Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jan 1965, p. 10

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13E if FLEMINGS lennefl Funeral Home Air Conditioned Day and Night Service 151 BRADFORD STREET msso7 BUILDING MATERIALS 429 BLAKE ST PHOI PLUMBING HEATING IJD DUNLOP ST DUNLOP IT no ANNE 5T FOOD PRODUCTS 172 INNISFIL ST 94 DUNLOP ST EAST 7182267 Excellén Dining Room Accommodallon DUNLOP ST WEST mms WEBBS JEWELLERY ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED ISTAI ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED BERTRAM BROS ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED llOYD BRISTOW ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED COOKE CARTAGE Wellington Holél QUEENS HOTEL 35 aorvlng Flnm wnh Th Plum 75ml Barrlul Ludlng Hohl LOCATIONS ESSA ROAD DOWNTOWN WOOLWORTHS COPACO OF BARRIE 1815 I938 I929 1375 PHONE 7160254 7264863 7164556 72 MM 7232453 7281429 WI Md dulh In two 1M Aw mum mcmuan cum mmu mmul undo And up nml hold all mud In mud hum pandas hmum lhu maln llvflll 1mm ll Hill In Quan rm umml Md mm Bud mumm lu cadmium PAIL mad Pub mum Huh Mm Cutin Ema w1n lawn1m Wm 141mm yam died cm In 3mm mMmc an nl lomd In mlm rm hum nullon ml ruk commfllu mm Noth Bl Iludy lhl IN mum The Bank 1ch School hood tmmly calHIM new Mun1m bolnen llnlmu and 0in Put mu Ind 99 ank Iron uud 0qu Mn who died am In mm In mMmc an lmllnu All udlon ol him Mummun Provincial and undetv way Mr amok Mon nay durnd filth capILIl murder of NI mm Skin dim lurch In bomm hm Iodlan Xempenleh any for murder owe mend lem InnaI Inninm ol mut Vfl VIHGI Mo Funny Burnyon marked out uh DIM unlro on Iron It It ol Dayfldd Du to load wolth Ia hr um mm In mumunlly pool nhyinl mudul mum lldml Ray dun rd with lhc lul mural o4 ll moA Mr Dom my nopemi Mun Mulllrm mm Gm unburned mm 04 km Allomey lnllu tnnlln BI and of mm upon it mrrlcmcregUan tum Cmadnn Sfioud von In lmatimul Brkk flmwinx m4 wllh wlnnlnl an 01 ML 11 Inch 20 nu found my Man and Mama lo Firm lo lull trig Severll 2d younzstm from pm arm in lo clly par lldpnled In the nnnull field day Ipmmrad by Barn lutmtian committee Cumnl 0011mm lrwnda Oven dumps mm the ouran emu of Codrlnp ton Ind Wellington path ll Andy mimwn won an Nullllnl TMnlll 51 MW dumplgmhlp In Toronto Andy leommn humid BIn1I 51mm County Ind put pmidem nu Ontario Libeer Anadnllon met with top liberal execuflvel oi the Continental Inn 11 Mn Dom Ray ol ls Dunlap ma found murdered In Mr apmman Pollm leddnz her son Robert or qua only Andy Mnlconmn Ilyearoid lludenl mmpeflnl In Nuionnl Sal Tomato Sale drlvlnl dnm plnnflllp lin jwngnlq 900 baynvn park City will launch lnvesllgatlon Into Illa construdlon of new police lire and mazistmea buildhu Mara than 1600 younmen have mxistmd to In part In mmuu uponsored by Barrio Eemaflon mmlflee Nelva Bum um All teenagers were welcomed by yarenls relallonl and lriendl Mindla Station when they Arrived with 11 guest lmm Quebec with whom they have been layinz during the put two weeks 14 my solicitor Emu car was uolen mm rear hi office Innka pauc lulu re covored 1t Ind two men wen charted ll nlnoyearold Ben Ewart boy Eric Brldbury drowned In Lake Simeon while paddling in rubber tube beach nut hi home 12 Storm damage Sunday was high In he Mic when mlheasterly winds at times reached 70 mph OPP re port rain And we pavzmean responsible 10 Iceldenh over weekend 15 Buyer Cookt chair man of city development nom mmee mounted the citys cen tennlgl ppm wmgld be $66 OPP Innounoed people haw beenkflled Ind 41 injured In Simeon County motor swam during am month of the year he contract or the 119w Barrie 1mm wnl ligand wflh the common Ernary Engineering Ind Contrasz Coyplellon due Mud 1965 Planes Bénla mndu bray myyo wegh 1m lo Quki thinking by llvo Stnney Point youngster saved twoBradlord brother Judie and Billy Pong 1mm drowning in pan 51mm Banla man Brim Robinson wu among 19 On urlo Provincial Policemen mm nine Marla neutral to nadum 1mm momcycle mining 51p rdgn Luz tho pmimu week 0600 €51 firm Wfivvfifim peopllu lime atfiurm 4I man coon way OPP mmm Ontaria ismtin Public School board Wm MflflWI Fa timed annnll nnovntiom on ML Inhoou under their jurisdiction 39 loume houu and he contract for the new ganenl mm on was burned Barrie mthe gmgnd um mm mm Barrie Rotary Club elemed Hugh Gibson lheknew presi dent It their meeting Haydn Motor Hotel Past predqu wag Joc Javiel nlmlnnllonhuu for the Iumto walnut Canadal Stmd in tilInternational Brick Thmwinz competition was hed Salmzdny filmgm Win 01 the year attended Johnson Much Dur Inz pan pmipunl geeky Gm erl lammwd law nu Na tional Bockeybeazue All Stan detest 51mm 72 In iohball amt itlhg hlrzroupds Dominlon day lexllvllle celebrated ln Barrie wllh bll parada lhroughlha street or ganized by Barrie Jaycou La erl lammwd law nu Na tional Bockeybeazue All Stan detest sawm 72 In roltball am It Illa lulrzroundsl rle Kllled in the Snlurday nlxht crash warn Mfl Larry field 27 her lhren children Randy six Larry Jrz nine and new 10 and Mrs Reids ulster Mn Barbara Baths Killed Sunday nithl were Walter aneloek 47 nd Donna Korsdl boll ol 1hr nn fiolycrl Mum MP or Brani Commiulmr hu hm lomd In mlm rm hum nullon ml uk mmmfllu Mlldnu Iml Now Buy la nludy lhl tur mum The Bank 1ch School hood tmmly calHIM new Mun1m bolnen llnlmu and Mk1 rm mu Ind 99 ank Iron uud 0qu an mlnslm in In Md limit wlnler no am Itnlrd body up II the 70 formula on VII mulled Danni mm mm homo who an purvd lunar Md union my Ind 31mm For um In Mm th IO Mllmn 0mm kdmhlp Ind In WIN mm mm Ind £111 mmuud MAI by man lull ll mm or In mur hm III Your mmtnIrIl bllII lumtd uv In Ihm dIIImnI huh In DMIII am And an Larry Chqu Mm ll dud and Kenmlh 2mm IlyII Id In mImu mum In Ilnynl VIdorII IIoI Iul Iauonlnl curInln cull Inn on IOIII mmulm nmm II Clll cmw nl IIllhl IccldtnIl In Iru our mm Ill whlth hurl55 menu 34ng Alo ll hullh Juk 111m Fort Eda men want ed or queslkminl by St Cath nnne and Barri Townshh pol Ice arm was muted In Bar rier They were charged with possessing olfemive weapons carrying firearm without per mit and pursuing burxlnr tools 10 Mr Ind Mm Gerald Gaut 13 Rm Damn Barrio hwycr was named prune Ihe Slmcou Centre Llme Anodlllflh 14 Sidney Cox well known Barrio ruidml died In Taronln lollowinl overum Inter my no remanded or In fourth Um mumy fourweek dunwon wlod hu guano Menm mm Paw n1 venom nllod In My lnlo nuidtnll In lhc ml dur lnl Mn Denim Pruner In Toronto mu Ull Id by tnln emqu III mgjdmy am nonlmnunl Iodon thh your ctlcbrm Innunl now show hey 3727 ruifidfixa iviérld motor nut with Mr chm chlldren nomad in nggle 12 Former lndmtrm mmmlv 51mm 01 Danie Ed May wan blind In Iwocar mm near Slrallom Onlana Prlmler John flnbaru upeth next ll the Young Promsliva Conn vnlu nnnual bubocuo at he Shanty Bay residence of Mr And Mn Willim Gamer Melba Brown in Coll lnlwnod killed whcn hla clr mllcd ovcr Ind Jlmu Wmhlm or Wllhwdlln dlrd when hll our mm lhn old And rolled um It party ol Colombo plan nlemnl nld nudenu mm In munulel Irrhed In 1an ln Him wok almlylnx coop vemlv at cnloulluul pm In Du he Harrie Recmllon commiuea passed youngster hr min now Iwimminz mu or fish Iwards And no or wller um badge Gzlldren throughout the touoly Ire takhg part in Sim coe County livestock and seed judging compculion 31h grounds Annual nwlrds night of Barrie Recreation committee held Codrlnxlon school The Morlposa Folk mom Mi hut LI MI against tho Injunction mad by Medanla Township Event modemd In Mgplg gut gnrdens Banle City Council gave two reading to bylaw permilunz summation to bqrmw 79w nrfléonrsrtruéiéi he vocational win In Norih Col leg Mammals Foster Ind for wound time was remanded on updul murder charge 1110 dey and or the Ray murder We called Ml after pallet found He thrust lnlo he earth an Hula Hill adjacent to highway Ind 4m Barrie Rnlary Club served 1400 chicken dinner during Iheir 12th annual club barbecue at St Vincent Puk Medonlg township filed Injunc Hon restraining Muriposa Jelli ul holdinl lestnl wilth town boundarleg Aug 71 Area police Investigated mom than 100 chdanu over holi day wezkend Mishap damage was high and mom thin 20 peoplo wm hunted uven louslyh AUGUST Fonnal appmvnlwu men in mundl lo the bay mnt park as the centennlal whim or Barrie Ralph Snelgme who ran an Liberal candldala In the last edgral decuon men on record as backing 0mm Templeton In flu fivamnn must for lead In other mom mishap in the vicinity seven other persons were Inlured Dun wealhcr rnd heavy lralflo aw cinsed 91 PM Md Bobcatmrealew ed lnmuncll to Isk the muni cipal Allahl depanmen to in vmflzale Lho construction Ban19 police fire 1an magis tritaa buldinz mi red 1mm double $4 proposed build decks bus on crossCanada Two mm and out flopped in Barrie Beaten youold girl in critical ABM Mr condsuon tolléwing three lepar 30 Mayor Cooke omdally op at road Accldentx Large 1111 and Ike new Barrie Cable TV out local residents daspila aerial Installation Official pub cold winds Imam lllrgrounds In Bank lau today lo enjoy first avenlnl of Cliff Olmml world dumpion chuck gel03m 11mm ohm 21 mm Wcunuuon It the Gear Klan Bay Devtlopmenl Anom Hon mutlnl now undn way It Honey Harbour in the but ever 15 No Shady Buy thildm Min 13 qnd brim bVyulm Canhel owm car In they ran mm Shani my mad oudea lhelr homo Cord Conder innltd new pmidcnl finale Klmtn club dnrln clubl flrlt mew in of flu you II Owl lnenlnl In mid Balfllfll ll Brml lndmlrhl mmmln loner Thu cut all dllo or 010 second In lmmllmenl pm mm urn1m ouuludlnl Bum Kempmlell Drum Carp wan Iho Miler parldc mm Itlumrplomhlp II Vanity SM um ll person ended the cornerflom laying tercmony of Grace United alurch In the allemoon aboul he lama number of peoplo al lcndcd lhe hyan corner stone of Wutmlmler Pmbym 1m Church Iucmllul On Air htr Ildod um um III Fllr mun Only mm In run the day III bin by 011 119ng1 Squmcgl 177 Bank Maiy dub colo lnlm lulh mnmn la and mm Hg II I4 Ichnol Mr In nwrnlnn Bani wlll Mn pmvlnw wldq pollu mmuruullam lun Thu 012119 mum ulll link mam munlclpll and 1th IntMl Cooktown Alllcunurnl was mended hr lnm 4de Ind blemfl by nod nun 0er winter lnrced unrel llllflfl ul pm ol lhlllo of flrlv Mllnlparm Camp norm monurnllon by slmm 01ml Mutual Aid Fm qutmcmn on mum mad narrlc Inn er and mor eflldenl book mobllc wu ml Inln INTI by In um 057 17 teapot1 10 Thu Grey and Slmcoe For ester lull reuniting program mlled Inlo high near repre tentative from he regimen nix nquadrons met at the arm oury Barri lo arranga final delalh or this years program Barrie Remaflon Cam mlllee decided to so to council to seek support for Ennis mum to be added to tha proposed cen lmninl park 12 Membm Barrlal new est aervlce club Clvilan gal lmed the Continental Inn for the presentation of the thun er andy Installation of olllun OFF are searching for Toronto man mixing on Lake Simone Wan Summu 20 was last seen in Ma 15400 boat Monday All 21 candidate in Red Crass sponsored first ald course for Rim nurses passed with rulingr molmeni Barrie while sdmols increased by 15 pupil reaching 377 as compared with 3585 the begin nlng of school term last year Ber Mullhollnnd and his group rmn Sirnud wan lire old iyme cnnlcsi at ha Cooksmwn Olda Tyme Orchestra cmnpeilllon Supreme court jurors were plck ed and lb first trial of the all niillng began the Cnunly Court hullning Floating can us the first clue found by police search in im Edwnrd Summer lost on bale Simcoe slurp iiinngay The all session ha 0nl aria Supreme Court got under way at the County building in Banlo with the charge to the grand jury by Mr Justin Richardson apart from diesel mnlor gnned the cargo of 7300 gal gas buck unloading early Sun day morning nc the Ontario St Superlesl depot 1a Staynar The driver was thmwn clear and was treated or burns The Dawn wax rader by 5139 expioaloaa County and am university loundlng commute mat in or mix to Mulder reports thch wfllbe used ul basis or brief to bepresenied lo fin Unl venKy Advisory Bond nu HIb manih lwo delegation me wllh Bu na plnnnlng board In unin mn hl approval of proposed bulld Inllglmnu mornlng rent rix person to 1m vital and named extensive dam age to the vehlcle The ninth aannaifovlyr Horse show at tracted some 75 young equest rian nnd scoreroinectatar for competition in man than dozen event 31 Sdlolarslupa were present ed to two Simcoe County MI Club homemnkua Edna Orr and Wendyjrawer CiLv council gave ilnal approval to by authorizing lilo borrowing 01 $38679675 or the constmctlon of new vocational win to North Collegiate Minnanull 701 Simon sill Inc muflnl In Mr mad man mind lhmnh ml by Ily mmtll flulnlo Publlc School Bond lunml lhnl Dvldlm Hind mlde unl uu Ihelt but yud beau mm mu khan Thu limi Unllcd Arml llvo dun pul lho art In dwlllno um um low In va Wolllnulonflrm mm flay mm In BL Vimn dull nnldun lhmnh ml by clly uni may mm mm to un Candin Nallmnl Inlllule or lho mind iiriliiy with inming the link nod by Econmnic and Dtveioy mun Mlnisier Sinnicy Randal ibii announced in Bar riu Fits 01ch 1101 Irwin wmid min nilrr 29 year of twice 11m cilyu war nxninxl iixhimg in Illa lurch mniinucd Max ialniu William Kennedy meld nut sody mime lo dil irici nun for math disturb ruonlnz the tumor at Ron Ind 51 Vlncenl sum mann uod with U1 Announcement flu Md may wwld uk council 10 mm In urllu ll lngllllvu dmlnlm i1 pmpcny munlllno ol Hlnlieghglt ftflgglnlugdonrd In Wm Willwdulu Avmuo b0 Fulfill or nmmlimlm Drama coo vaarn Tun Conwrvltlnn Aulh otlly omcinlly died when delu nlu II medlnl In Orlllll ay ulhul ullmln Unlltd Amml Pub llclly thllrmnn llory ODonll old mrmbm me Onllrto Iodnllm of mama um llulr pmldml IL Dob link um may Hall doclm mm In uld Hwy unl Ivde Iha end lhelr nom Mr noblbr had um 09 lmm lo tmlrlbulc In In lJClly cmmcll er billet lwohmn wrangle voted to ac cept the flru police and mnglsb ralnl bulldlnz and to withhold payment of $877765 mm mm tractor nnd iiWork on nnw $200000 ad In Win flnlo bcgnnol Tumult youth Robert Brucl Mllchell lo wn churned wllh Illemplnd murder Vlclmh Harbour vainclnl Poll Con mblurn Connor lzMajor General George Kn dung pmlxcd Squndmn Grey Ind Simcoo Fomlm all hay defeated more than 100 regimmu in Ieadndulp Ind In llallvu mmpeuflon at Camp Bordm 11 mm were led by Capt Graham Dixon 0n Dani man was killed and anomer urinusly Injured kr the ourtan truck in whlch they were riding lclt highway our near Hannver and rolltd down an embankment oA motion to oppose single Lake Simone Severn River Con urvnllon Aumorfly received lup port mam delegates to an org anhallonal meeting ln 01min Mayor has Cooke 01 Barrlo made wagon 7Earl Cox Inld delegates to an Ontarlo Horflcultural Assoc lallon convulan in Banla Illa hnrllcullumllsl should be slal lonad In the office cl every pro vincial ngrlcullnral mprcscnla live lo give mlle to home gar deneul flaw Jonim mun um named mining Wm Unit Cmullan Luown Mlomey John Mub phy called or stem action to checlx increasing meet flats In Rain sen Barrie Exhibilltm crowds hurrying for cover but held M1 1011 enough allnw hots racing Ind mos livestock hugging to be comgletgd CBpaicorumiaunced plans or 5300000 addition to it Inanfll 51321111an propasedran $8000 addition la lb lobby ol the arena here sEarrlo Plannlng Board re commended moning the east slde St Vincent Street to per mit community commercial de vlopmeu mm unn ol tiECancer Society went over the up by per cent In In 1964 fund cm palm Mflebpr 5pm MP far Sim 27 Wynnold Vaspra youth Rldmrd Rawarth died curly Sunday moming alter being muck by light truck while walking on highway 90 went Barrie lquadmn Grey and Simone hasten won the um Himl of In Central Commlnd leaggrsquynd ultimiva com Barrie new Bell Telephone aichinu drgvl megegg began coo Nonhnmmuy waned an new 09000 win ch Burl 59119 WW Midngfidd at iogdni City council new Devel opment committee ncommendt ed Blrrlaa new oflicial souvenir will ha rule with city adult mm 1mpr1ngdon jg OCTOBER lInlual plans for the expan ulnn ol Simcoe Cmme Museum were presented to county coun The addition would c0515 Schbol was out lnilo Mn ahlp Ind Elmvah mm 105m annual all exhibition More than gm prgpgud sBiljrle Arena Commission Jofifiif Th9r9l99F¢19h Curry Siayngr Nursing Home WM BUILDING MATERIALS 419 mu 15 DUNLOP ST WEST Rog MARSHALL mom 1054mm su Reliable Sorvlu 336 Bayflold SI RESTAURANT SERVICE STATION OF BARRIE FINEST FOODS ANDSERVICE 335 BAYFIELD ST TEL 716 ASSOCIATE STORE no numor 51 SERVICE STATION ggpAIRGARAGE azvauywusr phonmsnn WELL DIGGING WATER PUMPS SEPTIC TANK PUMPING If Ills bun plusuro to uh th poopla of Barrio and lm for Iho pm ll yum 133 BRADFORD 5T 7260781 KEN WINTERS IO ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED Barrie Government Surplus ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED CANADIAN TIRE MA INIAND wsmmo FOR TV WILDINO AND oINIML MACHINI WK STEWARTS BA Emnm mum for aiding and Conyllmon PIIlonn TEXACO SERVICE STATION HAYTERS EAYLOR BINNIE 519152 I956 Lluncnd Mulunlu Phona 7234225 WORK TIL mmh TEL 71 Slaynor Ont 72M 725M 7260612 fig

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