Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Oct 1963, p. 6

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Assisi DRESSED cotton AT HALLOWEEN BALL All eyes are iocused on Mr and Mrs Don Magee as they are awarded ilrst prise tor the best costumed couple at the Masquerade Ball held tor em ployees oi the Ontario Hydros Barrie Area and regional oi iices and guests Mr Manna ot right is wearing an Araba ANN LANDERS costume and he carries snake in basket with battery Ilt eyes Mrs Magees costume is double vision the looks the same irons treat or back Lu cicn Van Eeniea and Mrs Van Beaten are shown behind the lenses Mr and Mrs Bill lneer were awarded ilrst ShortCut Adoptions Brings Lengthy Grief Dear Auu Lenders The best way know to get problem beiore the public Is to write to Ann Loaders hope youll print my letter and perhaps spare other couples the grlei my dnughter sndsoninlaw are now going through Altcr seven childless years our daughter and sondnlaw became discouraged and decided to ad opt They were Interviewed by three agencies and told to be patient Their patience wore thin alter two years so my daughter was understandably re ceptive to the suggestion at iriettti who had gotten two any market babies and was delight ed with them My daughters husband agreed to go the grnymnrket route and two months later they received beautiiul little girl She was the light oi their lives ior ten glorious months Last May the babys natural mother turned up at their iront door and demanded her child She claimed she was Irrational when she agreed to sell her baby to that crook ot lawyer Ill skip the details but my daughter and sonlnlaw were taken into court and they lost The nursery door Is now lock ed and theirs is the saddest home have ever seen They are paying deany ior their role take Please print this Ann Shsttered Grandmother iiear Grandmother Yours is not the that such letter that ha appeared in this column Imt Its worth rcpcallng Thnnit you ior writing And again Icts hops this serves as deterrent to childless eou lea who are tempted to to short cut IIAD IIEIUTATION Dear Aunt Whats the matter with met Ito irom one miser ahln atialr to another Ill tell you my story bricin and maybe you can help quit school at in to marry torclgner who was as My mother thought he hurl money She was rlghtitut couldnt not my hands on It The mar tinge ruled six months Hunt with another man who tooled the tar two years heiora learned he was married and hurt tour kids The nest tollow was marrlrd inst sulti his rii orra would be coming through any tiny got disgusted ultsr It rrwauhs and lets town to go live with my cousin and her husband llcr husband and tell In love Itty mllsin tound out about It anti threw me out oi the house Now im back In this miserable town and my reputation Is mud Why am so touted upi Iltnle help rise rd Iatris Ila itear IIst Its not your lurk thats hurdlt your hood Move to city where no one known you Resolve to go with only respectable people Join church groups arid clubs where decent people meet Stay out at bars and taints Replace that macaroni In your spine with sterncr stuti And stop looking tor short cuts to Paradise TITLES Dear Ann Lenders iricnd oi ours who Is In the tunersl business has habit which an noys me terribly It you tell ma he is right will apologise to him When he introduces clergy man he invariably says would like you to know Dr Quentin Collingswood Doctor ot Divinity nrls sounds so pompous that my blood prep sure takes leap every time hear It What do you think about this type at Introduction Autltomp and Circumstance Dear AntiPomp would not say your irlend is wrong but he Is surely using great many superiluous words It would be simpler to say This Is llcv Quentin Collingswood One does not introdues den tlst as Dr Farnsworth Doctor at Dentistry or Dr Rosen hcim Doctor oi Philosophy not that It would be incurrtd but because it would be awk ward PRIZE WINNER ilomld Forster and Company wish to announce that hits ilnris Kossats is the second prtra wtnurr In the contest held vy their nttirs lor solos and listings The prlro that she Is trrelvlng Is an sspeosapald trip to the both annual rnn vrnllon oi the National Assorl atiou oi itrsl Estate Itoads being held in New orlr City Nov to to it FRESH HOMEMADE Q5 ANOYRKIND 49o FOR Iuy lot It at it 97° Iitty mint ar numbed tor your trrrrer hopper by the tloren N0 VAN WRAP Ian 0R lllVitl Jtli QUALITY Hill LOWFM lltltiralt THE COLONIAL COTTAGE i4 NAPIER ST CORNER Ol NILSON PA 099 prlts tor the most original costumes and Mr and Mrs Chuck Borrett wore the best homemade costumes Spot dance prize winners were Mr and Mrs Graham Wilson Doug WaIlLs lndKIren Fox Master at ceremonies was David McClymont Cookstown Woman Speaks At Meeting The iirst evening service at the season was combined with the Fall Thankottering meeting oi the Womens Missionary So elety at Essa Road Presbyter Ian Church on Sunday The tint vicepresident Mrs Jen kins was in charge oi the ser vice with Mrs John Camp bell and Mrs Lloyd Peareall assisting The speaker was Mrs Charles McCarrol Cookstowo and her theme was the Unilnlshcd Task oi the Church She took as her text the words oi the Prophet Samuel will not otter unto the Lord that which cost are nothing and went on to point out that the system oi tithing is the scriptural way and undoub tedly the best way to iiaance church Speaking at work among the young people as the unlinlshcd task at the Church Mrs Mc Carrol said in part Women to day have more gadgets to light en their work than ever beiore yet they seem to have less time tor their tamtlles The spiritual trainan at the children should not be lrlt entirely to the Sun day School teachers and the min ister Children need the every day sympathy and guidance oi their parents It they are to grow up and become responsible mem bers oi the Christian commun ity li parents are too busy to listen to and hel their children then they are stat toa busyi Mrs Maxwell thanked Mrs McCarrol on behatt oi Womens Itilsslonary Society and iricnds ior her Inspiring address and alter the close at the meeting very appreciative audience ga thercd In the auditorium tor iurthrr chat with Mrs McCarroI Tieiruhmentl were provided by the social committee litre Iinwthornr Mrs Iliillnrd Webb and Mrs Dorks with Mrs II am and Mrs Church at ths abl Crown Hill WI Hold Meeting The October meeting at the Crown Hill Womens institute was held at the home at Mrs Quinlan tiarrla on Wedncr dny evening Mrs Viola Aron loy presided Mrs Itantty read ths min ttlr the September muting Tuck gavs the treasur rpnrl Agriculturs and Canadian lu ttustrlra convenrr Mrs Dough gave report on Drs International Plowing Match and read paper on the origin oi the that match which started in England In itbt Mrs il Dumont and Mrs ltsnrty served rrlrrshmrnts Ill EXAMINER AN AM Home In Chicago 3176 Barrie Bride Mlss Gall Sondra Penman was united to marriage to Dr John Thomas Hassinger at an eve suing ceremony to Central United Church Oct it ltsv Donald sz ottlclated against setting oi autumn flowers The soloist Don Lalnnon sang the Wedding Prayerand the Lorda Prayeraeeompaotcd by the organist It Ireland The bride lsthe daughter oi Mr and Mrs Paul Eric Penman at PenBrook Farm RE Bar rlea The bridegroom is the sort otJahn ti HarsInger iormerly at Montreal and Mrs Mary Hasslnger oi Pennsylvania BRIDAL TOWN Given to marriage by her is ihcr the bride was attired in agowa ot sllIt cords tashlooed on empire lines The bodice oi the dress was enhanced with ineket oi nylon lace The toll length skirt tell to chapel into wedding rIn headdress otsIIk cords held boutiant iingertlp veilrot nylon tulle Tha bride carried bouquet oi gar denias and stepbanotls SISTERS ATTEND The brides attendants were her sisters Miss Barbara Pen man oi Barrie was maid oi honor Misses Janet and Mary Lou Penman olPenttrookt Barrie were the bridesmaids The flower girl was Miss Susan Penman Trophies Presented lit Annual Banquet At the annual Banquet and Awards night oi the Barrie Yacht Club held at the Bayshoro itiotor Hotel Saturday evening trophies were presented to win ners oi the various racing events held throughout the summer Trophy winners Included Mr and Mrs Sarleant Mac Lar Herbert Beowae Monkmsn Morris Harold Brett and two iunlor sailors Peter Sarossy and Miss Maya Sarossl Noted on tha dance floor tol SOCIAL NOTES Mrs Graham at Oakvillo was guest at the home at her aonlnlaw and daughter Mr and It Duiicy ot Grove St West DINNEII PARTY Adlnner party was held at the Continental Inn tor mesubera oI the 16th degree team at the Scottish tilts and their guests Among those attending were Ilir and Mrs Douglas Watson Mr and Mrs Caster bongmlre Mr and Mrs nay Collingwood Mr and David McCIymont Mr and II Frank Lavering Mr and Plrrca Flowers Mr and Mrs ltoss Stephens Mr and Jack Corby Mr and Mrs Gordon Leighton Mr and William McClunl Mr and Lloyd sloton air and Mrs orchard Marshall Mr and Will Linton Iii Charles Newton htr Gus Visu Mr and Jennett Mr and Tupllng Mr Greer 399 rznwauurrrs no trace Cocktail tth mpoo 41 sat and null on ram II Mary ltrssl IIIUNE IA UNIVERSITY WOMENS CLun or annals PRISINrs The Canadian Play rs in MASTERPIECES OF COMEDY starring WILLIAM HUTT ZOE CALDWELL MONDAY NOVEMBER 4th 830 CENTRAL COLLEGI Adulte $100 For Tickets Cali lJtttsrjrriti pm ATE AUDITORIUM Students 00 srna stoma cxansnnn WEDNEaDAY oeroacn to 1m The senior attendants were gowned alike In sheathsol qua tstteta tsshloned with oversklrts oi matching materm They wore hendbandsmt blue tatteta with tiny tuIIs veils Their bouquetswsra yellow mums The flower girl wore bout tsot traclc oi blue nylon with matching headband and she car ried basket ot yellow mums The groomsman wss Carl Dcttmsn oi Montreal James Hasslnger also ot Montreal Roderick Penman oi Sud bury and Earl Penmanoi Barrie attended aliushers RECEPTION Following the weddinga re eeptlon was held at the Con tinental Inn Receiving the guests the brides mother was attired la gown oi beige wool complemented with feather hat and brown accessories Her cer ssge was gardenlar Tho bridegroonss mother as stated wearing cranberry red suit trimmed with iur with hat and accessories to matching tones tier carnage was garden las For travelling the bride chose suit In Dior blue shade mat ching accessories and gardenla corssge Following the wedding trip through Southern Ontario the newlyweds will take up resi dence at 171 West Flournoy Street Chicago Illinois lowing the presentations were Mr and Mrs Peter Noy Mr and Mrs rbron Mr and Mrs Ron Gremo Mr and Mrs Evans Mr IndMrs Fair Mr and Mrs Burt Gerraas and Miss Linda Burt Gerrans of Aurora Mr and Mrs Maleney Ed Baker Mr Jack Donney Mr and Mrs Colvln Mr and Mrs EIlIston Mr and Mrs Ron lnnes Mr and Mrs Doug Mna Chester Mr and Mrs Mitch lnson Sr Mr and Mrs Mitch Mr and Mrs Mansel Powell Mr and Mrs Welsmart Mr and Mrs llol shauer Mr and Mrs Gal brnitlt Mr and Mrs Rowe Mrs Shinner Mr and Mrs Fitsslmons Mr and Mrs Darbyshlre anlante Mr and Mrs Wyce Mrand rs Hutchinson Mr and irs Ilarold Brett Itlr and Mrs Ilaughton Alderman Charles Wilson and Mrs Wilson Mr and Mrs Ed Norman Mr and Mrs Cam ttalkes Mr and Mrs linger Fiawn oi Oskvllle BOYS MAKE OFFER IIOMFORD Cit An Essex boys band has written to Nikita Khnrshehev ottering to play In Moscow during the next May Day celebrations SHOWN At ltEttEAttaAs Rally Eric Gtrtstmas Zoe Mnsierpeces Comedy tor with director David Garner ara irom ths Ieit Amelia Caldwell and William Ituit who will be periorming in University Womens Club Sponsor Canadian Players Presentation Miss Zoe Caldwell hasJoined Canadian Players and will up pear in Barrie with William Hutt Eric Christmas and Am alia Hall as the iaurth member oi thtastcrpieces oi Comedy company This company will tour in Ontario Quebec and the Atlantic Provinces during this tall and in the New Year and will appear in Barrie on Nov Miss Caldwell came straight to Canadian Players irom brilliant success at the Tyrone Guthrie thentraln Minneapolis In its ilrnt aensoa Miss Cald well was Invited to play two leading roles She wound up as the leading lady oi the Company Prior to the advent oi Minneapolis MlssCaldwell had returned to Australia to open the Adelaide Festival at Arts in addition she undertook another tour which covered good part oi the British Com monwealth This will be lilies Caldwcils ilrst appearance with Canadian Players and the ilrst opportun lty tor many theatre goers in Eastern Canada to see this act sets on stage William Itutt is young Cau adinu actor who has won an en viable interontlonal reputation tor himseli This has not only been due to the leading roles he has played at the Strattozd Shakespearean Festival but tor the many other starring roles both In Canada andGrcat Brl tain Born In Toronto he was as slstaot manager and leading man with the tamed Repertory Theatre Ottawa tor season during his very early days Ila directed llttla theatre groups throughout Ontario tor several years nnd also adludicated tor the Western Ontario Drama League Most recently he has won line press In Manitoba tor his leading role tntbsena Enemy oi the People in the Manitoba Theatre Centre Winnipeg llllss Amelia list In one oi the NERES YOUR CHANCE TO GET RID OF YOUR BEAT UP OLD WASHER Dealt la heat than washrr line heavy daily pump iiaa hsavy duty trial as Tull Skid Easy ntllsl casters DEATTY WASHER AND ERIGIDAIRE DRYER BOTH FOR WASHER and Automatic Dry contact measures moistureshuts oil when clothes are lost tlght dryt or set drying time yoursali Nostoop tint semut fabrics selector matches mat to hone let to ntpau Ossssirttlttyt 26 951 monarch Rdtiqcmiio Ill Duals It Wear PA MOI great ladies oi the Canadian Theatre and has been acknow ledged as one oi Canadas tin est character actremesShe was theiirntwomatttb step upon the stage at Stratiord when Ontarios Shakespearean Festival opened tor the that time in 1952 She hasiaurcd with Canadian Players has played many load Ing mlea at Torontos Crest Theatre and was one oi the ieatured players in Robertson Davlcs Love and Libel in New York City in 1960 Her career has included nct lag directing and teaching and many young Canadian actor owes good measure oi his success to the assistance at this talented lady the Canadian Players in the 196364 season Erie Girlstmas is one oi Can adasbest known actors Now icaturcd pnrtormer at Can adas Stratiordhis appearances on the Wayne and Shuster pro grams In innumerable comedy shows on both radio and televi sion and on the stage in panto mime anddrsmatie roles have Introduced him to hundreds at thousands at Canadians Winneroi tha Clarence Der went Award tor the Best Sup porting Actor oi mivBroadway saasondn Little ltloon or Albnn with Julie llarris EricChrtst mas has earned an exceedingly popular and highly respected name for himseli across this continent He Is also known as one at Canadas most energetic and busiest actors Tito Canadian Players pres enlation is sponsored by ths BarrleUniversiiy Womens Club and proceeds wilt be used to support the clubs scholarship iund womens suors SALE NOW ON 200 PAIRS MUST BE SOLD REG TO 300 PAIRS MUST BE SOLD REG TO ss Doniep it PA Mm fit

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