Tn lay Emul and Tub Ike KcmpanhIl my blank mrmlul apple day mum lntmsln tin9109mm of Mir dltlrlrl camp Clmn Wildmm on nulln nu Aunluul mc 21 dld 1nd however that he pmcnl pucflu mm lllhlnl dcflnilo rewomlbmly for tho pallmll conllnuinx medical cum umnllslnclory the verdict mad Dr Ootnnm Onlnrlal mm lumrvlltnx cmncr wlm or dered and prcxidcd nl tho it mum the dew Jack Walsh 45 In In chm wlnz ol Frw port Sanulnrium lo Con Illqslqlnl Dec 21 UHIVER CWA Ilvc an tomncra My Frldny found no evidence or neglect hal Would hznn confrlbulcd 10 was he llrsl largescale cd troop movement shuts the 90ml and the Eu Gennnlll an hamuInz the vital We llx dayl ago ten other mpg whlch cnlercd he autobahn llulm nlOdt earller Ioday ware re ported movlng normally Along the llMnllu hlxhwuy hat con nect West Derlln wllh In Germany 1hc Communlsl made no nt lempt to close dywn he Muh Iury Finds No Of Neglect In The Inurcmlvoyl consisted Egg In 103 vehlcka BERLIN ABThe In our convoy turrylnz hundreds olUS combat lrwps reached Berlin today along Ihe auto bahn nller only routlne Com munlst checks 21 US Troop Convoyé Pass Red Checkpoint Hs spring and young bays fancy tum lo thoughts nfpuddlel mud and some llmex swollen streams that run lhrnugh back yards at this 101 Your Nias The Hometown Dally Newspéilex For Barrie and District BARBIE CUBS SCOUTS HOLD APPLE DRY CITY STREAMS DANGER 10 CHILDREN mamrm um hm amul mm Ilh Dmln ISL Xllu Malian Mum Imp mm evmlnlSoouLI wm Ill Ullld It mum polnll mm Hm tlly nldl Friday night KimI pcrulv given chronically lll Inhel no one want lo look alter them he nld quest described lhe prexcnl syltem ol nsngnlnz mpomlbll Ily or pallcnlu care loose and mnfuslnx Dr nelyea pmldrnl ol Ihc medch ml mel lullth lhnl Mm Walsh had not been mn by her wnulllng milking 9r mnlwrllmc Dr Colnam Indicated lhal Fm ll Allunllan not um um mrvughout Onlnrln NO ONE WANTE J01 dlhér smaller military com my have been held up far periods up ï¬lo live hour lb undenload their return was moved up twa day In or an as the readiness of lha Communhtl tn them lnrquh Evidence Walsh Death The Hm troops were mm null nnrmnlly llalloned In Ber lln The convoy wen mum ng In Berlin nfler ralnlnz in chl Germany 51qu novzn ur way as they have every day since Monday this week it mined possible that they might do so later in the day because may claim that Soviet Eu German manoeuvre will go on along lhe Autobahn mute until Sunday lime ycgr Nu matter how Inviting 51mm may he may also pose danger This creek In the Davldson Street area near Oakley Park School which nmiiï¬r Hnom mun rlnhl 30 Im on duly FA PM Ill Ex donnllm lo their unnu Ind pmml Mollnll Oak St with In 10 Um In my urn nnd Im rlr Flnlnnd is much more Inde pcndmt than Bax European Communlll dates Twlco lhe Soviets lrlcd ta 1113an Com munlxl reglmo In Flnlund under am of mm and each llma ho Flnm ought horn on bloodlly Nuw Finland has demo clallc wnrnmcnl ill people mvcl lmly Ensl nnd Wm and newpaper no la mu clzo Km lovcrnmenl or or that HELSINKI IANFinland slowly worklnz away rum lhu Innuencn of In own Communls party and flu Swirl Union Jun acres the border Finn are In4 vlllnz Vexlern capital to Invest In lhclr country In wny Hwy cnnld not have dreamed 10 yuan an uuucu enter tho hlghw no Allled mIlilnry Irnflic Pre porled the harden when Hwy were lowered um All aculn IM mmunisu shut down ht nulobahn or three hours Friday night while Soviet Ianh and East Gcrman pemnnel carriers rumbled lhmugh Long queues civillnnlramcwnltcd wed while Ihe Communists closed the lulobnhn and hawsed air quflc loflerlin SHARES RED PARTY Finland Invites Western Capital is dry most of the year low lhrouzh an unienccd and upon iieid appenlinl but dangemus invitation to youngster More pictures on page Examin er Piloloi mlnlller TDIIDNIO CI hlund In Aqun nu luu lurk Can flTllATlel lTl Kllrhomr mm In HIM only today uhllc min Illulwny out of nearby mu paw Polko withheld hll name lpmmmlly KITCIIKNEII Cl lillk NIIIIM ll mombtr nl Pullmun Inr In Yukon anld mvauvn unrly mm Inhan Iln ludel flu nmmunmm now unlinle lo brln Imm ndmlnlnuallm Bï¬ght Indian Future Forecast TUHONTD ICII olawycu menllnl Om chlmbnker luv Mlllul lo Mac rnnn Mnlulnc Ibuul tmlnon mowing hlm In mlllmy unflmm Ipoknmm nah Filthy Must Back Diet Nielsen Slates Man Killedfmgsing Highway um um TORONTO cm parcel choqurl was mm 1mm Cnnm hind Unlnn Slnllnn loday nm lrr Imp CHICAGO MN Mon rlln up urlckcn men In tho U5 mldnul In hull Inn DVHHWI mm Ind mouund 1mm Ultlr hum Difafs Lawyers Object To Cartoon land nl mervnuon mil Ian lno her lrcalr wilh Mull made after aha on two mo ceulve me lo he min during the Insl wnr More Rain Hits Flooded US Tavellers Cheques Stolen All non Communlnl parliu hnva nrceplrd lhc Idea um Flu Xand must in nculrulbut pre parcd lo ï¬ght all my man to Mlnck ay Fljlv mm mu amlw UH No at am rcmnln The Soviet government nut door and Um Comnunls party In Finland rccolvcs more 1th 20 per ml of rule at every doc unn Yet nonCommuant Flnns mm lklln worried about cllhcr urcumsmncc miller the Soviet government and the US They do all three sometimes all on the same day motion crlLIdzIng the Lib rals ronucloar policy was delen by 11 votuvMayZI 1m and mother blasung flue percent snlcl lax on build 1110 gum Momma Oily Iwn oflIéTKOazonlidcnce motions have come closer than mm 0911115 mg le many lo loppll the le nl ggvznuqem ch six memaosmm expcdcd lo introduce one or two mm mm conlldence lune when the throne speed debate rem Monqay 1h Pmresslve Conservative motion was defeated 106 to The government was saved by the absence of 39 opposian MP and he abstention ol lwn oLhen MW the absentee are known to 017m mum election at thk lime For the ï¬rst time since the Liberlnhk fool aiiiceutwopmrs ago mmopposi on as joined iorces in formal mn iidence test it came Prime Lmdsieriearson for refusing in take action Io eradicate mngdoinz in high and law places uullvl fly Pearson government expell fucegrong of IL c103ch shaves WM swam in the Conmu Friday de feating non conï¬dence mo tion on tha morality issoz by votes Liberals Wigwam 93 Defeat Censure Move IlONTO CF parcel mnlnlnlnl $20000 In lravtllm was mm 1mm Canadian Nallmnl lixprm truck be Jnlun Slnllnn loday nm lrrshly primal rhcquu wm bclnl lo Ihc Cumullun lmpcrlnlllnnk ol Commute hm on The minor LATE NEWS Barrie OMIrlq Ginill at math my nï¬mrflalf Anuh ltnlk Nielon lmxrmlu CommIv for flu Yukon anld Friday nmxl Can whan Iln ï¬nder and mAh Inc All unlinle lo brln nhml downllu In Tunnun Omnillm lander Mac manila Mlurnbla weather uld Mr Sllnxerberry dont Imaw plied Mr Slcdgcly uvcnl Men the yapcr yc Mr Slcdzely Ind Mr stinger bcrry were Handing In ha min 1193 hull and mow walling or Clvfl right lenders Boga luan called lurer demon airHons far the weekend Klan orflclnl tald hlx lollwm In my low The Bogalun mayor preached rrwdcnllnn Elma Jacobs 36yearold Joncsbaro Nam xnld he be It was the lam development on tho racial lmnl In this deep 0th slate which Iaw two marches Friday Bowma papcrmlll town like Janel boro by Negroes protesting what may tanned Ku Klux Klan lerror It was nut lmmedialvly d2 crmlned more were Iny llr juggas omne mid mice In New Orleans said IL agents are conducting an Inquiry de terman vlolallon federal law had ocwrrcd Jomono La AF Negro man ddvlng our volun leer dle rlghu worker from the Unlvgnily of Xmas In gas Mellon xald he exchanged gunshot early May with our while Incaaxon In mum wagon flle Conservative censure motion Introduced My by Opposition Leader Dieledzaker was imported 66 Camem UVes ll 0de es 10 New rd headtd tar Um ï¬ned tary wolkm bullet Ilmml whlch hnvu arm was ovedhmwn and forced la tall an election after losing two test mnlidcnce by Identical mles of lo 111 on the night Feb 1963 In material and produdhn machinery was rejected by eight wily Feb 25 19M Negroes Protest Terror Of Klan HERES ONE sIurdgy Airfl Io ms mlmtn Cause of flu lulu wu dchrmlncd GHCAGO Ind AP Nenlyalx wvrkmcn Wm hr lured Friday ulzhl when an aluminum Imdllng lurnum In lb 115 llahlcï¬vn Company lmclltr building explodfd 0m workrr un Irrporltd In ulllcal Nndiflm Indiana Blast Injures 26 vvnlaW to Help Emnd burnedout Negro church um uluflhl Inld they counted bullet hula in Jacobs car The count was vefllled by my Krame reporter on the Unlvenfly oi Kamns daily nzwspaper and one of 11 volunleers mm the college ho Em In Joncsboro THIEVES STEAL HIDDEN CAMERA Jnoobi ind mm Oreu Cur Us ï¬eld secretary of he Comm nu flu line he may have hit som one wIIh one of the our shou he flied from his 83 cnflhra pistol The howllals in the Janey bum ma uld they had no hated my nuns wound v1 lIm Jn lax hours KITCHENBR Plnzucd by rash men nnd break1M Kllchcner business man Installed hldden camera In his store Tho lhlcvr skmck ngnln Thursday night nypmslmz ho merchan dise lhey nlolc lhc camera INDEPENDENTS OPPOSEDby The motion wasopposed IOI Liberals and two iormer Commiivee now silLinf as independents Leon Ba oer hisMiriam and Remi Paul Berthier Masklnonxe Dela naudicre Conspim by their absence were 28 Conscrvadves eight New Demonm three Social Credit MP and two Credit lstts Olson SC hied icim Han and Jean Innis Frantic SC Penneul did mt vole saying they were paired with absent MP Dennaaw and slx Social Umd Hers um mu minim Wnshlnflon ho Win altar In rrlwvnly cy UrS mkmmn dld 1M mu ux Hm MIG um Chinen nml lhoy nmphnsiwd um American was under nrdm not In fly hflmlm territory The olllclal mime mlon The American plane wm 1nd by mine troll and flu In pnnIc In he music one American kt mu hll by guided mlullc llmd byth The ofï¬cial Us version Four 18 Na k4 palmlllnu mo Tonkln Gu wcm engaged by our uxddcnliflcd MIC 33 mile of China mlmn lgnd0no MIG was lauded The poulblllty that China may 001114 lo Omnmndsi North Viol Naml aid In big way lnlw not been mlcd can But Illnnlsh was not mum cm algn pur cndlng maul unlnm lulu ventkm VM Nam war hmsh rather than deliberate eolllsian batman the pow my rim boén um um v5 Chlncso nIr mmnler of lhe Viet Nam war mum WASHINGTDN AP LS ofï¬cial today MORE WM COME Brlz macrm mm mandcr of flu MI mm Ex um cuwuuwr probably wa pusinz brush rather than denimla coili llnn betwem the two pawexfs wnum The marine battalion which landed at Nan relmorcu mm 3000 marines already based there us 1mm in Washinghm expressedbelle that there was vChIneao glimmer Amcrlcan pllouhad reported Mel dogllght wflh Comm nlsl Jets as mile from Halnan and said one of the Sovietbuilt MIG was believed downed They had not Identified the MEG as North Vietnam or Chinese Fehng said Chlnue Jets dmve egMAmexlcan limit way 1mm Human Island Fri 10an highway bridge nbwt 150 miles All aircraft were said to havn returned lately Pflau said Comrmmis Aircraft were en countered and andalli ï¬re 11 US navy and air force plum canled out new strike against North vm add gm SAIGON AP Mather 1400 marlnexwnded ashore at Da Nang today the US linued to bee up It combat muscle around biz air base 120 miles milk at Communist North Viet Nam US Chinese 111 Brush Not Deliberate Ofï¬cials PilotsVLReport Dogfights 75 With Red Iets In New Raids v5 mum told that No More Than For Copy nm npod llul mm um Jumplni Into he or cums Imm ham mun overor In Im Mam who uld he picked II mmnao up from ml lbs shlpa maflnrlhmi In In lnlo ha water Bolh lhlpl new world burnlnl Mom CF No helm mllfled 1n Lulu St Peter 50 mile down Iha SI hwrcnca luver mm hm 1nd rudla mtgf lnglcnlcd crew INA lime oniyVlWo Luau short Account the evml M0 mum routine Wonhr Chinese nudistso pm vocal ve nahmu by Lhe ArmHa wen AM wu 146$ Peklnl radio MA only to gather WmMrEx Em In bale059M111 um by tho Modems Freighter Collide In St Lawrence Iilh Us Job frequently near Ihlnnn during their operale unlnst North Vlet Nam ll not myrian to 11nd Chinese Planes HINDI Duch WM conuï¬ï¬cd buiIdup 1m caused lpeculnllon um um cl 11va combat unit on 1W mkht be lmmmenl The ï¬rst our FAB Phantom jet ï¬ghter planes Ram the maxim Fight Attack Squadron an being sent to VIM Nam an rIved today The other mm er were expectrd soon no marines have wanted their strike arm which mum be avallabla nl nu times The 115 and Vlehzlmese ï¬ghters and bomber based nt Da Nang are alien an awuy ellher nn strike against North Vie Nam or against me VM Cont Almond the marines role In Vlet Nam nu been described as dafmoe ol the air base and freeing Vlelnarmse fur the um again the vm Cong mm 0n Wucsqllide It was 41 name company and pl loomlud group of Viol Cong holed up In an old 11de art in the ML three miles my Kurd add the blitlflm will be deplayed in the Hill West or Ihe DI Nan emu1p They brought with lhem tanks 106 mm howitzer and other Ina terlal war drflud down to the beach mm battle between South Vick name com pl nmualvul pulmonary Brigade said an other battalion will arrive In lhe next few days and be assigned to the flue ma north am and so mm mm the border delfll aver tonight with ml tered shower or undermwm Sunday law my 51 For In ammary turn to two vIZ Plgu 441