andhiuJaorenoa Fiaherlheai Messengers will meet April to one Vweeir later thanusual Longhornirritants rant patient away suddenly FYI day at heart attack num bcr oiioeaitriendaandneigh hours wmtito Tcrooto Sunday to extend iiiy Mrand Mrs Charles Sender son and Mr and Mrs Dimoan Cameron attended YorkCouniy Jersey Barn meeting at Don Head Farms Richmondtiilt last Wednesday Mr indhlrs McCuais Vtatteudtd the luneral not their aunt hire Alvin Cairns in Bar rie last Friday Mra Campbell had jquiiting bce on Saturday attend edby her sisters Mrs Besse tun Gilbert Mrs um um iPhilllpsand sistetoinJaw Mrs Gildtrht and Mrs Gil ay or the wikend IIOUSE WARMING About iiiteen iriends descend ed on Mr and Mrs Alon Math le and ismily last Saturday night to warm up their new iy acquired home Mrand Mrs Mattie have botth the house formerly owned by Mr and Mrs Barss litter plea sant evening oi chatting Mrs Mason read humorous poem and George Campbell present ed than with an eledrie kitcik en clock Mr and Mrs Fenante ot Ajax were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs George Heath and Judy By MRS AChll1lim SILVER WEDDING Drums horns and whistles heralded the arrival of sin prise party at the home oi Mr sympathy to the fame day evening Mar 21 run darts and form mideotn ot Clowes community arranged the to bet the cow their 55th Wm ann iyern played Idaurv 58 and which Il mane uth wan prosoot ed with oclock radio and other gins laurdr oompleted plea antavenlng Mrs Eaton who has been Gs spending the winter in Toronto is visiting her daughter Mrs Mason for two weeks run Karma Quite number oi parents at tended the New Flagraising ceremony at Guthrie School on Monday siternoon David Mann 7rd cooninnit he Dear Dr Molna who ear old husband has never been sickNow he has trouble with some toads mostlymltlt md ice cream which give him uanipe low nhlawstomsdr What does this indicator have heard that arairins iiiur KEV tilfl It 01 in Ufl cause bleeding in the stomach ion Jack audited Eatsimflha Uoim Jack was lowered by Do the Wisdim and Pull Me too The New Maple teat Flag was raised by Nancy Mo Quay and Danny Hawkins and dedicated by Mr Clement Mrs Sholswaii principal was MC Howard Camp ed the school board and told oi the purpose at the ceremony Remarks on the new tag were is this trueMie takes quite fewalso mlllr oi magnesia lair lets Coul they cause his troubintMrl Doubtlessiy you think youve asked me two questionsand think youve asked me 2s 0r thereubouts So let me ask you be few If your husband has never been steit why is he taking so irtnt Why ishe taking milk given by alike grad at magnesia Campbell led the dniidma in When you say milk or ice singing Canada and The an mm ple teat Forever is stomach when do you meant ive found that many people most perhaps think it means somewhere down in the ME mumGAE abdomen Actually thats long An investigation is continuing trio case involving alleged do rnestic sales of surplus tederal 30m pod hold on the ex press condition that it be ex ported the Commons was told 1M tdrled by Ann in rep es cu re Minister Rays to series at written nuutions from Andrew Erwin NDPItmdo Grem woodt and Reid Scott NDP Totonto Dadorth Mr Hays also reported that board em ployee named Bolduc was con way belowthe stomachsome inches aatbe crow files it youll accept that term Some test it you mean the way the iood winds its way thmgh our mun bardworking innards Cramps in this case might perhaps indicnte that an allergy has developed or that be is overly sensitive to cold things both possible but neither very eonunon Has he avoided milk and in cream tor couple at weeks victed ot theft 1m Year It be has and the cramps still CrampssittayBej union TELEVISIONiROGRilMS zaurraw lBARRIE tBUFFALO ITOEDNIO mummy APRIL EVENING occur he can be sure that his trouble is something else And does he ever have cramps alter eating some other ioodt He has the creaturebut is he trying too hard to attribute the trouble to something he eats instead oi admitting that something elso My guess is that something in ailingyour husband more than likely smoothing that can be corrected without too mudr dii ticuiiy But atncehehes now been sick he hasnt learned what doctors are really ior mainly You dont it you are smart wait until you iigure out what In troubling you and then an to the doctor unpeotlng blrn cure it torthwlth Rather the most important reason ior going to doctor is to have himiindout what is troubling youotter Which the cure usually is rather obvious The hardest Job is diagnosis what isjcausing the cramps pains litters itch fatigue weight loss lever spots lumps awaiting or whatever other symptom may be present Dear Dr Molnerr Are eggl bad for mat have sinus trouble no No not unless you are aller gic to eggs in whim case they are bothersome whether you do or dont have sinus trouble Dear Dr Mother am 70 and menstruated until about tour years ago but no more until last week feel good and work every da but am worried Could th be canceriMED it could be but it also could be lot oi other things This is not menstruation it is bleed log Whatever it in it needs at tention Have your doctor lover ttgste at once suuer JONES ll Rm RETIRED Since June list it mrbeia My 233 it 00m PW tnote ailicieney the Commons was informed Monday paella modary return for Ralph Cowan bYoritHumbu said the in included Chic Superin tendent Rene Joan Belcc and THE GIANTS DONALD DUCK EXAMINER THURSDAY APRIL it L91 Loo up LPaaswora anecay and Friends oNm kPwton Piece scmooes Wu er Sporta no tan wms rom Mo Fm em Geeret Stem znaamr no anmy or woos mm cm srar Nanak lBsiieya oi lsibos sso anti ramm lliuekiebeny Hound on ldnnatcn 00 lSuspsnsl 11mm may be causing the trotblet SWIM Pom airmen 333 ï¬rm mu at rumorsrb wtgmmre tannin osron or er amour tabiished that aspirin can have Wm gum 15 ms WED 10 Keep WORLD PEACE some Irritating eliect and can charged Mounts Wm not cause alight bleeding in sensi iduflied tn the reply by Don snsm mun Fm mu tlve people But it doesnt cause aid hiatdooaid parliament kn WM cramps ary secretary Hack Parr CONTRACT BRIDGE 1H are gnaratna anagram Ustic mm By JAY BECKER clubs and then exited with dis arm Matinee lAndy Williams it no room in LEIng lDi Klldll Macabre no an anu drummm mend East won with the taut ZTod aNawl spm sm Deienders flan mm 23 331 Ind Espg FRIDAY arm nroarvmo AND arrannoort 5° 5° no so not Wu ï¬gumur clue twath 131 Song taunhbmtu am Jéehhlulumd tibia the play no tfmfmgg 32 took the claubfllgied cm arem LMm ee strum live Iotde oi hearts hut as gamma lDscentber ana at the rim table But East iiim soustn 133mm ram EEK imam sm audition noun lag the mint tcvt KINm IDtu hath Mr mm PM vim are en cashed three top haggm auras diamonds andthe on at clulu 947 hnmm IAbracadsbra sIAK arriving at the same position 325 no 73 with three tricks to go as his inlzm Mouse sm 3123 am Doctor nouns wm Nona sue 1° mm an lToronto ode min 1e Plan PI tumu Room Fm ï¬fty am em mwmoggidhm blavo no aAnn leathers 100 Opening leadqueen oi clubs and Ipearlng the ktnl that not mm or mm than inf mm mm me ol iournlatch bothtables the spectacle and proved no 21 31103mm WWW Whh it 1m slamwasmadeatom wa kMka am tï¬sfnaï¬ï¬ table and deieated at the other 909 tint table its may esma umhh 21m Donl At the ï¬rst tibia declare win the told it tsclhoors dorm mam srm so cm Wm um diunand hoping tor torred aom am Hm od uv been tricka an spade more but PM induced carding two clubs and South dia eaniing thm lpedea Dociem then took throe words at dis monda hoping or sl division but it turned out that the dis awards we divided Undauned by this develop mfllofld WI WGEN LY NEED emfm FREIWTgJEWS rem ravenmaequ WW Mm a= sum mm eta Show lDanlel noon King or or war um um gem ram Bonn not South dealer Both sides vulnerable BLONDIE A17 Uldl 70 QJIO COCK WISH ADA BABY PM It COMD TAKI SWINE 70 nRANDMAG awn GNIALWAYS limos ourrw We usuar an Mia 01 Nl DIts Your lavn FRIDAY APRIL EVENING no an In bNa ICsrioona wurhu spyi ï¬r uuruo Hattie World le Haunt Item man hl Maria The as combat IMlelly House Club knobta oust tun rm cpl sno lltntllonaa an nunau at linlar armum enmm IAndy nmmna no hint Ioorie am $135 hm mitt army arwm an anon tint s4 UCXMK Movie fast sums chins Venture rogtuva 44m Gull Advan tun IMrllltal Navy club sitar winning the diamond and South went down one it is hard to blame the It at the second in to make the act had tough problem to problem which Elsi the ment South um made the eon mood labia wu smut mush tract Spinning tho ibiaspada to will for him iinesse he cashe th oi Morme Bidding eats PODle MEL AND BRING IT Nil CARTDDNZWU BACK THE Moamue more trotahead than Boa tantrumw no ivWm vi tit in om theme 33m to kiwi mm 01mm MTUMAYAIIIII MORNING AND AFTERNOON Jof0 lvmh a4 on eeumua lsrnaatav Lmimy it gm lcartoon IIllldl rummbunrsmtn DOOR KEY in ON THE canmama utter lurk tgiflnl zenunn mu lilo 1L mune lunlhltrsl Imam as city it Fasten an anal William rumta min Imit lama lithium 21 Henrihi ll Pronoun rm from Mantra mm rooey tIflnulthlurflh eflldlbuul meet In lIIllla all swme at suit Mo 49d 5an in turn wait um um from guitar um NJMIuiina mo rho have ltm Eli1M man we Oiltld out lmw MJir tandon fix liurtng quarter 11 timk latter Provide for symth II Iiy member so brewing til tils rumour memo was wrmrmnm mum umvrsmomcra Manna Mosrtumvwnwv om umnsmmmu Mate was mun was matter IUZZ SAWYER CARRIER MISS YOU it your carrier has not arrived van ptem phone room mailman 7282433 tll DJ sat at Copy titli Ito Doth time to lt man Is No CHAROI ron rm snows WW VAllEY TAXI oauvsxouasate cans AND nucxa