Mrs Jeanna VlliMms womens president of the Onlnrio Parm era Union was roclcctcd by ucclmnallnn at the convention ol the ON here ycglerday In her report to thecunven lion Mm Williurm said hava endeavored lo carry out the duties as aimlqu as pay siblel have attended all the zxecuilvr and provincial board mecilngs was able ihmugli sacrifice lo allcnd the presenialion of the brief to both the pmvlnclai and federal governmqnis we most interesting contermcc and your limited number or delcgalcs really had ta be ready with answers In the discussion represented you at three of the NW board meetings held in Saskatoon 0t tawn and Edmorltgm was my privilege to attend liva of your county annual meetings At some lho attend ance was small but was Km pmiscd win the mm cm lhuslnsm among he members wns also happy know that many counties are spamming cl amnqg tth nlors LLGcnernl Howard Graham will nddrcs ii Cnnndinn Club ll Library llnll beginning ai pm Friday Orlxinnliy scheduled lo speak on The llaie 91 Exchange in ihe slimulnlinn oi Cnnadlnn Growth he lnnic has been changed in Am Cnnndinn Selling On Timir Coqnlry The second Cnnndlan Cluh Ipcnker 1n Harrie fur the mm unsun HGcncwl Grnhum hm had duunguishcd curm 1n lnw ml In the armed Iorm He mu cducnl and high schools In Trenton umd llw Unlled Kingdom anm and Gumuny In Wnrlnl Wnr lmm March 1916 lo May 1919 rlmlu soldier and nonmnmlsmncd omrnr ln tho Inlnplry Ilu xmdunlcd hum Oixooda llnll wllh lumen nu lmrrlslcr nnd sullrilnr In 1021 Ha mu Immlxr Trenlnn Public School norm or Inn your lawn cuuncllmr or nil you Ind mayor or lwo Mrl thn he mnlk user In quiry commillce held H5 hear lng In nellcvllle in August few of our members from linsl lugs and Prinm Edward cunn tics gave the ideas or flu bricl which prepared and prescnlod on behalf of 19 CPU LtGeneral Howard Graham To Address Canadian Club Farm Union Members Told To Keep Informed Goiden Buccaneers suc cessor loBnrrie Kémpï¬lfll Trumpet Band held first registrauonnlght at he Mar LTrDENFRAL HOWARD GRAHAM REGISTER FOR GOLDEN BUCCRNEERS The OFU is your organiza tion the armtools paucy making organization You the members are he OFU You make the policy You believe in your organization that has job to do and can do it The CPU can only do what the member direct it do Mrs Wilflams advised Take every opportunity to become in formed Read every arm pulr Human every agricultural ar ticle In lhe uewspnpcn Make use of your radio and n1evklnn to enlighten you on the prob lcnu and nccampllshmcnls amer Anend cvcry Inca and xpcciaj meeting Take part In the dtcussinns Learn evnrything you can keep ynur mind pen leave no room fur blastd opinions every farm lnmlly would dn Ills we would be an lntarmcd group and no one muld say The arm or an the concession wnnt think or himselL There are several rungs to he fnrm unlon ladder The mm Important one In member ship ll represents large num ber of Inrmers In vnriuus sag menls n1 Ihe lndnsky Our un ngnl dues conï¬rm our member Ip Mr Graham was mubIIizcd In 1919 as major second In com mund Hmllugs nnd Prince Edward noximcnl and Mn overseas Um your and served In Nonhwuxcm Europe Huly aan SIEIU He returned lo Cnnndn in 19 brlxndinr and remained In the army until 1053 when he rcllud In rnnk cl LLGcncrnl nflcr Lhrgg year Chic or Central Blnif Edvimi County supporlcd me in his cflorL In was he argnnlml lho Quunn our And nclcd us her nyudlnn Iccrplnry Ho rclumrd to he prntllso at law ilh the Toronto Inn McCarthy and Mchrlhy Ho WM nppolmod prcxldml or lhc anonln sunk llxclmnn In IDGL Durlnu hh mllinry rflrrcl LLchncrul Gmhum rccrivcd llm Iollnwlnq drcornumu Com mnndrr Onlcr nrium IInullm Dhllnuuhhul Service Order lwlunl Amerian lmglun Mail French Irolx do Guam and Wlm ol Honour BE INFORMED ket Buldlnz yesterday The response according to one at the new orlanlzauong emu 131 was ferrlflc Shown here Thecguny djrecloryl Prlnqa You must ulve direction tad your elected olllclalsl lhol membernhlp provides the In ance and Ill controls the ex tent of lhe activity If each In would secure one new mem ber or our localv the member ship wnuld be doubled and lhero would he no nurtallmem at 1ivily In lacing the future let farm Inmllm through selfeducation rcprtsmt an Inturmed member shlp planntnz or futura zen crnllam at agriculturisu and making constructive contribu Hoy ll Mneklem wag fluch pruldcnl by ncclnmnllon lho Klwanll Club Bank far 19 Nomxan Synnau wax chosen ï¬rst vlmprcudcnl and Anlnnlo Tony Dccnrio mend vica with drumsticks are torn Ieu Douglas Thompson 13 Paul Ferguson 16 Dennls Gen nmgs 12 and Wayne Newon 15 Examiner Photo Elect Roy Macklem President Of Kiwanis Water Shortage Is FarRe ching STEWART PM lee Illorlnxe next Iprlnu Aulrulluul llwmrm In certainly Idd la flue cu mm Aukuuum munnix llvn Norm HlnINl ROY MACKLEM IIIDIIIIKE next upran and certainly Add la the ml niluclmn lnrml flu rental dlmrul Ky ln lhl In mm In llm hlzh lam ledlnnl drprndont on lhnHow dun wt or hnmclmld nnd Hvo Ilock nerdl Many mm won an new dry and wnm mull be tucked in rmulred lortunnldy Slmcua County ll reamnnbly well In rllrd wllh ï¬ned mm or houu mlnl nu mm deep nrtulnn welll wllhln lrurklnu dlllmm ml wulcr 1mm lulu ur rmlu nvnllnhlo wllhln lvu mile at of mm lnrml ln nud ol Blur or llvn Mock Ilnullnu Ivanr lrnm lha mum In tnrm ll mulor mob and hm drpmdunl or lncnl lrucklnl Tho elmlon will cmducled Monday all by commfllco hmdcd by Ron Slcphcnl Immodlnlu past pmldcnl The lock will replace the man lne rnllwny that up to nowhna lundled bani mm on the Sev ern River carnan up tram or bound for Georgian Bay It canstructlon a1 started comprises the ucmd miter nth duntaking In the Department at lransporta lomr $12000000 rehabilltntlon program or the Trent canal Iyrtem Flu large project was the construction ol lha new luck at Fenelon Falls Ontario replacan two old locks and ottlclnlly upenul last July EASE BOATING Completion of the lock sched uled Mny 1965 will an to considerable extent the incon venlenca to the boating public running from he lament ex ï¬nance two marlne railways near the Georgian my end the Trent system tho second El Chute The marine rall way cannot handle yacht of mar Ith cur lee dralt ham the limit through the rent 01 tho aygem El get The new Swill Rapid strue hire will be single lack lee Ian and feet wide Alm Hat 1n the dimemion that Fenelon Falls It will havn aim ï¬nd hull feet The lock in being built in up prnximnlely the lame iocnllan was chosen or lock nan ed 49 year ago and abandoned It commotion mm in the wake of ienglhy engineering and economic undies carried out by the Transport Department to was he iorseenbla mum menu of the Trent system which in now one oi the highest density boating arena in Canada pmldcnh mm Allen rHlpclm nonsum coniraci amannilnl to 01 man ior canmjucflon oi com veniionni lock to repiaca lha marino raiiway at Swift Rapid the mm Canal mum ha been awarded to McNamara Construction of Ontario Limited iurnmu Transport Minitar Georaq Mgilranin announced on we continue on our daily round of dullufl THE BAR EXAMINER4 WEDNESDAY OCT 10 ml LetCohtracf For New Lock On The Trent Nntlce In hereby given that the garbage collection tor tim Village at Stroud 1nd the are tn Imt Around 5t tauln will he colicclcd on Friday instead of tho pmcnt dny 11m will be cltectlvo trom Friday the nth day at November Ind Ihlll continua to in cnllcclod on many until turttler notice NORM BYNNUH NOVICE OF GARBAGE COLLECTION SIROUD AND ST PAULS Towmlilp lnnlllll Club mman in Ippolnled by tho pruldenl Ind board dlreclarl who wll be elzcled next Monng nlxhl Primary balm wu held lhll week Mr Mncklem wlll mm In In lull arm prul dent on Jun Al llm vim pmldcnt ll um ol Ill year he became nruldcnl by mamIon In June when Rev John madel movm Tn runlo llr Synwt becaml flnl vim Ind Mr Allen tren urcr by Acclnmnllan Mr Docnrlo won threewily comm with Charla later and Bob Nclwn lar In lecoml vlnpmldcnty He outlined the kind or took and arznnlzatinu arm era have and the one may will ncggi In an immediate future Canadian pevple IIIO among the be led people In thu world Ind they are getting their food at blrwn pricen CAN BUY MORE Ilslod by Lang Ind Butler Glenn pmidenl the National Farmen Union told the annual convenan oi the Ontario Farmero Union hero yesiordny it in your lob Jo mm In emotive organ nlion or your arm pople This job must be done by Obs men and women oi your union or it wont be done all Mr Glam ln hl lddrul to about 175 dekKlVIVM dealt with two malnllubjeoumo type mlety In which we llve Ind the measures farmer hav £31591 to 5gth lhlqgnqlelx that we no emclent madam of food can be documented by he he that we are able to Iced not only omelvu but to cxpm our Agricultural pmd ucts to Ibo nation of Europa and the we world England and we to Rummlchlna Poland thooloukln and Bul gar Quoting mm Ihe Cand3 De pnmem of Mrlcullura he gave mum show um mouth nod price and income have both lncrcmcd Income have legume He uld In the period 194850 the worker wlth we hours wu gel in the manulncturlnz Indus tries could buy loam bread but todny he an buy 71 loaves He said he lama ratio pre vnlled or other products Inch potatoes cw tomnlocl land pegghu To correct this nltuallon laxmm Innth arm unions have sought to establish parity Income between lumen and Mm mm Glob Chrk PA 66531 HEATING FUELS CALL FarmerMust Keep Bargaining1 Rights TONY BECAME COOD USE other segment the econ omy became of hi mun llon that am organizations lam unlmu towelalive and marketing boards consumer co operatives have been estab med lo redm his imbalance which has become chronic 111 may ngqlaqegammy Ihink entlal that the dlrectmemherahlp organiza tioM Inch the Ontario Far mn Union must grow Ii we are to milieu an eiiccilva role in inrm organization We need unifying area it wa are to pull tozelher the div isive element which exist in our present agricultural cam muniiy said Mr Gleavel He said the bee lnrmm ha dnlry lnrmm the hog produc ers the min producers must 1m look lhelr lnduslry lumen and Iccnndly look at themselves as producer he pnrllculnr commodlly Ha quottd Dr Trunk uho wrnle In the Cnnndlnn Jour nnl of Agricultural Econumlcl IN the wrlml opinlon nun pcclal lnlcrcal zmups hnva been one ho main barrier drama Action on the prob lem of the dairy Industry and L1 dIchull to overestimate lhelr importance In III we in Mr Glcnve said In Ila Inst we auhmlulom to the Federal Governmcnt ch Nallonnl Farm erl Unlon has Inked It to In Imule nnHamfl mnrkclinz aulhorlly or mllk In Cnnndn Nn ncllun has bum lnkcn and new lhn flle OFU has gone an mm lavorlnz Mr kcllnz authorlly and oneprice Iyalem or milk based on grade and qunllly Slnco the dalry mnfcmlce WM held In Ollnwn his Febru ary no comlrucllvn ncllon ha been taken on In nnllannl Inch lo mul ha Illunuon that hln The commmce which was AT THE SECOND DAY OFU convention here yesterday In ram 121 Melvin Teh modal Iho 1M Lonulnm hmde Bngï¬lx Wï¬us Goquetel Gomez W60 moi unwrhomllrm ndm win ow to your Ill mm MllvwvvluMleIIbuylul Mllllhn COOUHILDJMIIIY would maymno Inn COOUEIILAUMCOY wllh you Ilp 11 mm mm la mm mu In lcul llull you will lam wlm mu numb uh president Mac Fendley announced 00 lha menl ilnzy would be held Sn urdny nutmoon L30 and onmnw mlxcd bansplel would be hold the Inmc dny pm New mule member of Barrio Curling Club will receive ln Ilructlnnl In tho Hm the name hls cvcnlnx Hunting and Frldny All clam nun 730 He laid Thin Ll an excellent example the Ineffecllveneu of specialInterest groups and II on more strong argu ment or elfecflvc arm organ llntlml the arm unlnns You will recall In year ngn inn we met lhe Fedeml government we look mpmen mm from Ottawa to Tnmnlo in our he curatianlml the Onlnrlo Hog Marketing Hamd so that walkrum could no he exact procedure hnl yau penple were luinz to market up xeluded the Canadian Federation Agriculture and um National Farmen Union and In dons nothing Ilnce in ma the harm unions not out on prolrnmtn correcttha present iniuxilcu in hon mm min We decided Io took ways and mans in give lha farmer mm bargaining power and control oi he markeflnz 03min product in western Cun What we are almlnl at ls lo catch up with the prone whlch the Ontario farmer has made In His maxmin thI lmportnn usulcullurgl product Wo dlsiuascd wIIh your 31 people ha cxpcriwcu whfeh you had In enlnrclng Md carry gé butt OFU president All Gleave madden ol the Na Iona Fame Unlnn and New Curlers Get Lessons Briqï¬ts II WC Mn uni hudv Chm no of might COOUUEL Clfllï¬‚ï¬ II In Imllu unlullxlng Am on Ihll Mm boll ndllllnaul In Ill 6mm ml Ill pllco I0 honbk Why do you not Irv COOUHEL CIBI Ihole AI vod air ml ml COOUEIEL mm It ulna you McmilIuil Eequetel Cerise quil tantaltsel 77 Ev Wm who Rum mmst 5m 01 Old by anrcnro Xonllnz lung by In hm chaln The Junior Inlermcdhxle and Scnlor More 01 Hun Rand Presbyterian Church will pm lent our anthems ol Ipcclnl lmuic the churchs anniver ng Icrvltulon Nov The mom will con Im III anthem Mumolrtl Galileo by Allen IW lharne tun by lho Junior and Inletmcdlm dllon The Ice and Aclecllon will be Heavens Ire Telli by Franz Haydn lung by lhl Sgwllor clgp ï¬n hm hm elile un dcr the dlrccllon Mrs Luna Walkcr mi evening mullc wlll bcxln wlm morainqu hlnk 11 um WI In lmumm Dull When you In you wlll lay WhIl II II Inch obvloul lnuy chowc my Im II 1mm nipping you Mil nol bu abl In IL You nl than the palm II to mm manly vnu wll b0 planed yuu wfll lho handlomc mun on will bl may plund wh Imlm 50 VIII you Irv COOUHKL CACAO mm pulll lug out your operations W0 look lull beneï¬t your expul ence In the plans which we pro ga our governmznn In the near lutura market in plans which have been pre pnmd in each the three prai rie provinces will be put below their respective governments We will be asking provincial marketing authorities to pres ent thesu pims to the producers of our three western province or thnir gypvaiJfl We as lnrmen re main the dam labor to barznln collectively even as clalm he 1th orgnnlza in on nbcl Interest We 111an that tho armor must be ready to put his hand In his pocket and pay or flu job wnnls done This LI what lha labor unlan neople do Thin is what he prolesslona organ leInm dnclan Iawyen chaufdm They get the lab done Taéao 4m out on non Special Music Rt Chufch Service ï¬llies ow Exam FWD Cutlets