$2 fly HIE CANADIAN mum ll youre driving car And hIVI Ill accldcnl moml Kant chum wmmnu wlll bu ur Mil you are rldlnu molmcycll lump KM hnndunu handy smqu Imm lha urlnh Cur lumbll mnlm uhlclol hrnnch Ibo Ihll mnch mdnl doctor or war maluryrh accl dtnl reporud pollcu In um And My olncllll Irl wor Ilui Imnuu mm nnd mm Imlmcrrm an mm la loud urh nut lauer bemu Iuv lorle hm III 1m 193 Momm on md In 1C mun nl them IIIM human mnrhlnu lnIIYJML kyL 11 mu Im In III mldml Mot olllchh would llh no mdnl 1an In ml with bum wwld rr quln he nub mu mm mmmmumn um Anoer would all Mr My mu ml at all molmyrk pram won with Keep Sharp Look On Motorcycle CENTRAL STUDENTS PREPARE Ton VARIETY NIGHT Hull on whom lnr TUESDAY JANUARY um 1i an my ride molo bum wl out new driver Dnnl Sonny llytnold mun mule menu flu pnlm ludllll plum Ill Menu My mm In In hlrdu Mn Inn lluyl In hm rnlly mu mlndl 1min and an Mum be mum lo Im nnylhlnl Inn pndlm lllm hurl 11 hrmll My Ia Mum mrm plum unluryohl Mum In llunm Will lolhrenluvy mm rlnrz rm Ioronlnl mullurn uul mm born lhu ulllnl Inr nn uxwdmrnt In lurhlnl olll llma rum la uhmlchlldm Some 700 Lludenln mull hull day mh vlllnlc lum In Inch all Imllcvmnllnl unllnl and nnlnl uml un dledl Inn hnhmflhlnl and mm min 11 pllM mun VA he Mu nl Dorothy Duncan the Hun puma Tum Ind lk km Cow mullm AWN wmh um um KM village 11am mm doulA whether will Mom lwrmnuul Mam mm nl IM lludgnln Mumm VainNI old mulpnmii MEMBERS the Gym Club It Binll 00M cones Law In rm or valluv display Ichednl ed for Club mambm under the direction humid or Gouge VanNispan wt of Ippluhfl Mum box Ind pummel ham tum Delhi lrtrllhlflllmrn AWN VI on their many Mk Mr unNkRen helpslilob We wlde chaloe careers wall the student who qualiï¬es chmmd 3W1 II WEIR ICCWKMI Moo CA pmldem John Labs Ull roomfly nld about 75 mm indent Ind guldanu ember mm London dlsirld h1g1 choobn Tells Students Careers Open To Those With CA The um and teachers um Mm Scmdnry School or camr nhht at lhn Invllnlkm Illa Amelmlan ol unarmed Accounlmu of Wu emVOngrln um undm brvw to general manager and pm cm mid lha chmmd 1mm can main In publlc make ruler In ex mm body In comm or in dustry ruler chrnmcnt nrv lm 31 track It uqlvmlly Mr Moon who warkcd hl 1qu digedor ol flnnnca will ï¬nd hll work dmllmginx varied Ind Interesting and II flnd ml oppodunly mum tribute In tho wellm hll Mn Moore mld lhn lncmulnz eomvluM ol the Cnnldlm cammy hid created Navy do mand or chlmnd accountant In mm ycm Indication hlo MM Ml demlnd will con tnua rIduMIon 1mm Curdo uwllh It kn 61 per am Mr Moon urged Iludenll who coulunpull mall mm In mm unlvm My oduulllm mulrmmu whim may bocmu oblllnlary withln yum ha nld To cum lhI llllI nl durum comm ludem mu be nva Mr prldlslnl chart and countm In In yun nllawlnl Gmhy IL throw mm lollnwlnl narhelm 91 Am de or mu Ilur Melvin Mink 01mm delm Allimxh undrnl mny um tth 19mm ï¬nd mm mm though ll Inlnl xlvrn In buildlnn uplch on whlrh IhI pup mm Ivvk NI mill Ihm nmr Illk lull Ithul um Ill NM III9mm lmIIII III bill unn lnlal mm II cl III mm mullI II VII mm In III III My II In run out 11 my II II II IIImIII1 hr cum or hln III Camml ml no MI Ntl mmlIl Mmel Inn 30 nu III III II hm vim In mid II lunnl III Ink In um plum hum and III MI Mmunlnn bu proved mfuT prol gklngmpuln lot lqyear 533°ii nn wryd Mel bull in holy ma nomtmdlng modell of can Rom plane ind vulou vibe iHas Inierest nine you be wu Inlmducgd 05m cu nulnl and mi became odicmd Inn ranching peak mm If whu be begun me In Ioul speedva such Ntlestwn Ind Delawarmufm 1m and money The grade 11 student upon hl wlnnhzg cambhallm by Ic cldenl Ibwtllz yam lzo wlmr he decided pm hi men model bulldlnl to work onhll our write PM Ixiï¬Ã©birig Stack Cars Thu mulling model prem lnenl stock car driver mi Sharpel trophyMullins midl Ine Lobo ms 11mm mpldo unborn copy of the or Inna except it wan Ihom 25 ol In Inch to ml die the mam Dmu eluted by his load ou une let work making seven other models whim or the must put wen quicklypicked up by the stock car driven Made mm plastic the models mum about 10 hounho com 990 91 Wed W1 1773537 um by DE the mm and are cm shaped nwuldA ed Path WW For Sail his new business an excenenl wuy in eat your cake and have It to The he receives ram 1ean hil models vrovldo the necessary capilul buy mun material to cumin his hubby and also give Mm pocket money to mend mm mu Separate Schools In Regina Get Tax Support REGINA CWThe bclls her nldlng the bellman of 1965 In Saskatchewan ulw tolled lhe mum of nomelhlng the Wheat valnu hasnt nun for more than so years uIupponed uparau necnndary noton or Romuxcwmllc IludentL More than 15 wpmu cond nry whom have npenled 1n the provinm dgrhu the last 50 yum but all wen Iuppumd privately None recelved the Inpport of taxes or pmvindn 19 Iprrlnz mslan ha pmvlnclnl leglslllure leglllann Allowing Illa emb lhhmerfl separate hlzh pmd llaman Catholic rale plym ln llzzlm Mme Jaw Idwols It was an amendmml Ind Weybum voled ln lnvor ol lolhe lWI Secondary School Act and allowed uparale school lupporlm to collect laxu or pmnu high school wllhmn alto havln lo lupport wbllc ldmls Aller lbs 1961 lezlnlallon was ulahllshlnx uwpporled urnle hilh Ichool dhlrlcu Starlinx In September was nude nlnc Rom Calhollt Iludenu ln Reglnl wlll eonllnm In the pants Iclmol xyxtun The number ll estimated at 300 Mler Obs 19M lexhlauoh was RAMADAN HM CAIRO AWRIM IM Modem hnly mm of lulln hula flundny hullde In Ilon maltm ulll be mulled in Int mm dunxumu am ma daylor I0 dun Genlrll Collullla Gym Cluh member lager nurnm lupI hllh In the alr In demnmmlu Immune och nlmn durlnl Monday Illm Mon 11de unlan num niir DEMONSTRRTES TECHNIQUE Ila the llzlme Georflrn Bay Secondary School Association boys basketball sdieduio WI underway ihh Thursday with Harrie North knexialu playing but to Alum Each of tha our school in the local division Burris North and Central Aiiiswn nnd Coi in5wnod pity nix limes three arms at home Ind hm may and Ill avert wiii be tripia holders All sdioois hnv ju venlle Junior and senior entries in the league Fotluwlnl th Feb Vilnde ot the regular schedule sunk final play will be held be tween the llrst place mm In league will runnerup ln the diva Semidplaoo tlnlsher ln league It sdaedula plly will men the chample with xemlllnnl wlnner to clash In two game total polntl llnel March and Basketball Gets Underway On Thumday Drum Club memliera bi Bari rig NONI Collegian hflpe Thu onmplm local dlvklon schedule ls as lollawu Jln 1Alllswn It North Jm HAlllslm Central North killinsz Jan llWflfltolllngwwd Jln uCemnl at Nonll Feb mum at Allisflm Feb 4Cenlnl at Alllslnn Fdx llNaxth Alllston Colllmd It lenl Frb IBAlllm Calllngd Norfll Central All lrlpleheaderl lll slated hello emu those plnlygd at lleslale Paella mm pgrgect IIAROIJI MARI MARRS BARBER SHOP AND JOHN KOREN lid uouvNuni ol JANUARY IIKCIM ll lllAMIOO nu in New Dance oi the 333 WW am ï¬le Wooten Shuifle in the Mmd Roan alumni at 930 Dmsx socks and well er Ind admission in 50 cent with An Activity card Ind 75 min wiihfélll ï¬gmgkfliuih up co instnmmfli 1mm in Barrie miniskirt will be providing mum Hm mm dung or their men em bl Milli Up whldlï¬vgill be manned So uls hurry up and anal that 111 of yours Frldly only three day Awnyl nny wooden head wlth men diddel and yellow wool la comm called booster plus no being Iold by the SHIde Donnell to boost odtool mlrll prlor Io the basketball season he ns sell lot 50 cent and hen haLs ln school colon n11 lot 35 cénls However both can be bomb 0975 nu Chu lolla Blaelaw of llll will be only these plus lo the coal North Students Plan Annual Twerp Dance DRAMA PRESEMATION 11 or Northl can mm In qum drawing clown Only 15 015 are between he club emu Ind In an duh lo the dww mum Up 65 wlll pm named Jul 20 Cur tn Collegiate BASKETBALL Thmdny marks the bellnnligs Ole baskul ball season North when will bl lhlI lo Witch heir junlor And nulor boyl mm plly Alllxlonl Baallnx Mermth lull School Junlor Ind mlm xlrll team will pm at Alllltou Take Top Honors Rt Ski Contest KIMBEIW BC ta Mumborl of Canndal nnUonIl 11 team look Ill the hon on dorm ma lwoday mbor loy Open In Id meet Norm Sh ounhln Saturday Ind Sundly Gerry Nnfldl cl Kinborllg md Nancy Greene non BC won lho mod ml worm enl cardinalx open event to yo About 15 skim mm ema Ind the United sum prud palod Pew Duncan Mount Trun hlm Qum wu umnd bebInd ammo M1 on when tho Further amen uhedfled In allow Jm Nlllnzwuod If plly VNorth um boy nuonil min By DIANE HUXTABLE BEHEABSE FOR CURTAIN UP Ulnln mm In VIIl1 Ream tho Jewellery Store ever mlndml lho Iulurc cullomcr beneï¬t and complelo mlmcllon from Nam have to can Wood 28 BanLe Central boyplay nNmthwuh the mu PW at 92m Feb anwood will be mu It Noah th the zirLs from New invent In Oofllnzwood Feb 11 mum Jun Can Donald Mum1m 11w dancer II meaning we opmhii numl 31¢ clly whjd Odd Fellows LookFor New Hall To Hold Functions can maven hm meeting hall They Qhouih dedde lo build new structure with Odd Fellow melanin laid in the exme shwld know within two week whether they will build new quarter which would contain dam ML FEATURES No bud Adtedukd 1n Bunlo this week either the Embassy or flu Odd Fdlwn lay Cohum wlw run In Odd Fella dam say ha doe not have Anyone book edlwlhhwoekmdbnho to have In Mans mm II land Illa next chem Wheeler of the Bnbm laid hll hail will leatun Rompln nla Hnwklnl 113 mm will be backed by We hue and MI thplel mu mun wilh put mum we um The pop wade dldnt mm much In week Th One noticele caption hula Bowman by Paul Cluk mu 119119 hll ol count Ink whldl cant Mn mah th Imam damLit 00 11mm Rn continua lo Ikymckd It lewed from number walkI co umber 10 um lock IIn PARADE Feel FlmSn Wornln 2v 11 was on Wet xii Weddlnl by 0mm um Main communalmmmmns memmbflmnm Mumwlum um and In ulnl Mm usmuz til min world news In fwcus By 1de wm phy North an mm Allistun num WJEWE Fen 15 the teas wlll bl mpleted Bank can girls pinyin Nuthxlnd th boyl meelhu Rama Central at Central Colleglnw Enmlnu PhMo Inln vaxhing Good by Her nunl Hermit on Cnplloi 101mm Deer Gnry Fer rier on Clpit Albertans Pear For Range Cattle CALGARY CPD 1130 AI bemn any Southern Alberta cam rancher fur repelllha ol the yen 180607 when so per gnu ll walnut ten ranchern mum um report um Iona from In monthl Pnlrta bun1rd Moth And rlzld Inputtum mm Cam luau conï¬ned mink to mlhumrn Albefll In Umlled beï¬wm Ind hid Ml count um will not In mad unul mm The mum an In mo oak pnth mm mm ankle 1mm WIN hilly from 1h allot tho Dr camber humrd Conllnuhl cold hu cut ood ously Into my menu for Ind And My price hm rlun In much II Ion buqu the Iberian mm mm In covered mud gm 11nd And mating dlmmlllex Ivr nndv on who hm ad to their call 37111 Tgm by 11 Wllr 113 mnpaper Im in HlLOS OOMPHIES and Clam Hoppm $595 on 5995 LWALKW EL SHOE SAVAGE 2L mun ll DUNLDI