W1 nlwmll 5qu marlu um mm mm min India CIIIMM mh ml Inld Honda nlm Hun In mmd run in durum canmrnMIun or hm In ler mlmlhl all mum lul Jun mm mm of UB Aur rnnvlemnl upon co led by uan ul modlrll callu rlzmllc ImokInI III Mun or Inn mm and Mr mu lllneuu nA Dr Mom mm of tunnu Mnmrm Downward Trend In Smoking Brief Cancer Researcher sw mm won pm lrlm lur VIM while educntlm ghoul tlxmlh hullh hmrdl Inlylliplfulmzlnml Mrlnlu ï¬n man In dlscumd I1 mmluu mm Do ccrnber Wm board mcm hm amod that lhnv didnt wllh la mm argon mm Imonz mu week In making bln mu fled hi Wldm Collu 11 minute In Elohim IN mm Dimid Cancun Board hu Ilm minded 10m not be on high khool 1n min to curb Iludcnl Iolulnl on prim yrgpeny lg Idml up lo and that plus or giving free lulbooh beymd this be delayed two yam to give teacher dance la as Is the ellea of uxtbook grade um and lo Ramny superinlmdenl of secondary school lax Barrie Dlstrlct Colleghla Board Iald lhls amounted to ga slow polity nld that up lo the pmenl llma schools lll do not know how long the free lexu will last or how much will can to keep them up Lha grade nine and 10 lavel Ha polmed out all Mimi which have hem built In past yean have not provided the tu flange lpael necessary In more books helm dIMbIIUon We hm difï¬culty ï¬nding when to pm them he nld Mr Runny MM in helium tha step taken by lemndary Tnhool teacher in mean lo Iva them an opportunin lo Invesu nle ha problem Ind came up wllh lame Ioluflou I1N0 LIan In Mating tome reason he hlnd the proposal Mae pmldent ol tho lodmllon Mlu mun Munkmln nld flu the Iraq promm which demand Mum ol textbook nlfluondollh Free Book Program Explained ByRamsay Mn Dalton Sham wan pm Sam mm dt I056 Royal Victoria Hosp by MW Len Cooke She was the 10316 mount at the new yen No resolutions Hated thl the Department imitation be discouraged from givlnz 1m Mk bcymd grade nlm Ind Secondnry school teachers vot ed against exlension ol 1m text books to upper IchnoLgrades It least until the present tree textbook pmgrnm ls examined This decision was made we Ontario Secondary School Tea chm Fedamlon muting 1m wank No Smoking Areas For Barrie Students We hm lo hm Iorm way ol mnlemllnl an commer zupem dunllu ho Th Mu nudc Commit don hu luuod MIA 1w llvu My nqulvlnl hull dWï¬u POLICE PATROL Al much mull no nmla mum Cellulite lloarrl In midDreamer In decided lllrktlonl on dunno mail HM Mcuopolkm Tmnm Ichool permit onemaul mold Minolta nelon bond ulna Ill hold me expulmu belnl undnulml In In Mar to 11m prova mlnflam with houndmld In dimld Built In yeï¬hfoclqlmgmp munlc 1m bede an mun bu nrydld um um ulna In Barrie an allempl to that the um mu um In lha uhooln In as possum Mr HumI palnled out ha edernuon might eel ml by min the lame ext lhln might continue year Her year We mums um Mr Ramsay Hid he did no helluva the prong would neo manly lend In unilnmuly ol lam He polnlod out um It pang department bud Ilonz with principal pram lid of lull to Ihe bond for IP prnan In Barrio department heads 1mm both collegiate meet to try and present uni form set book In order make It euler or lnnmn Al tar all them Ls no reason In hnva d1an book in the two $0011 IN HARRIS Fl AND DELIVERY rho mun DAM Upholllulll ll DI Bul Im NqI Jul lldfllu BRADFORD when he dagger Elie San ah six pounds 11 mumwu barn It 815 am The Slams who live In Mid hurst already have mu boys and Imp xifls Pidured above BAY CIIY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND moggm woux lo In to lolvu the problmu de um by And killing In dillmm mm minute named inmlxm van bHiLy of asking police patrol the Idmol on 001 And lo mm to Wander lhmuzh the ludcnl council It wu wanted the time ha mm mm Amm lollu Nod 51 mm school that they In to no Hut hr Am In unit In mu clumuv Burl mmmm nl muduy Ichoob WWW MI It In an Idml Mn an It would Input mk lnx II tuxlum Board membm med um it wouldnt In 1101 um II um III II vu mg mm um lowly Inpmbd nctlvfly mm wlmln In ml whm mm mud um um ml Emu Ind pm W1 dunno In On Emlyn File Hm year nu denl ll Queens Unlverllly Ind an Ontario Schnlur ll mm Collezlale In year nld Ihe tell more was ma deal value In senior high lchool Im dcnll hnvhu Ihelr own um mlm be and on cycle lyi lam Ho nld 01 would be par ticularly lulu wlUl mgum text time so many an used and they expend llc polnlul out they 0qu be cycled aver period three yam also present the Wu ions an km the left Ben Skew 49 War mu mason 515m head nurse Mn Eileen Belthelolh and Camer SUPERINTENDENT 0F SCHOOLS RAMSAY 2qu SM Mld that student landed In hoop their mdnr lull but uld grade nlno And In lull nuLside Build on well Sultana min sum emuy Mlu Pl Ibo commde flu you hava lo buy your own book you like boiler an cl them 5h uld out she hu taken him Ichool French hmth In hhlory book with her In uni venlly lvl amd ham an bl nl help ouuldl rud Inl Quexfloncd aboul student lalnm their mu or ulun Memes the MM lhll could b0 pnnlculnrly lmpomnz wflh Ell Lrh text or or ubkdn lhc Iludgnt whhu to pursue ll unl when quesllmed Ibout stu dents underlining important pu uucs in their mu she mm mcnlcd um thl In one of flu most Impomm ways nl study In and you dont hnva the Iiculty of rman mblaku In your own mks TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7mm Elï¬nu an nu MM ll gum on bushes administnhr It RVHuFim 1996 baby born In Barrie was mm omen Philip Ray Ptlrmnu son 01 Mr and Mrs Roy Prim mer cl Shanty Bay Egg4 Wafer Kimk He said gufleyumumadmï¬ Lb walnuts that es ml might have an opport unity lo Inspect new lacilmcs now mealan completion II the John Street plant In Iddmon lo 10 WWII West End Salesman dozen mm mm the Barrie dmrld will be puflclpaflng in the con umce hall at the Continental hmAhomhmdbAT Mt Grnth Sula Mums the Un lled Slate parent company In Wbconaln fllc ï¬rml Canadian Sale my Ia huï¬day tales eminence of West Bend Canada 11d began yesterday in name with sales mm mm Vaneouva ho Mou kul In Mundane no animal series of meeting will deal with mad mdlaing plans and pronam or 1965 and delegates will tour the nawLy expanded West Bend plant In Hnme Wes Bgnd Ltd Sales Conferexice Now In Progress ANK or MONTREAL New fem 13wbfldm Bring all your pmonnl man modFm on roe flowcost urmsuncd tom puts my of the things you want within your reach in 1965 Famin Finance Plan parish audllorium before lull mngregalbn in pan yearl the Bplphany Play was integ nhd 1m woman with full Th Chriatmu meant bu lgeen prgsenled wuntlgu time in cafmlless ylms ï¬lmuahout Ed woqu In mmyhlanmges manage an the heuï¬o Chrhflm Sldi me eyemlnlgm In 91 The mm law came Co an exhilarating and must an climax last evening the ynung parishioners nl Mnlty An can Chum came through wt wunderlnl lnterpretnuon of their annual lphmy Plly Viewing lhb cUon In all luvglory or the ï¬rst lime experienced an alnbst lndw cribnble thrill of mlslnulan that the Greatest Story muld unlald In such splendor Epiphany Plav Held At Trinity lnrmeu In Trinityn annual Epiphany my radar Inony mm WWINMW am Branch RALPH swwwwm Falth Unwgh we of tape recording the other hand he ducflan had in overtones of simp ol Ibo pmductlon was naturally tho color augmented by an lmaz lnatlvn llghtlng plan Using Ilmple unit of red blue men Ind yellow mac ï¬ght aloul with brllllm white spotlight the play was accented complete ly The high point from thll obsmnaï¬on was the majestic pmmulnn ol the three kings Dressed appmprlalely tn gaudy robe they deplcled completely chum from the Orlent and Africa Their Ilately Ippemncu wu luppofled by magnllleent mnd We Thugs lungs fhoï¬r And an abbmiated nerv Speaking at many who hid wwï¬w cum of christian fellvwflll In Idzleved and drama play was the best ever duel concepflnn about elm um idd middlu Ix jtouch with bk playing an hand WW 03 no shepherd were very ml kfle and the Company cl An gels wen hemenhx aim In their Anonymiw the out mam regard this work cl atrinian dram dial Guilt masllda Waring and their only 31 flaw ve spre mg through the Dublin mu Peoples Assodaflon un 17W compleunm was mlda pouihh by somathpgly I010 myth While he principal member we cut came 1mm Trhflyl plate with prbcesaion of plain mu chanting monks The dru Molded mm tn of that gm nanaim from Fields ï¬Wnï¬r mm the Sunday School Ex aminer Photo