gaiocirroinnnosoroMaitroavnnonnn WOMENS INSTITUTE rnombers of North Simeoe at tended the Block Printing sunt rnary Day held at Trinity Par ish list on ihesdey Group SUMMARY DAY chairman hint hiaztilre right ldv rnim the work oi members of can To Attend EW mm as St Andrews WMS The Canadian Girls in TrainA log ot St Andrews Presbyter inn Grinds will be in charge ot the program at the meeting of the evening Womens Mission ery Society April presided by Psesldent litre Galloway The meeting begins at odock The OGii leadx litre Minoan will assist the girls In direction of the program highlight of the evening will be affiliation service tor some members of the gmup THE STARS SAY iiy zsmmrra FOE mlORTtOW There will bs some planetary restrictions on Friday espec teily whene perms relation ehifle am mood void etr and bickering also ten dency in forte your opinions on others in meet matters stick at any kind 03 Till BIRTHDAY eta iiihbzmhllyilmllly your un fueling in their influences dur tng the next year in some ra lpeds youll seem to be riding Jh one day week or mrmih own in the dumps the next But iaire all in stride for the overall picturv will he pleas ant one to nae upon by this time next year You should do maddnlly well In linanclai mntleu for the but month with borne most in expected omxtmitloa tor add displays set up armind the hall attracted great deal oi attention from the crowd which atiended the event Above is the display shown Shanty Bay Womens institute With the chairman are Mrs Qx by the membereol Latte St George from the left are Mrs Kantian Miss Elean or Flint Crait Specialist from ilnronto and hire SegontL Cyril Petersen left and Mrs loel Levison centre senate munanav arnmvinms LFoulirtgiYuutsfelf By Viéwpoini lent time to stop and take stock of yourseliand whether or not youre looting yourself on how you relate to people its possible towa yourself Earns With Chinese For English Study HAMILTON UP Cecilia ileung studies English at Mo Mastor University lora degree and translates it into Chinese for money Mies Heung 71 working to ward her masters degree is from the Kowloon Idistriet oi llong Kongt She speaks English as well as the two main Chinese dialects Mandarin and Canton ese When immigration ottleers here learned oi this the gave her partrtirne Job elping them in their dealings with Hamiltons Chinese community She works with officers inter viewing newlyarrived toinese couples wanting to bring some one over irorn Chinaor people having sdlustment problem the crimes are so different from Canadians that have trouble translating some of their ideas she says Some do not went to mention the names 01 their mother or father or tell elfhere age be cause this would be bread ol respect this can fntstrale tnunigration officers who need such information if mother or father is to be thought to Can But think just having me there puts them at ease and makes it easier tor the officers Cecilia says British subject and grad uate oi Hong Kong University Miss ileung was able to apply for graduate work anywhere in the Commonwealth Her accept ance at Mchlasier arrived last August lust as site was prepar ing to take teaching job in Hong Kong SIZE AND AGE The youngest American stale Ailsirl is 460 times the size ot Rhoda island the misiiett sad PHONE 7764414 one ot the oldest Remember April tools day is an excel arealemails yon wantas idiscovered not long ago from two difiercnt viewpoints from two women who work in tiny boutique The first poirA of view name from the boss who told me in all sinwrlty how absolutely do voted she and her helper were id simply die without he she said so keep our rein tionnhios close give her all her clothes at cost and many other breaks She doesnt want ltaor anything if can get it for er But that kind of working hene fi didnt make the women close aocordingto Iheemployeo She told me amid law tears how abrupt and mid her enuloyer was NEVER NUliCEB work entrant she said to do things as she likes them done But she never notices anything You never know what she thinks Became shes so silent and short with me tm going to quit When she left her enmioyer had no idea or why the woman gave up her Job And the boss kept insisting shed done every gins to make things good for But making things in any field means being his to get along with people too So dont miss outon the best in your job by tooling yourself on this factor To be sure you dont begin today to practice these pointers at work Notloe the things going on around you and speak up about themwith thanks and praise whenever this is warranted Express what you have to say clearly so people wont mis interpret your statements and read into them meanings that arent there WAN YOUR TONE Listen to the tone of your voice and the words you use imagine how you sound to oth ers Sometimes both the tones and words sound different from the way you intended Avoid abrupt openings and closings in both telephone con versations and correspondence Too often people regard title as asstend youre tooled about the impression you tried to make THIS IS OUR GREATEST SALE EVER rim PLANQCANDLELIGHTZBrigg Mr and MrsRobert Hagan Peel so have announced the lorthcomint marriage of their daughter Elira both Roberts Donald Ed ward Kirkpatrick son at Mr and Mrs William Kirkpat rick also of Barrie The can dielight ceremony will balcony ducted at St Andre Pres byterlan march onApril at 630 oclock lhe brideto be is graduate nurse of Roy ai Victoria iloepltaiBarrie msnoegmm else is graduate in engineering from the Universitysoi lioronto Laoy Weaver Featured In Sweater Styles Sweaters have changedli ltw timeless classic sorpopum tar not long ago has been dra matiesily swept aside by tho stleswhlth area feminine lresh an Spring sweaters vary from lovely milled knits and textured siylee which pombinetwo or more colors in airy lacy weaves to sleeveless roilnrless shells worn high necked tor day time wear orlow cut tor evenings sweater requires good ups liit bras without seam showI through and many women choose mntour style to give per leet outline at all times if padding is required the new libmfili bras sreldeal Light and salt this type or paddinh looks like fluffy oottnn batten and washes beautilutly holding Its shape while giving natural appearance 01L PIONEERS lhsilrst oil welikin Norm America was opened for busi nets in 1057 at all Springs cat Ar DECORATOR COLOURS TO CHOOSE FRIIM Stu Smarily tailored In good fabrics 39 CONTINENTAL BEDS Complete with headboard year construction guarantee Attractive long lasting ticking tnelson unansnnmmsms FLOOR COVERINGS and FURNITURE OF EVERY KINDl Sillli nd Elllilli SP CIAL PURCHAS lng coniempor with matching arm foam cushions slim hi it legs COUPLE ONLY suites cushion Safe 85 long lr featuring reversible zippered SPECIAL 21900 $5788 In In your newts liming the three weeks in Me the midAugnsl mid 57mm period late October am it you are rental to avoid both an tnvngam Mid mutation be fore thenin November Do tombs and next herniary its in tho nnploymnftl Iieitl when all other Arlene drill ave In wntrh your step for the next nine melts This ear to intro humus with no dmpllo nomadic per when mu my esprnmce extreme lllmllilt Amenity tinpita Itiie ML bath or dies in antenob ebiy riler the With in late his mId nty lclearly tum perm on Ill It nut rhrl the Arirne neeaslorul isletsWm es Enm your iteratedire to mom and to nrdlse your them slln nlng tho mog antion 11 was Nioits Ihldl elm WM beginning nest Jammy Your We have been lortunate in procuring limited quantity at 100 nylon twist carpets at big savings null 12 widths in good colours llile carpet is famous for long wear and appearance 95 PECIAL 80 YD its our twcntylilth anniversary and our anniversary gilt to you is the greatest sale over in our history Dont miss out coma in early and save LONGINES WITTNAUER Watches LADIES MENS Reg $3975 $8995 ANNIVERSARY Special LADIES DIAMOND CARPET BARGAINS AT CLARKS CARPET ntmnaitrs AT IAROAIN PRICES ALI IIIES AND COLOUR SALE PRICE $2995 It6995 JEWELLERS Niitltoailiohf 32 asvnno sr GENEROUS BUDGET PLAN FINANCING VOUR PRESENT mnal in in family FURNITURE IS AS GOOD A5 CASHI rod with minute on mi timeoiat Interests upedsliy sturi July and Almost no true in Wm and Do was swarm temhlr bursaries and Jen nsry ltrm end nil ovum Md on was more let the your AMhi hosts an thledfl will in mentally my man MtHy as emf writer mottled or surgeon HOME unmsnmos BARRIE 7282843 Git BAYFIELD ST