Foley of Mndoc will mpresent Ontario It the 35th National Hi Conference to be held In Washington April 15 to 30 the Extension Brandi oi the Ontario Department or Agricul Iur hat mnwncyd The lrlp LI mnnlnd and tin anced the Canadian Council on Clubs In cooperation wilh the pmvinues and the United Stnlu Dopartmmt ol Annlent SPRING Is HERE STARTS TOMORROW Fuluro TIMI 630 9l0 Hastirigs Youth Selected For Trip llyR Siam Tomorrow Evanan Show at 700 and 900 EIfoddfngpOIts on Federation Meet By GORDPN IDDD Directors of the Slmcon Com Xy Federluan Illendlnz ha menu at Zone the OJEA It Snelgmve 11 Feel County on April Included nay Rutheh ford lekeslonu Mrs vEul Panpl Elmvlle Ken Wllsun Singhumplnn President Wm Kell Churnhlll Dlvls Webb Budford John Hebgln mus 10$ mdfleurze hcksan Bnd Zone th Jndudcy low Under themew Amcullur Zone nfylhn om Include Rchlblllmlon Ind Devalopmcnt the counties oDuflcr£nPcIl3 Mt Ilmmenl 13 OM0 on Simm York nnd0nHI llrlo mill mEEMORE Stall The vanadian Cancer Socielycanrl pain not all mevmmd hen yesterday lmmilu when about 15 volunteer wotkers preparad Io an out am the dlslrlc 10 caged funds The campaign Is nm simultan eously with Colllngwood and er nearby cgntm that form part he Colhnzwood unit at in Ontario Cancer Society 111 units obledive $5000 he Mario division has net of 317000000 la Izarry on aancurJesnarch and misma during ma ensuing year nn Creernm quota $550 has al wagn1 been raised In previous an Funds nXsed through the cam paign will be used to save llvc thmuih education and to assist those who Ire sulferinx mm cancer and llnd the wise and umqu Bum ol cancer through useuvh Headina the Crecmom cam pawn group are MLs Dnrothy Smith and Rust McAnhnr the fun of Europa starts wlth muulcnl whammuawulla you on your EIIIOPI 670 lam lu mo Conllnonl Whal bull my 10 um your Euvopoln holldny Ihln wllh any Accordlan mulls ll wlll Ionnd an it you won almdy In Film 1m onlnly boom when you chock In Alr Clnldll Ipoclul EUIDpl 570 counter In In daplvlm lounnu youll b0 ground by llveiy Illllfll Ihn ulna cl Eulopl laynd by Eurapo 970 gullyd md Iccmdlonlll II evnn unhu you up mu Ilch m1 mm In your Eurapo 570 Ill The fun of Europe 870 starts with Continental air Johnéon JIdiiel Service oumor 51 omsnl qu Mom num Ha Messed um thu people lo hulnvnlved mustthink of whit Um need 01 It Ire which would be mus emu mll Ind 9ng ll ind tn pmlect thou no necoaurl hoplmwed eluded mun It wuwhllcd out 1me ILRJJJL projects hiya been gnvurnmenl Inmuud and Ioul people have ham ml feeling or In program FOR COMPLITI TMVIL AIMNQIAINTi CALL Modern Calclcril at onomy prim Sentry Box lmmze Entertainment Ind in It the Caplainl Table For your convenltncex During this month iron your wits to weekend at the Lord Simeon Hotel free Get her way from the drudgery of housework doing dishes and the kids You pay only the special single rate of $850 per nightfor double room The Lord Slmcoe Hotel Is convenientlf located at King and Univer ity Strg the subway Clone to al shopping and entertainment Pnona adzimqa FREEWEEKEND FOR YOUR WIFE AT THE0RD SIMCOE HOTEL AIR CANADA Killgd4 Injured 3591 In Ouebec Collision Win PEMBROKE OP i150 IA of For Cwlnnne nun was killed and our am an Injured onpcrlllully In ur lrlclor rtrailer collflslnn near wflham Qua Monay IILcrnoon Eéndan cruh occurred the Intersection highwnya Ind Wlllhlm 20 mile ffiff JOHNNYLOMBARPI PRESENTS TheKing Italian Songs115 Thll Iomllhlnu mom happeninany day you wont ll lol Fvom Apvll am on Air Cannon oxoluulvo now on lllohl loom Toronto lor Funco nd Gorc mnnymry dly II 335 pm Thlo Iprlna or Iummor plln In 00 Emma no lo lho hurl of Connth lor llmo of your IIM Tim now Io cull your TllVII Aoonlov Oman Cyan Blow 5L mu My mom mm mm uni 7101107me nussswunr ma Elflllfllfl VILLA And An All5mg iN AGRAND STAGE PRESENTATION MAPLE LEAF GARDENS SUNDAY APRIL 18 700 PM POPULAR PRICISI 15 32 $111 SI Tight lnhmiilun Plum Ll ML Name Addrm Prescnl Registration Desk for accorï¬modnllon or your wife any waekend II $850 per night speclll rm Valld April and May Only Tn woman killed bellaved tn have been passenger In tho car driven by Harvey Forlln 20 For Coulnnne died hnli In hnllr Iller the vm Idmlued lo Nahroke General Ho lm Mr Forlln in In OlpWI hasplm In critical mdnlon yllh Imlured pelle Ind on nunheul ol hemand iron my north nl leg Thu transport driver Jun Lakenlm For Coulonxo vns nolhurL 43 aft 31