Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Feb 1965, p. 3

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hwy nfl 51 The mmmluhnu nvort wmmmdlnl Iho nlblllnnenl oi nln nu rtdlnn In lho mn Inrv aml mlvnlnl howlrip nl uhllnl mm Alicde Im lnl monin In luluro Muslc musicV muting up 1mm From the ml Iqwe to ma real cool The pica wax damn II lribula to the late Sir Whulon murdflll 1ha music of mum wu tho highlight um evmlnl and um mad the evening men more enjoyable Wu 0w mu tillly of ma band mum ny lnl MI mm In mall mm her xmp dance band or talk b0 umy was It 0ch bell 10mm UPI67m num bm Whitman and F1d may will bu dually minim lo mm durum In the nmnvmminlkml of WI ndlnlrflmlm wmmhdon nu who led lhoyva Mm uul mom boll In In Hurt dmtloflwjllld their dung nnymfldinl mm mm ammo by mm GROSS SECTION mm of tho inullk lm They uml drum they playzd GLEE CLUII 01 um um Glu nub whldl pmvldcd lhn vocal pm most mmlul evens lddM much lo Lhn mkymmh ml lnz Inln zny mood on mu lnr beach party Dun Hones pmvldnd mum con cluxlon to he Gln uuhl purl Jhu evpflng unl My noel Io lhc km Ilflml mvmllu on Winn ml EHUOVIL Vlth Ifll um Mof the mmlvmm m1 mer II In MM out that than in Mandarin any guy lm mg Members the band an jolncd law 111mm the 71m Club Mar ha mlullon the pcflmnanlcejn ligglng Central Collegian auditorium was standing room only Pd day evcnhm or the leral Gal egiate produch of emu Mon Tho lone of Ike evwhu was Avrilh Uu owing prelude Pump and Grammar by Ed ward Elgar pcrlormed expertly by the humble Band under the dinxflm Fisher The mllra pmducllon wn Inked m1 wul wnhw hllrh Mm lhe cumin nnl up The Inlmlnctlm Wu don by blxlwul llnxllnl wllh curd carried by Callnlllui mou Redistribution To Be Discussed mu you 31m faxmin sun Wafer Mary Imam John Km Ind InnId Blumuantn Hm Individunh who mnlribulrd to he nunlcal part at tho evening Mlu Lllllem pretench ul tcflon ol uvernI quln blIIldl Includlnl way ml mm pan In Bo d0 Null number which In 0be cnfnpleto yllh luneed lho IM mealan cu km or at Mull the um In ll up Hwy 4m Ilh Ihc name Im In than hr IM Ndhmw mm mnmiulm 11 min mnmlllu on wmkm Ind eloth will bo In dullvu llIh ll ml he Runmm ruerquon mnmlnlon noon at Ihe av emmnl ledum lnlulullnn ln InvimM mmlulml mum The dual of their ml ul udon mu the recent popular wn Mon Ind this mu bun Ihgv feeling at ihm Mini mlilm do who could lorfcl lhu rule About dog for pr IMIILIGlm 11w Cancun by smug oi fad ll sludenu mu the In the at mm mi ra celvod null chem mm mm llor pobhtd Ind ml Muir swarmMEI MI lawman planfax rvmfld Ibo allcd Mlfidnlnl nu Thu Io mod In durum hll rldinll nml member led but In mam wllh ll 10 3m MIME ridlnl In Ihe tan human ridlnu bunkIn Ume of N14 Demomllc lmy rldlnu mh nomlllkm mm mm rimmed mm flu um fill out Central Presents floss Seclian In gleaming while let lerl 1n Iho duknm Whlle name might regard IE music square It only nerv ed exhibit the vmaluily he young band membm Follwlnl on Ibo hull lha dauch was very much up usmpo dame band Cllnpolui trumpet mm an or rut fi3n21plgm Indhgu Getting kilo ho wk of ma man 1110 Sweet Slum Cantu unmade led In musing chm Much possessed 11th mar bouncn than the bukdball own verllou mum got look at two awe or was Chamber Mule Society com posed nl our uquhilely awrch young women and one lane mun resplendent In um gum mm Genital mm or Accordion John Kerr accompanied by Ruth Emil II pianm nn Some Enchnnled Even mm fianth Pgdyic sh me on badminton oomle with real live him was Minhm Int flied pm lessor in up gown explain ed he finer 90an the gun while ha panlclpanu mmd will mumu with handle long hockey nlclu and mp9 paper Itnnu batted Hm unplu neg blrdluryn llny ncl Mhleliu were ml nrxollen um boyI phylal aimllon department prennltd tumbling Ind vnuluu 80m Iode ulud the lroup la pmvidt hocdwn Ilmm phem or he junlnr phyllul ed uuliwn dumn sauna nu lendberl Iller In hm Mlly Mfume drew bowl of luzblu mm the lludenu and mm undenu In the audience PROVIDE BANGROUND lmnG Eng Mldvlflyl my Iendermu mvhfi buck mund for parade at level younl women dmud In bal ml Etch Ir Introduced dmmnt Ion 1mm In To round out tho Ivrnln Jim mwtlllnl on hem of the Slu dm Comet lnlroduccd lho rand cl club In In Immpm meal of Du combo nl mnnlry alloton nob Glhnm Mac anfliyllkli Mlghgcl lengkmn Production chllmun or IM Woman In Mn flan Ill who Ill mud wllh bow quot of mm lollawlu lhl pertmmm Mlu Wu and Mr Huber um mulul dindau lndlvld uul yroduellrmu mu Ilnftd Mlu Namr lelh Mlu llmor Min Wilton Mlu IL why Mlu Helm Mull Sonar lllll Mr Vug Nlunn The Klnzuan Trio Owflure plnycd by Ike Band named an an Introduction In the Rec Club group Hum bOYI Ind xlrl comblnd Io present the oooler Me of the performance ll elk wngl IL mle In nun mam mu Mnmllul loam ul mar Ml mu Mlu In mum um mm Mm he rm In dur nuke uv mm won loo ad pflu hy Mm Hum wuh Wllllm him In char ol publicity Mullen Ion null Includ lloumry llohoon Mlcluel whim man Elliotm m1 Juror VlnL PM unflum mm mm Nwr 1m 1m Nam nm ally pm Wblllbod in mum 3mm lo 5m Iii1m In nrury mm upm la ll Md mum onlym an on mmmwhm durln an Mr yu when Ila 1me can6 Drhlm who think Bax151 madcearing crown Kvng mmamwjobmaywdlmn palhlu with member Guelphl public work commit tee Alderman Albert Well mld his lellow wmdllzn that he will Med the mum ol Guelphl sum Ind bald he an guy lnjnotfible mild with 1331 Sunday 19 Ivenlnlw1ndamm=m oentm in mm Ontario The aldermm who mi late or mud been VIII stuck In nowbank up pmitelda We lg mote v12 no my minus Fred Wood rowed um Che name has hindered the Inwdeaflng operation Ind earmmed Ihn he didnt know whit the he til qould do oq in Wm offingvu Veryliule has been uld about mow rcmoul Barrie either at or ngllnsl in city council The my when mm to feel they are provdlnl Idequllu maddenin they were piowed Work committee chairman Md Mac llmumnd mad that Guelph 1me mm In nun power and makrhla to mnavo mow last week Alone The clly $73000 on In yearl mow curing Ha mid In knew the L151 year 331500 Wu went on mow mnovnl which Includu lilllnz Ind plawlnx landing Ind cindcrlnz nltlng and lldewnlk plowinz The bill or the pnl mogul we 59an 15900 Icy mad mm dounl mm he dImInthlnz flu look cl driver lryln la nelob MI downlwn Ipacn Whlbh II lllltd Iwo Ind hill In deep wfih new Also hr Izmunx EYES 0N WATERWO Wnlerloo Ontario ll Icqulr lnx nme MI of Mannlion Ind lnnwnlon In me put 2w ymrl nude on maltm have hem ml to that dly mm Ill over tho world In lrILolIrllnd Fahd lhl munidpllky and privuI Hum pd mmhlmi In dank In WW during Ha mid In knew the warkl departmem wu dalnx ma best job could under lhe cl unmanm uullfl mu muw llka um whlll council mu tilled th numbcr co udder re port with word dun la 11 ml nl Mknnll put plumuu Insuranc Irma In null ho lnrllv In MM Ilmr tllenll mumcz mm mi 11 mum Mull mm irony Momn Aka plmed Wlmloa us Ihu umlum on of IM IYI IXPIRIENC THAT COUNTS FEBRUARY PLANNING wlul AT CITY HALL Removal Snow Poses Problems KNIIIUI Luke Ontario Ham mon Mom claudynnd vary mud with rain likely we Sun YV Wind with 20 Notthem Laka Huron South ernGeoxalan Bay llamanon Killaloez Cloudy Ind milder will wot new or 11111 Sundny dumm or avgnlnu Wind mew 20 Wham ma chine hadJa be used on pmdnce enough coplu No you no Waterloo ex enled with plastic1mm 1M trial showed that the ban loo costly to dlstrlbuto to all humblden even though they an knpmvanm over again um Georgian my AI RealmMmnmlpswthem wuurmm WhigSud bury £13de1 WWI ognfonnl 811an teen yam mg Inland milder Movemlihc fin main rwmm 1a 1113 the 1me udavelopmenl Ind board um nation should bear wnlduup by Barrio Downlan tedeyelop Mbu been mm Bu unfit mum committee mum edbyMwaanCoohtonudy median and park militia bu named In the darllkwou cl dam of he path board Ind recreation mnmkm The Ill leaem mm lo out maler movernon between me board Ind lhe publlc lo lda man harmony on pl mum 11d mad Ida whldl should moored through Mr Sal lul leadenhlp Too Mun clad ed or appointed board work may mm year to year will liulv or no llalm between them Ind he Mllc lhll lurk comm lmhbly lend lack nl Menu on lhc pm IM mug glllzuL The lllen Edwem the pim nlnl bard Ind lho public II III will vita one Llnoc the Thu flu on mu flow mm min wed Aldamln audio Nowlan And lonner cmfllor Reginald Amt dltd Wily 11w min at has men lam In In on me cMc mm In 1mm bopm ay undue1 In run or In aid ml Wndl Ioutbml 2110 25 llon Ina 1r fldliliuuNIM der one gourd lnpl not too Ar Away 56 PLANNING noun mum Mlflot Salter um week stewed into the cm Planning board dulrmaa both the beam and the eminenty uni blasted 3an maxim lor held and uplmuom mlunl and mum mm In vw Mo gu um um MI men like lhm UM 11ml hubcen Ah Moot 0n dogln 0mm lnoot mulva city mu Tnklnpt dag were OWAISSA lODGE on mm mm mumgmor Amle $100 PARKINO lull PIICAI ADMIQIION ICE RACES SUNDAY FEBRUARY 71H myth pm any Mu Court hare flu he twice had to Jump on the way of car driven by Donald Baum ol Mémlng ln mld hi Wu eadlnx at me Conn Don Bulmer laid Maglzlrm mm con vlded Eamu on titanium driving own Ind Md him 350 Ind calls and nllowed until March for pnyment umauva mo 10 dnyl In ml He Impended the num ployed truck driven1 licence for the minimum three month About 100 retlil dealer tom the Province Quebec will In Burris Feb 10 to Ice manulmuflnl militia of kn Idlan Generalflmric Ind IM Hn Rule On Ihcsrernrwmben ol lilo nus nlve RONA dIahI humu llama In Onlnrlo for in Canadian Retail Hardwm AL Iodnuon mum mm belnz hcld In the 0011mm he Cm ndlln Nhlionul WWW th week undead bum with 3m Hohoshwillprlek uplheu vil flm In mm Ind bring them lo Barrie tour OGE with bilingual 5ch will be followed by ll ihe Continental Inn hated Jointly by one and bul Mr mm lcneral nunam mull mllmces ma and Mr ouch president dun flla mumIla told Elam thaljha lemma would have been muchdlmmt III was not an father five young children unduemployed Canal Bukner flopped Damn mJlnulryllonlmUnem check on Sunnldale Road Eu Iml vehicle Ind only on head light Mar tests by nu on Ice vealed that he cu bnkes were Inadequate And tha hand brake wt seized Ind menu CHASE BEGINS The ofllcer old Ihe driver that Illa car would Impound edmd Inked Ihemanhnuln flu pollen uuLsa Whfla he policeman was direct the tow truck Mr Emu jumped out lbs Huber into MI car and dmve Iwny Donn Bulmer uld he had In Jump back to lvgld bizy hitby dye car SUDBle UPIA chum ol numlnuxhlnr Inlml unan Grdum Sudbu in my Imlltm wllh the nbofl an dent in m1 at huddle Robe II Twmnm wu dhmknd Ior luck avldence It ptrllmln ary 3mm hm Fxldny my hiding in woula nun Mm bellm jury would com via Gnham IN rod morum mulled pollu nvmlnuon Dual Street woman charg ed wflh unuan the dry 01 Barrie of $1133 by making false moment on wante we rammde to March yel urdly Mlghlnle Fm mwmhearhereaudquz 11m fraud Is aimed to have bee Maud between June And Mlduel Delshlon 23 Camp Borden was lined $70 plus no cost of math tumultuous by shunt on Jan 22 Ha Odd mm Dance mu Wfllllm Samuel Boblmn Mm Incu Hum ol drunk drith was remanded to Mu the mica gm dilating the lcepakhed Slmnidllo Ron ForDdfigerbus Driving Lack Evidence Charge Dismissed 100 Quebec Retail Dealers Will Tour CGE Lufldn Plants Fighting Costs Borden Mom $80 Police omen Tn 11dod howl Im Injnlo UP Woodqlllo EIH ANNUAL TROPHY man at speed up in so miles per hour Ind cu Emu om Wlmn tbs owcer wllkedmver to the Eamnvdllcle ha awn bad la lump or III ulely He wu heading mlllhl or me Con nab Bulmerfolated nahmerfllm resumed north of Sunnldall Road an of ma city and um bilth 10 at V059 Twnthp The cm whld Iceordlnz la Donut am mar were travelling It weed up to 35 Ind no miles per hour were Joined by an mum Prov 111cm Police mum 100 MPH OPP Count Wu Johnson said he wu Imam ll weeds up to 100 miles per hour during the chase A1002 ha havin trav augdr M11519 roads during mm ye Fm Thu Hm occurred during the part two months The youth are Polar Swim l1 Anne Barrie Willhm Albert Min 10 RR Stand Wimnm leishlon 17 122 VI Qmia 51 Battle Gordon Erl ward MEIan 111mm Eula win Address Md albu flfi RM will ready on um Wired vhk will then Mr an bu Hn plant MM Banla iiiy Franklin mandad or Judgment for flu emd flmo He will again ap pear Mon Bilalum Foster on Feb gadurgaol Inhale Fm nnd km Allar nay John Murphy welcomed Mr Rnbhsonl counsel 3mm 31 How Mr Blgelnrw mm 1111th la the Simcoe County bu umcIalhn WSW Slx with who each age fmm Cons Euhngr nigng um Remand Six Youths Facing Charges 01 Damage By Fire 1155mm maEassonvemla were extinguished or panel lha pursuit When may aver fidthefmfison Verde WE ma apparen with Li motor burned out Thu Ines was described as dim cu1¢ Const Mr Fawn tom the mart that he fled In his cubecnuu he wanted take the grocxlu home He dcnlod that he had travelled over 73 mlle per hour but admitted that he had Itc Alempted Ioevnda Iha p91 cer He also denied hunlnz his In Mm my Ohm Allnrney John Murphy armed the mute occurrenca clmlc cm of dangerous drivl Ina It was canalnly damm Lmdrlvmg Magistratefi womanr Chlrges of then and assault again David Williams of Bar rie were withdrawn mquut of complainant Alec Archer Mr Amhcr was not In court yesterdly He wu liven lwa weeks In main lawyer to plead hlxcasgwhgn Av COOK 4311112 Ind Wong Kepnelh Skinner IE Allan Also duhgod with mus drt Ind Sheridan mwmdt cad hlx case wmfivwn Ar 9er withdrew Mr Mluphy to the mun nnv Jan that Ardm had nu 101d meetMn Ihe Mam Archer testified that he had boa Manned when he lulled 35 MM Wllllams dalm cd he Wed him Alba mama Wastm 41 Oooksiown was rammed In 11 charm drunk INN 11W in AM mm Ink me In

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