54 and dren acted vi 101 and so In am Mr and and family with Mr a1 onto Mn wllmerwmon attended the stall party InnhwoodPrl Ivaterhospfld Dec 21 RevAn1tnleAtnramu da Africa men law an mummv Ind MmjWnllJnm Hewiontook pm in the xervica al cm c11de Ind make to the Ammade ovenmg 16m Bob the mud hum Sum Elam Mkkvy MOMI Club 45a Slhull DIuXI OMIVI XI Io Euvu Humcum Mm mm UMII Babb run in sIm wnuw 400 non ls ml Slum Warm Tum nun noun cum LID 34mm mul uum In um DAbncluhu 4199 rmrm 2x am Puma Imam tron Mm Oclock Slum 9mm of Mood c4 mm In mm mm cum Mu Hum can In Wcfll item In Mr and Mn Richard Prlpe and family spent Boxing Day with Mr and Mn Mclfle Tor onto Mr Ind Mn Earl Ounhrane For Viiiim are holidaying with Mr arid Mrs Gordan Uqch rant Mn and Mn award Major Ind Mr and Mn John Wamn Tamra were guest of Mr and my gu 74 mm am 00 Christ Church Sundayschnal Children presented We Christ mal pageant The Hum Christ run11 the church Nancy Dav Ind Heather Cunninth Ac ted narrators All 019an dren acted their purl ml Jun 101 and senior chair members lung the caroh Tne congregation Ivy Prev bylednn church held pot ludK upper in the basement of the church Monday night Rev Mr Mccaml showed slides This wan to entertain tho Sunday Ichool chlldnn Iorthelr Christ ï¬rst Georg Cnrrutheu had the mlflortum to IA and break ML and Mn Bill Parr spent Christmas with Mr Ind Wallnga Georgetawn 2111mm vbllnh with Mr qnd Mulch Pm were Mr And Mn Bruce Much George town and Mr And Mn Tom 5130mm and nanny Orilllu Mnml woek nw Iwn hay Hdl pull both sponsored by the People Chrlll hutch um um liven by the older amp and theytn joyed flu Inaw cruiser tidal The new wu sponsored suwmsrwn MIKEi 51 holldn In Toronto ï¬nd with HR Mr WflugmDavlgy 3m Spun ix pendinï¬ thll wge In gaggle Mr Ind Mn Tom Lea en ummq nu um um and Mia an bunnlll L1 spend 131 pm holiday with iii Tm um may Ea qundtlgdmuu In1min WHWWHMY JANUARY MORNIJ Wm Ms ï¬ll 14 TUESDAY JANUARY MORNING TELEVISION PROGRAMS IVY MONDAY JANUARY EVENING howxi MY JANUARY no LIllchrlor Father SNo flml far Elll onm gvengnnw Mlml rum 110 modemI islm ol uu wm LI sum In Lu TV lllnfl 1100 Honunmuon Hnay Mum hm hm Show 12 min HEM iim mu 41 nu mm mm um um Show irmm or emo Flhl hike imdld Camn Har mum Hobo IMr Nlml lwuulr AM bMsny In tum 111 I101 mu Lam may 04 mm rmem Tm Gun Wlll ll 1413 Nuu Hpuler o1 uaun It 730 5H an um ilYlnnl In pm Mlau but man I430 mo My Whm Irrlvwnnhndlou lam vin ll Jamy 4mm mm Hull mum emu Christmas vlsllors were Mr and Mn McClaly Town Rtv and Mn Hewlan and Mn Don Newman and am lIy Momma and Funk Hill Iomnlo wllh ML and MuB Jennelt Mr and Mn Ru Long Sault with Mr and Mn Glen Applegale Mlss Mnry mrner Mary Davl and John Dav with Mrs Eaten Davls Mr and Mn Art Carlson and family lbllendalpand ML and Mrs Carl Baudng Midland wilh lllr and Mrs Cleve Fallon and Banting Mr and Mn Ken Sulherlund and Gary lomnlo md Mr and Mn Jack Wilson and family Bartle with Mm George Wllson Mr and Mrs John Evans and lumlly landonand Mr and Mrs Ken Money and lamlly Wlndsor will Mr and Mn Mel Money Mr and Mn Marlow Rexdale with Mr and Mrs Ken Hughes Mm Slmpson Toronlo wllh Mr and Mrs Shewell It LI estimated that some 4000000 US clllnnl hnvu bloodvtype that could be classl Hed as rareand most do not know mum my run wean Christmas mum at tha home of Mr and Mrs Ivan Speerl were Mr And Mn Sydnav Camdull and family Oakvllle Mr and Mn Cecil Spun and family Mr Ind Mrs Rex Wil Inn and Jun Brmbrldge Mr and Mrs WlllIIm Davey Ind amfly Ind Min Mm Spun lbmnlo Mn Minnie Manon Utopia And Mr and Mn Isaac Spam MIsTï¬ur deï¬u istmu with Rev Int Downer Duntmmz vv wwner uunuwn ramnut Biron men mint mgwig mHoclglg Lu Ell McLean Mr Ind Mn Keith McVuclMr and Mn Mun Mchel and Im gpent the and with menu 91 Mr and Mn Jamel mm mmrmu In nun Mr and Mn Mn Chrlllnul daughter Mn MmmlPhIlr P911 credit Mr nnd Mu But Mann and Mr and Mrs Lyall Mdmn and fAmlly spent mum with Mr andMIa Ram Romeo Klpgnonr ML Heather Owninth mending thin week with Min wen Hm rm Miss My Ralfpen ma yeekgnd win griends in Pnrry UNKNOWN mum MOI Lle um um ll MumI In um run In wma rum Im AND AnanooN ENma mi 44 mm Tum mumm ll Zle PM 37 71M Doe mu or mm ï¬x InIInU mu tunl iAnd wmum lrD OHuldzm anhnt In cm wanm Alum Humum lm0n hogan Llh Ta ml um 71ml Mm WWII In Conllltl 930 541 Douflu new Gui mm mm 01m mumm Your llon lTvntl Show mfldtnllll uni an Show Mud lhyanlll qun iIMIJ Cum mold Im on mnm member BM iu 13mm ll mum In IMnI III Mn nu You mag NOON 0n flu whet looklnl at In our handx 1t nem um South mutt to down one 1h unpar enl loam made dhv mnnd Ind club But ll ho phyx correctly Samh wind up WW First Huey grow varying mes Svme never reach the point at seriously inurlerlnz with your eyesight Dr they da they can be removed lluzic any and glass wvrn to xiv adequate vgalnn New as to cataracts they are Indeed developinl by all means do not become panllky True nobody likes to get cau rncu but it problem Whhh cal be glassqu met Openlnl Indqueen oi PldPm TM hand camel mm par comm conducted by Nile Hanna In ml 110 nub llxhed par on ma den wu ï¬vu clubs bid and made by South again the opannl lead Doclmrl chic concern lrom lhc 1hr 11 lm onion how th Immm ivided the In hmrahly dlvldod lhm no or pombflny mi any thing but harmless ls glau coma Thu howéver can be calmed by meamrement of the pressure of the mm and 1er lest take it or granted that after galng to three special les you him had glaucoml rule out citizen andth In hi eyel thc ophthalmologim ham to disarm whamm calma II Iormlnl lwu ax mined by thrn 2y medal 1m 0m JIM cumact ml in an mmnx nvo othmnld hm wu mm Whom do you belie could depend on whet you man by opndtlel An er tablishod cataract not too dii iiwlt to identitybut keg in mind what catarnct it in cloudiness within the in of the eye not pique It iint but grdunliy beaming more dense Thu when warct hu developed to degree at which it Interfere with virion there no difficulty in diagnnring it Hence JW would judge that If you do indeed hnve cut ract it mint be in an extremely early nun and deeidinl whether it in or 1311 can be milletoi gytnian The opmlle to which you re ler may be mm wmelhing else he most Irequent Hanna or tiny buck spot In an eye mm In unenlly quite harm Are inedleallou ellecuvn In dowinl down the growth of cannon4M 1053171 momma MD DAILY CROSSWOHD 06m pxna South dealer HutWest vulnerabl Haw oirnérmedicmon which D9 Dr Mplnm When 3i ilmki l1 5pm mu Cl 1qu Mlmull umlua MI ugnuum nu honI l1 mum Inme CONTRACT BRIDGE 65 +1100813 fa Iovcoon HEï¬lTH um 00 Biblch mu mnhlnv not or By JAY BECKER °i¢¢tfi619ix4inagg When dpclmt now lend the olzhl of wademEm cannot raven Scum mm Imrblz the fuck dml0nn ol the three own whlch doclarermflzd with dmply dlumm Jul or full read the three lion on Sir instant coffee um um bolllnl um naming to worry about no he dnould htMom lake any steps am In possible to ovemme bxd visloqll ï¬ulxls make the contract South then play heart In the and will hurt utter which he test the trump position by pinyin club to the nu When West thaw out Soth continua to trump dummyl 1mm Ha mils hem crass to dummy with diamond n1 Another hurt llld mam tn damn with another diamond ihil point eleven mm have been pln and South hu won Ian at cm 111 dummy has ills eight oi made Ind level of dilnwndl But im lilo queen of chin And Jun din monk South hu thy Mol ch39 am gix ol dlnmondl 215 mm Will Nth lnln 291mm mu 10 cum BM mm mm mm Han mnnh or your Advlce but doubt whether it make bl of dillarence whether you start with cold lukewarm or hot wu ler And danl care how on make to long mth you In line with this he wbl flu made hand with tho Ice Ind ro mm spade It doe not mn ur whether DI WMI wins the lrlch nor II It Impartlnt which nult returned but let wume that the datum plnyl club rm hree Declmr wins with Ihe Ida NH made 1111 In pursuance plan to wIn um Irump lricb and 0m make the contract South hen play heart to the ace Ind rum Ilhufl alter whlch he For pucï¬cal purposes possible In many me lo put all lhc Hma at which xmery necessary You 11 jun cm at norm People dont wallow their lon gun unlm momma unusnll hnbppensmy av ognvul or Am my 1min blw and the ma plan you Are In doubt try to mnuow your tongue 1nd you will we horlmposauulo ll It not truly matter of really swallowing the tongue anyway The rdaxallon with he convulsion lob Lin tongue drop back bite the LIImL Den Dr Mamet You must be connoisseur a1 Lha most popular drink of the Amman peopla Golfee never made with bollinx water To brew good pot you lllel star wuh cold water no mallet what melth ued think you pitched the mm In the wrong direction bgcause my ï¬les dont draw mm corn menled on muting come my where near uu dalo that you mentioned will fdhdolve mm or In ml actually Iller thc me It willphnlhgy demo Mediation or can bu med WovenMo lie the pupil ai liu In and hence Id mic more light to commute in mm Mm or vision whichit 4de Max shut oii by lh inlet Dear Dr Molnar am Ind read in pm Hm man con mi and Lawn was put mouth on Imp mm mm wallowing NI tongue Now worry um wlll EWIUOW my tongue Ind mnellmu keep me 1mm uflnu Do you think susc rmum Malnu hum ache WWW Wmswua ANALLYQJEANIAT mADOLUR oumn mum mummA AT mm mm II nu 7090 am mun MONDAY JANUARY ms mmwumshmmmmmvmflu