Visitor during the holiday season were Mr and Mrs Frank Clnrké and Heather of Bolton with Randolph Harris Mr and Mn Ronald McComhnnd step hen Burlington wiih Mrand Mrs Ed McComb Mr and Mn George Bison and Robert oi Bradionl and Mr and Mn Grant Brooms oi Baotou with Mr and Mrl Gruhnm Mr and Mrs Keith Daniels and family Barrie and Mr and Mn Vern Abrams at Toronto with Mr and Mrl Mei Bray man Mr and Mn Waiter Kor chuk and iamily at Toronto with Mr and Mn Earl Carr Mr nnd M11 Pat Murphy mi Jan ice Mr and Mn Rennie Wan Rhonda and Reynelte Mr Vi olei Hutchinson Mrl Jack OConnor Mrs Ray Hacketl LGnry Harris of Toronto Mr and Mrs Ann Green Sherry and ShelLv of Fergus Mr and Mrs Peter Tamhlyn of Deep River with Mr and Mrsl Doug in Airih Mr and Mrs John ny Aaron and Michael oi Milton And Mrl Ind Mrs Leonard Am nn oi Toronto with Mm Ed Amen and Michael oi Milton and Mr and Mrs Igoan Amon of Toronto with Mn Ed Amon M15 Pat Lowe linrrio and Mnrjorlo lawn Toronto with their parenu Mr and Mr Bill Lowe Miner Helm Davin Hun ilton and Ruby Davin Bnrria with Marmot Harry and Ham Davin Mr and Mrs Maurice Mndill and lnmily oi Willihy and Mr and Mrs Brian Bant ing oi Barrio with Mr and Mrs Wilson Wright Mn Shep herd Toronto with her daugh Ker llirnl ports Hidey Mr and Mn Albert Gflxoy And Mr and Mn lvnn Wright and famfly went Chimm Dny with Mr Ind Mn William Kt Gillnrd Mri iuyménd pa tient In Stevenson Memorlll 105 We 4mm Karen Pendulon of Mono Cent spending the chum holiday with their grandparents Mr and Mn BcnAnmlmnj Christina vhlhxl with Mr and Mn Ken Crawford we Mr Ind Mn Morrbon Dean Elmvm Mr and Mr 811qu Mr and Mn acorn Gould Lillie Long Lac spendinl the Chrislmu holiday will the inilera grandparenLl and pan nu Mr and Mn William Can and Mr and Mn Elli Carr Mn William Walker in vim fling in Tomato will lit and Mrs myllmiggmmik Mr and Mn Bruce McLean and Emily men nu151mm 1101 my in Tom with the form Ira mother Mn Mum and Donald Mr And Mn Jimmla Nahn Klnmon visited recently with Mr and Mrs Nomn Baht Billy Flood Mr and Mr and Mn 661 Film and may visited Monday with Mr and Mn Bud McKee Lind lay my Munrth mmwa COOKSTOWN FASHION THAT GOES UNDEh FASHION Am tinned Church Sunday school concert wilh Mrs Wes indie nuperinlLndenl dial man look the arm or calen dar or the year Each dns presented monih and Linda Cole Ided as Father Time De cember brought the evening to close the Nativity Scene bmum out um rue manning oi Chdnlmas Santa Clam llsiened requuu of the little oik and each member received bag of candy nunMNo mm 0n Wehsdlyiennlng Jan thc Boy Smuu In planning Lyyi Smith Art dds rink of mm Allen Rm Allen and Carol Fildey Lenan Rowes rink Isobel Rnwe Hector Smilh and Carol Wilson Harold Cmnlns rink nf Mildred Rluvel Terry 6mm way and Camelme Grammy 85 CONCERT BOXING DAY 110mm Saturday Dec 78 Cookslnwn knling Club held their annual Boxing Day Murpiel with 16 rink mmpeung Winners ior oclock draw were Ken Craw iordl rink of Shirley Riley Bob Riley and in Orawlord Earl Cm rink Muriel Carr Geom Gould and Margaret Guild Don Carter rink at Don na Huxhgg Ken Wheeler and Cooksmwn Women Institute will hold the January meeting In the lawn halL Thuadv eva ninn Jm with Mn Violet Ross manner bum the pro gram on minim Commlln Lee 011911 131qu yfll In Mr Ros Mn lundTMn mm Mrs nmn Mrs Cook Mn Dudley and Mn Com Mr and Mn Jack Ralph and family North Bay Mr and Mn Kan iiitin and family Mid hunt and Mr and Mn Ted Ttlfin and ilmlly Oznngeviile spent Christina day with their puenls and lisier Mr and Mrs Dalian iiilin Ind Myra Mr and Mrs Rniph remind let the holiday Mason Sympathy nl the chmmunltyll extended lo Elmer Wobber In he dam of hi mother Mrs Ember webber It summon Memoth Holpflnl Anlxmn in her 72nd yur an Wednesday Dec Servlcn was held lrom Hughu mun Home Dec with tenpotty enlambmem 1n Alliston WOMENS lréd chc and family Mr and Mn Don Bulmer and Iamily Mr 3nd M11 Flynn of Barrie Ind Mr andMrI Herb Sh mm moth Jnhn Arnold of Ottawa Epent Chflstmu with mother Mn Lorna Arno Student from Meshunfru chen College Tamra who are spending the lelonwllh their palmu Judy Mnhrwlth Mr and MnDong1u Ail1h Karen Benton withMr and Jack Benton and Carol Mr inï¬ll fwd my me and Miss Marlin ï¬non spent the Garian weekend with mm Arnold MESH Doreen Chamock and Genevieve Jamian Toronto and Ross Gllmy Barrie were holiday vlsflon will Mr and Mn Jnmlwm Mr Ind Mn Ede Mercer Mr and Mrs 11mm Mud and Debbie of Mldlmd mere Christmas day visltora with Mr and Mr Jack Scott Mn annex upon Chrish mu Ivy with Mr and Mrs lame Carmlhcn ncodr Wron to had weeks vncbllou with Peacock Mr and Mn Boyd Arnnld Dan and Sham London Mr Eng Mrs Munay flangleI Pndï¬m To WM St Judol Anglican mums service were very well mend ed to dmrdl was beauumlly decorated Linda and Diane Marrow sang duet Ax Lately We Watched the midnight communion mvkv line ragrnm was pusenled by the Ddren of St Judel Sunday school 31 their annual mummy 00mg lhe NI 6le or the next your project Belng well gmamed please contact lhe leadgr Mn Watson 7266815 helma Jan The United march Women will me Jan the home 01 Mrs 13mm Roll cull wlll be paymmt of dues New ofll am will be Installed Mr and Mn George Peacock Hnmloto Manitoba were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Peacock mrï¬e tn91oï¬ï¬ii15 their me Mr and Mn Gordan Jory and mm enayed Christmas In men 19w Jhome InMn Wu happy day at the home 01 Mr Ind Mrs Harald Moore when all the 1m 11y arrived or visit and en hygd tho iaf dlnyet Smdihg bondu win their plan In Bah Mum of Warezlog Univgyjty with Mr and Mn Bruce McLean Bruce Shellswell of Waterloo Univer my wlu Mr nnd Mme Shellawefl uWnllaoe Smlth of Ryenon mums rToronka with Mr and Mn Hector Smith Alex Amen of Skabrooks Queu with his mother Mn FA Am to have Kingflu Bonï¬re mlllama trees Resident of Commmuked to take their tree to the lnlr notde ortm burning oelock you an unabie In take your me contact Mrs Dorilvlfldey at 4534405 and Arrangements II he nude 41 have it picked Bl Full 10 DALSTON ms momma THORNTON it and Mn 1L Arklcy um Keilh of mm and Mr and Sympathy of 013 community extendbd to Mix Wake mum death of her win brother Ralph due Io an unloflunale accident ncnr Orlnggvula girlslmns eve Larry Pope Ing with oth er young people lrom Stmud and flame Ll attending the elght nnnunl Onllrio Youth Center once behu held in Nlazan Falls Recent vlsllara with Mr and Mrs Hog and family were Mr Raga Sn Mr and Mn Hogs nnd wanes Mr and Mrs Thoma Hodg and family and Frank Hog all of Toronto Mr and Bill Holt and famï¬y of Ianglon Mr and Mn Harry Km and family Vlllluwdale Mr and Mn George Rice and amHy of Peel Village and Mr and Mr and Mn Wil son of Bunlo Mr and Mn 1L Shannon and Rhoda spent Ghrlsknas with Ibo Cxawfard amHy In Cookstown Don and George Clam are mend few days with unh xmndparenu Mr and Mn Shannan Christmas day sums of Mr 1nd Mm Alvin Calms wm Mr and Mn summer and may Crown EU Sunday ï¬t her were Mr And Mrs 14mm Summm men Hill Ind Mrl Slack Ibranto Mm Ida Home spent Christ mal eve with her granddaugb tar and family Mr and Mrs 3211111 Mill and Sephen Wlllow Edam prim went to Winnie Mungé GDPace aummï¬ Eran V9 Campbe un mwBfl1crels Beverley Blundell Dflllln Ipenl Christan holléaylwith her pants Mr and Mn Nell Blundell and Mn John Halpenny Mrs Pam and armqu with Mr And Mn Brno PM and Mr and Mn Frank Hurley Barrie Mn Jud Canmu 1mm spent uxrktnm with her aunt Miss Monlellh ma MONTE Mn Pemdrvhlud Mm day will In mount Mrullddg hammseoon 1MrndMflEBowderylnd Ind LB Mdary spent 0111 dly wiih Mr and Mn Rodwny And Mr and Mn Andemn 1mm Weekend Vkllon wilh Mn DAnllg wen Mn Morris Mn Mum Mn Moon and Larry Coleman cl Toronto Mn VIII of in taxman anurmburn and Mn Calm cl Beam Ind grriï¬Ã©nwbng town 11 and Mine Gnflslmummday wlth ï¬nmgd Mu Brown Barrie Mr Ind Mn Mirth Wnll MIDHURST KNOCK mommy on mm Am Allan also to Mr and Mn Lloyd Rawnof Hol lteln omen mldenu of lhls nomrmmlty on the birth of con Dec 11 lumber for Alfflll Mariam 3mm Ind ary Holiday vhllor at the home 01 Mr and Mn Archie Wnnlen Included Mr Ind Mn Allred Colllns Douth Palrlcln and Joanne of Weston Mn Isabelle Mdan and Gary McLean lvr onlo M11 Wnnless Collin wood Ind willlnm Ralnlanl Burlo Missal Ann Planting Tor onto and Helen Pickering Col linsz wen alrlnlmu gum or Mr and Mrl Alex Finlay Dnlo Mklnmn Tom and Warren Wanleu Mirthnm mm Grimm bolldm It thelr mpectlvs human Mr Ind Mrs John Vlney Bu nn and Sharon Barrie vlsll ed Gulxlmu day with the lar mers mu Mr and Mn Fmdv Mr mufï¬n Raynolds and family Penetanj spent mm mu wllh mu dnughm and filming aarhlrnu day at the omco Mr and Mn Gerald Kitchla Mr and Mn sun Ram and Ear Ind Olga lawn an demberl wlth Mr Ind Mu John Wllm Mr Ind Mn Ardlle Ilwm rpen CherAu In Wlhili wlth chelr lwn Ion their amulel Mr Ind Mn Rebel Minty And Mr and Mn Clillord Grin Allenwood were Christmas gill Mr ml Mn Harry Gznznhllallm to Mr Inrl Mrll Pat Gillan nee June mum on the birth of Ian Dec15 brglher or am mm Mann JANUARYJ 1n Mrt nu havan bl warding Nu YewNIH Mr Mm Norman In In Run Vlctoxh IL mm It Goa Fm New You1 with Mr Gum brotlur In Sultan unit ConnMutton to Mr and MnDGlbhou ï¬ns Nu recent birth Mr Mr and Mn Bowman Allan Christin with Mr and K1th HA and on Sunday Marla Ind Gun with their Mm Ind lam Qlu vlniled their pm mu Lwmm Wm 19m NEW HOS STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT Fm elderly and convales wl allenu Excellmt laclll for prime or unlprlvm Hat and cold water In mom Regine ed Num ln manhunt Rag MARSHALL Mu Jam Gilchrist and McLaren Barrie and John Mc Gill Phelpxtan visited on unm maa day with Mr And Mn Jam Mlllmn and family om er holiday vlsitorl with the nu Maw Mr Ind Mn Waiter Jack Heme mad work hm to pin 100400 mu board and picnic table In builci amlly Naw Yearl MIL hmlly dunmud day in bank yin of Hut For Darn Call 15 Bayfiald 5p GeIAII The Hot Water You Need BARRIE PUBLIC UTIlITIES COMMISSION BUILDS OWN SKIHILL IN VANCOUVER While broMall In by Golliln wllh Cmdln hum In mm ï¬rm uplift AA In nipo 8040 Smmg junior girdle at your all will Inquud lmnl pine Wllfl Iim IMO Conan Inn llne ln will Medangiving elude 34 by Diny lmh to up Slnmg long It unly linlln Jillianed mm but Impalioncd Iona lmllu XI xxx Gollrla round in Vllh ma um do io much mummy llleAloprn 32M HIMII nin mm mu um ad ï¬loin Will dun IMO Anny uni Mpg Nap mmmmmfm mwwuswww Regain mm mat girdle by Ddly th vu ley th 1m in mum Dunlfly cmhroidmd mp 3138 In la pawn ml punt girdle Ivy Dnluy th lo XL lmbmirlcrcd collon 1m with menb unp by Galhb cupl ma No hm women him tho lune mum pmblem but WI cinch lhcrol Golhlu Dnlly Ftell or Samn hr of that wlll do the moat uu Tempted lo Ind out lutde by um flllcd by nlkern lrnlnrl mum dare you mm included Mt And Mrs James Graham andlon li and Mrs Frank Hamill and Mr and M11 mu quu Phelpth Mlenwooddlmbpgxrglyd n13m muvo on evening It the home of Mr and MIL Arable Warden Prizes mm minioï¬Ã©g mo $370 Evuï¬t Slryrï¬emvhllfllgld mum on wflh Mr Ind Mrs Elvin Pur son 01 Thornton and on 5mm wflh and Mn chk Shep went to Mn Gents Smith Ind Marvin Elrlck Nuflh Vnneouver ham Iud $313 mm Win AND IT COSTS YOU ONLY PERHMONTH T0 HEAT IT SARONO Tel 7261825 I50 $5 $3 $5 $2 $5 812 250 11