Giï¬Ã©nLTo Barrle Examiner March 29 1545 Home from overseasflrecuperating from wounds Pte Liberty of 118 Elin heth St Barrie Lt Douglas Smith 114 Blake St Pte Gordon Perry 80 Sanford St Pie Harry Gosley Bee loo Gunner George Clarke Davis St Trooper Ted lneson arriv ed overseas LAC Jack Cameron home in Barrie after long tour of duty with RCAF Capt Jack Beckman DFC of us Army Air Force reported missing in action overseas His wife is former Pauline Clark of Allaodale Town Council set tax rate at 43 mills deï¬cit to be paid from reserve fund Estimates introduced by Reeve GeorgeClsrk and Deputy Charles Christie Edward Ayers and George Spearn wellknown CNR locomotive engineers on retirement alter long service Armoured Corps won Cam Borden hockey title beating Service orpr in ï¬nal Winners had iormer NHL players Al Kuniz and Glen Brydson on forward line with Reg West brooke siarrin in nets Best for losers was Les Doug as formerly of Detroit lied Wings BCl Cadet Corps parad ed outside for first time headed by Cspi William LaPlsnta Camp Bor in the hurlyburly oi comfortable nnd affluent modernity said Mr Massey many have lost control of their own lives Old ideals and former convictions hive been replaced Today many people perhaps even the majorityy do not kn0w what to believe in The ordinary rules of human conduct which have been the source of stability and the basis of peace are no longerin control There are danger signals all about us showing that many of the fundamentals of government and society are no longer understood If we do not heed these warnings the infection of unrest will sweep throu our bewildered commun iiy and will rin down in ruin much of our vaunted ach evements WAR DAYS 10 YEARS AGO WASTING GOOD WORKERS Sn Calhndncs Standard Canadian business and industry In los lng mttliuns of dollars annuallybccnuse the knnwlcdgo and training at thousands of workers is being thrown away on thctr 85th pinhdaya dmdris These values weréwell summed up inthe recent speech byfonner GovernorGeneral Vincent Massey We cannot slaw thg pace of man evean but if we are to be masters of the future mm than the slaves of fate we must reduce the uncertainty that In June 1064 Canada had 14704000 resldnmsgl the Handover Age group Hundreds Ihousandu lhese older Canadians are le16 of making great conlribullons to economic heallh of our nallon flul the majority them have been Iorccd lnlo liven ol unproduc Uvcuaqlossnpu because rourcmenl nllanumIUII nunm In All 11 ML 1M humc IN an In In IumI Muml ML us Ilth hm hm head 9f state the natlnn is best served by person lree of polttlcal as sociations person that symbolizes its ideals which are realities even though theyvare intangibles An elected or ap pointed hehd of state would not be above politics would not personlfy as the Crown now does democracy iifustlce 1n grltyrdgvollon togduty sign icant tn Rue Cnnmla exlah shed rommltleo on Geronlolauy the scientific slur Aging ulmna 10 years Mm In an of or to mm llm answer to thpmhlums of our nlllclfllllï¬ll Iï¬u Minnie knys um ll hmmn Ihc pollcy Induslry In xenml In the ha ln Mn he 20 century to usumo Substitution of the GovernorGeneral In place of the Queen as head of state In Canada was recently proposed by two student groups Aman om IVLI Ill plymIM II mm Innay Human Ionan mm mum ALI Hum HUI ll muun mnmluu mvm uh mun mm mu Annnu mum oomnn Cmth lllmt nulmnnm mu my mm vukly mm ya ml In mum mu nu an Om Mum III mm mmmmat 04 II no 13932 mum mm Au nu cm haunt ml mumI tnrnvv It W3 was av mm no Anon Inn Lung wm mum hell nu wilt hm The Barrie Examiner in It cummn CA OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY Published by cannula Newbpapgrs Um 18 Biyï¬eld Strait flame Ongario mvnsmv APRIL my Mom mac II II MI den Army contributed 85500 to Barrie No on uy wt didnt fled Cross Piéot dMittfir Delmar gflwmlï¬gmfldw barman returne ana an was oat PM od to Mount Hope ECAF Stgï¬onpHe wpï¬ had been on long service duty in Malta Ettï¬egmaflkldxï¬lnï¬hï¬ and India British Commonw9alth flied ory on how grow Air Training Plan officially concluded lan lawn and also plctura with final wings parade at Not Servi at may min with momma Flying Tum centre Campm and ralnooat waltlnx tarApril Eh gamma131x bggoGrounlzldCapLFJ gogï¬glcgggrï¬lgfwglgggï¬g lV mm er Ciiieiï¬olei°$iiinililii iiiirflmi 0V ighexplostva live threeinch mortar mom or which mm bomb discovered in ditch on Barrio mink tho leut they mid do Camp Borden road by Lloyd Cook who would be in Invent mlchim covered it and notified Provost Corps at Barrie Armoury This averted what lb could have been tragic accident involv 121dln°if1l in EMMY 5h SPU 019mm altar thia plant that and then president Barrio Golf Club Course now uplortna apnea open for pla one of earliest on rocordjE¢n the young1m are ut Oshawa mlnated Barrio Colts from OHA Junior Bu Mayo Elma won and thin haa to be aura alxn in Midland 21 but dro ed return am In 05m 30 ii ladiea llnd oi waltlnl to 3mm 9m anew oil their new aprlnl Vhan liodfson retired from CNR service mak and the men are iuat ted in aat run on PenetnngAlinndalo line Plulllfll can In hat Board of Health formed committed mund Board of Health formed committee with Chamber 01 Commerce Minister lnl Asaoclnflon and service clubs to stamp out VD In Barrie iIn the first place no he points onto there is the Crown at the head of the pollllcalsystem mekin lt mOre under standable for ordinary people who take anrlnterest In the doln of their Sover eign Then there Crown as the head of the Intangible thing we callfthe nation strengthenln the communlty and its government th the bonds of ersonal loyalty much more powerful an res eat for piece of hunting or constilut onal document The stablllty that the Crown gives our body pollllc the persormicatlon at ideals and aspirations that it provide the ln dividual throw these away For what To establish contrived rootless new identity that would please only those few who seek change for the sake changa when an Individual reached the age of 05 his working life was finished ilui ii points out that the great advance in pre venï¬vo medicine measures has increased the expected life an to such an exieni that this premise no ionfer eililer ee unomicaiiy or psychological sound It lus been found that many those people 65 and over Ire perloctly cap able of cm lng on wlth thblr jobs Fur thermore 011 lltespln hu boon to ex tended that ll soclely proponea Io enslon them In support them wlth ubl funds them 5001 wclcly wlll be con rontcd wlth nn lnlolorlhlc tnx burden Furllwnnore lhcre wlll dovnlnp the problem at mll llous of maple who are pcrlectly capable ol work hr Allowed to delrrlorate when they thou ll be contrlbutlng to the devel opment ol the wealth at tho countryt maguea our society We mustmesh the Indwidual HegaWe must ylluje the role of theMonaxchy as the insinu tinnbest laced to 1111 this need Look lng gt it osely yuu will find am it does so in nuxfber of ways Walter Bageth lists our 11 his classic Work and each is powerful reasbn or the conunqnncé bathe Monucï¬y in modern democratic Thirdly there is the Queen as head at state keeping certain important insu tntions free from pariisanshi and poli tical recriminltions Finaliy here is the Queen with her husband and children the first family of her realmshowing is tlhetessentiil unit of human society at as In 1021 them were low more lhln 400000 Cnmdlan residents 05 or over This gun lncremd by more than 000000 1n the next 43 yearL ihouundo of them retired Canadian iclding mintbio bored oxistonm Many other no ï¬ltering awn their time in uulru pursuits imply ecnuso they atly on their own recognition thnl ny In no longer mri oi meiul minty it ttmn thn nbi tiles them people are luily momma Vancouvur Prov me It mun dllconcm name Canadian Ihnl Cl Ida om mnudered Brimna mlor EHII pgflngrhlp ML mammmnfn donnennuIn 2153 MM plo Ono mlIuldod mum1111 in mm mm mm Amt 11h effort ban onc mm mm WY 001 Suny mudm on momma under EV MW ohn DIelonbnkormenllom lou 82 mum mlnou muldbu ma yumr gum vii lollnbllna door um mom to 3mm cm MUS bum Mr Dblalum or lWx ma nm lu W°WW Wm mm memr tran 11 mm IM ml In hm rmhodj mum nu mmmmmw WHV BLAMI MR DIEFENBAKEM Him éepafli um minus ron mm mm BmIc hockey Inn have rIlIIl lo be proud Mr nlry In Cum Onurlo Scnlor Hockey ultul Ihll yur lhl Seven Um 1m plumd Alon Ihmghnut IhI Iduduh mm In II wInI Ind Ilmlly wound up In lhu plyolIL 1th dUIEIIEd Orlllln In the umHIm Ill Ind lost by IIIIIII al In omllmm Io Colllnwnod In In doddm um ol heu oIuvm IlMI urlu No one Mn ny wt dldnl WWW °° pm hums nl ldwol dulldnn ï¬p ping Ind playing mlrbles Mk scenery plchim denoting Iprlng carried Ilory on how ta grow ï¬lm In 1199 plan Oh well with my luck Ant mt will uh cm or II My 116k that time Ind needed only on v11 07 lot ha MIME Ml fnllnlwmd hu In th fnfllnlwood ha Hm Bonny tluh Ind ll hmle lost to In to Shlmnldm wouldnt be that much dil 0de In rhlloloph mnthumlnl luluy yumol all And mm Many 717in inled StunUp dldn nrlhc llnnl Mud mm In 5w mlm or Mdawn In limb in Hum mu lot Ill cmfllfl Mill on lha Mum ll mym hi my muddnf lo awwhoamlmmuw uu Mg didnl upped mm mm out nu Mk bod lln well uhk In many Am In Cnnndl helluva an mlqu my Imml mud tandem 1mm 12 mu mull lho hurmnmu MI Ind1mm Md HM nu Thu Ink mu um pin in luauMn whm mil mung ml 051m Aunt my ml balm hula anqu nun Mm MWl OH1h Camd WMthnwsm 0mm mum mm in new nl Warm and Announces 93 Scholarships CK FRASER THE SPENDING ACTGUESS WHOTAKES THE BOWS RICK FRASERS CORNER Eveg The Youngsters Tire Of The Weather mu enurlalnmmtvbyruot lup Manx IL mmcrznVramdums An lulucalm 1f nolhlnu em Jemima Bhbwon mum ap peared this week mud it Ind lo be tunw dumb the mu len being mtzrvlewed didnt mggn it lohe Whnu mlhlhl mule They dunt hm hm In an or sing Ind may want to run maHwy kmwvnoudnz nbout may him the nor under uloodhby IdhllLLxllll wondlr boy ouound with hm like gkln Aha um rum to drgu 5w Mk Inslend of Ieellnl tarry or lhemselvu they lhnuld relllu how good may hm IL WI 111 had it good when we wenteem um but the kids todly do no anI but compllln Névur In hluory hIVB Io mmy younxlhn hunnllordzd In many oppor luniuex They haw more And better everything unn lnf other genénllon unmet Sill they kick Pmnu an on bur ham lhey cnmpllln they med hair nu they wouldnt hav my worries No dunner cl gellan out Ind working or poem mon ey uuto aul ol quuflm Gdunl In nanLY lad at In dont be mum man lhall an bmkmu 111m any ï¬lm mun Hh they we TORONNNM Ivan much nollco luv bun mm Wnrkmcnl Compcmlllon Ad whlch or nnlnmu mm mmpennllon ampumry or llrmlnbor WM lulu ll um than wu hum ny lormnl mun lrom mm Amrdl Mm In law yam hen ymulerl lolnl Mb up mm flay Ind Ind out 11 not Md old world all But dounl own Inyani Ilvinl Amrafnl uh um Nlm at unnlhnwsg tobacco town In uniml Ibo mew we ml for Du mun pm an amnion mu 32 Mr um um Im mun In it mm Mlnl plum of Tm 0n mummulliner tlrry compenullon In pnylnl uh Thll will b0 cut In hull who flu mm In auAlry II comd Wmï¬ï¬ m3 Ilm nlllu IN IlaLu uulnp or ï¬n mm wul mnnrl mm in um moro nunmlhle lumm ml nu min In nllnfl mu Mp thy hm million Nun CHOU mCUlMIDN hrmlnaml mum II on mm 11me moallonl Ind1 um show mm mldenu on the um km um um lwn main mum DON OHZAIN QUEENS PARK Farmers Now Under Compensation Act CANADIAN mm April ms The naval hula Copen hagen wu laugh IMyurl ago today1n Incldestroy lml the Ballicwuvnl lemu Napouon hndut up to chi lenge Ihe Brlulh navyl punk at umhing neu lrll 1M NeLson led hall the British me and when dlfflwluu and ordered to mum put his lekuopo Io hi blind eye Ind In do not 0L Ila To him flul nummzlh will lflutonldunuflllllr which In In mml ol flu nur Idlu cl God Ru II1 In tho ylfcnl menm mm erI ull eon quut GM will xiv tho vie Wflnmmflinlde un hm In by an lou than IM nr hll llvlnl mm In Toronto and lho Mom mm qunl ll lull lhm month It mu Ihll ylirl wlll MI mm 11qu mombm mml run Inr name In Mman olr Lamina whi an any AM 1mm IMI ml ll IMM tn lhelr ml llvlnl In worm any 400 hm much to Ihow mm than my Mun Whlk II 1mm mm of In In emth nlu or hlfn hp Amp mm In Mm MI pvluu um Ind 11 INI Is Im Ono lulu 0m lncruu Appmnlly will In ovIlon that will In bmk cum Iuyn member nhy porled to ho ulvlnl lml moo your morn lhgnumlzwonun Toranlo umuum know lhll prlnd la pay mldml mmhrl than Mu lrnm oqulwn unlqm 80 II lmnwn lml lollle In Mr alplnlum or lnrllamuu nut It II nod Imomlon AM needed m0 nu MIMIown momma mmu mun hml Ind nlhu anl unnm Ihlll they Illendlnl IM mum and lhll now add up In quflu nldcubli Ilcm BIBLE THOUGHT mshie Gelmm delay man Prince 01m Von Bit muck 3n porn The Clnldila Ah lforcn wn ortth Tint Warld War Filly yam todayIn lbha Idvnndnl Mum mnles unarmed an mllel mo Emmy South Alri cln mow undcr Geneul Lou thq icnqguml Au In import Germnn Manes Akin Second Wand er Wenly4lvc you no dy in mo iplomllh circle indiule ErllIIn Im prepnrinz In strike hard poniï¬e mumm new males by which Gummy Imported Swedish Im on lh German bonï¬nrdmenl French llm Eur Day lncruudr Uh without male In flu IN ku nhv TODAY IN HISTORY lofty émnTlea fï¬uflm oi nix indium protullii mu to ma Prlmg Min um Puma If PATRICK NICHPHON WAWA Never undémib guamgrqu 91 woman Imal mm on Pulument fluwem mu Senlo On more want ex vms WW Iin an my port by 76000 clingwomen mm all terms Canada who Im repreunlodxhw their 11 natures piled ï¬t in Senate New mm 3112 demanrl in In and to me compflon ol mnadal dulldren 35813 cm 1y glandlnl 11 quldm For in uponlipeous unofï¬cial Ind ulHlnInced ldhby wn hups the most successlul to Mad it use on Parliament HS in decide lllrbpmmtod he Decllrnllon by Clnldllll anen wllou obkcl ma Illumheullhy mm to um the 11mm Causaln Eroad caullnz Coxponuoal imam pmmnunm By chime in flmhmn thil deputation could ab luv been better It arrived on Punmam Hdl Just flier Finance Mahler wnlter Gordon hld Announced mu the taxpayer must pay an Additional 911000000 or ha 09 mum of the 0M lhll yen makinlA bill gun seemed My allowed mn by an ovponunlly whan MP Will lat be Me In ex press their criticism of the mac lq dime HAMED IN MMWA The dechrlflm MI Im necepuhilily of mu violena and pervmlon on ma CBC wn hundle by Min Ethel Gordan 9W rampant lorl who in cmplnyed by the dopirtmenl at national health Ind welln It wu undated ln 2000 communiflu Icron Canada Ind wu supported by In esflmgled 95 be gen exer woman to whom llwn Id mllledMth Inch hold mead it can fluxdon In My usumed that ther 79 000 signtum represent as per ccnld Clnldfl women or mufllly 5000000 LI an eIecllgm wlnxlnz mm which numer lhc nrlmc mlnly er not Any other polilldnn can um 101mm When Iho dlwwlon nshiu pmalun Ilden ollyuy wngory mind It Mr Fem emu he mqu Jul lldy visnlm wlm warm gdod bulimia and inland mva 14 their brick As they Inhod out lha murayah of nonlunily 1M lies on lha CBC he grew very serious Wain her glam and wlnklnx the prime mln Mar Mme Mnuxlc Marchml ol st Laurent qulpped In the human of hockey which you ruby would ny flu we mm to hm neared UL rm followinl Suulor Quart led Mu Hm Mum and hm mm Hoax bah nl Retina on dayIan mapplnr up operulon 11w called on KsTEnLIggEZIHUSIs ou runmun Drunula IA mmmm Mmbulldlnnn homoman In dynamo snow umnmm Nuldm for Inaalum ADMINISTRATION Shula Branch Manugov 55 Dunlapï¬tml Em mm Phono 12M EFFICIENT ESTATE OTTAWA REPORT Rap Sniut 0nThe CBC wr um um They do not we censorship morJomkaleerfun ce£nthq prozmnmlnz at the Quitq mnply lhey merely ask dug the we 5th gym Sam credit Lend Eda son New Democratic Leader Tommy Douglas any many guy MP1 minister log their cum me mu mom exmmz mg no ma load taste nu lyricli Cmdlm funny In den dlnl what vromm are tumble fo beaman ï¬rm the typleal Cm Mdth home Fllfll vlnlenct udlsm and mus permum are not consider normal wcloome nunuesullml in In mun home in with um manyva me mmlednl women In the suggestion ourMPF hm been hum very ndly in their mponmlllly They ham permitted the CBC am can lure of Parliament to slip out the eonth of Parliament Queen Receiveé Mink Iacket mm mini Jacket memento lhl Queen her pamdiln Vii 1m om In arrived ulely nt31nch£ghm B31303 ï¬mpgxngn pres Ir active In arranging the max the Queen manta an quite chted with The Queen was meted WI Kilt dwinz press me my collected from flu mhmdmg whom WEJohn UM enbaker Progressive mgrvlv ï¬vekader said Tuesday deg ion campaign are too loud too may and physical est Mm beyond MW at what anww Md be quired to stand In mu bu Mesa thl Variety PM Mr Dideanm lid frightened by mm mm 519th pa Howaver Mic ha mu ol an mm mm ME WI H33 Election Campaign Too Long Costly States Diefenbaker Mmï¬lï¬idlnz and homoman In turn 935