vlul In in mm In my um 04 in mm mgxwjym Ilrmnmlul or me Mme mlrul mI lllnkc Fny III hum Mm luff rlmm wllh In vlamnzn mulrr 70 Am rnum Illdmhanre hy Ihmllllll mul nrmlul Vllllnm Tllnnm Tmunu 10 III Nrw Ilth um xt nlnmlrd or IM wrrh nn NH Irvnunhanm He II rhan ld MlllI IIH WIth nn MIrrll Whymmuumm Eryflvï¬mmorom lmurnrr Umrr llnlurlnu In Slmhmm Avr mum vln ullly In rlImLr nl Jny VIII 1le and Mn lrmmulnl Axufl 11 lnr unlrncmz Munizlrnm err Irquulnl pxrmflrnw pull Ila lrrml Ixml hrIpNI In HIK Um Iislnl Illln vl Mull incillrnll rrrvlumly hul Um hmer wninnum nunin ul lllc duncu hnll lu Anlll sunning ran be In unru Iiw unxllmr MI MN nurrla you mind rslrlday In My Mrnlrs rnllll KNIth Jan Murmw l1 Wm lined 371 ml £1 rush or mulnul dnhnhunru hy Hmullnu nml numrinu 1m IN nulxldo lhu Tnlllrr SUN lmll He plrudrll willy rnun Allmmy lnlm Murphy murd llu umrl In minme rnmhlcr Juil mm In krm 0w nrrrln In unler Hr nulml ml prnhlnm llll Hauling In arlw In um mm MCrown Allomcy John Murphy youghl an mgbanrd motor mud ngellsv Of Watch EDn Barrie Plant Cpl Huh he wnllcd Tnylnrl cnr tnlcr flue West Ham yard in Hue Nuly Imnrx March 25 Vhrn the cur lcfl Cour yc Irdny Hut he wasnt prepar 41L furha Acckcnd cruise Follmï¬ng Itsllmnny by police Com Frank Mum and Alan ncDonnId asslslanl rcsldcn nancr West Bond Can Ihc ruse wns munumcd llr Taylor as rclcasrd on Ms rccogniznncc In April 19 He aIsu charged ullh pusscss ion 01m mods Sweats Outside Dance Hall Youth Is Fined $75 Costs The Items were la the me invnlvlnu Robert Taylor IL or Sanlord Slrccl Mr Taylor Headed not guilty to lhr charge of goods over 550 GROVE ST EAST OF ST VINCENT NEAR MAPLE GROVE SCHOOL ONLY NARROW BANK SEPARATES WATER AND SIDEWALK SPRING THAW mums DANGER Tocmtnnm Inul vnynu traulml no Man Ild Mu rrmamlcd In April MI thaxxc III nrle rnhhrry William Ilnmn ZLo Shnnly IHI MI Hnnl XIII and cml or impalml IIIIVIHK Mr MmDonahl said he as mrkld hls car on hal nlxhl In watch the yard Hc sald he rccognizrd Taylors car as 11 MM lnlo yard dlsnppcnrtd around cornerv hen ronppcnr rd and In lhc 1m Crnsusxam InflUon by dthnce counsel Cockhurn will lcud M1 the vase an April Mri raylor was Vrl fluid rmplnyu lhc llme UN ul lucd nurncc In the car were eight boxes at good and an outboard mblor he said Ht 115de Mr Taylor lo drive Ihc police slnllnn Mr MnrDonnld was called to him lin lhe good and the charge was subscqucnlly laid he allowed in his cruiscr and sopp£d the curlnl Timn Slrccl any Dymcnl Road he said 1m ECONOMICAL Mutual INSURANCE Complny Head Ollica Kllchoncr slabllnhed 1571 Everyone wan Ec0nomlcal Over 1300 Indepundent lnlmanco ngcnls mpwsenl nnd sowlce Economlcnl policy lmldm acmsn Canada Siloqu Fast all claims smlcu Low mmnium Reliable All Canadian Ask For Protect your xarmrnla again heal rxmaivc drynm moth nnd mlldcw Ulll aummcr Our nunlcm ndlllics provldc incl rlcnnlnu and um Mornne for ulnlrr vmr blnnkou nml llrnp rrlrs Call us May for prompl mvlcc WAGGS LAUNDRY IN CLEANING Unpmflan hL 71H directed by Miss Mary Vasc and features Jim Velcher the organ Solulsls are Brucn Owcm John Kcrr Jack Hoppin slon 1km Elshop Alnn Orton Percy Slewarl and Joe OMII The Cnmilxmn by Slr Jana Smincr one of the best known Lcnlcn annulus will be ptcstnl ed Trlnily Angllcnn Church on Pnlm Sunday April 111 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS HIUNE 7282114 Lenten Cantata To Be Presented Our sammor stovago fills the bill lmmance MIL Pierre ls inlcrcslcd In flower arrangcmcnls linlshlng driftwood and painting Shn has completed years ceramic course at Central Technical Col lege In Toronto and taught shell mu Chnlham Mrs Mary Watson of Emma wlll leach arts and trail al Sim coc Manor Berton Shr will be assisled Igy Mu Edith Baker Mrs Watsonflls gradualé ol lhc Onlnrlu Callous 01 Art Three person have been hired by Simcoe Counly Communiiy Recreation Service to canduc handicraft classes at scnlor cil lzens home In the cuunly Mrs Clarn Plum of Barrie will teach handkrafl to the member of Georgian Manor home or senior citizens Pam claim or two hours wuck few bolllng owl were allur cd or 35 lb Polalaca 75 basket $175 but $400 bag Turnlps So each qnlnn sue basket carrot 156 pkg sage 10c horseradish sue Sat hm Icllsh 35¢ lar good assort ment home baking Included brnn mullins bread 25¢ leaf Hal Cross Bun 3°C for ll doz Meal plcs 20¢ each lemon and apple plcs We each Dale loav es 50¢ each cooklns 35c duz Handicraft brnidcd rugs $3 each knlllcd baby sets and pmall sweaters $350 Will Conduct Handicrafts Whueflsh and maplezsyrup iénppcamd as the Farm ers Market this morning wt Whfleflsh sellinzflor We lb maple syrup $175 Apple scare and brouth 75¢ basket Sm my Palm Flu llnmllal OPP You am rse he Jurist noted Magistrate Foster said he had glanned la scndPolrler to 1211 since the delendanl had spent week in Jail walking or lrlal he reduced the gcnlcnce $60 plus 1069 cpsls1 For ighting Lloyd Polricr21 Angus who admitted hv has been bgrrgd 1mm Barrio dance hallswas lip ed yesterday In Barrie Court or crtallng disturbance In Embassy Dance HalL pIc2d ednlullly £9 lighting mwanorney John Murphy stated the accused man had also caused dlmcully Qt lhu pollcu lwhen lheyallemplcd Io nrfesl Saleé Brisk At Market 1n BARRIE EXAMINER FIVUDAY APRIL 1365 EMERGENCY NUMBERS CALEDONIA Tuesday April lathNo scaling Afterzi830 Until Intefmissiqn BARRIE CENTRAL Ollï¬GlAIE AUDITORIUMTJY Returning for Ihird AmericanCanadian Tour 7215551 72 738353 1331 looking for key Grunt opened the door Cpl Vingcr sald Grant said he rn cnld and looklng or shrlln He had left hl lrnvclling alarm by bud In lhn cmply oculuu uwr cums lo the hird floor and try his door and then go into another room Mr Ahbofl said he called pol Ice mm the second floor cle phonc nnd hm Corporal George Winner and Cunsl Rnn Plcknrd arrivcd the flue went la lllo third noon was In his apartment on the third floor of an own Slrccl nmce building on Jan when he heard someone use lhc wash room onlhc sgcand floor climb van KB Mr Murphy called for ncn ally whlch would make Grant refrain from lorclng hl allcn llans on wifc Grant was remanded In April 15 on charge of unlawfully prowllnx by nlghl Maglalraln Foster rgsgrylng jqu cm ML Murphy noted ihaLGrAn had had previous conviction involving an attack on his wile ile slated um Mrs Grunt who is separated from her husband lives in apprehension oi his ac lions PQEVIOUS CASE The accused plunded guiliy lo the Doc oflencc VCrown Al lorncy John Murphy said Grant was talking in his win Wilhem ma through me partially opened window on the passenger side when he lore the window apart with his hands Magistrate Foflcr order ed Grant pay Ban Schotanus $973 for mu window In default of payment by April 26 Grant will have to go to Jail for 15 days John Wayne Gram 19 of 43 roam oiiiccr said Shanty Bay Rwad Harris was He iookcdkind oi surprised ilned $6250 yeslcrday for vili Mr Abbott said Grant was then iuiiy damaging the window oi taken to the siailon and charg cnr driven by his wlie and uwn Dd ed hyhis laiheriniaw Balance cuunsnl nm Man Wiféf Anna mm gum speaker at luncheon meeting MEMBERS OF Ihe execu iivc oi lino SimcoeMuskoka Lliivl Underwriters Association ran Cliil gupsi The GNU pcrlunps stnlulory dulicx and Iunciions only While It corporate body lhc prac llcc Is to assign members spccflic applicauons If change must be made lhc hearing rcgpxumcndcd given jurisdlcllon under large number slnlul as but ll praLndurc nnd Amara The Onlnrm llluniclpnl Board was cslabiishcd in 1906 under lhc Onlnrln Railway and Mun icipal Board Acl The present argnnizalinn is provided in In hc Ontario Municipal Board cl DUTIES Wlwncvcr runner nlunlc ipal planning are dlscusscd lhn name Ontario Municipal Board creeps in The 0MB Is provin cial board which examine he anion local councils and hair publlc mccllnz hm mire Is dispulc lparbllrm Deicï¬cc cuunsul Cow an moved or nonsuit on the assumption that his ciicnl was onliilcd io save himself from the an lo lcn degree weather and that the open building was an invii the public It nulnr pHnd hat lh mlnal code section of the duallng with prowl yesterday at the Bayshore Molar Hotel From IEIOH are Walker Mathicson president of he Assoclauan Mr cur aid Lclievcr ny utan cnssm THE SINGERS AND DANCERS OF SCOTLAND AT CITY HALL Outlines Functions Oi Municipal Board pnwcrl are gavcmcd by Me On aria Municipal Board Act quorum of mo mcmbm ham and disposes of any ap pllcnlion but the chairman may appulnl one member In hear any nrplicallon and report lhn do sum or order Is mndn hm by two other members one at uhom must he lhu chairman or vicechairman no member and mu nrg gnsagcd lulllime bunnl wllh rcspecl la munlclpalllics must follow lua rules ll llm tribunal man be lrce rum bins and all persons hnvlnu an ln Icrnsl ln subkLl shall be heard exercising lurlsdlcllun APPEAL PROCEDURE In mnllcr nl Jurisdiction and law lhcre Is an appeal rum llm Munlcipnl Ilnnrd In lhc Court Apncnll On all mallet lhm ls nn nppwl ln he Llculcnnnl Governor in Connell in states Lhal the onus of praol that entry was lulul Ilox with the accust and ma this had noibcpn dune Thu motion for dlsmissal was refused and the defence counsel decided to call no wltncsscst Mr Murphy stressed that Grant made an attempt to open the door at Abhntts apnrimunt Mr annn rctortcd that hot air rises and that Grant was sock ing ihc warmth of the third ilmr an very cold night The casc continues an Thursday past president Philip Snuvc viceprcsldcnl Mr CHI one he leadan trust Iiccrs and Is employed by Canada Permanent Trust Sun LII Ml mmy modcm pllnl of inkml nu ntw hm Whuhu ou nquh coverage ol your own Mt hmily Inca um cum our dulh or wilh mm tall vducuion Io uh nuw rival you will ï¬nd lhll Sunlifl hn hi Inner Ia WM problem Why rm all ml ludlyl Bum Chamber of Commerce secretarymanager Reg Wel ham said Ioday lhat clly More will rcmaln npcn until pm next Thursday night as all aw cs will clung Goodflldï¬y He commented that the trend today Is to more and more spa cIallzalion and lo seek the lawy er the accountant the III um derwriler and lhn lnxs officers Thpso are rlhe specialhu lhat consmulc the cslatn planning team The chï¬nge will run effect the usual Wednesday allcrnmn c1034 ing of must Barth notes It seems that Du appropriate solullnn In lhls problem is to use cslam plannlng as means of bringing about orderllness in us ale affairs lgnoHng thé ï¬nancial aspectd ol dcnlll ls luxury law people can afford Mr ad that re xull of the ncglcd often the andal affairs arc In slale chaos and Iamlllcs and de pendanls may suffer distress or evep hardsh Stores To Open Thursday Night Frank cm one of Canadas lending Irus umcnra made ml statement yesterday at meet ing Lino SimcoeMuskoka LII ungcrw Iggociatlon Many men win In their bull ncs lflu Iollowlhc best and most nlfiuicnt practices are negligent In arranging or the proper distrihullon lhelr est alE assnl ajggr death PIana Speakér Urges TOM ANDERSON 1M Clvpman Phnne 725 NEW FATHER SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY or CANAD