What Has This Exitrdlmbvnthjbfi Wdtii WédthéiMeciï¬tiTSYou The annual convention of the 0mm anars Union In the second day of lhmdny can Wnllon passed our resolution yesltrday It Iabled ï¬lth than lined from thn table for lechnlcnl reasonst desk with the mar worklng out It hated tho regulation mlst farmers and settler in Northern Ontario is unlalr and undemocratlc due to the Act that it discriminates against farmer warlgingyut Because ln Northern Ontario rattler he to work at 311 other occupation ln order to get hlr arm cleared and on pay lng basis resolved that the Ontario Farmers Unlnn pres4 lure the Department Aurt cullurc to apply pulley n9 slst farmers and seltlcrs In Northern Ontario In all farm ers whether they be bonelida or not so long as the land clear lng to be or agrlcullurnl pun poses This pulley also In Ply an Alter assistance such farm water lupply weed can rnmu Ling llwn 0m Lu mm Huh umn IJL Hamill III lung cum VI DH 31 MCI CUM Many NC IIML Trifle II mwmn ulw mu AVIIMIII mmmu of um am no mm Iéilunn IIMI ucnuml mnu nunmm an LII mu um an 11 on on lull To llnllllln on II ram an Imp III Inn flu IIIll Cmuy Poul rm Mm In Can rwu ram nu Dom mm Anm llum Am Amm TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Albino AhlM Mirnu llul Mumlnhnn INQUIBING REPORTER RsRs September Golfers not In lléks on the llnlu they could not get In the summer mnnths Holidayera were Itmken by the 001d The August and September grum blers hnve became October singers In the next flx col umn the housewife tells whit mm October has meant to her player Union Requeéts Northern Farmer Get More Help Gemu llnnka rizht naslsl Int mpcrlntcndenl the Bur rlo CNn Ilnllon look over Knmmdu 714 compum Flynn Dunluy an TBMNMHSTER CHECKS SCHEDULES lllnlml Mlnu Dom nr Wu nu Ilmflt lrml III maqu llnml ml Iluul um Imp Mm lu Auwl nllfld In IHIII Intmar nu Juan club INDUIIIIALI ulxmfl trol equlpmcnt dilehlnl and The union mulvcd that the Ontario Fm Jers uian pciitiun the Department oi Agriculture to luvs thequ subsidy now Ubeing pald on land clearing ex tended to cover the cost oi hav ing bulldozer piles moved the second time her rcsoiuiinn dealt with wldliIa damage in cars and stated as deer and wildliia can cause damage In can and many Insurance campnnics will not pay compensation on his that the government ask the insur anco companies to insert clause ha win pay mirth dealt with mnstilh ll nnlcd that as mastitis de trlmantal to milk quullly and Um Increase In the number oi cattle nfledcd wllh mum in detrimental to the tripod mar ket or dairy cnuln the OFU bring pressure to bear an the proper nulhnrlllu to institute In cllecliva maqu control pro laam by eduMLInn Ind vaccin on MRS RON HOWARD Bar rie The mind weather has helped tremendnully with clothes drying have set schedule which must keep but admit the weather add touch nl thee to doing work lrnin uhmlum wflh ha new lnlnmnllcr mnd nrcmnn Donald Hum who temporarily cplnclnl ll mt 31 Nor Onl PW Mom carp Mcln ham Im rum Imvmu non nun Nam mm rmmu mu mum llmll Im nu In am Watar shonages caused by the cumm dmuxht pushed October sales by Banie waxer hauler In three time the volume re corded In Dabber last year Trucker Dennls Moran sald to day his water sales rose 735 lauds compamd to 80 load for the same month in 1962 Mr Moran cited 0m and In nisill Thwnships as the areas most in need ni his servlu thae days Rakes run irom $6 in $8 iand in suit water for livestock depending on the din lance travelled to make the delivery For exnmple rates are higher or deiivery to points in Was Gwilllmbury and Sunnldaie Townships than to customer near Barrie The resolution that wu 1mm and then lined lo be introducrd an amendment lulu want new district boundaries drawn and board at not mare than can or 10 pcopin formed He sell moogallon tank loads to customer All over Slmcoo County This works out ralo of wacenone hall to lhroequm ten of om per gallon In In below the nunnred rate 10 cents gallon flurry HAHN junlor Inshch the Ontnrlo Fnrmrrn Unlnn wan rcclcdul lur nmulor Kenn the umml day lhrro day OFU convention horn you Ierdny lrlar In Um rlcdlon Mr Ilnu KN mmrtml la ho mmrnnvn Mr HAHN MM AI port yuu my mlvfllu you will now lhnl mnny lhcm not mwa to Woo In In nlllrn Junior pmhlenl lull novrr Ullltll limo ICUVIIII wrm jml nu dnnnmllnn am my mark nml Irlnun Ilmu ml mu ullnllul hm mm In Ihe hm hutmu of my allow mrmlmm Durlnq In your Mu lt lmlod Iho our noun mmlngl Mler cmvutlnu or mum Ihlpl in In County spent wuk In Jammy mumIn In Lonti and Carleton Gourmet Wllh Um of and number noted In Em Could or Firm Junlou can um um mm mm mm now my Illlmlmln when My mm In wmw ot up mvflm IAN mr auxr Mlnl luur dfgyn 14nduny or luur day at mm In lhI mnvmlnn and boa mm mum um had mm lied In an om whlch mulnd nounMn more than hnlb henna dlorl lauidEy Drought Helps Waterflaulersf M118 NOON Pains wlck Th1 Inawuther we had made mawant lpmd as much of my time could outside really didnt do too much more mark but ha hflped with dolnz the Junior Farmers lieElect Head Smylh Mr 5mm wnl chlcl dlspnlchcr in Barrio Ilnco Jun unry ml you Examiner Pholo in hi address Buny Dyck said um Key Club imemiion ni most meat count had 5391 members in Canada and the United States In physical nundun Wu mesnod Inu Kiwaan iniernalonai with div isional lieutenantgovernor and district KOVEmDil The Key Club Iniernalinnul uecullvl consisil of 11 lrusims mue Iary two vicaprclidenil one 01 whom Ls Tad Hannaoi Peter burnuzh iarmer lieutenantgov cmar or the division in which BmicCeninl is iacaied and the president wha ihis year is Kcnneih Cohen at New Jersey Central Collegiate Key Club member wander lhla weeks dinner meellng of the Klwnnl Club of Barrie Ind put on ha program at Community House The speaker was Barry Dyck PESMQIE Presiding was the Key Club vicepruideni Grant Ham Thu program Included sing Ionz report by aecreiary Mike nrmer md irensurer Jim Webb and the addreu Members of um Key Club were introduced by Jim Brady an maiden The club was formed in 1949 by the Klwanh Club IL aim ls nervlce to ho anhool and cammnnlty The Klwanl Clubs Key Club committee Ll headed by Ray Tapping The Key Club stall adviser It Central II Parka wlw wn dinner guest along with Relaxinn Jack Dyck 111031 Eggry Emnpllly high mnml mn dlrd We should be aware the problem of venereal d1 can nmonz ynulh Twcherl prlzsu mInLIlerI and mm could help lrcmrndousy by hanully MM sexual cducnUnn tom lho classroom he pulyll and mm the hume The bolllo the indkcrlmlnlla Iceman drinktr believe can be no fined by mch undemnnd n1 um max Impartial by love Immm luund lendmhip Shlvo to Allah mcnlnl amt Mu and phyllul mull CLUB OBJECHVES The spenkcriimned Key Clay ablcgtivu or 1W sum far deeper devollon to God Below one can love God one must have hLI fellow mun Barry said Last nlnht our Kgy Club mended 13rqu lltcoinllu and apprcclnle lho ellorll Icnchm and olhm dcdltnlcd lo Ihu dcvnlapmcnl ol youlh may hnvu Ioundcd pan mhllc in name al my mnurlu conccrmnx Mm hnppcnui an my vlnll lo Kry Club lnler nnllannl canvcnllun In lhlln dclphln hut year Dnrry HM ï¬ller relating rnclnl Incident ln ml of Hm lwlcl bul don drlvo homo Hm Incl mu vm hlVl no lmq Ia bu com plmnl Iioum jusl Ilka In add um um pmldent ol the Juhn Mulr lllxh Sthonl Key Club In Pn Hymplll mrumly wlndl mm mllc Ilr noun wnnl lhrouuh um Cumin ml the Unhal sum Tuendny to hrlnz wullwm Onlnrlu KI Mal mm III lull minor dllhxllmnu tn 01 um nut luku upedn lo lulu Mule In or mm In North lm Marin nnlflhl nnd nmw him an worrlld punk Than clemy tonalch lhoh aughb Icl wisely N0 COMILACENCY Northern hula llumm mum mum Lah Onharln llnlnmrc Inn Duvmlnu madly lunny lllll Illlrmon dur and wk mm mm cloudy wllh mm lntavnll and nqu In mgr Wlmh viamun Io llnhl might hi mint Huh Indy XNHM no IB== 158 Key Club Presents Program ï¬t Barrie KiwaniSCluhMeet MRS JACK GEEENSIDE Barrio certainly alt Ilka workan In that nod weather ltn I150 good for the laundry let the nlr let Hand dries it quickly All my housewan dame and 1mm you feel K00 Hutton Avenue United WEATHER Acllu Inlcren in Semlnry Mike nmmr lislcd some ucllvllies of lhe club ad verllslng Id 01 xchaol year bonk chicken prolcm Christ mas card at eluded Chil dren School newspaper In old pg god dance adena CuUamla In an Ameri can Negro and the presldenl Key club Intemaflonal this year is Jewish Lets hope flint the example brotherhood dented wllhln Key Club will be fostered and allowed by mny others The speaker read an article on Money and the materlallsuc allMn la todays world and concluded ll Key Clubber honestly try to 01an Ihe seven objecllvu Kay Club Inm nauonal then maybe more people wlll bemma their bro lhcra keeper and maybe our pollllcnl propaganda pusher will allow us to love our 21an man an the other side the Iron Curtala PusanI MEMBERS Present members Central Key Club are Barry Dyck Jim Webb Glenn Hodge Boyd Simpson Grant Homer Roger Rlx Brlnn human Peter Gray Blll mbblE Mike hlrrh ey Dnle Neely Dan Ramsay Davld Pratt David Ynunz llm Leighton Brian VeslgnrfllTay lnr lnn Taylor Grant Fall and Russ Smith uDCI dumlz Chmlmus va cntlan lhree members auend td dlsrlc¢ conventlon at East York club Knv apple lo all new teachers operated parking tar lot or community concern and omclal opening or new wing at school opernled last and found department sold nprom fax shop imdunts our mam hen attended Key Club rally Patelborough rcmnlly canducl cd Assembly exercise lchool recently wllh clly camlublu Ralph Jerry speaker on load ugly Treasurer Jlm Webb outlined the zood um and donutqu mud Ow money the club had ralmi TM Included tut byokn ecdy nudenln and the BNIEEF MR5 EDWARDS Ben rle Ive been able to do lot more housework In this line weather um could have It had been miserable Ive also been 31115 to vial my rel euve and take the opportun fly to so an during the day more often DANGERFIELDS SAVE SERVICE CENTRE Collin Mun Ever mm of tha need undtrprlvillged children In not wwealuw countries many Bub chlldmu wlll be colledlns fox hmlsht ShellOut For UNICEF MRS JACK MORRISON Bun1 The weather has help brighten d1sz up unar nuy 1m added an extra much chm to the lunar pliers makesyou want to do more has also helpedwllh the laundryln 1171 clothe in fresher my Inrihls the Enrnï¬il sheIIoul BEEF ROASTS AM rm Crumy In teau Io PEANUT BUTTER TOMATO SOUP Noam49¢ PRIME RIB Roast u69 SHORT RIBS 1113333 39 my GunMy Ow In lInIAVI It PEAS bum Zunmm39¢ 57711 rumpus II UHAYI AsPIhndIu Onlyan Punbasedfromrodmllyhspmdhdrigm CANADAS manouummmstsaua MhhuhmMWIW mu mdmNmlim 119 Rog Mc udI 59¢ SAVE IO BLAD $123553 MEATY SHORTor SHOULDERV€$4 CROSS RIB 49 159 n49c COFFEE SALE CHIFFON CAKE Whom mm cumn WM lIb bag lug BOKAR SAVE Jane Parker ORANGE on man BLADE BONE REMOVED noun none POT noAsr 61 In SAVE 12 or uller night dzudren mm vlrimls mm us asked by thalr chars collect or UN ICEE Nation haema E035 éhlldten Emergency Ally child collecting or die worldvbody organltnUon will be Identiï¬ed In one of three ways yNICEPZ lam bud andor UNICEF tax mo eel In workhz It also made my husblnd m1 1m doing more work One the thing mlu in an apartment beln able Iohanz clothes on This wax perfect waather do it 29c M135 vonN Mgmowu Pa Colo GREEN BEANS GRAPES 14sz Strawberry Jam Cduurnll ll Imam hm hm Chmn NI ORANGES 60on 69¢ NalGodo Imll Iona COlOUR PECTIN ADDED Rog Mu SlcSAVE 6c fruit um Vegomblu SMOKED WIENERS W49 249 229c IM Culllnl Tudor lu MAPLE LEAF Hm mum summary wznunsnn 0ch Arrangements Clinic will be An Expert ï¬nd Minufaduflng aw awed by 0w Infe panel of ex of Obese two nub WWI vihnhm motes 1011 Iell in other nan1mm Thlfleen industh of the Georgian Bay Region have I11 ready completed these fliznu thmuail Hue mcommenddion oi the Georgian Bay Demer Association and is Intl pm that Ihe mulls of the foxthoom lug clinic will pmvide oppop iunities for further Buimul Mamuaaurern to share in this method of increasing mines Barrie Géts Clinic 0n Manufactuging nuhnll1dycllulgvilllhf