Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Nov 1963, p. 14

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NEW YORK AP Elsa Maxwell ardent friend or sirarplongucd critic of the great and near great and hill Um hostess lo the glittering cream international society died Friday heart nilmenl She was no She Vdedicnlcd her own cpl taph some years ago when she said in an interview If knew were 30 die momw Id want my epitaph to be dia hnppy or was born Kay and my lile hn been glor inns ransccndcnlly magicnl ml of glamor 1vaEnnde out wlll asking Lhak my ashes be scnuered we the Adriane Se which an para house while her molhen was watching performance Miss Maxwell had nothing to recommend her or the role lo whinh she was destined ninIer ridnes nor looks not figure nor social rank Cfirislian Worship 0n the day at Penman when the aposlles were Kath cred together In one plan he Holy Spirit gave them gilt speaklng in Icreign tongues Some observers no But she overcame her shori comings to mingle with most of the historymilking wrld iig me or her liielimrliiussolini liilicr Winston Chnrchili Charles de Gaulle and hundreds upon hundreds at lesser figure in the rnnks of royalty politics loclcly and he ms smas AIM Do and haw fun was her credo llcr enemies ques tloned how well she fulfilled the first part ol her formulal But no on could deny hcr ndher any 10th lqllerparf nu scmilnvahd had been suflcr lng mm heart allmem and enured New York Hospital Thursday Sha died there at 610 pm EST Friday She had no known relnfim end My poly somewhat gravel volmd Mls Maxwell llvtd hcr lilc la the hlll having made her last public nppearnncn at lhe April ln Paris Ball ln lllanhallan 110ch only Ins wAcckl Elsa Maxwell Dies In Hospital She WE Mush flu ban In whuIchalr her Irlendn In the glistening social mrld In gossiny newspaper column or the New York JaumnlAmcrl can Slu nnu was lold um her lany was loo poor to warrant her being invited lo many In California mnde un my mlnd would xlvn mat punks all over me world she Inkr recallcdAnd she did FEUIIS FAMOUS llcr lnmmls lends lucludbd one wllh the Duke and Durban Windsor ll lnlcr wnl pnlchod up nnd hey wm rcgoncilgq or NH rivnl In Uh dd noan cnlcrlmnmrnt wn Perl Mrsln who clnlmod unwnlesud rtlzn nmunz tho mlul shinypn But Kn Mum urmlfnwuy mm In ndnm Iho hm pm In the llold nm rcmnnimi flu nr hilbr ol lnlrrnnlinnnl mlcly Ind lhn muu lnmoub hasten In CHICAGO AP CIIM Jinn wlm wu lrnml lhmuzh All nmmml lyrnnll ol rilnrrllu wn lrllllllml Fllllny live to lo can In Ilul prnilrnllnry or mum lo mm lonmr um raw Innm Huber Shhlmnrr WM vlclnl In trhnlnnl mull ul val lnlnry mmlnumlrr In lhc dram In luvle MI 01 Mu Mar ne lmmnlmm 5h mnnu llul Cnnmllnn lul hm WA Wtlnn 0m II we ml Hum rhllmrn vim pnmd llvlul In Toronlo hldmié mi km Vlhal he drlmdml mm up Mn lam nan In Warm plmlul mm Canadian Gels Iail Sentence For Manslaughter Iollce Iflld Skldmn tnleml ho Unknl sum IllaHy In 1m 1th uld my van lpd In Skhlmm when my louml mm nvul mm Hurdle 1m on floor of 1h 09m mrul In wallonln1mn965hb01l Hu lmmd mnl mm Candun named Madman who smoked Ill Im rumd brand durum ind lv0d In um nm mu ll Ion myde mm IdmL Hod hlm mm In ad In tryplqu led eglyu la ifieii Itldriwii um tile world the one remarked have entertained more my ally than any other unlelad hos Washington M15 Menu gaid of Miss Maxwells pass 118 think she was urea hay ass nlere wont be bummer Elsa Maxwell In thls era She was type of her own She was amuslnz and Hood friend The daughter at an Insurance man Miss Maxwell Inter movcd with her family to San Fran cisco where sh grew up underilandlnz gala they wm qmnk Act 1143 Pear spoke out and said lid wu unlmc In the lrst aermon the Christin church he ex plained Illa the Holy Spirit She never was graduated mm high school but obtained lddilionul educnflan mm her tamer who had an aversion In school She Served as pinnlst In nlckleodeon vaudeville newmpanlsl parlner In Paris night club consultant drlssmnker and nullonally known lecturer Her first party or myally was given in 1811 with Princess Helena Victoria dauxhler Wm Ycwe GIVES rm PARTY She ndmliled that her many inends high in tha mini mid provided her with lavish estate and handsome limousine abgi her patty31mg She sald the new married because 5h never liked the Man of El Her rezular Intome came mm her deny newspaper ooh ymn and myallles from her mErTied world world my husband nhe once qulwed WHAT 31193 DO HAVE To TAKE tn mulm Wlnlcr lluill harm mum lnmlmcm Finl ofIIIul Imvliullan for cellilknllon ll no ll Naw Arrange May In luv your home Wlncer built home mun be made to lho 5M WlnlcrllnlllYoullulnllulssoominccnlive and lenien nnnch Dcpmmonl of Labour Ollm youll be helplnl Canmln ken buly lluougln Ila 9mm byyonotllu bullderJhll Ileplmuntlnl wlnlcr monlhl Yourhomahohllllprww yoan mid oryou Wmmdy han DO IT NOWI numbnme Amngnlovyowmw multlpu hepu mum of mm lo wullu Dullll In by Mill on LLAN J4 MAHEACMEN MINIBTEHVOF LABOUR CANADA mm 11m Men Department of Labour paying $50000th mm for pmplawho 1an lbcir mm 1qu in wlnltr Can you qunlifyl IIle mm BIIOR vou Mm you nlw Mm II Io be nana bolon Dumb III you null all your Ippllullon Inim numb 100i IMI ll Ollcnllll WHEN MUST THE WORK BE DONE Almunlhe work muxlbodonobumnbwcmbcr Ill I963 Mirth 3m I991 Wall mull not hIVG beyond um floorjolu mm by Dumber In Swooning nlodot Influx Ind Illa lmpwvomcnt can Indomumr Much Jlll musme SUNDAYSCHBOVL Essen WIAH1IIWII LONDON AP Flnnnclal xpem here expect the Soviet Union to unload more gold In pay or Western wheat pur chases In recent month Moscow sllmmd lo have sold ncnrly $400000000 worth gold or twice the average or the last few years The Soviet moves have far ranching Implicallons clnlly or the London gold mar ket and the us Treasury One London expert recenlfy estimated mat the Soviet sales this year are roughly equnl ln onelhlrd be new gold produc on from the main Western snurccs which Is expected lo reach $00000000 lhls year haddescended accordlng to prophecy and that the crucl fled Christ was resurrectedrg Acts 21438 Peter reminded those assembled In Jerusalem that It was theywho wura xrnlllylnx Inclor has been Ihu the large Sovlel gold dump lan In September and October appear 10 have been taken up almost entirely by the central banks of the Weston nallanr Expect Soviet To Unload Gold One result benellclnl to the US has been that those cen ml banks which are worried abqu large holdimu chum °a°fP Guam Dunlap 5L PA um ir rar um Chrmmu pm nll wlth pmlmloul look In In SOON BE SURE TO ENTER OUR LUCKY CHRISTMAS DRAW 1019th Juanw Wlll YIIIIII NEW HflME llllAllW CHRISTMAS Penmang CLEVELAND AWA judgu has ordered mnthur Mutand trlal In Invenlle court on charges or canlrlhunng to he dcllnquency of her lfryeamld duughler by teaching her about birth control methads responslhle or killing he Son 01 God Thq people were tilt to the heart and asked Peter find the other apostle what they should do Acts 236 31 Repent and he bapllznd The mulher Mrs Vlrulnla McLaughlin 33 Iron on $500 hnnd pending her appearance cIore Juvcnlla Court Judge An Ielo mallang Nov the daughter Mary Ann has had three 1119 3111mm chIIdrcn her first be 1n born twoyenrs ago She bdrm held 1n cnunly delnnum home un111 the outcome 01 her mothers um Charge Mother Cdntributed To Delinquency Daughter ln Ihclr monetary reserves have been able la rnlse the propor tlnn cl gold Thls has served to take me edge of thelr lmpn llcnce to see ha end 01 lhelr dollar problem no mm lhnn four unit with each uni qualifying forlhc$50000inunllveanunllylllmllocomply wimnatmnl Ilnndnxds of ndtqunu housing and local bulldlng bylnwl Wham to apply Your builder lm llw dclnilx Am yuu can gal pamphlet conlnlnlng lull dclAiII and application form from your ncnrul anlonnl lim plnymcnl Office or Post 0mm if you dnnl have NFS nlllcn lnynurdlslrlcm from All Canlml Mou lznuc nml Homing Covpmnllon nfllcu by Willing to Special Servich Bunch Dcpanmcul of Labour 0mm Rel quml Canadian buildcn llm ho knowhaw tn mulm Wlnlcr nuill harm mum lnmlmcm Do ll Naw Arrange May In lulu your home WlnlcrllulllYoullulnlhnlSSOODOlnccnlive and youll be helpln Cumdl ken buly lhwugll lhu wlnlcr monlhl un Mnilny Entertainment Fri Snt Nights DYCONIA HOTEL WASAGA BEACH By Alffed Buescher We enter chdlnu Ban quets Parties elc Phone or rcservallom PM lOUNGE TERRACE ROOM DINNER BELL lOUNGE Judge Gasliardo said Frlday he ordered ha delinquency charge by placed against the mother on the has ol her xatemenl ln recent court session He quured her say lng men told my daughter where to buy contraceptives und how to use lhem but Iho still got pregnant or the forgiveness of your ulna answered Pater So that day about three thousand mm ful members were added In the newly formed Chrlsflan churchActs 28847 GOLD EN TEXT Colosslans 316 The Judge said the mothers remarks made him wonder whclhcr giving such ininrmalion mnda her responsible or ac iually contributing In her daugh ier delinquency Gaxllnrdu said knew there 13 na juvenne law specificnfly covering givlnx of birth control inlarmation The Judge said Mrs Laughlln brought her dnughler to he cpurts allchtlon ailer the erla second child was born The daughters children have been placed in emergency 03 ler homes Fully Hunted Telephnxgg MONTREAL CF Unlnns reprentlng 00000 of Canada nonopenlan railwny employ ees presented Ihehf naw cun lrm demands Friday dropping all their cm into one basket waxes The demands oulllned by Frank Hall chlel negotlntar tor Illa CLOunlisted union In volved 1n the lulu auhmlsslons call for 1h nonops to gel lhe luma nverase pay aa calved by workers In suvcral haalc Canadian manulaclurlng lndustfles Mr Hall decllned In put la ure on the new pay demands nyInx hm was quesllnn or negoglqupn aourcea said um to close them now existing tween the average non ups wage and that oi the manuiac luring Industries would call for an increase at 15 in 20 cents an hour over the iii on yogi cannnct NahFOP Rclil Wakers Demand Pay Increase Nonops no earn an average 013193 an hour There was nérlmmedlnle cam men rum the seven railway Involved In the 101m negalla The scoreboard clock shows nlne seconds left to play In fht game time for one final play Wflh lhe gamo riding on this last ploy who will be asked to carry the ball The answnr ls slmpla the ball will be glvcn to the guy who can get lht lob done the guy who makes the difference between losing and winning effort the some way In the movlng business Whon people are looking for movor Who can got the ob done qulckly safon and economically timo aflorrvimo Cooke Carlago ls asked 10 carry tho ball for them Our men are experts quy trained In uvory aspect of famlly moving service If youre looking for winner cull Cooke and your worries are over HO ANNE STREET WHO WILL CARRY THE BALI WHEN THE CHIPS IIRE DOWN mm ALLIED VAN LINES Liam beyond uaylnz that ha degandj 31m My studied Mr Hall said the reason no fringehenth demands were In cluded was that the unions hoped shortened list pro posnls would leadrloa quick set Ilement In keeylng vnh the na 175 JOHN STREET PHONE séméz£s HARRISAUTOELEGTRIC Our New Martina Phono Numbon An omen To sanva ovn CUSTOMEMBE1IER HAVE MOVED 10 NEW AND LARGER PREMISES WITH AMPLE PARKING SPACE NOTICE BARRIE flonl lulémung this time Tha nanops du not with In hinder or interim with the heavy nhipmcnu oiwhent Russia and other commie and mum to form oum de mnnds in urder to expedite the signing of the contract PA 61863

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