um um cnnllmnnl bum 5m tnvrlmm IM plum 1min III lnlpeuor Cnilrvlocllnod Ia uy Mum In In mnln HIM mm 20 Mlmnllu umler lnmclur Mu Imlrr ml Iponl mail KM day HIU hmlqummn They wk ouluvgul cmxllmnnl llml IM raid wrm mndumxl Flli hrndnunncrl he Hm hnluu RIU Imhirbe llnl Hank and lwo unlnn mrmlml unlun hall In Dnlnrla MONTHICAL CW lrlmcd by mm or llCMl ruhll nnulnn he Sï¬nlnmu Inkrnn Ilnnnl Union Ind Um Mrrnl novrmmrnl In nludylmz qunm llly Iciml dammonln la do ermine whrlher lharc are round at Crlnllnnl proceed Ml Jmn Mnnlnrnm Mammal lawyer upmlnlcd Iptrlnl new Illnr hy the Marni ovom mrnl ulvl he dorumrnln Irlml lvhlmy wuld hnvu In In pm rrxm Mow hmw nll Hm slrm um have In Im lnlen nnl BELGRADE AP Empcmr Inn Sclassiu Ethiopia nrrlvrd Saturday from Switzerland or an alllclnl visit and mm with Yugoslav Presldbnl Tito on strongmanan mulunl coopcrutlun Thu Empcmr was warmly zrcolcd by Tim ho nlrparl An 0le mnlrd 30000 pcnoru lined bcdcckcd mm hearing nnd nnnlnudinu 0m Pm rm BERLIN AP No Ens Dunn laborm ID And 21 mnpcd lo Wcsl lkrlln Frldny night by lwlmmlnu cnnnl marking the udur bordcr Pallw nld lhnl before lhey plunged Into lho cnnnl they Illd dawn mm 1mm Um unm floor he Em Berlin plum when lhey worked muuu uv cucunng nna applnu mg hmpcmr and Tito draw to Iormcr myal pllnce In the Auburb Dcdinje East Berlin Laborers Escape To West Mom nuisa In the Inn mm OMI said he ordered his ELISABETIIVILLE Rculcm An American mhslonnry said today Cangohse troops beat up Africans raped Mrknn women and Insullcd Eumpenn women during lwo days error at cfly In the lnltriur The Missionary Ken Enrighl Alvycmnold pilot 1mm Chlcnga snld misslonurie nl Sundan were nrmslcd and wer bolnx held In mllilnrycpmp Maria and cannon shells Imdod near palm In Hie Pi gulz Cash on the Mnroccan side or the border and heavy ma chm gun the shattered lh only morning up ALGlEllS APJA hEavy Al sorlan artillery barrage eruple Along the Iensc Algerian Mob ocean border at dawn today several hours after mldnlxhl ceaseï¬re Congolese Troops Terrorize Interior Selassie Visits Yugoslav President Govt Studies SIU Records MRS NGO DIN NIIU tight clutches prayer book and her purse as she and her daughlcr Lo Thuy leave the Chunh the Good Shepherd Artillery Fire Erupts DesertCeaseFire Ends 99th Your No 256 NEWS BRIEFS FanxamIner Wlnt Ads Telé phone PA 82414 The telephone mgr call or he Business or luflal Dept is PA M581 Our Teiéphoneé Ml Chrmrr NIH In llm mm mmnum 11mm Uunl Illa mum Mrmmed mm an maul ninlnsl CM Funk Wnlm whlla Ir Wnln vun nu ovumlur or live Cnnndlurl MonMM Soul llulld In I351 Mr Mmlmnu rémmrrnlvzl Inlet Ihli no Hum hml hm bec he me nm Wm known mum Mr llnnh man In Munlrcul nl III limp llo wan muml lo huv bun In New York ulmlny Wo lmru mrrh wnnnnls nnd wcn adan on lhcm he InhL anuhllo olhor NP mum unnlml he hmnu of Mn llnnh unlun mmnlwu Jack lllrlmnlwn and Fun Knrnh and union hall In Tor onla Md mum Dnl Mrnnwhflo Juntlre Mlfllll Hone Cllnrlrr mum In Mammal Hm thnt rnnc Iplrlng In mmmlt nlmlnal null Imd lwm all unlnn Mr Dania Ink harp Ima Illo Mm lnld nnnlml In Minr men wbnm did not Monuly lvour lrmnln llemnraplml hum HUMP Madqunnm nc mnmnlcd lho march pnrly him King man at Mnh Gem and President Ahmed Eon men lo Ire buck My man ob served the ceaseï¬re until at tacked snld Col Mohammad Hedda He Bald his men evldcd the Algerian Imm tho oasis Elan Algerianvliiuroccnn ccnse lira negotiated Ioumvun lry conference in Bamako Mali earlier this wok wnnl into god oiiiciaiiy at midnight Eri In Beverly Hills ycslerdny all nraltcnding All Saints Day Mass Laler Mrs Nhu was told that her husband Ngo Dlnh Nhu and hlx brother IDES As DIEM sun 11er wwliu rllumlu um ummm nllcr qulrl lluw Mu drhnlv Tim mlnlnm Inld mu llnily vnlrnm INIOIJII llam ram arell memh mama he Ilqmrlmunlurl up In mo In mm ulllnl urinulwd any Ilkplllllll mu Ihp drpnrlmml runrnl llmnlu truly 00000 hllhrr prtvlnu yur dMmum mm Lnxl my llw Allll Jcrlcd nn nppenl mm Hm mo mm or Imnlnn lluy um Inld lo lgnve Ind lha Huh OTTAWA ICI anlry mum Nltlmlum Ilmnld he lnrmu qnwvmlro KIM mvnl Fleln mm or Ilow upnmlnu vth dcpmlmrnl and It mull ncllvlllrV mmnml rm Iludy of lurrnlry uh pmlmruln IN mull pm urnm u1nmm lnrirly pro mm IIy ho Ulclrnlm rr nov Mngncnl 1m wlnlrr 11 lwolrnyrh nnJl lcmcl and Hall 1mm llnjl llu Ml 4Bwuo oxecum In lhn presence ul mwrlcrl nml om duh Tnyth Hunt and IS Hum wue lrlul by mllllnry wurl mmllnl Aun on chnruu lrtnsmn nml sllrrlnz up molu lnrlhu cnplml TM Icr nun mcmhm ncdvnl when lrnnm TEHMN Irnn AI Two men who hcndrd hlnndy nnll unvcrnmcnl Hula In Tlhrnn hut June we rxcrulcd by lrlnz sqund lodny llnssan chnrgcd Algeria wlUI attacking Figuig dusty onsls In lho wulhwns comer of or new In panhandle painlan Ma charged Momma wllh attackan women and dull dmn wllh artillery and plane In tho Algerian vlllago ol Benl Onnll lm miles lrom leulg chmgo of tho Flgulg melon told reporters that many chinnl were kllhd and wounded nnd many were evacuating lhc lawn But he added In popula Hun oi the arm was exlrcmcly hosllo to Um Algerian mops iiour before the midnight deadline each side accused he other ni violating the pommi spirit ai iho Bamako camer cncc Tories Hit Ionocean and Algerian troop rammed dispersed along 550 mile belt or the disputed urea from Tindoug an orerich town In the mulhwcsl lo Figulx 215 mile south the Mmï¬lcnm nean quusa EACH 0mm ifrvfinistér Federal Court Bella or Mgerin promst to ob serve the rum and nilow commission set up at the Elm mnkw conference to supervise lh ham bgnjgr dispufe Rebels Killed By Iran Govt South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem were report ed Io have committed suicide after they were taken prisoner during military coup AP Wirephato yFrees Negroes The wne nlenml lrnm jnll In ll umlh 1mm Ann lnu ccnlre Friday umler IUIII ul mom lhnn an bond uh llury IM mu mlllm Fnur lhrm had been tIunvgnl um vlulnunl the Mall MINIMUM Law lmIhlth unlul Um denlh waluulud MI Imlawlul mmh lulull during clvll rluhla nonun llmu IIIn AMHIIICUK Ila VPMU Flu lulnnmllnu lrndm lmd uflrr mnrly lhrro month In Jnll whm lrdvvnl tuuvl nllul Ihnl lrmulnn lnuurmllvn Inw In unmnulluunnnl plnn In Dil Ilnur wmklnu lur ch11 rllhll Ills bill one four men um bcIore he Common spun noml by prlvnlo MP1 to legal to Works and Mr Valadu uracd lhe House not ln Iume hla measure to the lulu Hull be Icll tho twn bIIla nlrcndy been damled They wcm lulkcd uul during lwn anohour pe riod In mum and are un llkvly lo cmnu up or dclmlo again lllln 5min Iiul Lihcrnl snrnkm mud pmmlurnl discuulnn ulmualrd Um Imur or llw klmlc nml In hlll nnnk In llm rm the lung Illl prlvnlo ldlln 0h mrac Ilu lnvo mm Ill any anl know mm really love 1111 Mr annde anld there hum born ohjccuans la Milan lollcry Ills bill would to In rcllglnus canvlcunns vows and nunow mlndedness limo who didnt want hll Lollnrlcs sncm lo huvn mn Jarlly support among the popu Inllun of Quobcc uld ho mem hu lvr Momma Slo Mario he opcntd drbnlo on his private bill to permit provincial Imm In under the Criminal Code OTTAWA CF Conserva lIve MP Gemnus Vulndo urged In the Commons Friday that Quebec be nllownd lo nslnbllsh legal lottery Mon If rcsldcnls other pmvlnccs dont wnnt one Member Reqiiésls Quebec Lotteries 0n Oclobcr 26 presidential ndviser Gen Duung Van Minh right stood behind South Viet Nam President Nan Dini Dicmmicji 115119 yoyigwqd Burgh Onnrla Cumin sliuriiayrflqvoï¬hri I965 HERES ONE as hc mlpr llul xlfl you ynu any don llllflll Im lulu In unm Ind qu mm um All le mm ma Im gnalglely when bond in In mllnl 4M and humid down In In Myriam IM to four mi Amiga on mum cum ulna dim uulh nrllln to gel rumb bond op Iddltlonfl lo plrmlllld for rm charged with mm mm Th lhm number tadunl mm ruled hldu wo In um mu 1th lho Inlurmllm In NH lhn unlulul nmmhly Ill lulu wm unconxflluuonll nu mm llla dlmggd gulh armed Iorcc pmadlng In hon or nl Dieml all universal wumpllnn of power Today the General reported to Ag 133m xcvolflLmuyunlé Tulyrnmhl Ilnrbnm sum wnI Injured crlllcnlly and Jnhn ï¬lnlrn Is mnplnl cldul chlld wnn Injurpd Klllul In tho blnx re Dr Jmo slnlcn Moral Molar orlllm plant yhynl clnu In In Inna III III wile Mary £3 Cllfldl orxnnlfl nml hll mum Mu Mm mn lcm 72 Irccnrnlllc Ind rnuplua Ion David dlnd Frhlny nluhg Four mrmhm ol the Slnlcn lany dim and mm was In crlllcnl conleon In Marlon Gcncml pun Arfnmllyvof dim cmnc 1mm Kolomo lhu Ice Mww Many persons wen nmlly nmups Io he Holiday on lcn mu the Fairgrounds least In nmillcs lost more than one member In tho uploslon In klerd pcmru nnd ln JuLcd 165 It spokesman or the skating troupe Identiï¬ed the other seven Cunndlnn n1 Ted Deeley Van co Claudette Kcnnlty Sherbmkc Que Cam Burns Itexlnn Monique label Mont xoal lube llounton St Cath nrlncs 0nL Nurmnn Roy and BI Cardter 01 SI Jalms Que lNDIANAPOLIS Ind CP APNnno of the eight Cann dlun performer in the Holiday anIco knung lmupo wn In jured Thursday night In 1h liqutncd petroleum gas explo Him that rocked the Indlann alulu Inlrgmund Coliseum klll In person nnd Injunul 335 bno ho Iknlcil was 103 Begunp of ImpcrlnlSask Skaters Reported Safe lroscculor Noble Penny called or an lnvcxllunllon by Hm Mnrlon County Krnml Jury lo drlermlno wlmllmr tho Im xcdy was tamed cflmca commlulon or am ulanfl Olhm mm klllcd Int cludn xrnndmomer and grand daughter lnlhcr nnd sun mnlhcr and daughter nn null and niece and 11 mnrrln togplu James Butlerl wlfc Lurmc daughter of the elder Mm Hub hr by npmvloul marriage also wnslnjurcdl critically nnd mm Ihcm were killed mm were Mrs Mnrgmt Var land 79 and he granddaugh ters Ann Margaret Worlnnd 15 and Susan Wetland Two olhnr grandchildren and he thildrenl molhnn Mrs Ircno Wetland wcm Injured mum mun ll Iriplu luneml will be hnld in Indianapolis Monday for Jo mph Bullcr 76 hi wlic lvn 79 and his Inn James Dul ler 53 um hns overthrown he gov emment We Nam and President Diem in Ink In havn oommllled IuIclde Man in the centre ll unldenliflcd APerephnla own 53 ms mL cumsmas The presldcnun palace when chm and his hmlher were holed up lull during the night an hllkr mule Source nnIdIho death 01 In side the palm grounds might be as hlgh as 100 They Mao sald one rebel marine com pany wnx virtually dcslmycd when It ran Into wllherlng Hm from he ldgnï¬ng guard nmldlu tn nlk IN ll elm roll out Mr mm mm TIcy ncu slndwll fncd by mnlmry lender nner hclnu held 255 mnnllu In prison In wnnchon with lhu Duddhlsl dlsxvulc Crows oI nnzry yuulhs alormcd lhc mm In burn Imz nml loollng Innm mklna Karma alsuclnlcd with he NR0 andlDlegn jnmlllcs cram mad the number of cvlllnn munlues mm Ihu mxhtvlonx lecr nlrucl Hxhllng was surmlslngly low In View ol no large amount nmmunL Inn nxpundcd minimy revolutionary com mittee formally announced thu dlssnluflon tho Roman Calho llc led gavcrnmcn and as sumcd execullvc power after an eightyear mle by Diem HIGH DEATI TOLL mum aim In lho Diem govrmmcnl was obscure but he housns several min Islm and anlonnl Assembly man wen bumcd 60NG om Unllcd Slnlc Amhamdor Henry Cabot Lodge was re porlcd rcvlcwlng lrnvul ur runacmcnls lo rclurn lo Vnslr lnxlon or cqpsullnunns Authoritative source sald death loll tom lhu ï¬ghting 11119th 39 as high 400 wm shcd appeared to have mm cflccl an Salgms populnllon Ihousnnd locked to he mined palace In nlu live nlmosphnrct cd over tanks and nrmared cm which had bnlkcrcd he palace dulcndm Into aubmlsslun and rcduccd pargs he puilQqu mbblc As jublhn crowds milled About the street of lhls any shouting Lhclr support or the rcvulullan mllllary sources suld the bodies Iho two armor leaders would not be shown publicly or psychological rea sons SAIGON South Vlel Nam ReutcrhPrcsldent Ngo Dinh Dlem and his brother Nga Dlnh Nhn were reported to have died today in the wake or successful map this by Vietnamosu mnltnry leaders OIlIclnI sources snid Dlnm and Nhu cnmmmcd aulcldu but other versions conlrndlmd lhls 11 ulllarinl olllcu ml the Vietnamese People Iubilelnt Lodge Returns To Washington No0 liilln Copy14 Page Iiocal Weather Occasional 590w squall wday Sunday milder Low Innlghtfl Hllhvlumorraw 45 For full summary turn to page two 11m mcn nnllnu mlnlon Wlll mil ln Saigon dnyn mm mm II was lnvllrd lha Soulhcm Allnn nnllnn by Irrnldrn Nun Dlnh DIcm lo Inmliunlc chums dimim lnnllan nunlnsl lluddhlsu UNITED NATIONS AW Diplummlc mums lndlcnlcd lo dny Ihul wlmwvnr the autumn he mllllnry mull In 50th Vlrl Nnm he UN Inculndlnu mlsslnn lhnl was sent here probably will drop Immun llonsl In mama Mr rah to um ol Mr JMy had to we Am 1mm Ila wind MS nm Snlgon llmo mnrinu pumlrnop and arm and cm broke Into the nlnce rounds us flames Jumpc 1mm surrounding buildings The lcmpomry pnlncc when chm and Nhu Ilvtd since lho mnln palace was wrecked In an narllur coup nllcmpl was badly damaged The city thun are and shook lhruugh Iho night as dlssldnnt marines spearheaded relent lcsns pcundilnq Iho palapc apparent re used to broadcast demands to surrender under the pmmlso Halo conduct 1mm lhp coungry was authoritativqu slated Nhun Ihrce youngest children were In Dalnl 150 miles north east of Salgon whnn the coup wds launched They warn un harmed Member the former Inter sect cummlllco or he defence Buddhismthe lendershlp the Buddhist nnu Diem tum paigu held Informal dlscns slum at the main Xn L01 pa soda Re sources said he now 13 ra Amerlcnn mm owner Mrs Ann Gregory had sought prnlcctlnn in the us embassy Her husband Gena Gregory was reported an be overseas Throughout lodny hnusands Buddhist swarmed lnlo 5a gona maln pagoda or harm rcunlans with monk who were freed Friday night by n3de ember UllIltd Nations mission here In study nXlega Ions n1 guvcmmcnl persecu Hon the Buddhist Jnlncd crowd in sec and phoolmph Ihg scum lg Ighllnm Vlg Ngm pew 3mm were gulled by flre nflrcr being at tacked or the third Ilmn In few hours nflrc blazed oulslde the Englishlanguage Times Vlct Nam which had supported the Dlsm ygglmc CHILDREN SAFE Mme Nhu and her eldest daughter Nho Dinh Lo Thuy were lntheUS HUD