Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Apr 1965, p. 1

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Montreal Robbery Tops $1000000 ihrmuh Ibo ml arm will Tales mum minim wy mkin all WM lun mp Official Reported Sth BY Red Captors In Inmuuuu ufnm IM we nu m1 ulrm mum In Ibo mote wall 11 the mm In Ihu nlll themelm luck Man JIM lher arm In Aug alfinmfififi with Fill ulm ndmk and the South Wenan manager lunar Vietnamese may Inga expcrlmenl Manon 1he v3 spokesman sold In dependent eyewllnum hfld poficq his death Smlnlcndem mudary ldmll Rummy mum thn accommodllkm would in fludo mm mmle mm vm dullan moml om Indul lrlul dmnbtry room one mn thlno Amp om ohdrlulfkb lrnnlcl than two home my nmlu room or load Ind luv lnx In lcknm room ID that room um lyglM moml one Mkkocplnfl wu lymllwm om ulelcrln llymv luldance nUlm And mvlm ml include report that Gnlnxer wwambd dial with Illa US Iconomlcuslalam ml filon Phil ch province 130 miles northwest 41 Saigon was flat and killed by ammu nm captors Ins Jan all hussnmmm am nmlul lhlrd mllcgialu will be Fun In mnmdnlo about 1000 mm hfllally Ind Met 21 panded lo mucky 1600 ac cordan the building MIR no Rpmt lubmlucd ll tho 11mh Ila Dlilfld Collegian Board mwlinx lu evenlm moellnl ha been held with an lmhlltdl Pmurmd Baker when and Hex concernlnz In construction of 1° lhlrd wiles lulu on thirteen and hall um ll lho comer of Nelson mg wmomxo um MONHUAI 01 Ivlkv ollkvrn Inwmullnu in NM Idln 600 My how 015 uy mm bank In naxlhvml Ilonltul My It wlll norm hm lo downturn um and noun bul llul II In an mm Mn No00 Weflcqubnwl Ullwa huh IMO nun mlhlnlm mm llnnk branch nl the Vnn om tlumvln an Ind trwlud Man mu Mumn tool Um le unlll hey my Mm Iho lunk wule SAIGON CF us and South Vlenamese plane bombed North Viet Nam again an ham alter laxmm mor In kflled 32 pcan in uh tacksrnear the mrthern border mna uxvhu ma arm1m Ill dlulmd mu vnluui Al mo pom4M unmg holy IN VIET NAM New Collegiate capacity 1600 Nation Soda fledltlud er Robert Thompson lam last mm In gllhmng of more 300 in Ban1e during Martin lender it ill gpgkumq relayed In hb nlr waf mvén Vlehn meHometown Dani Newspaper For Barrie and Distrlct ROBERT THOMPSON SPEAKS IN BARBIE ieICCIJIPCOIJ rating peace cnvvy Gordon Wlflwr tad11w pressed deap disappolnlmcn mm the Muse china and North VIeINnm to Illaw hlm into their countries In dlsmu Boulbh solution to the Saw 13¢ NgunuLyls Ann consullaLion wilh depart ment educnllon personnel conA lldcruuon being film to conthan the new mlchlala wlUI rcduud window spam or perhaps without wmdowl II was pointed on that window In classrooms muka poulbla living on mum mu Smm membcrl at the bowl and lho mflcdnlmdent Human wl be yumtlmz 9th school in him on Wednesday bulldlnx oommlllco Vmpofl mutated cmlcllm data or he now mllrglnle In Idvnnca Mr 1001 In order In mo lorall ponibla conUnc Hon rrnnl 11m udder vocnllonnl mlllco monummlcd lho armrov al Im equlpmtnl WM $31m or he mmmcrdal d¢ purimml North Collegiate mommch wm may lum of $7001 for the glrh uccupallom 113730 or Mud mom and warm nlr head Ind 7904 or drnlflnl mm Air Force Skyraldcn bombed and destmyed the Thanh Yen bridge In North Viol Nam 70 mile north he South Vietnamese border Inday South Vietnamese mkesman announced WILL TAKE TIME innln hour and 1mm Alum lyllflfl an unknown mnlrnlu lmm mn It will lnkn um Him MN ellwr what ha hwpml Ila ml mil unpmlmr lnr Ihu Norl llmhn Montreal hrmdm ht In almllnr mm In mm mm tumu IN mu rm nluclnul la mm locum lu IkKflM ler 1mm lnmfln ml lmllcnlnl IM wunllh mny not lum bun flecllml fur by my mm Mm lmflnl lM Mm um IIIch mm by Um rm nl In ml nlnq all 11w MI mull VI Mm yd Iny llnn harm pm MM m1 Mmdny morning Hm liter HI LN Ihlovu Janina out hanku mu no Irwrllwa on mlcly liq0d Inch bonqu 1011 know him In lhrm meeting mm by Soued orzanizallon cl North Simone and Bulletin Slmcop He is mm above with Willard Kimie titre Boned candian hire mnhq Inumancd belle Gordon Walker Disappointed At Chinese Viet NamBeiusal mum ant 13mm paslklons The number of Amerch plnnu on up nldvm not dlsdosed Indlindlng hip 10 lhc Far Eu Gordon Walker former lonxgn secretary laid press conforms It Is In no onea In Ierest to am mix war and mm In the end an honorable eompwmlu must be mm Gordon Walker uld that nI lbough he had mtived db murawlng miles mm Peking and Hanoi Mnclhcleal am leaving time In my lllnmry or vlslh lo bolh lhm cupllnll Ind have In vlslt lhcm eiflmr now or lulu ber 01 us Mi Foréefilanes mmpanied the South Viewa mesq plmeganq Illqckvd Com under€16 pressure ol the 17 noan main poking dJmnsfiq Vic law with him Gtmion Walker said he liill is going hoping that the hle and the Noflh Vietnamese will change ihcir mind below his trip in ovcr YIIAWA Wichcrnl lax cull la mule Mn And hep um my melna bclnl wide lament for the II fqudjlnm nlllgr urdon In dellvtr Io tho Cmvmnu The Han mlnlkr un nounml lho budgel dala Mon day ho labial pmmdul Ihllo paper lbll Conlllned mm cm In Mum Mick my 3011000 or mud lhcnl your mum will In oflxlnnl low In Nu 11m ml yep mil Hardy In 911 Dismiulnz my suggestion yt VIIIIldlfidfllfl Mp dimly Wednesday has been made In glgby noyxmly Ignol pnd On the eve his tnwmk Lugring 1o lhq win In réunniiu 71313 WKMW um MM Jdmnlun killed Rummy mm lilac Lino ml in OHM Tmmln CAYUGA 0M WW MAI ll wnl IMJawul Mich nlnto In Ind Mr Gonlun th Il mnom CW wlhlul mum 11 mmle MVMMMWIIII mwny nhml mmlion today at Ila mm ml Incl SM to Winnl We plant The rump MM lem Ian In Due MM mind nawnlom NEW DELHI llluflrrll lrlme IllnHrr LII lLbhudlIr Hull In my lwdny nlfidnl ka lo Chanda the and Mu ll us unnamed today The Mm lendsr will mm In Cud MI and lhu mum day will have lnllu wllh Mum Mlnlmr Irnmn Federal Tax Cuts Forecast In Budget Man Charged Following Accident In the lasuéderal election and Fed Janniw 1sz Yohng Soda ACredVIlV Associa um Emm Photo Prcjslaénl 1h 6an Wildcat Strike Hit IohnsManvillo Prime Ministm Shaslri To Visit Canada 5ka 1d mm LATE NEWS MacDonald raid that IBerguuer PoriArihur restaurant operator was denied iiquar iicenm because in re used in mntrubute to the Con servalivo party and intmdnced ielter from Miner Minister George Wardmpe in win Lab 10mm GPYNDP leader Donald Mlcdonlld charged Monday that contri butlnn to Oonservaflve party lunds requirement or an Ontario liquor licence but drew gunk denim from cabinet min ter Mr Ward who mare scnu Port ur in llle legis lature later Issued fitment denying that he or amne can pany had ever approached Mr Bergnucr or cnnlnbullnn dalming Mr MacDonald had made typically unwarranted allggaum pn lhioihinilon came Mn wane tho bond when But on Jan Mr Bernuer rabived Icller mm Mr nmwna nylnl MI mllcallon llcenco had been tumed 1w Mr Bergman The Hear01d HP or Ville nmnc who has had dishch or some yenrl was udmlued lo gmpllal overnight or dumm on SEE TOLL GATE The malur wu mixed In the legislatures annulus commit lee on government commission by the New Democrallc Pnly in hll purllnmenlury omen lulu Monday aflcmoon Ind wnl lnkcn lo hospual In nearby Hull Qua by unbullncc doctor hm xnld MI wndllion was not xerbu but he wu very tired mun He acknowlednd that he mole to Mr Banner Dec 1983 and old him the liquor li me New 90 hi neg is WAWA 101 Creditixlc Ludor Ilqu Cagmeue so Insgd lrmnllm pmdndnz nur bnlnnocd budget In due IMHO llunl ymr or mnnlnl nmuur deflcl In onior help kw um economy mum Mr Gardonl budkd II ml Iar Inodm 11 bul nub uldlel the Commons ondny In limo mu Ihm IA Itlll In Appraan mount ol duymm Ind km lhnl mu human In gum Ielnl Iddcd Ike Mmln m6 nix inn thnk mm MI lho um when on would main or In end glance Aid iRiequfirement For LiCéhcengDP Caouetie Ill Collapses In Office Tornado T011 2481 Surly Onrqué Cand1 may Avam mum Ill um lmmumtm TundiygAprll 13196 Mr MauDonald questioned Judge Robb chairman the liquor llcenuebuard on he Impulor the relusaloLMr Banana1 appUcallnn Then in pmduced the correspondence 1mm Mr Wudrope Mr MacDonald contended that Mr Bergauer had been turned down beam his re ual contribute the Ooh ervative party leader He charged that can iribnilon in the Conservative pariy is lilo oil gate through which liquor licence il ob hined in Ontario Mr Wardmpe leamed of thc Illenlionn late 1n Una day when he returned lo his omu aflor testllyinz before ha Windlnll myal commisslon Inqulrg He gpmmngq reporter lo summoned reporter lo hi Ice Ind landed them III men which be laid in bad flu ha would make no pn dldlon Monday nboul lho In tho deficitor unplughe upccu he end of the Nb rent heal your ml Mde Thu omIt will be In hll buck Rd Win while nper In the 20mm he 01 ropoden ll wu very good yrnr in all hduslflfl In gll gloomqu 999mm Ho old mpaflm he had un der csflmnlcd the growth of flu Mummy and buoyancy ol led ml tovemmenl Iwcnuu 1m year Ms L1 Ihu kind or under mllmnllon ha doc not Ind cm harrmlng he lflld nm dolldl or the you tndcd Hard 31 was the Iowa llncc in mm 15 his ma inst lprlnx Mn Comm had lorocnsl done WWVW RESERVE PREDICHON WAWA CHList sprint lederal budget deficit 011919 moon wu wt by mapping pg my lg mowan me im heal year Eth Minister Gm ported Mm ahdnm 11 part oi um own try mmooorhefléltflln 196m Ind name NILLn mm of gunnan as hymns rmlJmm lm ommhllc aboul the month ahead Ind be you Wad well 16 hutterm Inluru 01 Candi ho lold rr FEEBUDGET PAPER After labling his Erehuder docs he while paper Growth Gdrflaoh diamted mm and hTe never Ihulhered In reply to IL was Hm insulted hnlha Wald suggestthat filivjoualy rqlglntergyeea wlm mlaleuer reference to lho beam on Bernugra bahll but amid his hind at the um upmlor am receivlnz njlellurlirum hlm lch nld In part lcanle helplnd have begler Incqme would be able In uld he phuned the former president the Port Arlhur Conservative Ansocla Hun Arthur Shuwchuk to learn wnelher MrBerlauuud over keen amamedxgmybauuol he par or Idanalion Shaw nld he had not mean In lhe man In the street ha wan nskcd mm the llnamu the Moral government In mdcr comm om mln Ind lho hm nl ma mquy 11 bclnl prruy well mpgth 1h economy 1m yur urged forward lo much miller km Hum lh lowsth and rivaled The gross MHonnl mdud for he calandnr yen IBMn mum mo of the be 11 tooth And urvlm producedmu 19 per cent avcr In 10130000013 It ml the blunt in ulna WA FINANCE MINISTER GdflboN CHICAGO AP The mld western United Stale WI mu counting dead May an the Palm Sunday Iornadoes claimed their my victim Many more are missing In the allMen nlx llntp ma mm 0m nld least 5000 persons were Injured In complete estimate listed darn Bze at $231000W Official In Indlm when 141 mm were buttered Io dulh mic ofv lwlslers mn Mly combed througI debris in fields homes and business In pun1lqr more vfidlm think Wgll ind more bodies predlmd Sher yooqy Catqn 01511mm SEVEN KILLED Seven person were kukd in limb End thyeojn flhmnxln Mucw nuwuaul listado seriously injured In Iowa Armor but no dellhl wen fled there nape The cleanup operation Wm filmed by we thorium dlflflfld oammuxflcauon nyl lerm himn kewn wflh db mum In many places huvy $3 LL pol WI Manx3w with PSEP County but The tornadoes claimed 66 vlcttml in tho county Li at them within one sqgarg mile Similar auxch coupled with vast cleanup werlllona tack place In Ohio and Mich nn whm be am Sunday 1wan clllOd 53 and deathl respectively My mum Iyfim mid Loopergte Tho Iornndoee $undIy first war lighted 1n lmlnd then moved to the east Increale wuh Intensity with every mm mmku In Inca In Paul when the ML Ihulwl but been urnmed lawn dlku th Mach ml the rim Ilaflui to flu 5hrme Hominy when Ice Jam 50 ST PAUL Minn AP Ice Jams on tributaries Ind Von the Mlumml River north of the Mn mm of St Fluid and Min neapolis began crumblan day mlmulnx ndcd wa land on 130d ucflm of dam Mlnnocou The Mlmm loading whlch has made more than 20 000 bomdm and mud mom Dun 0000300 mu was cmocicd lo Momma more wide lpmmd nam wm ll Immm dtnd In Mlnnmu Ill by dmwnlng went young worker on dike Al moth 54 PM was be lieved In have been mp may by Hoodlnl Mlululwl Monday and mu LI mllllnz Ruin wu uncut later In the day for southern Mlnnm Expect Minnesota Flooding ToIncrease As Ice Breaks Up MidWestem US Residents Silt Debris PorMore Victims Na Moi01h la in quyifl Icreaxlnx mum in la ffioleiflm mike ml dead 173 anumd mid Q0 peat In L1 bosplul Manly cloudy Ind windy today Sunny and milder tomonw 147w tonight 29 HI Wednudly 52 Cormlelo wmary on some mas that official nld was Impossible 10 minute damauz Elkhm 1M ofliclnl placed the tornado cost $10000W $150000000 Ohlo WHOM damazorat $50000000 Michigan momma Illinois mom Mg mug Wisconslq at $5000000 barrage of Inmdoe ms the worst dluster Jn Indium 115017 Some Muhwnyu remind blanked so ham Alter lam does ripped three wide mm lhmlgh the neutral and Myth erg gammy Indiana alaso to Folrub can to be uld one wee reporter who din ma NJVIWM flusslavilla In fled the mum luumun Battered bodies many In night dolhlnl Picked mm up in high Ichool mum Hum and mm Algal glibfin Imam GP 01 If fwflmm 3M1 We um drivln neu m1 wben undo In 1166 camp pemm In In Wm Ohio when more an won mud and lap lwlmlgi the In mulch 1611 to no ml northward bun hmkmm EXPECT BIO REE 100 rim nloud 15 217 feel cm Iadny Ind civil deluxe ol llclall estlmalcd It would the In nlmkbynoontndayutst Paul It it expected Io ms ll fl lo 175 m1 Pdday un der Ibo lop the dike She Dou Iklln require any pardudnr mike Inn Ila No nmlca nr Mm HHJIMEHMI and II lhc Heavy We was florid yak keyed 0mm Thouunda of volunteer ohmi with nnUanll mammal nnd cl warlor to albumin 1de HERES ONE Exrim Mo

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