Ham mun In In expand llml nm In Nnmnlm omin nl Ydrnury 11m unploymrnl Nun your ll my be your bu nhon or Ibo nul nlno maul It rhmfl Inn to he The In Ann hvuunum that IMI will In within him WA mm L14 New Muir miy Minn and In Dawn wlwn yw mid lmm div caumod nmplnl mi of mmbmtglrmdu THE BIRTHDAY 10 ll mm row at lnfluhn um ain worth Wm ymII AIM lhlnu ml and lulu walk Iwa and dildo inm mill Augmt mld 5mm nub llu lnuu hull of Odour IMHI yuu In ulrnvnnm And wnlnllm Illll Mum IPECIAL PERMIT Du Ann mum Last night Mini and won Puma out in the country Ilaano dunt an Wm mum Mun Mm Dw Ann Luann Our Kampenlelt unyiel of Im werinl Order Daughumof the Empin held reception last night or new Canadian cit mus Members Lady Sarah SArmsangJvnes Chapter at dmd II the party held anhc WHAT THE STARS SAY ANN LANDERS small Girl Games Daddys Attention IODE WELCOMES NEW CANADIKNS mum for IM wlll In mtrwn Myra ï¬rmd lid lid Dmrlwr MN 713 mm to mm mm 5° maxim month nun you way flu THY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 1151411 Winwwwmw uvewhe nnd My thu waa badlwenm lay was becmue he doesnt in haw Den Au Linden Du NPM special per milhneededlowrynm inn We Samar but mhavoneedar carry mnuï¬aï¬lm ll ISIL ï¬lm dunl like the idea No Pm PACKIN MAMA In at um um win new 002 that the mice Admlrull Room of the Bay Ihm Motor Hole Shawn sealed in the front raw left Man Zeher Immlgra Han and citizenship convener Lady Sarah Armstronflones azapur Mu DeVrles Mn Ilyau cant aflbrd be sick you Imd PERSONAL HEALTH INSURANCE Io cover income placentaIr and Inaor F7 medical Ilium you didnt ll mum all Ann med of My mi with Ed glitter WI mm Ihnl Ind mi boni er The under data In Mina Judy Gm Jml DAflmy Hem111 Slmnom Dlano Mar Gland Immlmom Wanda 0mm The mum IN Ibo mnlxlrr ad Mom of duh mmml Mn hm lid Mn Alm KM Hue on mm decided on lho Iuvwumcn pool Umlr ldtn And It Io vb mulu WM mourne mix but Ilka may or numb In th mecd mm lumw wed mm In use 1m uld It mama um Mm THERE oJufl luv nddlnl Ind um at the no And will be drum Wm hon ur HI mi Iii my iii leldijm midi hm Skating club mmtbcrl will mar costumes why mg ow and bulk Midxmbe en hmby Udfllnz In Ircnl nus dimnghpasflewweeuuflle club nears the nude ï¬nale the season die annual skating oamian 1m formumshe wmnmbnmmm hummusvim Jimmi dï¬mandBmric mmmwniflmlu The and cum mm by munl Instmcum have been uw My Sue Emnu Third raw Mt Frans Dron ovsek John Sllgle Jan Drogl Salvatore Diane John Deriu and Waldene Kraus are shown at the back at the pholn Examiner mm Skaters Create Sea Of Fantasy Kempenlell Chapter Mm GyGibb Regent Lady Sarah Armstrong Jone Chapmr Mrs George Cameron leizch er at English who was pre sented with gilt by the new citizen Mn David Huey immigration udciflunshlp convener Kempenlclt Chapter Standing left in the second NW Brooks immigra tion owner Elisabeth Hoaveld Lyda Hooveld ole Penman 915a tiger hyrln In um In mm at ymmnm wm UHL vul flu eIMndolflno UNEQUAL VUIINO In the Canadlnn uonml oladlnn vot pal El ulmplo 011 un rinu id bani bracelet In Inltmt n1 nmpl pln mad park lelwor rinl an Illemm war In elaborate brnoth or mudm 117w lnllquc hrln loom Iovk II much In vom logy ll yau drm In lrmlnlue wllh mm 11an your Jewelry mlxM In 91 never alhla Fflnlm nuthonllu waxes lheu mlu wlm Ilmplo dreu Inn rope nl bud rural And Ind In hlzh In lnvnr dun llnl earring or Inm brnceA In or rinl an lllrmnln mm mm You may uni to mid piece in Ihnrvly comm lnx dulm or color to bring room to Illa Do the name with 1911 or yourull Jmlry an thI one In enumble Say uylm or Mnrdnl Joule The Jewelry you wear tven dunk you Jewelry should be Hm hith mm cl In costume Ulo Iho Akfl of keonlor to yieconll Mm lho casual day of mm mtr welcome ll wilh drew with In holiday Alrll an audioall seal In reserved gm um mu naammwm L41 Jewelry Makes The Outfit Wu uurnpvnul was enclosed the Eng lish tenderloat pin lrlendshlp badge counly badge company title tape pano emblem and the annual upon or their div lxion well beautqu cal Hemmnulcam and Prin 15 went hiking with number second elm hopeluls lestinx them on their trail Captain Eme received as flnnunz parcel mm lha Bourne mouth England luldea will 0n the same evminé the girls taking the 0th Care badge wo war cxamlnzd stlxarrle Guides were visited by Division Commission er Grassy on Mardr as at which Hm Marga Winger was pm with lm Cormonweallh and World Knawledge badges Sandra Woodmek recelved her palm leader stripe and Mnrle Sco her second stripe IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY BI5WnieisEï¬fef Guides Prior to this avent Marnie and Margaret both were granted wlthHome OmeHyWoodwurk er Mmslrd and Boomlcalover pro ld badguhw Margaret mmlSym McKee were award ed Knitter badges Both Karenand Cindy Davey received their writer badge with Karen also receiving Thrift has grad Collector wuuuur Ina girls leaving the put vncgncies were Inn in the 51m many was held to In vest three new aim Karen Baldock Susan Swan and Karen Davey Nancy J1me M00 Eileen Smith Ind Diane Baldod were Invested seconds ï¬les wu man In very impeluni meeting re cently when three of their num ber took part In flyup cere mnny in iileir honor Margaret 11mm received her coveted brownie wings and new to the Second Barrie Com pany to be received by Captain Banal Marnie Pauiin acm ed her wing in be received by Captain Perry into Fouth Bar rie and Fannie Wainwright flew to the mm Barrie mup Cam himsdan member at Eighth Barrie Pack was guest and flew to the Second Barrie oupalonz with the other brow um arm leslmg ellghling THIRD BAKER APACK Proficiency badge presenta ï¬on were hlghllgm of lhe pack meeting recently when both Wanda and Brenda Burbldge were awarded dancer badge and Blane Cochran shaker badge Ihese bnmues are also very busy pmpadng or heu annual mower and dmghm ban quet In be bald on April an event which alwaya Inspires en lhluinm and excitemnt MAWWSomefhing Fdr Everyone SPRING mum 113 has 800 waltr 1911 of from to 15 in dimmer snge Hal The Inn wlll mark the golden 91 arml versary of llle Thornton ruldenlx 11m celebrnnu lamily have arranged the reception and friends and nelkhbor will be WATER 11 Waltzing wmn fmaih ca 09 IM Mr and Mrs Isaac Spurs will be guests or honor Saturday eve ning at muofpflan inlvy mu TILE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY APRIL Reception Marks Goldgh ngliing Memï¬ers of the firtenntdiqle YW Duplicate Bridge played Wed at ncsday evening ntJhe YM l0 IOIIRT0N It COlllll if Our Spring mllllnery lino L1 large and varied Frorï¬ lovely flor III to huqinoullko Brutal Dom you ILAYNPPW Io sophisticated originals In wide man of mloun and 51m OUR PRICE RANGE FROM 595 02000 II 1qu VOU FILL OUT BALLOT IN OUR IYORI YOU uml wu rlu out BALLOT IN OUR OR YOU MAY ll 7H WINNER OF NIW IMTIR IONNITa songncmm smxs womaous wooxs CASUAL canons all high on the fashion scene this Spring for the WOMAN ON THE GO Sowing has never been more simple styles an loose ï¬t ting mdulree flowing Gloom your waned Spring lnh Qunlfly ln Fabric our ï¬rst consideration your Imede talents demo only the best mu nu mw died of styles mm Simplldty and Modes Suiuner wardmbeï¬mm mended by Voguo moans WAunlA mu Royalé ï¬ner BRIDGE FINAL AT OLD am muynm by an nun an rm MCQUPLINE md ll PMYIDIPIHIS flze mempolls of Volgograd Russia tode Stalingrad llreldxesjpï¬mfles Along the Vdga River and RIM by over 750 unpaid organization YWGAEIM the ï¬nal meeting play in the Owen Street building From the Jen are STAYNER NURSING HOME STAVNER ONT For elderly and convalu ant fluent Excellent nail on or print or uemtpflvate Hot and cold wald In rooms Ragtim ed Num In attendance Rag MARSHALL PhontjoHlsw YV BUILDING SHOP 0F BARRII no men mom mm ESE 28 mas as 255 ivy95132 ï¬auaam 35$ Sandra McKnIghI Mri Beamiah Mn John Guny Instructorhlrx Johnxlon and Miss Downey Satur day afternoon Is moving day In the new Genus on vaa Street West Exgminer Photo WIGEINS lllflS Burlal mm Funm wlw ma Ina sell fun only More You Buy Fun Compre AI To r10 Tomb 1mm