dluvymd only mi km In munl arm met In Amonl nlmnlnmt lull Immudhlh be lmn In liu Ielcflum bun Canadian klu 41er It lullmnnlnl hmum Bomullu uulr hm hm lhal In mum dmum mu Tb minim nl nu flu ll 01 Don Iurh In mum all Im mm mm two tur buknl Inth In thy mum world Poulbly ml mm lo pm lhuk on aubkcl mu II hclkvl unwurfml In lhu Illuntun ol Hollywood llulnl Augean ll non mmm OIMme MUTM II In lnnlwmry of mm mm lnl ll mm mr limp hillnu hll mum Hop Hollywood toIImII WINNHEG cmm Manl Iovmlmcnt and Inlemn llnnnl Nkkcl Company Cary Id have agmd In prindple um sell govcmmcnt IhouId mum to he natumn min lnl mmmunlly human Munlclpal Mlnln Minister Rob Stnrllla tald Monday We IN jnlnuy worklnz out ll dflnfll lhnl wlll lend In mmmmcnt or 111mm nu Mr SmclIll Inld Thu dispoIlllnn then delalll Ill dewmin Iixflhrr tell mm mm In tn be xrnmm over km or lhorl period nmmplon 400 mllu mnh ol Wlnnlpcl II the Alla at ms 000000 N00 mlno nnrl Imclzr II now ll clnurd local unv vmrnrn dlmicl Ind ll nllnln In Idmlnhrml by tho mnnl tlpal In dcpnnmcnl We havent turned down the one but our engineer any wn un use them wluwut equiy mamwe would nerd or luck to take nu mow away here no plan lo movtl It mmnv 100 Armed form personnel had alto been laced an 7Ahour 1111 to ng inln action should municipallue be unnbl to cope with mounUng mow Reeve Alex Fonz of West no van municipality buried under much 101cc sal The allorney generais de parlmcnt announced about 100 prisoners at nearby Haney Cor rectlannl lnslilulo would be mada available or emergency lnuw removal upon lilo rcquesi ol municipalities nnw in their fourth week oi heavy snwialls Ind flexing temperatures Work parties wuuid cousin oi yrisunerl tom the minimum Ir curin insliluiion Accompanied hygunrds Manitoba INCO Work On Details MOVIE COLUMN VANCOUVER cmm vlou pxisonerl were offered Monday nlghk lovhardpmsed municipal crews In British Col umbia snnw lulled lower mainland Midlnel mm rlgk sons Mr and Mn uaflln Connor of Landau Prisoners May Aid In Vancouver Cleanup Kissing Normal Greeting Form BROTHERS D0 THINGS Toanmn Mm Ml mm nld nervously lo my Ive wlphu Ihu vlenlllul llpnlkk lrum my lug Mm Mutton II II anlha monlh Him mliy In ally wood when Immu mm In mt mlndM of thclr makeup Semrlly Armand Capitol wnl purumllrly helvy Alter llw experience urller in dly when man who Identiï¬ed hlm nmnber of Amer lcnn Nu my Illwed Ulmuuh guard and printed onto UN Home Iloor warm Mnddlco makeup navoplpe hat and mm bun hunt or nwlnule nu out when Johmnn sounded an Msurnnce nm In concert wklh mall camm ll ll IM cudom PM taunt II bunhorn pmlud And no mm In dnulrl ll llul Judy Garland nu him he mun hume not upon ulllru lrnnm Ilnr In pedormnnn My Inlmlutunn In he local mnlam Irnumhm Nevin mnrrlod III Ilnndlnl wll my vlh In Ihe lobby lllllmnu mm Minn Act play le7 allow uh Munn hulblnd ll lhe PM wind up Illh nolly mean and phan klu on mzIv Balm It began newlydcmd Smuor Robert Kennedy DcmleJ walked behind hll brother Edward the Demo mllc senator ram madm mu who mavtd Ilowly using cnnm Ill recuperating 1mm uh uh lhlurlgl SECURITY TIGHT WASflNGlON AFDPr Idem Johnson delivered hu Stale or the Union npeech Mon dny man before heavily Dcmacratlc Congress which broke into applause tha moment he upped Inqo the chamber Wearing blue suit and cle visionblue shirt Johnlan marched hnii smiling down the House oi Reorcsenlaiivm aisie in address ihe joint session oi Um iiouso and 50min Making down on him mm the xlllery won his wife and daughlcrl And Md Lynda ViUI Ulem was lhe wile of In vim vrcsldenlclect Mn Huber II IIImehrcy 11m wnx he Hm nlthlllme SlMMthnlan speech Ilnra Franklin Rooseveltl we address In West Vancouver nearly 7000 school pupils were lven threeday break ram classes and near bllmrdcondimns Munday forked chum school In he Chuliwack and Agnsslz area of the Fraser Valley about 75 miles can of Th neighboring municipali ties oi North and West Vancou ver eating serious flooding in the event oi sudden thaw were considering the Army help to clear drainage Iystem and roadside ditches LB State Of Union Speech First Since 1936 Address on do thth oKeLher Duh In ï¬le weekend each broke his left am almost at the um Limo while playing on other MUOM we shall help men defend their 1mm It hood again and nxaln when the president um ha while we propami he nod mlxhbon we cannot be indiflermt to lots designcd lo Injure our lnlemu our clll lens or our establishments abmd There was ola silennc when he exprcund his hope or vkik from Soviem chirflnlm mow cloggad roads Monday forced closure of all but nun school in he UcluzletToflnu Sdml D15 rict on he northwest part of the Island and even he relax liver snowrec pravindal cap llal of Victoria expected to recelw some snow loday wlfll temperature expected to range mm 25 lo 35 lo the next two days hemjlnro man 6000 sludcnts were alluded The schools were 03213an clued Eda home Her they ï¬nd it aka two good hands to tie Mim joecovcged Ilreels near their WIDUINLOP IT OPPOSITI OUIINI HOTEL 0l Johnson Travel Service EDMONTON lrom Toronto lnlcmatloml Airpori Up to Illghu Illghu dlly 500 Economy oneway Auk nlmul 11 Funny Fm thunln now on Economy hm ï¬t your Tnvrl Mcnl or Inn MNDA In Toronlo II no lllmr mm WOIL FOR COMPLETE TRAVEL ARRANGEMENT CALL sec our adlvllm be lhu mm the can and the nose our pm conscience Reeve Service lold the inaugural mun cll meetinz The commmlee to continue unluvl code ol elhlu In drnllad or lhe cnuncil would be com md of flu citizens of un mpeachablo blemly llld high moral values the reevo aald Council member wllI have to approve he schemq Ware It can Into eIIecL ANCHORAGE Alaska AP Throe children burned la death in ï¬n which wept tu skgey apartmanl hm Mqlgda Th flungslm wen ldcnll as yonaurd 157mm his llslcr James Service suburban North York Tawnshlpa new reeve nounccd Monday he will ask or ï¬vemm walrhdoz comiuee Ln guide councils ethic Imquenlly Premier Mm appointed Dr Huey presldent ol the Univerxlly 0E Valerlon as duhman of the inqulry mm millm to study ham prin ciples and objectives the hill ml make recommendations on its provisions TORONTO cmrm mundl ol the Unlled Auto Warn of Amerlca wlll decide today on strike dead line or Ford of Canada work en mks hem on Last month the minister Iabor re leased mun1m report which contained no mommen datlons but deand be my lot mike action mam ovum eouue to be lollvwed by the Ontario government In handlinuu pro posed privately operated med Icnl insurmc program may be decided by Premier mm 104 day in meeï¬ngwlth Dr Gerald Huey chalth bu 1mm nmml th the legislature scheduled to convéne Jan 20 Mr Marts must make up his mlnd whether tn raeubmll in revised form the Act Respecting Med lent VService Insurnnce which he lint Introduced In the House Aplil pas 111 1171 used 29311me unminimum gem hjohm In medlcal rare schemes and the mlximum premium they could charge The bill ap proved in principXebul no at iempl was made lo pass Ink aw Too council delemd in de chimnManday negaflalim conlinued on new comm for the mmpanyl Windsor and Oakvllle plant gurnncg cpmpanles could one Children Die Strike Deadline Seeks Committee NEWS ROUNDUP Il will be jlgelr task to over Rbharté Mdiifizbécjdé Ont Insurance Course Bemelll and hmlhcr mam lzr alllax Caunly Cour Judge rince m7 ulso the ï¬rst County Court judge In Nova 5coll lo be up poinlod lo the Supreme hurt was mum Acndian lo be named 00 lbs 00rme Court IMhIFAX WVincenl Panler whose appolntment to the Supreme Court of Nova Scoliawu announced Monday Ihe Hrs Audian Io receive the honor In Nova Scnfla Ilnm lhiwugl lncoglloq in 1751 it axiomatic In in hat he would be nviled anhe most dangerous of herellcslor Ilic lng lhmugh the labyrinth myth and dogma in which the church cumnlly enmeshed it In more than likely due being In enemy of tha esublllhmenl rellg£ous mm Ind political he would be denmmoed miter The book written at lhl invl Milan the Anglican murall of Canada criticizes he Protest lnl church and nrguu that mnsllanfly shackled by in sfllullonal chalns modemday lavlour would have In be man 01mm kn mor passion comm gull and above all acflon the 1h onlq rilersaysz jawnngeL 1z monlhs the ch when of Mrs Pearl Lockhort who won taken to hospital Io lering shock The other at lached la the provost marshal ofï¬ce nearby Ft RichardA TORONN lCPAIthnr and television pennmmy Pierre Berton lays mmhnlty can only be saved by violent clal ml plycholollu 215 If lfldl revolution does come he say in new book The Comfortable Pew it will likely be sparked by man tho description of Jesus Christ and he will pmbnbly bevde nouneed as 1mm 5011 Honor Iustice Bartons New Book PREMIER ROHMTS 7266 13 Seventymg judge hivc 9m Imlmd Ilka Nov Soofln Supreme Court In 1002110 hmory 0100000 rimf Emma NY AP Fire axle Henry Iml Id Monday um dnmm mm 51m day nigh downtown the will algan to 100m Tm aid the damage was as emulvea orlzlnally aired Trust nld lndlcallnns that only Illa third flour of tha block values Ind buslnuses will hnva Io be pomplelely replaced mad that line rest of 1m building paq be saluted Damned were restaurant Meny Aim clothing storelp puma mm and several ol Elces and several nparlments LONDON Reuters can vassas on the ceiling oi the Emma may here hm been Identlfied by British H1 Eleven llremenwere Waxed none Monty us they battled the blue or four hour In wind of up two mllu an hm and InlMe ec tempenuqus Art Masterpieces Advertising News Thll my ha ndvullummll wlll brlnl you Import new mmrlhlu rm nul or am and when la buy II no my nnm Ml you twirl in no alim uy at 010 um lw coal Then ll bulllln ptnnlly lnr Iva mlxrepmtnlnllan MumIn III unworthy protlutl or mvlu Ilmply mum Um Imr numbn ol will dllcom Ill dludvnum lhl Iooncr It In um advmmn will mod uy on 1nd munbla goodwill or bnnd of I10 Wllnm lh Clllll mvney ulna any HdVfllllM wallrmrded mum II tqullly trrmn hll bnrk ol lhnl mm or lhul pro durl mun bu hanuly hlr dcnllm Ind lull vflul or the min Mmllnlnl ll Du Ideal lechnlque for mu tommunlullnn beauI the ll qulrkuLand mm rupomlblo my la mth Lhu mlo Whit ndverllslnl doc la lell people about now And helm llIlnand new lulurel ulahlllhed llvnrllu Ind whm they can be bought In very ml tense lalncrml demnnd and lead ha way la lower prlcu ll ll lllcrnlly ml Actually Irua lhnl practically verylhlng you buy would ml you more ll then no Idverllxlnl Without ndverllllnl lo inlorm public ther could not be mm produtllan know It today wllh all econamlu Ind advhum Peopln cant buy lhlnuor nu Ihlnll unleu may know Ihey um bl probltm In thll tmmlry Mi moment Ind llkrly lo bl problun lar lama llmt la come ll not to much unrprodutllnn nudenomumpllnn has nntn been nld that the luncflon ul advmhlnl to Improve ha mndnrd living It doe have lush fun llnn But must um nzceswlly with lhc mmullclurm who make tho producu Tho nuny page of lhllnewxpnper ï¬ll of new many lhlnn New pcopla and their doing In nguby place and lo the tar earner um earth And most men in It upper Xuchel of outer Iplu But them another kind of new that you hoid In your hulds ll you rand newxpaper Not In new of people but product and urvlcu the mm or Idverdumenu SIMCOE COUNTYS NO NEWS AND ADVERTISING MEDIUM expat llthenlury mule pieces by Glovannl Tiepolo mommeen £15001 wand embmy man uh Mnnday nle palnllnxlgwenbwgm by flayembauy in when it ac ulred the hum In Maylull sdlhmbla South Audley Sheet mm the Marques at Bute mil were once in tie Eileen union linunclgr Nuthang e1 Rothschild but disappeared at the end of he 19111 century Tiepolo was one the ma Ilenedan mm 1h lBthCem WV WINNIPEX UP Medical oflidnlsmuka Ilse nlllml about Iha 11W nlllannl health care plan Mr Justice Emmett mu chalnnnn of the royal wmmlssion on hull Kim uld0ndlÂ¥ 1n 3mm mm MmAim¢wm The commission list June recommended unlveml pm Make Falée Claims 0M widupmd muninx am dhcomfort ll whit ll commonly alld luchchu Ont mun mm bleklthl un bu mad duo Ill kidney lulu Th1 condition Mun ml mult In irritation of ill urlnlry Iyltem lollnwud by bulb Itho Ind ï¬nd Unl mud on maul Introduced om What causes BAcKAcHE 13 and how itmay be helpefl paid lovarnmznt ma 113cm cm prvmm gr Fan Mr Julllca Hill told Ia health divislon ol the vwlnnlpet Community Wanna Plannlnl Council owning or 11 Canadlaxi Meqlgul Agsmï¬allon lkup ï¬re rentingwithout any laundluan nmy viewdint doctor will be controlled that flu 9355mm Marpatient relationship will be lost that our magmas are lnelect slate medicine ourdoctnn will leave BIRMINGHAM mingl CF The rndlflonll Mme Gentlemen Plum which warn pub customer claim lime has beenIhIny ï¬nned new public hwu opengd 1n the Eadie marqu 10 yum Ila Doddl Kldnay Pllllih IlImIIhu 1h kldnoyl tn hlp cum com thl lrflulad mndlflun Ind Ia Mn nlhl from lb Indth Ind um mu Dadd Kidney Ilablt At my am mm In lht Mus but Vlth II ml hind Th importan thin to look In thl am You an dcmnd on Budds Binnlnaham Thu pub which hu railway theme or11 demraflan In lruln whlslll Yong by compressed II hr