gas $ï¬ km We nitrides edit at Used furnaces lete withcootrolr and mueuns use Used zoo rat tanks only its HANDY HARDWARE AMONA BEACH TELNIO Shout lei Sttoud re turn arses unru to sell SE Tritium eadazaau mute ARTICLES WANTED BIO POI WW do Ooh In Dar re mm Bo IWEBS om dugout be In Emma ea same ten weeks dWwAS blood Gopd ma midi dam glue me mam FARMERS MARKET DEAD SIDCK Highest prices paid tor dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed free For last service mom BAREIE mom Collect or ask for NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH Mm N0 WGE at hour day days week RR Foirmosd Ontario licence No most Nick Montcalm Prop INCOME TAX Return area den of another EM BAIL Ol Cirokl Thy tents yer bale Will wit my flunéuu with macaw ra ï¬lth ER ll Butte 7mm FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies to Service Case New Holland David Brown Beatty 176 BURTON AVE 728373 CASH TRADETERMS LIVESTOCK FOR SALE mmoan AND obtain Calm or willing Am William Homer hilpbotso did SW Tim IO uh TaiaiR 153s on lac Ramona Ema Mullv Inwrcunur lee Yoruuae bis tor ruinsIon unm Io in com viral duo In February Oemvbeil Sou 9110M LIVESTOCK WANTED is YOUNG mood cows our tmt wanted with nan Ives or to freshen Ami Wm stat en an an to llox ï¬rm Dunlner FEED SEED GRAIN BALIl 01 Mind flay or nil Emmi ï¬uï¬uï¬him 52 an wa Crelmon ultmne corn POULTRY CHICKS OIIAY ROCK OM one year said search La hem Going out at chickens Loch or non on error III Humid Ilse AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE RAYS SlMCOE MOTORS LTD MIDWINTER CLEARANCE MAKE AN orrrm on any umi on the into Tliiin Si 72513 Where service is Itrrt yron Graham Motors mu ern mr wmt ntn nto DEALS 57 Ford Fairieno 500 VI Standard Radio Take over ants 22 PER WWI 71MMI 171 Bradford hi sit on Conlldcnce AT BAY CITY IiOTDiLl Drive thlh Conllricnre All BRADFORD 5T 72 703i FlNAL clearance at Errmilva driven IONIIACS SAVE UP TO 81000 ONLV rm DEAN MYERS to mom Bi mild rtuan Iotephona Cd 65 auroMoniIn MOTOR CARS FOR SALE VOID raeta heater In tiresome ti MATE isst ra abd condition to 136m rsIIrro min American ooo muss tin am window wash at N0pbano MNII Om rain MnME HIM Mtg suitor DIEM IA IF IW ydeld IL II VOID ext II carsls agile11396315 will It did and IMr walla phone mists alter an use ramrec tour door ood cars manner standsrd rub now an and ma spoons norm alter pnr rrunsaam no va mas ard rum door otterfl earls AI condition than can fluids ulre III 81 have lilo on em lIUIMIWS Jonathan Meteorite LearnA Trade WhildBéingPfld man Royal canton Ataroace IF YOU an to to years ouZ Ohm Grade education or hither lard physicrlly lit and circle care Canadian citizen or noun rubiect WEOFFERV Ni aura about while rah sail cu Thllphonl or In It Barrie Sand Hun soon tour OW be PM mama um six Minder and power habamlel ptrone Item Nun can magnum an for erred driven or on or am can an Beat and Co as canonma or 12 TRAVEL TRAILERS EmmaNW NM itdl mower lid us int m33sdm moan HOMES DONT Follow The Leader Tow it New 15 it mATlON Reg 51585 Sale price aim Also 17 It CITATION belie talned unit as rsirtxerrtor stove with oven electric brakes Roll $2495 going at 995 Pressurized water systtsns All stock at greatly reduced prices tor of season sale RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Sales Service 170 Burton mm 15 CHAMPION Noun trrtier lurnlahed lens pelvis may turn normcruel phon 715055 CARS WANTED TO BUV WANTED i000 COMPLETE CARS CAR BODIES TRUCKS For scrap Iron Top pricel idrntppervice muons moon TRUCKS TRAILERS rm clllv PICKUP hucl bad cod my 5°01 was it all cheap Telethon lot their room Tito phona Home strvud PERSONALS TNCWI TAX II KiddAooum smotw tr is as annual nlorl ray 522 Ichilnlnu Ind autumn For Want Ad Wnnnr rim old militia utter adder narratoruni Ibllflan Service Dial 72824l4 I0 HELP WANTED SALES HELP It AGENTS YEARROUND PROSPERITY We never have an all season or slack sellout Our products are basic mmodlty with un lone rsler plan and Mentor are Merlot covers the commu ctai industrial and institutional lleldr but no senior to homes run cormirrtons paid as onl ore receivui Iternt bull Mal ntmnt tor Asn oi our volume on which lull comic rlon is stso pnldr No ceth In walrmrtt no use iimll abova inrty Car nnmsary Many turn have been with us over it yesrrl hill Arielle tram the instilled liivdria bvnpeny Dun daa Ontario in electronics mechanical emmmiostionp administrl tlon or many other iieidri Olree medical and dantalcau elm uniform Clue sporulrcnitles Os very 1mm pension plan Oopportunity for wide travel or waelu anmral holiday with pay WHY not visit us to discuss your possible tuture as tad niclan In the RCAFI NO OBLIGATION Drta at Mobile Visit Ill wannmav mnuanv race between noon and erL ADDRESS Basement of the Federal Building Post Otilce Danie auwrcs minors Attendant is to no your or no stata garland experience Wflle to sex lien 11 naminar MANVflTEGoooeey wuï¬dtolttuuelm was GoodweLII IN lllx WmhliflnblIIIPB er SALE WAT lot It ul mnulmnflnl Mall Salli with commion Wrinkle gwlltdr Willi to Box mil mif or loss and pittance norm mum him tar °°i Tit Thar on rou es definite requlnment mm be Ringo lwkgdhEIzmlm area or an en apnoea Tod Damon HUI MANAGE Furled toe VIM Re naibie for the was mewewes trim forum Gertrudaflinl gumam em lamb nun menu but other the meet men who will welcome thancut emitters opportunity ma I4 flak metal lamination mar quellin mlnmbutyoucu marIn we can or you warmth Wag to nova into flh Ml II Barrio kl lief MALE FEMALE BOYS and GIRLS for BARRIE EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTES Application Forms available at CIRCULATION DEPT 16 BAYFIELD Si FEMALE HELP LOCAL INDUITII hat menial ll modara Miles or eepaots £1 with anco in learnt at nib lino typru nhilhmb or norm grititll to Ml II MI ar cArAnLI moon menus billnuo WI lull unclear and accurate to anrel Elch high tvhï¬d it us no usnte hammer usual or wrama qualiï¬cation and uilr1 required EMPLOYMENT WANTED na namelyï¬rms ure woman In an Telephone II who any time altar rs noun av 55 mu ashrama rialphone More noonmrnt IIIll experienced snail haul accumulation at IM nursedI flauntnil IV lutd Inlllldl nearer nunma rwutns as lyre Ialnlui Du work only in In turn lulormmie haul Mr Hill IN DIIMW Din lame Int IIINI FOIL Till BRIDE AND GROOM Watch Classiilod Ads tor terrific turnliurs and ap pllrnco bargains Salesmans Opportunity How Much Is Your Ability Worth YOU are the only assistance one who really knows We can offer guidance and the rtun Dear rCh mgr Grrzdlrner pr uritervwbe behaditr Following ona bi sorter articles tam Iroruthebook alély associatedle Mr later post war yern lie Admired and Iroesured His Own Ilctum Yet Lamth ed That lie Was Not Great Painter Churchill warmime endowed with that rare alttrnot uncom mon among neat men of being able to rise bias su Winston Churchill in the run relaxation no wened During the last law yeanothlsitlaheherdlyused ILEGAL NMiOE OF SALE UNDER THE WANWS LEN ACT Toke notice that Serge Alain carryint on hairless under the firm name at WBLEETEX mcoe hasremained unpaid for more than to drill wrauant to Section ta the Mechanics Lien Act 380 1960 tar towiagt labor and storage on an UNIDENTI FIED UNOLAIMED Dodge Sedan regirtrstion No 5109mm my In ssh of the said automobile will no motion on the nth day of ary rose at the bour am at the hoeLee Gar age RR Shanty Day to be commuted by Roy Austin Allt looser Dated at Barrie the 2nd day of Fehnrary 1965 uanaunaaea trsidaworkandww amnion anthem single Ehrlich scene for nibiect ills was to start so many or abroad that he would have plani ty to keenhlm busy in Earlrid bor unLtl the next time he want Or aged in flanking from timsetfbmttrne ha would paint still lite such as water lily nexttq on holidays black liensinc lhe wonders oi the minirl use camera began to laselnsta antrdtill mad me when it omrrsd to him that it he could record scene in black and whitebetter still in color would have wonderful his love iot painting raver with always at hand tor the scene he was painting lord herwell himit great cams on enihuaisst was called in He Later and ottersdtorhow untr chllihowtouselt the purchase of Lolce was bound but the oourselol Instrubee ctloirhdld no vary as ause marina Impatient with allwtlle A00 Garage rt Sunty Bay chilithen Cortney oi ctr and screws Chub Ia aucnonsntrs Elmvale Sales Stables Ltd Your leading grasch Auction AT PM ieL Eunvals sows EVERY THURSDAY or Barrie 7m arranged tor couple of his leaunder to be taught rudtmanti ot Meanwhile would of lo wort desimias and Wins in the studio at Gtrrtweil an air urohiii tolls meat grillm PAINTING treasured his elolisctlodu th iovara bu ol marbles not tor their intrinsic value but would it 33 be com ed inhbllietime not mm belt dosen or so than aterdavlce which enabled nannrn uranium menu rnanutnv rsu er meditative Inood thoughtiuily regarding the quel lty of the blue in his Moroccan sky or peacefully closing htsey Avrsiorehaitanrlnutr The rilencetialsflwaya hroir eninoneoltwoways Byfar tha preferable to muchili was MW moon is ow etlecta be bid Idlievetl in that mutn nun you uv ratislactory visitorvwwid ink that was summit to let aturch started on hail hours live 1V dth and discussion MINIMUM the he would ogre hisrv tors opinion on luck pr was rasponr ve ill would have to silence hirrtseii im ertlrlird with the wall one over there Diiticuit ttlust rilltt So much de and then the sun meager ever leit his possession for sood Evert his son and dath were not aim pictures tor keeps Their constant worry when he came to see them use that he would any one oi his pictures and thatr very and Id like to that back up you dont mind lie derived Inï¬nite pleasure from looking at his collection over and over again and he lov edtshowiru it to friends par tinllariyiitheyielthiminno doubt as to their high regard is his shit He had an cottuni way maklns me one visiting martch for the first time teal honoured He would in vita the out not an studio 11 and ask him to sit In their very close to his own lacing wall covered with paintings Then for law minutes he would One in alerts of messages to edvertlserr remember remark be it itd £32 limit Vance WY lemon in the Cezanne country painting Mont St vimlre Deep in or several minutes be naidenly broke into the con venetian arotmd him and raid rather gravely have had wondertut lite many rdrIevements Ev ery ambition lve ever had has been tulliiied save earn Oh dear me what It tlrrti said Mrs uturdrill am not srrstnrln he said looking slowly around the table mutant became intarcaied in racahorses shortly alter the and at World War it partly through the influence oi his soniniaw mristopher Soamcs ihis hobby in Its ownway beam aims 305511 P3 ii at the halsht of the reason march oltcn went in some lanrths to organize his appoint mentsso they would not conflict with his visits to the track Once he flew back mm Denmark in the morning to Liverpool or as ewmar hmmauhuhonesmm thermos When Colonist it was at the top of his form confotmdingv the betting experts with sensational victories at some nitrite biggest races in England ï¬rurchiliytas often in daily oonunlmieetion with er trainer Nightin all to telephone call to wooi tan about the strategy to be em ployed in an byeieo tloo wrasometirnes allowed by an courtly ion conversation with Nightinsail on howiCoioo lst looked In lilo momiaswork MI MADE MONEY ON HOW Rate horses were rrtieu iarly satisin hobby ruse next to spending moneyhe liked nothing so much asmsirlnjit lit hotm made hima pile In one year alone his winnings tram nurses and betsaxceeded $10000 And dont turret Churchill would excl irn thousand potmds outel horses is equivalent to twenty tltotssaud in normal hunters to no2 no or ve My on my Mend because called capital such thing COPYRIGHT ORAEDNER LITERARY TRUST TRY EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE mun As YOUHSEICIIIPGTIIOPI you too enjoyed the game of shadow tag What fun it was in the late afternoon when shadows were Iong and easy to catch As we recall thora wet way of winning at shadow tag As long as the one who was itwrs kept between you and thanun henever gotciose enough to your shadow for lag If the realyou got caught so did your shadow We got to thinking about titir game the other day during discussion of circulation and how many different way there are to determine the size of circulation audience for advertising You can multiply units of circulation lay units of people and maybe you will get reader audience Studies and surveys can produce age tax income and all sorts of other factors which when multiplied by units of circulation might give you other kinds of audience figures No matter how it is flgtired circulation audience can never be more reliable than the circulation figures from which the rhadow to protected While the rise and shape of the shadow changes in the light of varying points of interest the child at tag and the circulation under study remains tile same We believe it is our obligation at seller of the commodity of advertising space to provide you with complete and accurate circulation figures We believe in full disclosure of circulation facts based on uniform standards permitting close examination from any point of interest We believe further that such facts and figures should come not from us or our agents but from an independent oblectlve circulation measuring and reporting rervice ihrts why the Audit Bureau of Clrcuiatlons was organised 50 years ago and why more than 4000 adv rtlserr edvertlring agencies and publlrhers support Ilill voluntary reguatory effort today Thats why we an ABC members Come to think of It we never were much good atthsdow lrg Just ask to teen copy of our latest ABC report it will let your tag the real ur you training ty to earn an income only limited by your rh ty and desire for rucmr VIAU rm RAMBLER whim It you would like turiher totallr write 90 Box hill BAititlE t1 turn hilli illi itinltlil Jl Transom