Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jan 1965, p. 5

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0n Reunifidation Plan The United Stale appears in have Ihe brakes on an early Western Initiative almed at Ger man mmlllcuuon The now may well sweep over Germany like told wind fiéfi New mag Que glislyid was only one exmpuan and that Ill flu Brown School mud which moi or last time Wed huday More lhe Inluxun Only muunc buslMsl was done In clean uy Wm he now bond take over In the Good Shrfiml Mot and 5L Patdckl Church lhm be nm in pmm or III mm In Juvarury visitor In West Germany lremmnlly mud by the theme of anleon repeated Mike by ordInmy citlun and polilltal otficlnls Winn the visKar nugzcsu that other Wcshmerl may not be REVIEWING Mod tom villus Ind lawll uhlpu In Slim 0mm can look butt an MOI Illh mm lmu nl amnollfllmcm nplla mm mm Then II In ndual wnler mort nm of Ilvriock In no Allialon Iran Ind mam Inner baulln water Wu or flu week on Du Elmv will ro lurm Monday Work In well up an m1 due to man mild Mather 5mm llnn in will um flooded Ind had to pumped out om mud 1955 arrived In Vancouver with snow on the round rah mm lh and these mem ber the Vancouver Polar HROUND THE DISTRICT no one uwry Hm muld be singled out as me 52017 at the week Council meelings school board meetings Ind meeting of agri culmral nmdallons or 011m group um ordinalHy supply ngwl hm werent hgld We know until 01 Du mm pmkd on lhl road and urly In In new in Jim hlu mm lyllcm Imvnln man mm In um van VIIIn chm Harold uh found look time out It on cmde mum to Ihlnk Mr laxy ind IIMtKy In flu mpm Ind II or Wu mull mum Creemore wu mmnod om ponible walcr shortage mum By JOSEPH MneSWEEN Cumin Pm SM Writer outlook Is Good For County In 65 By HARVEY BLACKSTOCK Enmhu Dhtfld Edllm TAKE FIRST DIP IN VANCOUVERIN 65 Owl nun Fun th Tim Model Ford uva good unite too or many yun Ian lgdmldmhc ml oddity on nyI mood man So um um mm whoa hum It lllWd mu Ind but day ll donl IIOPIINO HAM Arum didnt new board of mum or loo mmbm of tho old holni wen vow bad In mum It did nu WM plan which In opemlon And our Imu oom lpgnd Ulhulmdlm you ml minded the dam knell ol the one1m achool or an ohklm called it Ibo llluejlod Sdml Home mthmnhm mam pleamm mil councils and many school board throughout th county will pezin 1966 with mm new mailer common to almoxl all council tho mnlcnnlnl null Sum nucs will bulld llbmlu mm will build mun umcnu and llmoll Ill hem will mlvo lhI unit LII momma mi Ilhdm hm Imfl that Ibo molt mnvmleal to prpflQg lhghlqm ILupdA berl inflamed with Muha minute moms reports Allistm mbly wont hava newlown alllnlmbutllwill have me new number on council Fonnzr bound mem ber Mrl Jean Pitcher forgot to qunlfly In hue and her ser vlm on council will 11ker b0 mbscd SoEna peoph dont mm to 3M upmljnllon Adm 6mm flue reply lee like um The 115 is leading the West and the official Washington pol Icy for reunification as soon as possible no mallet what his orrgbal official may say amusem Ludng Erhard Quinlan Democrat govern ment with an election muting in Member has been press in or new EastWest efinn nflmfianlgm won po er mm lluPcal parties Igeen an nupflicalion as are the Bean Club In the water staglng their annual swim In English Bay Neither Joan Hiram Hem nor Pal Mallin 00 100 III NOW SHOWING PROJECTS The chancellor has to worry not only about pmssures mm the apposlliun Soclal Demo crals whose stung seems to be growing but also from within hll own party mm tanner chancellor Konrad Adenauer and Fraanoscf Strauss defence mlnlswr under AdLnauen The reullicalion question one that my also be exploited by anazi groups v5 govcrnmenl officials naw have made it plain that man Sammy Dean Rusk ls no pre pared an even luntn live nppma to Mosmw lhll age WAN1S AGREEMENT As seen from London llusk II not going In move at all null and unless mm In urnnun umnx ho Wakcm powm on mmprdwnslv plan or the lum of Central throw Includ lng boundaries ucurlly nngunenm and disarmament Thll is laugh one at Donn flnca In policy evolved la toms ulcnt by Adenaucr has been In soparale the reunlflcauon pmb nmlram disarmath gnd give Erhard It is thought may be pulling on lhe pressure to slrenglhen his posIHon or the election HELD WEB Thu US governan Ly sald in some quarters to be tome what exasperated by Bonn prodding or new Western mom in resume negotiation with Moscow prcfcmnu la reunfllcalinn Dunnnon Show It was son stayed the required 46 minutes in water that was 41 degrees mldr Air temperature was 36 GP Wirepholo mnwigwmm 019mm SEAN WNW mow mum 0mm bellm lha can lie mind ll caused by increasing popularity 01 vending machlnu parkinl molen retail Isles Lam and erlylm milkhr penny uvinl VANCOUVER CplShaun nessy Homllal here has started an lnqulry lnln witch of bad las that resulted la the wrong one belnz cremated The mlxup was dimmed Wednesday when the two non of Joscph Sullivan 94 went to funeral parlor to find the body of manger divsued ln their Ilherx clothes in his mllln The body was Identified later that of Daniel Sullivan 73 Stan mm ofJouph laid Wednesday the two men lqokzd Yrymuc31 51m The 11m mint ha been waxkin double mm Ill days week to keep pm and um extra e1 Iorl has pnvenud any seriou mm Although number axcnclex an 117 Io any prolilegn Illll amen la be winning 01211 wurepmlegi In éflflcal cou dltlan In hospital Ifler being munded In thecheshin the lhoollnglnddem in which me warmed Hotkiliway from lha Imus the shooting occurred durinl New Youll party He laid Investigation revealed Ihat their fathers body had Qeen crede earlier in the VITAWA CF The In creased demand or Canadian calm unled do the yew1 end and the muler or the Royal Canadian Mlnl Parker expects In even mater output in 10$ Coin pmdncllpn at til 1min but tripled in the last lhm yam In 1961 about 600000000 cola were minted so per cent more than ln 196m 3mm Emit mumm wANuAnv ms WIlIlamlIenry Greer 23 of Toronto who was charged elrly Nday wflh capital mur der In the thfina of mnmu Anthony Qulnunes 21 also or Tannin has been charged with armed robbery An tuned rubbery eharga ewe alao laid animal Robert New 2nlo to who dew ténéd esw Bird Pxoblem MONIUZ CF Charles plnoed by polln Friday Ilnked NawYenrs Evejnllygna with In armed rpbbery In mule in film evenng Mint Output Hospital Mixup NEWS ROUNDUP Qilgonnjieg on 311pr hi DWAYMRWFSDAXJAMMW qu 1311de ng STEAKSOROASTS SUPER SAVINGS PBVKEB GRilN FED BEEF BREAD POWER SLICED llnllywoodGertrud Mlchaci film star or lhe 1m and an nctnn or so yum mu Illnm Reykjavik cellm Oluafur 11mm 72 former prime mlnia ler oflen described Iccmdx males statesman stroke bndonFldd Marshal lard Wilson born Henry Mall Ind Wflson Britains suprema commander In the Mediterran ean In 1943 hndonSir James Cum anernntlnnally hlawn painlcr rammed for date permit of Queen Elizabeth In her comm Pun Pietra Brisson 68 pubka 14 Figaro lnde pendent Purl momma mu prper gha 5130 illness thlngtom MaeMn Kale Mmre 101 repoded to be the oldest member of the Imma flonul mehlcal Union Sn Mum Dalluulo SIdLV Mlchele Latino 102 ormr shepherd and wldeer who had children Guelph Godlrey Smlth industrialist mil breeder and lounder of lhe Fedml Wmnéfilzlwmvsmv hulsvlla Ky Jerry Mc Nemey 56 velmn lnrl edilar and pmldut or me National nm Wrilm Association hurt llllck WAIERNWN NY AP Three persons were found shot to death Thwsday night at area on Interstate Roula 81 near Walcdcwn In what stale my termed murder An Aii Canadn report Ju dlcaled that In the live year perlod endad Thursday 458 bird strikesI havie the company 1100000 allhwsh no planes have been losthecause of mldalr mllisionswlth birds The ECAF howeyerreporu that sincefipril there have beanuincldenh Involving CFIM Set lighter and birdx Stale police said Peter Egan 28 hi wife Barbara and his brother Gerald Egan 19 all of Waterlown luad been shut In the th Sula police who called the shooting triple murder said that two men were being held or questioning but sald no chug Ind been lodged allng hem Air Canada and RCA port mcenny aimed minim bl dallara in dmnagrcmedio Yakplanes yfblrds In mgnt yeyn rimnlnx haulewlth almllnu for Ixupfiemupy ol lhg CANADIAN muss Shét on Highway DEATHS The very fact that we would even consider the possibility of book being scientulcniiy ac curate which was written 2000 to 3000 years ago is amazing in itself trust the render realiz es that there is no other ancient book in nil the world that we would approach on this basis Other ancient books contain statements so fantastic that no one pay serious attention tn them Holy books mm the East include legend and errors too childish for consideration In tact even books on Science be come useless within just few years because at their discarded theories and erroneous conclu sion do with the Bible what we would dam to dowiul may other ancient book campus wm modem Science ASTRONOMY AND THE BIBLE The Pulmls mm The hea vens declare lho glary cl God and the lirmnmcnt nhewfih his handywork Day unto dAy ut lmcth Ipccda And mm mm nlxht shewdh knowledge Pu 1911 ll is richly me that ltudy of the Blble In the light of Astronomy cmsldalnl ml Formme reasonnr other then has crept 1m the study Sclencaths idea that the Bible Ls umch Inmnqa Many youns People mm area mmfhmflflmfi 33 an ve field of peclnllzaflon are some times mlstakcnly hnpressgd with 5er llnscl conclusion about the humility of the 11th has always amazed me that brilliant logical men who lace qlher pmbluns melhodlcally and ldmtlflcally will face the prob lem of the validity ma Scrip Ium with open prejudm This of course not true of all iden Uslx or many Hues the valid ily of ihe Scripture It Is to the carnelian of this mismanag lion that the Bible scientific ally accurate that the next twu unit are dafiwed It should he understood at the outset that the Bible is not textbook on Science omwne has stated The Bible was not written tn tell us how the heav en go but to tell how to so to heaven However due to the broad laid of its revelntlan of God to man it does touch on many adentllic subject the Bible is written by God then regardless of its age Ind the sclentliic ignorance of men at the time of its writing whenever it touch on Science it should be accurate Thu believe to be the case fly In Ierlel BY CAPTAIN RANDALL This Ll an age of Science In Incl them an hurdle people Why who are wordllppkzg at the shrine ol Science Al Can adIan love and appreclm tru Science that 15 knawledge The Inn study Sciencah he study of facts We Idealist does not new ulwrlu until they are proven lack Stud Of FdCts the nun be right on this an In 9n age when an the sum us 14000 times the volume our sun with 90 lime in light power was first mentioned in 730 BC by Hesiod it still hcarl his name Job said that here were two characteristic about it One that it moved guided and two that it has sous or lo us Mines Halley in 1780 iound Arcturus was one of stars which had unmistakably shined their posiiion since the days of Ptolemy Today through stellar phoingraphy It has hem learned that Arum is Iruvel ling Ii finch iuriiic velocity that it is mauled runaway star No wonder Job raised the questivn Cans ku guide Arc mum But phmgraphy hu ul so informed usthuuuielliizs sur round Arcturus which would ac count for Jobl refereth to his sons My question is Where did Job gel iiiis knowledge $00 years ago with Jun Mind Hm North Star than wetn lo be an empty place yet Job mm on 1300 year no Ignorance oi the ancient world on thiuubject criu out for ac ce es of the Divine autlmr of the Word of God he Number at an Sim Genesis 155 God laid Abram bathe star of the heaven were wiumutlnumber Hippar this 125 AD said there were 1m slarl Ptolemy Minn said that then were his man slats Galileo wu the first scien list to leach lhat the stars were lnnumerable The Blble however knew this fact 140 EC Look nyw 01qu byway and tell Una in the day of Job men he iieved the Hindu theory that the earth was supported on the backs of elephants standing on the shell turtle which wan awlmmlng in the water of great sea Today no one believes lhlr any me than the story irom Greek mythology that came late about Atlas having wpported the earth on his shoal dcr However it mm quite re markabie that Job knew that the earth hanged upon nolh lug 1500 you ago To my knowicdgu this truth la not men tioned anywhere else in Ill lit trature until the day NEW ton Wham did Job at this in iormation Supemlon the Earth Job 251 3021 600 BC The host of heaven meanlng here the new cannot be numbered Haw cm pig Bllhla be right 09 tth sulr an of the world were ignmm lb scientific lam Surely Lisa Bibie can be believed by scien tifically minded peopla and is 101 in conflict wiih uieniiflc ThiClrcnhrllrlhhlhi tumg mum Arctur FACIAL TISSUES BIRLOIN PORTERHOUSE WING LB EN EX Jeyemlah History Mord the lac um until the days of Columbus and Magellan men mourn Ihat 610 earfl wu flat even numb won yReynaed over 2500 year no In lhe drelq 013116 gaunt It In hilatesllngto noun Deut 410 God said Individ edhestargunlo all Mum under the whole heaven thnt Ix each nation has been IHM It awn puran of the stat1qu tn tha act that the earth dr cular some countries mar get to see can stars For ax amplethe Stuhm has Warm tn the North Canndl does not havg the suns star as Mexico The only oxphnaum for this or mum L1 thlt the sum knew that the earth wn Luke 173435 coolalne the pre diction by the man mus ol llls Second Cunlng Speaklnz of the suddenness at this mum tells us clearly that ln thlt nlghttheroshnllbetwommh one bed the one shall be tak en the other lea Two women shall be srlndlns at the mlll the one shall be taken and the other lelt Two men dull be In the llelrl the one thall be mk en and the atlas ldt May all your altentloo to the net that when Grist come thl wlll naturally happen ln VI 01 the act that the earth andtnt whlle two women on at the rum and two me worklng the lleld during the day other wlll be in bed or any grammar school chllrl hlowt because the earth ls round port of the earth L1 erperlmclng the day whll We L9 perm encinz 1th mEfihiafio lclenflflcally accurau bo lclenflflcally accurau bo uuse the author of he Sabina as new the 1am and than acts were not known to man union the ma sum of tha Scripture must be God To lure flu Bible L1 scientifically ucwrate but us take God It HI word and believe Him To be manned BINGO EVERY MONDAY 14 HIGH ST Abovo NuSorvlu clamor RCAF ASSOC 800 pm SPECIALS JACKPOT $26000 SHARE THE WEALTH Admlulon 50a

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