The New Democrat may have decide whether they can afford threeway split in public on crucial qucsuans Lhernl ministers who was unenlhuslasllc about hackbonch demand or greater volco In pollcy and declslonmaklng wan Immunlllun against lha back benchers Wmmda In tho Progressive Conaervallvc party Innlmd Douala Harkncss resignation luat Feb as defence mtnigler wareleagqned In the Liberal camp lumen centred on Iho defeat guvem men lupparlen hy combined opposlllnn force Monday when Deputy Speaker Lucien anour cux ruled out of order non cnnlldmce mollon an nuclear nrms The mural had enough MP in Ottawa to have prevented Ihelr partys defeat an this pro cedural Issue But several worn at meeting Ihe Liberal womens edernunn and several Cnnndnl nnmml nuran pny menu dellcll will lho UH mm mm nboul 100000me yrnr and In lerml at UK nnnoml yrodunllon lhln mum he lhv lulvnlml In Hm 119 luv llrll oi norm mmmm mull lam three of the political parties in Ihe Cammnm may plrlence Internal repercussions mu lhe events 01 than two days Informant hlesdny nigh a9 Iemd he elfegla In hi my HAD ENOUGH WASHINGTON CF Theo dora lImmert pmldcnl llnwkcr slddelcy Canada lld umd 11w Uniml sum Tucs dny Ia open in door wider Cnnadlnn goods anyan that CMnda llvlnu beyond her mum on dnnflmu lulu Ind must achieve mom mull Gbgo bulnncu In rude wllh lhe Willie we 00quch Mn Ilwnyl hnd htIr dmmnm the current mmmlc dlxputo um mudl dcrptr wilh many Cnnwlnm min lhclr Iovrr may In jeopardy hecnuso Canada lmny dtpmdrnu on Amcflmn mph Hmth Inld 5qu um flGlll SITUATION OTTAWA CF Oct and may no down In the Mslury lb Parliament II he dIYI that Ilmok um parties OTTAWA CWPolitical llle begin 40 fur Deienco Min ler Paul llellyer The onellme lnrm hay open llnger and seller of lingerle has won hls llrat major haul ln the war ol ntlrlllnn surroundan pollucal advancement lhil war was not won in Ihc Commons when the govern ment Tuesday night survived Conservative motion of now conï¬dence condemning Libch daiencl policies weeks ago when Mr Hellyer who turned 40 on Aug swung he cablnet his support In ever of cancellation Ike 0451000000 lrlxale pro 31 m1 couldnt have been easy Shipyard worker and the ports Ihey llve In represan lot of vuch Not Io put loo no paint on It the lrlzm program was politlcpl not mlmary mlll flan Hound Mr Hellyers nuk To begin with ihere arent real deal of iund Inr new weapons and equipment or the armed arm can 00 per cent oi the 31600000000 ience bill zoo or wants aper niianl and mninlennnce ad zone along wlh lhn rluale pmgmm as inlllaled by the prchan Con urvnliq avemment In Anrll 1062 he would have had lime or no mnney In do any the flux he wanted la do In the delencc pnrllnllu iibeml Miï¬isterfsfffsgqg Win Over Backb enchers Hellyer Tames Party Critics Canada Living At Danger Level Télm 15 with mm CONDITIONS hr lmkulm mild nnllmut um RJUMILI AGENCY PHONE PA 84110 CANADA HEALTH ACCIDENT ASSURANCE CORPORATION YOUR IRZKENT MEDICAL lNllYIMMH HUM NOT IAY FOR Eu nelndlu mm onunlhl Ccndlunnl Nrmul nullu mould dlmdm lhlmuruv mapIII Arrh In runmm Cndlflonl 1mm Mum nwncmn anour IMN PAYS All BENEFITS FOR IHESE ONLY THREE DAYS MORE BARRIE MULTICARE GROUP INSURANCE lhc anlllnnlon 1mm Am lrmlonnlly mm mm that vnst nInrlul can MM Cnnmhn rmmmlc Imblcmn The zavernment sllpportérn were nutvnttd by only two voter Prime Mlnlsur Pearson was widely reported to have been angry Ihnl enuugh Liberu werunz on hand to ensure the puny conflnl out on lap in the vote The absentee prepared ar blast at the regular party can cus meeting today behind closed doom lew team the backbcnch absenteeism would he used to reinforce argumenj Ila lhe backbendwr didnt deaervu the louder valce In maklnz decl lions reporlcdly won by the backbcnchern at threeday tag cagugk of we ago Not in cablnel minim MD commend be enthuslasllc luppnrlm of hackbench de mud or greater say In lhaplng government acts mun worms In the Conservativo camp In formant lndlcated that ha Harknesstblelenbaknr breach again wide open after period In which the wound seemed Io beheanngi no nled to the Tuesday lncldent in the Commons whlch saw the Conservnllves lncludlnz Opposltlnn Lender Dlelenbaker attempt unsuccessfully tn deny the lloor to Mr Hal1mm by tiannl pmdum of Mouth $600 Cnnadnl $WJJX0 000 problem ll nczlluiblu Emv mm Iald nut to Danna ll economlc survlan In mkinx widnr cnlry Inln US nduslrlnl mnrkou Cun ndn Isnt looklnz for churfly hul mmly Um opportunity In mm wlc an an cqullwlc lmsll wflh Amrrlcnn mamdncturrrn ML Hmng mm do cm Cunmlnn ANI lly lo tnmprll Iurrmrully In he USundrr lnlr xmund nllu Cunndn um mm Thcrcl na douhl mom 1an And 11 nm mall at dlspnrily In mum or III value ma dob lnrn Cllnmln low th nlxu Mu mm ol her murh 1mm pm duulon mm more were vlcwlnl railway locomotive pm the work on he Common Hallway com mime Now that hes out range 11 the political award of Da moeles represented by the rig ales he can plek and choose nm leisure at least with out sense panic Now min97m onehull Cnnndinn lndmlrlnl Momma worn mntrollcd by us lnlcr uln He didnt make any bones about Ill He told the Com mon defence commillce In Junelhat he needed inanclal room to manoeuvre If he wua going to be able to choosa among various delcnca projects Mr Hellyu has niready wrung from the cabinet prom he of ivwear defence budget ing In other words he know how much money he will hava avallnble over live year period Aide my the the youthful sixfoot three inch mlnlslnr came lo the department deten mlned that would nnt be the pollucal graveyard for him it has been or other In other wardyil ha was In make polillcll mark he would hnvo to shake up the damn men it has never been shaken In rbcent yam he dldn care or the par Iolio In Ihe first place hall of speech In Quebec City cur ller lhla month was devalnd la Irndc and ecmomlubut once given It vowed to make the most or it There now appears no doubt he will reduce Armed one mnnpawzr modify and then change Hm main role the RCAF build cambincd Mr hams arcs and lnrnlrale ho lerviccs to renter degree But threeway split appear In be something new and mem bars were worried about Rs e1 fecgs among the electorate Five New Democrats split from he Dnuglas no and two other publicly abstained from vollnz at ML The New Democrats have never placed as high premium on voting solidlyon any hlg is There have been abstena Hans before and also split by Law MP with the ofï¬cial pquy Hie Mr Harknass wouldnt yield his place although he said he wnuidhave done 50 had his arlys whip asked him to Mr kanbaker argued ha Corr Natives were deprlved of the right to have the partys p031 Hon explaincd That was More Mr Hnrkness spoke Later Mr Balcer gnuhe flnnr anyway but Mr Dielec baker ML Ihen Indicated Myth Mr Harknesl dim represent Conservativa thinking WANT AcrION Canscrvuuvcs indicated Ilia todays caucus probably wmfld want 10 see action loprevcnl I3 ture public airlng of Internal policy dlsngreexpenls Among lhe amount discussion seemed lmminehl of he partys vallng on one new conï¬dence motlnn nlesday nlglll Leader Douglas curried unl seven of his colleagues wit vatlnz in favor of Crédillsle anll on proposing lhn Leon Balm Pc 1mlsmvleres he allowed to lpenk In Mr Harkness plnce Specially designed to alter systematic storage Note these looketiior features Dig capacity lmn Fast lreczo compartment high density thinwall liberglas insulation means more storage space aulomatlc temperature cunlrul safety slgnal light child sale lid with magnetic gasket large loud storage compartments put iomi within easy reach Gleaming easyteelean porcelain ennmelled interior baked Acrylic ennmel iinish outside IMPERIAL 21 Cu Ft ONLY Exclusive with EATONS SPECIAL FACTORY OFFER SLIGHT IMPERFECTIONS IN FINISH CLASS THEM A5 SECONDS INSTAL NEW LAMPS EDINBURGH CPl new type of lowl¢vel street lamp ls belng mum in man highway hem because he pre Canadian Trade Minister Sharp seated right and Paula Czechasiavak vicemin isler oi foreign trade sign CANADA SIGNS WHEAT AGREEMENT vions lamp lnlertered with the work the nearby Royal 0b servamry Scientisu complained they afledbd the View at the nrmnl agreement covering the ulenf lbdfll 444mm bushels ol wheat to Czechoslovakia Mr Poula told reporters atthe 199 EATONS Spatial Prlce While They Lanl zcnat whlle baked enamel ï¬nish Inside and out Balanced lld misc at the light ouch ynur finger Modal HGZMX About 51x27x36 hlBh BIGGEST INDUSTRY Agriculture Britains larg est single occupaan and em ploy our per cent he work Xng population signing lha his delczauan may soon so to Washinan to discuss possible when pur chgsa in the United States ium 31mm xmmzn mummy ocronn an maomtcmm Ontario governman has launched an In quiry Ima tho securities busi ness In the province with apec lal emphasl on company lake ova bids Attorney General Cm announced Tuesday Tim innuiry commillee handed by Jr Kimber chair man of the Ontario Securities Commission aim has been given ierms of reference lhni include general review of the securities business in Ontario Mr Cass raid He added It Is expected um study wlll be made of secur llle lezlslmlnn elsewhere and that represenlallan will he might mm grzanluflonsand statement by Mr Cass said the Inquiry will include the Mon oi corporate insiders In relation to takeover oldrl It would involve study oi what information shareholders Ihnuld receive imm co oration and mlvlduul mek nu takeover nm luxury look In Mdlnl lmnl owldn until rhlp bannl vcnrcr wllh mlnry tut Mqhounny 9r rhlann 1mm Laï¬mï¬ed Intd Securities MASSAGE BY APPOINTMENT PA 81111 SAUNA ROCK STEAM BATHS Prlvan individuals éoncemcmnh parale ï¬nancing Member 01 lha mmmlltee dude Deputy AllorneyGenem Common Dlvlu and Mockrldze Tor nnln lawyers and Gn ham president of thevToronlo Slack Exchange Fnrquhar 01Lver leerul House lender In Iha Lexislnlura lmmodlntely commented that ha Investigation Ian over due and Ihat up bylhu allomeygeneral It deals only with symptom He said ï¬nancial editorslonl have heen calling for regula Ilon lopravenl insiders rom making fortuitous buttmI descrved proï¬ts as result 01 specan Information in which they are privy mv EXAMINER warn ms PHONE PA Ilwu 109191185 mumuiwfnmiu ML IL ml nan mam um my um mm rr dim Now uld lhn In lb lull II In buhdu Pulunmlr II Spullll In TECO D0 Luxo FOLDING DOORS 2222 For ll Openlul flcl Hill End Ich