Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jan 1965, p. 5

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Six more stores will be ad ded to this shopplaz Plaza at iAdd Six Angus The plaza was built on marshy and soggy laud Stores To Angus Plaza Iiy KAY Portrait Angus Correspondent Plans have been drawn up ior at additional um to be built adjacent to the AngusCamp Borden shopping plans Corlstruotion on the new stores ts planned ior early in tha new year it is anticipated they will house bake shop beau ty parlor hardware store dress shop shoe store and others Charles Ted Beno oi CTE Holding Company Ltd who ore ch the idea oi the shopping ntre plans in build the ad jacent stores on the west corner oi the pment shopping plan He also hopes another entrance mdexitroadcanbelaldto tacilitate the large volume oi frame site oi the showing can on $31 lormerly unarltivatcd low lng land skirted by King reel on one side wrih the Pine Creek running along the northrm boundaries tremend ous amount oi iiil was necessary to raise the land live ieet irom Ita former soggy terrain dilowever since ditches have been installed to allow ridiicient drainage oi the land Mr Keno does not think high water in the spring will main problem llir Brno will continue to use local products card labor In the nslruction oi the additional v0W5 Material used in the construc lion will be Hayite blodrs cinderlike block which ia light and aeli insulating covered wall will be built between the two plazas Ernies Department Store oi Barrie was the ilrst to move into clothing tor the entire iamlly The second store to open its doors prior to Chriatnias was William Scully lrtd Ontario Manager ior Soullya John Gordon at Montreal explained in Montreal deals mainly in military clothing ior all three services Although they carry line at civilian clothing as well their main line is the tailoring oi military unliomrs At present the store has five employees However Mr Gordon is present ly attempting to employ more tailore experienced in military tailoring Seullys Ltd has stores at Omnooto Camp Gagctownl and Petawawn The third store to open was Ross Pharmacy which moved from Mill Street Angus to the Plan beiore uniatmaa Operated by Fred Ross Ind hir wiie Elvcna the couple ray brislness in the new location has exceeded all their expectations And early this year Huey will also use the store nerd to their present location According to Mr Benn the iGA iood market will be avail able to relation on January and the store should be oiiiclally opened early in February The bank and hardware store will also be available during the iirst part oi January 107 Companies Nationalized by Syrian Legislative Decree DAMAseus iliPlIihe gov ernment Sunday nationalized completely or partially lin Syr tan companies including lead ing cement and sugar plants in iresh eitort to accelerate the socialization oi Syria ihe announcement came in Dries oi legislative decrees irom Syrias presidency council read over Damascus radio and talevirio in the early houra ol the morning Dne dome warned that any attempt to hamper the national isation prom at time con la would be unidrcd by priaonmmt or lie at hard floor or country by death oiiicial guru on the total eapltal oi thou companion were not inunndiately available but qtimntca ran to 00000000 Nerdytwo oi the in re nationaliud curly floaty tour Wm 90 per llvrrceot uatlmnllred 11w ru rtralning lo and as por mi oi the sled respectively was icit in the original alrarehoiden TRANSFER OWNERSHIP Tho decrees tranrierred the ownership oi nationallood stocks to the state in the term at is year bonds at an whorl inter est at three per cent The boards oi directors and general managers oi all the mmpanica were reitevod oi their pasta and the minister of social aiialrs and labor named temporary managers in their lccl The ilmra will be run the workers under sell edmiulrtrrtion system mm gym 1in upon cotntrya national molatim carnal in conformity wliirutlre pivots tonal constitution which says national production enterprises should be owned by the people the film oi up To Ewart ital Syrian Mmni the TM clot nationalised and GI emergency restrictions on burden and reiused exit por mitr lo Syrian nationals Capiial Punishment Degrading lo Society Murderer Says fImilotvm an Nuliian mold roovlctrd murdnm to the 19 nigh appear or when btrcuu it is imam oteiy and iatla aa mom to minder ltu uyearrrld loopuld said durln television interview ra would mar have been ruled at the lime oi his eon arilon than lace ills In prlmn vile sold that on several oc cauonr he even rmlenvlalad rlltr although he rrrllud ilro Ii he Iiyrrl long enough he would putme nub llil im impold wu unturned to Ilie primnment plus to years in it Ior his part In the death at tlrlralto boy lie waa paroled lira ltlrtrrrd their rem print with Ir tlnlrlwd lo dell prisoner Under the lame at his or lrstlna the would to luerto ltlm tor loll film ltloa rmnlh to so louodsti lit was later try tellow lie latte set up inundation aid rotationally disturbed retarded or delinquent outha Maia source oi income or the on ma royalties trom the Mir at his boot idle nus rare During his tilt years in too Leopold became odor and acted aa guinea pig in malaria unort manta llr lraa worded as teadrer social wnrtrcr and mad Ical meaer since his parole Artimr liaiml president oi the anrdlrn liodety lor the Abolition of llta Death Family said lapotd is In untrue oi man can make non trllruttoo ta moiety beearru his ilta was spared lIopold appeami with Mr oriey and other on tha Clltl deviation program nu liarr ltaa Bevan llaya to state his or lth In or ill nldtment it said he mmrolrsulo the in inrvlew became in would have ml it round It in bad re plaza just beiore Christmas This store deals in him Seullya ltd with head otiiee mod aileritwueievelledoutwlth thoaoiilli WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF with BEAM Calii At Friends have disclosed the death of we at the oldest us women Uziyearoid Mary Kelley oi Long Beach She had ucurnents pmving her date oi as June 1m in South iield Mich WWW NAVARA Italy The five children of British atomic physicist died Sunday night in tire that swept on alpine cottage police said today They said Dr Clem ent Green so and his wile Rosemary were away din ing with friends when llamas enguiied their ski vacation cot tage in remote valley 61 miles north of Novara The chil dren ranged in age from three to nine CRASH KILLS LIMA Peru AP bus plunged oil mountain road New Years Day and 23 persons Only two aboard escaped NW1 received here Sinrday said The bus tumbled down 300th ravine into the Merriam River BACKS MUSIC PLAN WINNIPEG lwl The director oi Canadas National Youth Orchestra thinks the ad eral government should go into the business of teaching music Ezra Schaer oi Tomato raid in an interview the government should send out touring group at instrumental teachers to in struct youngsters in smaller Canadian centres DEVEIDP VACCINE MONTREAL Wt Doctors at the St John Optlralrnlc line pllai in Jerusalem have devel oped vaccine will orevart lraciicma die ease which induce blindness lnrd Wakthurat said Lord Wakehurri governorgen eral oi Northcm lrclrnd and lord Prior oi the Order at St John at Jeniaalrm is in Mont DEATHS liy CANADAN PRESl lunaticLaurie McKeclr rile Ed enquire assistant to the aditorinchiei at The Tele gram Ottawa it WaLaon Sellar 79 auditorgeneral oi Canada ior to years until his retire mat in im Ottawa Samuel Quiu as onetime solicitor to the proviro clal ireasurar oi Saskatchewan former president of the Bomb chawan Grit Gavin Mood author oi treatise called Submaiou Duties in Can ldd 31 Ilalead inland Toddcr about to wiia oi ilrna marshal oi lira llAF lard alter cerebral han orrhage Lain rust Ill John Jellrr TI retlrld oleomargarina manuiacturur whose firm was purchased in low by iavor Broth Nice Iraca Lady Violet Mmdlkmdfiwliaolhni Astor one at lhe largest stod lrolders In the imam Timer alter an lilneu oi three weeks Ina Lionel Fraur no deputy dralrman oi Trlrrclr atlon tlbnnio Limited lira rhrlrman oi the louder brand oi the tram de Paris ct dos Payliar Ilalea Kn Don Clo rim wildly ar rector ior iii University at 11 litmus and lorirm rm Ioolhrll player oi injuries rum car mldent New Vern tranh titermt It pulldaat oi lisrry Ii Stav enr ice datain ilrm with mnoeul race tracts and ball part of arlrriultiamrll Mum flairVim lute rlrrdl 7o llallan ppm ringer tormen prvienor at the Forms wanton IIII Oatpdk ii is car to lnndnna director oi education trom Md until his retirement in tor1 alter lengthy illness emu or imeph Nelson 70 hid oi lnrt Crodv its municipal pollra tom tor the Int nam oi heart ulna whidr they hope di real ior talks with St John council members GRODWE Que GP About 100 iislring cairan alerted drilling downstream tram this St iawrenee River community to miles southwest oi Quebec Sunday when the loo crust on they were set up broke loose Fishermen were rescued by motorboat and no injuries were reported END NBC BAN NEW YORK AP Na tional Broadcasting Co spokesman said Sunday big vict government has authorized the reopening of the NBC news bureau in Moscow The bureau in bulb was closed in March 1963 on Soviet er following the broade in the United States the ot two NBC news White Paper prograrnsTlreDeath oi Stalin and The Rise oi xbnuhdrav TIEBARKE EXAMINER HliladlMishapsrake Wayne who weabberhad licked hing carr arr Ilew oil Sunday ior movie ieuce mm HONDA JANUARY IohnWayne ciriit Work we ANGEES ANJohn announced last making in Mexico aitcr an en arunter with another adversary semi told luring er apparen um at hlrlrome in urburbsn Erdno Saturday night and broke in at his back door the maid out of her wits Ptlificers boobed Dennis iaa if 22 Hollywood on aus picicn of attempted burglary Wm 57yeamld mote box rflice champion arinounced laat Woek that September surgery ior lung cram had been oom piatab auooeasiul IBeatles Suspend Plans For Tour Reuters ihe WNDON Beatles involved in million doilar tax dispute with tha United States remiv £300000 $3000000 their 1961 tour of the US and Canada and rater oi products carrying their name the re use money was be ing held in the US Beatles manger Brian Win decided to call halt to negotiations tor tour next summer until the wrangle was settled Srmday Times says the problem was caused by lira fact the Beatles earnings wernan vast that the us gomnmeat became uneasy over the arist tax treaty under which Brit irh and 115 perionmera are al lowed to keep all their earnings countries and pay tax only in their home countries The Sunday Telegraph says sale oi Beallea products last year was estimated at more than lingers receiving royalties Councils Swing Into Action For Busiest Month 0i Year town village and township councils took Girlstmas holidays They will make up ior it in earnest be ginning today No lesa than it munch meet ing in the area are scheduled ior today Veaprn township council and Flea township council will begin this morning and Reeve Walter he press to the meeting which begins at it am as wdl as to uner at the Cedar Rail res taurant at it noon Flo vale at lo am this morning The Veapra meeting will be held in blidhurst Hall Went Gwillirnhury township oode meeting will be held in liradiord and Tourmaeth town ship will hold its inaugural meet ing at Bcetoa The village at Baeton also meets today lloaaoronlio township council will hold its inaugural at Orange Hall in Everett No less titan thru niflit coun cil meetings will be held today Ailklorl 510w more manila all meet tonight NEW 510W Marry oi the omrndlr have new merhberr lollowlng the iv amt elections but all coimeila have members with previous ex porientc low ooimcill and as Antus are the name as last yen even tbouflr they had an election low had no election and at couru retain tha ume courtdL Most councils will begh tha year lacing the same problima they inced when they cloned down tor the holidays Hoe township will have had an opportunity to sea how its now removal program works This gm council bit at trout to when three tenders submit ted bida exactly the lama and cormeil was noirlred to mm or Stranidale wanrblp which had problem with no at orkvlaw and Wruga llcadr Ivan bniore the last Milli will have an opportunity to see whether it snow nntuvai program la lining to be ratirflclory Allisiorr will begin ill lirat mount with on Nubian it didnt rave brim and that in the maltr at new rm hall velm decided they didnt want new town hall or at lmt they noede other things breather during tira township council begins dill Sunday in the township officer at Elm erandCreot more urgently and that settled nutter tor while MALE Elmvaie settled the biggmt problem lacing mtmcil last year when it got droabow on tire marl with respect to the sewer program it is expected at least part oi the sewer will be ready ior use mroetirne this month The protect is well ahead at schedule this to iavornlrle wea ther preceding the holidays ANNEXATION 0pc oi the biggest problems iacrng Sunnjdale to coon um hyeiatr wu muation and on word appear that this matter has been settled at least partially it may still oc cupy lot at muttits time this year mum Munmas Several other meetings will be held in the district thin week own cornicll uracil tumor row night and Ebnvsls council meets Wednesday Scheduled lor Thurday ll Surr nidale township counch meeting Tollenham council will meet at 730 pm Friday in the man chamber at Tuttenlram in addition to council mecb ing aeveni high school boards and public school boarda will meet this work no all or them will meet this errtll Many oi the newly elected council will not do great deal oi bullpen at their lrraugurail 0n councils when there an Invenl new umbern cornmita iaeawillhavatabenamed Ind new mnberl will have in be brought up to data on first when things stand it will be bury week ior orbs on all the model as they have the Job oi getting out the lists and recording what members are on what commit tees and so on All in all it will be not only ayweekbutrlsca lrlor my Eli Surmi uninterruon All he Iaa 2i1oooooo with the do ayrnscrnsnrmrnm Thc WING Yeara holi ay period cama to close iii did Canadians ac eidenti lineman in Wide mishaps The at road dentin appeared Canadian Highway Seiety Council prediction that as per Iona would die during the Period ord killed in rattle accl dentalum Themthreedaytotalot iidealtrsaetrrooordiortira knownauicld New Yeata holiday immmmdiaWhmwd nuseellaneour aecidentsin this years total mtnmnrll daalbanpurtcdhanhatioc urrred in downtown Martini blare Two purer persona were Ontario rqmied in deaths is eluding Ln traffic three in lines one rowning one man who died when his homemade plane crashed and one elderly woman who died at wh she apparently locked bum hutiellirortoiiherse PrinceEdwrrd aeraeii out at her iaolatod cibin Three oi tour traiilc deaths in Alberta ocunred in twocar crash in Edmonton and one per son was killed in traliie accl deal to cadmium Nova South bad one traiiic loiallty and one death by fire mu Newt reportedlone road death British blunrbla Manitoba The nlrvey does not include tnduririal or nahilral deaths ea or Iyinga The thitario dead SUNDAY Lowe dl Tbronto in which he was mood when the car riding rtruttamowplowindrdoeirsomil Toronto Don Wool Brampton Oat when his homemade alr uait mired near the Tbmnto area town at Brandon About Him about 71 Enter OaL in twocar eol lison near Enter miles northwest ot landed Ont Amelia Rod Windsor 0ntlrratwonarcoilialontn downtown Windsor SATURDAY Susan flieeiirain iand her sister Catharine in exposure that destroyed their parenia in Kingston Castro Displays Red Missiles mmitiiciiic Slip or as Soviet land to dead Inia alias and swift new numerals aance let planes which have been added to the arm of So hviet bardwtll which as in army strong est in Latin America The slender gray rockets about it icet long rolled through Havanas streets Satur in the military parade martlng the sixth anniversary oi the Castro revolution The new lets oi an un announced type screamed low overhead aa announcers raid they were capable cl guarding the Cuban coasts day and night Cuban television announcer raid the missiles had been ac quired by Cuba through the brotherly help at the Soviet Union But at the came time Castro Bolivia Quasires Overthrow litiempi was an outbreak Saturday night at the National Police Acad 1W The comnumlnue laid troops had been rapidly mdrilimd through the night and the conspiracy was promptly cubed Iaullre taunt now la cadet and ave corn nnmriqtrhte addedm This interior lnialstry laid about so persons have been detained neiuding lira carn mander oi the lederai pollen and the commanders at two police regiments declared we do not need to ask to loan us their brains the heroism or their revolutionary colors in his annual meecb Castm said Qrba will keep its political independence regardless oi the priceeventothepolntolrub stating without economic aid irum any country Castros Hour speech was devoted largely to ozonomio matters including the anon ancc that production will bi crease in the tidhtly rationed country On Qrbaa economic prob lems Castro accrual lmperlah tats at speculating with to prices and said he had inla iniorrnad graham with rpec mixer produc llou in the lace oi price iluotn aliorra cat has hem estimated as low as 3500000 tour compared with peak oi 7000000 tour in island and New why Bumswlrt were iatalliy true he 45 Lives sonnan Davler Burchai S1 llound bale Centre Ont when hi1 can struck hydro pole on Highway so about miles south oi the Ottawa Valley town of Pembroke Dnrlr Ploirfie at Hamilton when the ear in which she we on want out oi control and hit guard rail antlre Queen El Way near Oakville Matti Poutanen 7d Sudbury struck by car near his me Edith Bonner as You Point Out at exposure when Ill xpphgreciléy locked barrel on in is miles north oi Peterbomwr lug tor wet alter New Years perv Alex Miller at Sydney when his mold room in Niag ara Falls Oat banned munsnrr incur Gordon Milley St Newton vilie Ont whar muek by while haar his nailed vdilclemgil near Newcastle is miles out at Oshawa Arthur Biadrbum Thr onto in tvlo car collision he was riding cruised into ditch on Kids way 17 near Orleans 10 mile east oi Ottawa Adult himalarm P5P moans Packaged Savings PlonScollnbonka unique way to savo You aoloct your own personal savings noel open PSP account and then moko regular monthly payments to vcursolt All the while you are liloinsured at no added cost to you roach your pool Scollsbank also pays you cash bonus It the lilo lnrumnco bocomoe payable rocoivca llio insumnco tor the lull in savings pool and in addition rocolvos sovod plus any cash bonua duo Savian Piotr to suit you at any When you you have all your sevlnas and tho benollclary mount of your ii that you hnvo Ask about Packanod biuroh oi

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