Published by toBayfield Street Barrie Ontario jnwuu Publisher Canadian Newspapers ruasoav mummy us no ivFeyderal limited Wilson General 31WOUId Ensure ProsperiWiF Canadian business leadersto the ap glmximate number of 100 encouraging predictions of improved thusiness for 1965 The list included heads of manufae turing firms insurance co lm rtantstores railways and mines unanimous an agreement as to Can adas outlook for the future should not intakeus too confident but should rath er Induce concern on our part and on the part of our business and political lead are to ensure that the predicted results are verified by the adoption of sound policies Among other policies consistently urg ed by such business lead for federal tax cuts in tain the present employment momentum across Canada llnance Minister Walt given broad hints that are within reach and it can be surmised that our business leaders recently united mpanies banks or finance minister not to change his mind it seems probable that the government anticipates reductions in come taxes This would for companies to invest etch the purchase of new machinery and equipment and other outlays that would create new jobs and thus add to the Gross National Product 1110th should Ilso be given to the burden of the individual income taxpay corporate in release money in plant expan Commentlng on the case for tax redue tion Burton chairman of Simp sons Ltd remarked During the next ers is the need order to main er Gordon has tax reductions are urging the ï¬ve years Canada must provide new Jobs for much largortgoup Private usiness can do this if it given suffic ient incentive to achive greater produc tivity What is needed most Canada is much lower level of taxation to provide the stimulation that will spark move toward greater productivity and jobs for every qualified worker urgently In Might Be Turning Point Virtue Is its own reward an ancient saying runs but it is seemingly not necessarily the only reward One night recently as the Washington Star tells the story two Negro youths were standing on Northwest corner In Washington They saw gang of you snatch pulse from 7Dyearold woman They may have briefly nursed misgiv infs or asked each other Why not nd our own business and keep out of trouble But the instinct of too strong The twain took off in pursuit collared the pursesnatcher and alter scrap with the gang turned the culprl and the pumover to the There the matter might But it didnt DOWN MEMORY LANE l0 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie bramlner Jan in Tower D7yearold charter member took part in burning $60 Collier Street Baptist Church Rev Nullrneyer gave prayer This petty hos been sold ment for part of new Queens Counsel in New List Maurice Maclaren 0A assumed duties as president Kiwanis Club succeedln llarrls Redmond lilies was Barrlol first Lynn Noreen new year baby in Down llall Reeve of Barrie died Vllblsr basketball team Georgian Bay league Coached by Ernie fctrlmoulx with Glenn Scandrclt and Ray Brill as managers personnel Includ ls final year for old church as pro to federal post office Church will erect $100000 new building on St Vincent St Maurice ii listen named on CKBB James Popp eton reviewed first years activities of Teen Iovm Dr Iloolr honored on retirement or district veterinarian for Canada Degth of Agriculture sue oeeded by Ilasle William Rusk 00 local contractor and former The police Wells nger teenage OBryant od elpfulrless was em Jon right thing Pouce point in their have ended now to make Conn Laurie 1955 um Hardacre Go mortgage of thanksgiving govern Years Honors mils IcIAdge Report Infantry Brig coo East MP of Houso of Barries De was leading Maybe there is niiicance to the story But for these two youths at least the dedsion to do the my At least they ner Doug Moorhouse Camp Borden Carlin Club hold first Yuletide bonsplel Bill entry won Dow The by Others on rink were Vern Adams on Walk and Hart skip Mayor It EldonGreer sworn into office clerktreasurer In 1954 at 33225250 to building Worshlpful Master of Kern Slmcoe MP will be In House of Commons until lion George Drew recovers health 25th Canadian commended the two lit yearolds Erskine Gregory and Francis An anonymous donor sent them $50 School Superintendent Hansen sent his mphmoeinttsï¬in with an apt lloltationrf that ego gsyoung pope oral Ire too seldom noticede0 few nights later at the CometPat terson School more than 100 turned out to honor the boys And to ca people the climax Lt Tilmon Second Prednctlfound no moral of great alg havebeenaturning lives have the opportunity it so ed Neil Gleason In Club Bernie Mc encer Dali Nesbltt Ted Patterson Keith Gerd and Doug Kettle ents Barrie bé Calder town arrle set new record ioslie Chittlck install as penfelt Masonl Earl Rowe Duffelin mder of Opposition lion ade llQ which served In Korea now located at Camp Borden und er Colonel Donald Cameron DSO in William Robinson QC of Midland Sim appolntod Do uty aker Commons upsemlth Campbell Reeve of On Ind Warden of Simcoe County chosen to contest Slmeoo East for liberals In ncrt rovincial elec tion Property of lure Store leased to large department store Barons for early occupancy Smith Rrrnl OTHER EDITORS VIEWS RENEWAL AMONG HVMNS New York Herald The problem of renewal of moder nlzotlon among the churches are crlly illustrator by the compilation of now Anglican hymnal The volume will drop among other mn qulrcd patina of amll My God to IIlcn on the Is sentimental but doctr nIlly va no The chnrgeo may be llccnrnto enoug much tradition lifts The Barrie Ex summit1 mans rim mall roll omu napmun Ind rm poymvnl ml min NIH HUMu Ind liblutnry nInNnrn wam Vulnl II wrunn II Mrrrrrnann Ilhcrcd nboul the nm and them wil be many In the urch ol England who will miss It caller to make out me against lrlbuno aacrl Ice and point bc Ngrct that have ac lorlty Norrcr und that II but llrh rpoakln aminer 00le rll Cnnmllrna Contrary to llul hr In Quebec today It Is not Ill own yawn Aumular Iranm influlgo in In MIIIAV HILL errlall ultimatum Inlama Man lbcviouo nlu only by unit Ilium all your llllfl In ll all mm men not lhlow of who my oumla mum IluIaIfll Data In till you neeIdem use you ur lllllrw llnlwrrtt lirel annual sci ml mum no Newbie In lAMMIn Im mom AMIIIIIm Avon lama clmloum Clnbdlfl LA Irlrm MUM We ulaflpmï¬ Â£71 in level mu hmlnir Null Add Tilt WHOM llhhlr Worm um lulu lbom Groenlandr Icy Mountains Il thou it has its own connotations of horolrm in the missionary field Nevertheless for whatever the old song may have of nostalgia them will There Is co to pay for mmwal and while it may be small In lmt to thegaln It bar the sting of lors SETTING WORTHV EXAMPLE Quebec City Lllvencment The statement made Monsignor Em mclt Carter lllrhop of deserves to be widely spread In the Brig ondon Ontario provinces In the course of of st lawmnco Colic In Ontario bishop declare lhatt or this college rcpmonlcd llIlle mlr role which should serve or lesson to the corcmon ca marking the Inaupurallon no ice the building certain tendencies pear me to excess of Incomprebonalon munI and narrow mindedness but rather to mu rprrall In the II nutm chm MnIM II use all mnwlhl and In rm the rl ht of orlly privileges in orith In the Ily viriure 7mm no 11 WM fond Clint Iy Nowour Pub 1r lInldlIn hee sad the quled certain for awn ummn mm ill rather of historic Canadian rights are ofï¬cially loco tion but have rill whol lfiguration of restricting the ngllsh sparking min grrnllng the same the lirench speaking min other provinces of til historypthe two inth odhy the Constitu boen lnrdequaiely civilization throuflr country the broad mludednm that our province shown to words Ila English speaking minority It Is not therefore so me season PickSNDPMember As MaanYeer tum political standard out memola talking about fman ol the you around here most We would auto matically turn to Premier John hobortr Mr liobuu rum nod you lie bar lgured pronu neatly entire patient moi TO BE HOLLY MS PASSED WASHINGTON CALLING Surgeons Reduce LBI Takes Plunge Great Society Begins eroonoou DONALDSON wasrlmorou Spednll year President Johnson be gins his drln towards the fflrut Society drum place when all Amorlcaln will com the mall at the ninth US economy freed from ignor ance wait and Intuition Iho Indent Greeks lolrndrd prirll aged clIII which had the time tothlnhwhllaailveadldtiudir Ky work In Johnsons version every one will helmlg to the privileg ed clan and automated ma chine will serve as slaves Ils will to wipe out pov erty are or the old people and through mmivelydlnunccd research cure killers like can cer Ind heart disease IDEA NM NEW Illa Idea Ll not new but John son rays or flu first time in mans history we really hove is mm to who PM According to present call mates of the state of the Amer lcsn economy the president ls right The gross national prod uci the sum of all goods and services produced rose by so billion dollars In Ill ertlmated our billiar In lllllt Ind lhould go up by further UM billion year It Increase alone war II meet an big as Canodal grosr national product of bllllon hlr Johnson who likes to think of himself or moderate conservative does not pin to cure poverty by redialributln the wealth Inrtud he will laser by dripping odd bllilonr off the one hundred bIlIlon dol IIr federal budget Ila hopol to do for the backward Inn of America what the Mrrrhall Plan did for IhIltand pooler ram the key to his Croat Sodotli II editortion If he can train Idroel on In the rundown Inn to It thenelm for an AWN society they will not Just be cantd along by lhl economy but will It At present the real Socirly Ia dreom Before the and of the Johnson bdmlnilirltlou It could become shopan alo In like John Dlrfonbalrerr vision of the Canadian North Mr Johnson doubt that ho Young Cubans Stage Protest NW ronx IANNineteen young urban ullea handcuffed Wm to chain and Ilrunl tbmmlm around the mourns 9° on an hour It mom of the horn loom Directorate and the am VIme Molo llonary Front denied on ll hauls freedom tor oa rang patriotic rows rilooal pm unto employ he who fell can oi the no local mrmummt of Ilnk in Ihe chain and mod Ibo nun rod four women to to They did will achieve the gpldur loal hr hlsllfetlrneAllhesayIirthIt It can be reached If the nation willing to try JIINKYARD DILEMMA nema mil like wifeisy nag is mo when Lady Bind Johnson Iold Lyndon lire couldnt stand the sight of the auto lunkyardr that lerter along the highways LBJ had to lay hed do unwilling about them But whall In the put Amer lmn can graced from the roads to used car lots to the wreckm then to process Ior who would melt down what was left and drip it back to the auto factories as new steel Now the ocrrp market Ir dry log up More than five million earl are reaching the Junkyard each year The planners hoping eventually for hgher Erica In spreldln wrecks crops acmu rd farmr flrcy spoil the am burl ncu And says Mr Johnson they drive my wife mad So his task lorco on natural beauty In looking for relu tien One suggestion Dump them Into the sea to form or illhdal recfr which will attract RIDE EM F15 BOVI me fisherman of tha future will be an undrrwrur cowboy riding mid of submarine Ind herding llrh bio corral with the aid of trained dolphins Ihlr la the vision of Dr lithol rtrn William and dean of the llrstlluteo Technology at the University ol Minnesota In In article In the Bulletin of Atomic Scientistr ha dolphins could be trained as un derwaler rhupdogr to help In the roundup Ile entimalcr that the harm of food from the sea could be lnmaud live to hundred times by raising nquncultunr to the level of modern agrinlituro occrnogrlpbcr Girls Height WY England lieut em British bone aurgeou have performed the final oper ation in series designed to Whittle down llx footmm loch teenue girl to slightly over all feet mmeii lighter try gluten flu re utility raid turday everything gone according to plan and that lryearold Ann Rmfan was sleeping comfortably However will be or thee before we know Whether the operation has been 100 per cent mcceuful he said The lalest wrgery removed four Inches from the thigh bone of the sirir left leg Previous operations cut two ladies from the shin hem it both legs and Sir Inle from ï¬re right thigh fhe auburnhalred girl who had been nIChmned lanky by schoolmates and Iullercd acute embarrassment from her abnonnal height hopes to be itletolttmddlnoerlndthhe Irt In other normal activities If the unusual operations prove ulceeuhll Doctors decided her Imubla war In overactive gland which caused her to continue growth fly the time this was discovered Ann had reached II Oct WI lnchu In helfllt Owes His Liie To Batteries ronomo CPI Archdcm con Arthur MeOoIIum vs owed his life for the put three your to batteries connected to his heart lie or the tint patient at fbroolo General Hospital to ave pacemaker Installed In him It delivers an electric shock to his heart times every min ule and keeps It bcailnl If It werent for deviu Archdumn McGelhrm would have died when hardening of the arteries danuged hurt norm IhI device In In munIo of his chest The are all bIlIelirI Ind Urey current that pun Into the had Andbla province has had mlrlg months However the writer door not chgjoseuyllriullohlmaï¬ rr calm ouglr Mr Rahalta has led good moral meet very little of It yet can be called his government Most of his molar accomplishments to date have been Inheritedthey were Initiated by the Front ll me Then secondly It in my belief at least that tbesetlmcs and partlcrdarly the timer that are eelnlnl call for vigorous tar agtnative and bold leadership And ll yet Mr Robarts hIant shown he has those qualities He has liven some IndicItlon he pound may have at leart touch of them But whether he really does and to what degree still has to be shown CHOOSE LEW Rather my choice is very young man And choose him principally because of the hope he has offered for the future This man Ir Stephen Lewis the year old rookie NDP merinbcr from lhronfoScarbor Mr bowls In one year has shown there is or could be new political bleed on the way up which will be able to hlrldll the problems which lie ahead andwhlch problhly will be of the aeration immediately redial it Mr inwla war eleded to tin legislature in the fall 19¢ and sat through his lint union last winter very Hummu lie made dramatic Impression And soon be stamped himell II Kebably the most able orator House He also soon rhowedtllat be exceptionally well lnlomali Irrd had background breadth Iben tbia hummer hereon In mother area when he muted minded the WM rucoeIlul byelodion In lbmolo Rlvcrdnld And short while later ln played an important part In th partya federal byelectlon vio fory In Waterloo South noon communes in other words be Is euro hlnatlon of good parliamen tarian and good maidlevel an out Is likable no la conl lidence but with It hills of humility He has abnwn himself to be strong lighter but 19 for at least not dirty on And he undoubtedly has sinner There are things you can orb tlciu to him An Important one is thatbs bar the seal of the idealist and with thin some apparent blindj our to practicalities He at pears ro immersed In what abould happen that he Ignores the bow and lhyr But be Ir still developing and maturing Alli he II bright yapot In tblallam and provlueol THE LIGHT TOUCH Hal Has His Own Fuzzy Forecast ayaaasovur NEW YORK IANTho world wlll be burning Irle throm out less Ind youll have to watch your rtep to keep from being stung 1111 la revealed in our an uualunwpyrlxhted funy fou eaat of tbefuturo lbe cryrtai ball ls even more clouded than usual but peek Into It myrtle depths discloses that during the next months titers thing probably will hap President Johnson will Indig nanfly deny an accusation from Peking that the United Stale plans to solve It poverty prob lem by almling all Its poor people to the moon Former premier Niklla Khru shchev of the Soviet Union will solve the Soviet govemmeotl lyret unemployment mourn accepting par on re lallona adviser to Prerldeot charm do Goalie of France Germany which made In out of war than Ilrybody will continue to make more out of peace than anybody Japan will announce planr to build the worlds first Illplastic aircraft curler CHANNEL KWIM Nobody will swim the Dip llrh Channel In either dirrctlon durhrg Irlnlary February or limb to June however an Egyptian rwhnmlrlg out will collide In mldchannel with girl factory worker from Mm cherler swimming west They will marry to Julyunderwater Iconan will break out In mcnle olde Englandr when one of Iler Majestys mlnlrtm is local pub Calm will be restored after televised appeal by Sir Winston Churchill for the nations to stand study Dont look for much change In Viet Nam The only nola worthy Improvement will government will be Installi headed by fellow whose nam can be pronounced In English Richard Burton will star In multimillion dollar movie not called Son of Cleopatra Guess wholl play er motherl renratlanal new dance known II The Queep will sweep society circles This Is how It will work 1m partners will lie down on opporlta alder of the room and queep toward each oIher like serpents without the aid of hand or feet While some ministers will denounce the dance Ia degrading If not Immoral prominent psychi atrist will defend It on tho grounds that It Is harmless way of getting rid of hidden Ir morioos But all In rill 1965 will be good lime to be alive Just lay In good stock of aspirin hg BIBLE THOUGHT Izw heart III will girl you and new rplrlt will put withi youlaad will tan away the stony hurt out at your flesh and will give you heart of flesh Euklrl um 1n work of redemption thoro llmly dranng one heart and life God makes him new man hart itself caught drooling It darts In atrial Janus maw slcnrsoli Scorrlsli LANDSCAPE New night such or the Mm view bug petro pIIII Il dram mu mum contrast vi Ml wlIII the will on ma rim mauami frotnlbo on dle Icotiurd do him VI MI