Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Apr 1965, p. 7

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shn play In lhn undlons the rinmh nro Mdn and vnricd 1w week 10 M11 Adnms Imk part In Hm Spying Gnrdtn Fudulnn Show nnd la lllld II he dulrdl In lhll evml rnllnl rm lo model lull and um 01 her mm wwlnx mnllnm an urll mulymndn tnscmhlcu MIMI IMMMIIU In Im1hr Fat1 Amman mm nu Km And It L1 lillJo under sintc the ncllvu wuman invalm her It In many chmm nrllvltlu us wcll olhor nrganlmuons in the clly Allhouxh sh ulck to mnmk Um hrr dulles lhln the church nm at prlmo Import unco and will nlwnyl mmc um She IIul hernmo lnvnlml ln her rule In modcl quluy Imrb peclnlly hm nu livrnlna Ir 1th he WA lwlll lbl Hut Sprlnu Hunncl Trn nml slnm ball In her Mrnknm Hm bo rnme IJNN lnvulvul mansc ls descrle In 0x ford dictionary as being Illa Scottish Presbficrian minisxers house However the muse at 85 Worslcy SL 15 mm than Just house is llome jusl one more day In lho Itislnllfcd riunme um tho couple bolh eany mman and bun with people and In fact they bolh enjoy rmydny llvlnu murdch ol uhnl the day mlxhl brlnu Sowlimo Mrs Adams 1M1 than Just arml enough hnurl In Um day nIkn Ms hm um um cck warm and lrlnndly welcome alu callers whcn the door LI opcncd by Mrs Russ Adams wlln of lhe mlnlslcr at 51 An druwu Presbytcrlnn Church no Interior ma lovely old ml brick home rcflecl the taslcs and the warm personalities lls occupants rm lnleml In 1mm Ara in her role wlfc mln ister Mrs Adnms ktpl ex tremely busy but says Our homa always upon Buy one wishes mm we are av Iflnblc Mm Adam tics in every my possible lo help her hus bmd She like to make pcoplu ml more home whnn may call and she hope she help malo to he husband Mn lulmm admit N10 mn madd hall rummue Mln Dul mmmnn min In my me NIH rhupfu prnrdl1h Th9 Presbylerlan church min hm nnd hls wilu have been Ildml Darrin or our years and 1nd Battle ll msklcnls and lhc pcoplc or the parish lhe lricndllest they have met any whom cant think any mhcr roll in It would be happkr 1n um mm of mlnlslcrs wile And had my life to live over would wulnly wunl to live It In the 5am way Am naw tald the sonspoken woman ENJOY PEOPLE Wouldnt Change Life Role Says Wife Of Barrie Minister our or MRS AnAms fa vorile onus of relaxation reading aluamh both sh By EILEEN DIXON Enmlncr Vomenn mm ALLANDALF nauos co no FREE DELIVERY During her our year In the city flu outgolng woman has served on the cucuflvo or the Barrio Presbylcml the W0 menl Missionary Society he Pmsbylerlln Munh She has worked her way up lhrouxh the various 0mm lo the post shu now hold In VICeprcsld em She has also held varloua al llcea In ma Barrie Unlvcrsly Womens Club and Is now on II Scholarshlp commluu Mrs Adams was sludylng promod lllclllaslcr Unlvcrsily when she met her husband She graduated with Bachelvr of Am dram In bIoIoKy IInl belorc went back In Unlvcrslly had al lcndcd Teachera Collccc and had laugh school to mm on uuah money to lurlhar my educ nllon Mrs Adams sald AUXILIARY IOSI Ihls yonr she was Installed as lmldml Iha llospllal lux lllnry post whim she cIllma ls loss dcmandlnl lhln ll wands The mmmlllm head nl lhe Auxlllnry are well manned that ovcrylhlna just all In plan do mend lol ol llmo an nhonc lbough uhlch lonl mind al all SM also and time In call on shutins oi the parish Ind dc Vales two hour week to her correspondence Being thought ml by nature she keeps in louoh with people Um parish who are confined lonely or bereav ed and Men In write 10 or note week Belem coming to Dnrrln he Adams lived in For gus Sherbrooke Quebec Owen Sound and Samln and so through lhe yam her Ilsg of correspond ents has grown and grown Although Mn Adams longer directly lnvnlvul In the Imrrlo Brnnrh Hue Canadian Mmlnl calm Amlnllon she was mu lho Kroup 01 um vnlunlmn who vlsilcd Oak ludi umhllwnmtmbcrollhe was baka sales church ban quota and maeungs just to mamalow UNOFFICIAL DUTIES andherh and also enjoy laylnz the Iammond organ um an evening burnt Examine Photo DAFFODIL TEA TUESDAY APRIl I3TII 230 pm In pm AT 234 SHANTY BAY ROAD BARRIE BY THE KIND INVITATION 0F MRS EMERY BARRIE AND DISTRICT UNIT CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Like any other mlnislarl wile Mun Adams can be seen scaled umnx he mKrchon on Sun dny morning nuover adding dlflcren touch Illa the urvlce she has her place with her huthd mung members the congregation Her minus man ner whlch Immcdlnldy put people ll case no doubt ex EMAan why In Ilne on he lido nl ny slnwnr em wu also runs or honor In Iflernm lu held by mew hen of the Hammond own cum men It thu oven was Mn Rcbm shank of RR paLduer win the CPR in th Um ion Station Mr Ind Mn Adlms hosts on many muons throughout the you They mlmnln com mittee meetings executive mael lnn Ind annual meeting varlous church ormluuons All 01 whom accept and enjoy Una hospimlly shown by lha couple In dllcuulna Mr Icllve Illa and lha contribullon uhe make lo nodely Ind la lho communlly Mu Adams bad Just on com mrnl la man In so much W091 lnglvg Inn Man would appear to he an nlrendy packed Ilznda lhe energetic woman finds lime to sew mom of her mm wardrohe loves to bake and admin hav blmn biasedme keen lhumh so of course when an warmer wouher mus mm Mn Adam wlll no doubt find time or unis1mg loo She thth belnu good home nqu one at Ihu Im pomnt dude and mm de light hn man than he Aroma freshly homemad apple pie right mm the 0ch when son Dnvld Mm la was At home n04th pleased luv more than lo whlp up balm flood lns I031 David and hls MendL Daild Kim married and liv1 In In Mule when he ls sutfistlcal do VChlel DI loolnole ml domand lnzllsl ol actlvlllea Mrs Adam Enlennlnlnl one njay most mu To cifo Quoting Has lunlllnr melody um ruman up her collnn In Ill wny all slch munllnu my blminz by hefdemgdg rs 10 ac the home 01 Mrs Orvnl mk son Cull Drlve Guest In duéed Mn Jud Pollock Mrs Harry Lowe Mrs Jed Fowler Ellis Mrs Paul Walsh Mrs Epplml Mg Nhgn Mr Campbell wan member of lb Blrrle Ranry th and Mn Campbell held execuuvo posu wlm the lelu Sudan the Banlo Gall Ind Counlry cm And the BIIHI Curllnz 0M She has I130 erved II presldenl ol Slxux Blrrlu 0M and Seoul Mothers Auxiliary whlln ho elly Bayvlew Guaan 105 om 1113 Easlern sur PEOPLE AN PLACES Farewell parties have beenheld In honor of Mr and mm R1clmdchk Clmpbelirrlor to their depndum on Wednesday Since ng resid ence on Tomnto Street three yam Ago and Mrs Campbell have taken an active pm in the life ofthe community Mr Campbell who was manager of Eastern Canadas largest Woolworth store was recently promoted and transferred to tha Waterloo store where ha has assumed the dunesotlDlslrld Mm nger The couple enioyed curling and golfing as well taking pm In ocal organizations Barrie Couple ISjVHmorédf At SéVerctlderéWell Parties Mr and Mn Robert Hunk Coder St cummud the muple II dinntr pmy at Min unu Gunlens Dunlap West 1hey wen also guest hon or at mud dinner party lhe Onlulo club lomlo Hm wen MrJnd Mnl Bell and Mr and 31ml Em ery of Burl19 Mr Ind Mn WWW Also he mm honor Al din ner party hoslad Mu ltlbblo hu sum deuce on Sunday Gml wlll Include Mr Ind Mm Dan Em ery Mr And Mn Robert Am slmng Mr and Mrs VIHI Mr and Mn Robert mulley Mr and Mn mm Hnuk Mr and Mn Ah lumen and Mn Cox Although the Gumbel wlll lake up mldence RR WI lerloo on chnesdny they hlvo no lnlentlon of severan lo wllh Bmle blends They wlll be lelvlnx Lhelr rulu xhlp the Lelroy Yacht Club and belt plans or the lummer Include lcmlslnz on the blue utter ol cmpenlgll Buy and Lake Sim HOME FROM DMDA Mr and Mn Cecil KempeMeIt hm hm nutm ed lo the clly 0110M three months hole Della Hor ldn1he mp1 travelled vi motor llln wllh her mndpnrenls Mr Ind Mn Wall heron SL ll Mlsl Olmmm oi Eloblooke uwcmzmmo Aprll meeting of the Bar rle Unlvcnlly Women Club will be held In tho In mom Cenml Collezhu on April ll pm There wlll be panel dbclmlon remulna nnm M55 ll mod lmpofl nnl lllal all membm sand to gamble Io vole on varlws mo ons Gulh Unlltd Dutch when um dwmar muy Mnldu duth try luv Funk Jen nlnu Auendlnl the dam Indy um the Mu Mhu mlldm Bum On And Andy Mr And Mn Gordon Bum Mn mum Iowan Stmd Andy mn lholomcw Ind Mn Walktr Cald YOUNG VISINR GALA REUNION The Corn ol Royal Curdim Dmineen wlll hold Iu mull reunlon and dance In Fm York Ammurxilrmnlo ta my 11 Hun Sewer an their wlm Iceman And luau hive been invfled lo ll land Ith In Alfnlr Dnndn will be In ha Pen Sohofleld Collczlans HM loploco or chum CMRISTENING PARTY damnulna wu held the Pom and Mn Shanty My 01 Drum Mrs Jack Mlle son Sm Mn Wlllllm Lowe Mrs Hooey Mrs mm Kirk Mn Funk Mllls Mn Alla Hood Mn Rob on Hank Mn Wny Mn Alvin 1mm 94 MILL human WHEN snovrmo nowquN 2mm ASK ms SALESlAQIIS ron voun lUleYv DRAW mm mm mom INmguM qwsn sues noon 3411019985 wcxv unisswmwm 35mm may LADIES Its Raining Pretty Styles YOUNG MISS NEW LOW CREDIT TERMS $500 per month wlll purchnu $10000 No down plymonl rlqulrud your Icccunv wlll In opened wllhln mlnum Tako advmm now of Ihn mw 0mm Tu purthau your Eulor Oldl LITTLE GIRLS well GulMIeMrand Mrs Bill Clark Ind way Mr and Mn Joe Mama IM Mr and Mrs Roulux Mr and Mn Robert Gown Ind family Mr Ind Mrs Ivan Bouncy Ind Brl an Mr Ind Mn Golden Wlllhl an unlly Ind Mn Ronald or just on Sammy wwwm Mlorl fiance 3° um lites MW Nlmn no op 51 EgfiéfléFmagflfivfiékbgéfioé°€o°3$ 1m on 32 ind Wang amuWwfiwfifiwmwawmfiiaflww wwmmqvbmfiw gammmmwkflmm MWFW Populn mm In IM or wine tho unl Poi ml count link onl Dd ubrown or hue dm to 103 8900 on LlTfltllNOlllzgdoild ELLERS L99 88 night 111 Many Hull Blah SL wenslu doors at oclock nu avenlng or lllo younger set TIw Odd Fellows Hall on Col ller Street also pmvldes Imlsla Ln dance by Outsldu the my the Plnecresy located nan Mlneslna laopen lo ewle only abate style out Gulluda wary the BellAlt Orchestra will appear at the Ghlhrle Communlly Hall An arrangement of spring ml or Inciudlnfi pink snapdrugons his and wind decorated the to table at the business nint ing he local association oi the Federation of Wommireach erl Association Loéal FWTAO Discuss Business 60 asymfiwgfifléfi ifi 93 we °€3°£ 6D $4 onlblo WWW W2 WW9 neck um BMnbol minted slug youno Mtg nlnoramno iiéckm Vuémfll WWW fiVYIky EXAMINER SATURDAY APRIL in i9 ductféi by Mr Alan MacDonalg pres em Intensth reports the February conference entitled IIntlo Now Era held At the WBtbury Hotel Toronto were given by delegates Mrs Law and Mrs Velma Walker wk Immunccd Ihat the spring assembly for Region FlvM will be held In Sudbury The unmask session was com EYECATCHING ASSORTMENTI Sums the Sign ol wring never More so pretty Eraldod sham lcxlurcd straws dvmy Shaped In the seasons dyiccsl mnflom bevy oi slylcs Ln sparkling Mme and vvid sprung lone Youll look Ehtranclng In YourEasier BonneI LADIIS CANADIAN MIST Illwcallmr mu 1mm hmquarter lrngm pm pockcu Brownbeige navybone 51ch 10 In 20 wood and Mm Hay Ramsay on Conference on Program 1n mum held In Mom The business meeting was held Prince Wales School and unwind by stair members Mn Sunday repomd filmy sgngnm 1mm in Colllng gnM9y Jo gaggalesrwlll Include Mrs Law Mrs filling 5nd Miss Swnlm 99 t$¥43

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