An enloyable evenlan was Apent at the homo Mr and Mrs Anzul Clarke at Goldwater Saturday evenlnz when they war has and hustasr to the members of the onellme Carley FlveHundred Club Those atten dlnz were Mr and Mrs Alex Clarke Manltnulln Island Mr And llln Caesar at Eramp ton Mr and Mn Clarke llllddlo tan Mnllon Mr and Mrl Vlclnr Johnston Mr and Mrl Alex Currie Mr and Mrs Ab Johnstone hlr andMrs Rum Helzhlnzton of Drillll Mr and Mrl Leonard Booth Mr and Mrs Jack Turner and daugh ter of mill have returned home inner upenglng levers dnya wllh her aisler Mrs Glen Johnslone Mrs Mll Beard Mrs Joseph Boom Mu Glen Johnstone and Mrs Armsnang and Cheryl Ann amnded the afternoon lea and bnzaar at Eady Unllcd Church Snlurday afternoon Congratulnllnnn la Boyd Dun lop ol Coldwater former re Wnody woodyck Nlllnnl Bullmn Quu lel Wulhzr SpudI Cule cmm PM snv shnw Id lllver lube Pu Muun rutul 1100 WC TV NEW wmhu len d1 hm Bmod munmv octnnu to uni Nlllonll smol nuxmm Nunery school mernmm PDFIYVI Noondll Mm Imrumm Pluwom nnxum nmy rmnaly nun mumnn ML Pip Puplyl hm nun bum Yul Bur Tnmhnom Tmnm MMW unawm Xlldm =8 eanpurrrmp zssksssczs wumumv ononu lo 400 Induwny FunTim mm Mnuu Club Kldda Hum IHIIn Spam Wulhr NW um Unauth mu Vln Dyh My nvnnn Munn crosélaha xiumuu held thelr Imlly owl luppen Tuesday eve Mr and Mn Melhnurne Bar nes Slayner were Sunday vhl tors wilh ulu fnrmerfa parentl Mr hnd Mn Barnes WIDNIIDAY OCTOIEI 00 NA Church Snlurday afternoon Congratulnllnns la Boyd Dun lop ol Coldwater former re sident Carley who celebrated hls Bard Ihlrlhgiay Salurday Ma Peggy Campbellfflnrrlt kBAILdad he Croulnnd 4H zirls Mr and Mrsiflaiiy Tulirhan Elmvnle were Sunday guest Mr and Mn James Slrnlh ALLEN IKnax Ladlu Ald held bazaar homemndu baking rummage 15 and jean Wednesday eve INK The even was success Fridi evenlnirnln all Jar lq pour gnawqu gamma AROUND SIMCCE COUNTY ms Amxï¬moxu your min in In mm 9mm plan And to Will Dullmu In mo THIRI IS NO CHAROI FOR THI IERVICI CROSSLAND TELEVISION PBOGBANE DRIVENOUISELF CARS AND TRUtK CHRLEY CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE PA 82433 iab ini rm 1m 1mm 00 NI MI III mm Hun Ima IIM MAY Novlmu It fowl m6 Marylin IMfl II AM Club lm run Um Inbhy llomlnl lluulm anug oz333838333858=83382o Ian m1 rm MullenI lam an In Ianlllrl 1mm Wall JAM IIlmllllu 3mwa Ilfl NHL nth In The Ninth lam um CIV Nm H1I Mun hull ll Plum lulu munmu ncronzx ll heu lnd Mnrnln llpofl Na HamHuh Hm cm no Inn mu no Illyllml Uncll Babb DO Ilnlnlnl 1an non Nocndl Ipm 1130 do no our llouu Lon Lucy Th Mllllunl Yogi luv ml lpem Wulhn Nun APB Hal ln cum uqu TI Toll Tho Trulh Illa 0M Jm rm mm Null Ml all Mills null Ham limo Ilwl qï¬pouuhï¬yuyu 83838882838 no man II no ml JG loo urinal no Im moo man 00 1230 TV lel Wnlhlr hull 11W Ellmlcluu IllllJAYV By MRS FRAWLEY Henry Hummarl well drllllng equlpmenl ram Burl drlllad mucusme or water on 1h properly anlnr an they at an unlimited mpply of water Thll well will lupply three humes It In lama llma Ilnce there has been drlnklng wmr Mount St Loull Mr harmHahn Human BanIv visited Mrl Hodzwn ï¬rm on Supdgy WRIrTind Mn Gamble and family have maved to he Slnlnn engage Mr and Mn Hawu North Hay spent the weekend with Mr and Mn Emu Ellie men4 Mrs Carr spent Salurday in Townlo and attended mom wggdxnu Mr Incl MIL Thnmu Dunn spent day ul Hnnmer last week and vhued Mr Dunnl nigge My Dcyry MOUNT ST LOUIS Mr and Mn Ernest Lanzley and Iamlly Drill were weak and Walton with Mr and Mn George Heel Norman Baldwin of Toronto was home or the weekend Mn Armstrong Johanna 01 93112 Mr andIMn Ra mu ox Orfllln were mm Mr and Mrs GJcn Johnnipqeh BillDouzlns Toronln WA leltor at Mr Ind Mn Wal lase nows5 Mr and MrsI Orville Arm ltmnl attended the baptismal mvlca Sunday at StuJohnI Church Matchedush Thelr urnnddauzhlor Sandra chrlatlnn Marie lnInnt daughter of Mr and Mn Barry Annnlmnl Orjtlln wpaflchrtgteneq 315m lyom Nun mm Mlnbllr III In um um CRAIGHURST NHL nth Th0 mmm lam CIV Nm Mun hull Plum lulu yuq ï¬nn TORONTO By MRS GASTON Ncwl For cxnmplc lcll mum youn Em ddendlnx Iaur ndu Plrtnar lead tho king club and when dummy come down you In lhm II chum ol damunl nu contract 11 South hu minimum open In bld Allda mm mu hump lznzlh lb dummy ll not wry mpmlym biddhul Em scum wm Noru Ill Dim Opuflnl 1nd kin clubl Good dchnn II uxunlly uo dmlcult you Bppmlch lhn plly lhe rlnhl Imoal mind Mon mlsuku nude on Mama an be Imed mart or Ian dl really to an Improper overall view of lhe hand You Ilznll wllh flu light uklnl tor rlub conllnulllon Illd hoping your IXdI uh uh Everyone reminded ai tht Nov visit oi Rev Roy Jordi son missionary irom indla to Trinity United Church Mes nnzm Explore and Tyros no man than invited to Ihe 410 pm meeting in th School Room The pm meellnx in or the adult member oi thl conmznuon and any others who interested in mission Iry Icllvities Plcturu will in shown In Ihe evenlnl meetinx Vigliorn will be welcomzi Trinity United Church Women will be holding their November meollnz Nov in ihe church when mom with Mn Melville Dixon as basics All hdiu of the congregation invlled in mend Mn Fraud Crane and Mn Leonard Wan repug ing lhe program continu the aludy on India The eiecilon ol olllcen will take place Reimb menll belnx amused by Mn Hopkins Mn Fl Inns and Mrs Bilck Plea keep the Hun in mind and continua donnllng Agilplgsl Hymns ottoman nonL la CNN mended lhl nlnlly nlled Church low lup per In the Drum Hall Wed llfldl The bond at Imam hank than who Amended and mowwhn assisted make my lullth lucch um 1g wn Glurdvaomcn who Allmded the nu tally of the United Church Women Prey byteflal strand Unlted Church last Wednesday wern Mm Fran co Wicklum Mu Leeann Wart Mn Carr Mn Cecll Brdhel Mn Black and Mn Black 111m wnl vocal In by Mrl Wm accompnnled by Mn Black CQNGRMUMTION Congratulation no out to Ar nnld and Flarence Banting Ivy upon the arrlvnl their 509 13 lh Unlud Ohmch held In Hallm ween Party last Thursday cm nlnz In the Church School Room Linda 0m won Ihe prlu In the best comic costume while when costume min warn In sum DAILY CROSSWORD uua do 014 mm Junu M31105 tux plusum In lulu Ounme eolloq AMINO KIM hoflmfl fly anln It Kind Ill In To be 110994 nlckmmo bully Jul puma One If Columbut Ihlpl 61 MOI DOWN man till III In b0 II mum Em dealer Bath Ildu vulneuble NORTH KHOH 010 83 Dru 11 info nIYodeVicoplo Uniï¬ed THORNTON CONTRACT BRIDGE hl Huh Rolled Ill 31 CAI lo HIM nltmflm nund II II mm bod Vanna ofllly be in um Julle uvo hoturn luv bumln may lblflMlnl Int II Ym 59 mm um 201mm nu Amman annulled mm 601mm 0AM IOAllmwm By JAV BECKER Eul on he um dllmnnd had you to up with lha klul and return th South mu downone Furlhzrmore lhll ll lhe play ynu would make your early lhlnkhll hid pul you Into lhrzhl 111m 9mlndr Imer Soulh rumd club lrlck lwa It hmmo clur um your nldn would huva to uh hm rich in lhl rad lull lo but he conlucL Soulh IIII flu n1 diamandl your Hnl In den Inyhow to xulnl up will lhu klnl can do your AM no urm lnwever Wu hu lhu It and hurt lrlrk bl Iidu gnlnl up wllh flu HM wlll delul lho conlrm Tammi nn npllmlma VIII Sath will lose lhu Jack Io th an and lllu play Inokher d1 mund murd lhe queen Yau will be Able lo lake lha kln then but South will nuvcr Ian hear trltk Ilnte ha cln dII card hurt Irom dummy on lhg quggn of qlamandl number lrom hm 0ch open houu the new But Ichaol Dllnon Thum da evenlnl Ea frepnred lor the witch and mm who will bu out Thursday evcnlnu Remember lll trick or real Declnrnr plan wade lo lho Ian and lead dlllMN 1mm dummy you allow law to In trick conlormlnl to the mun pollcy Iecond hnnd low you will have mm den ul explllninx do to your pm ncr Imr declnrcr make he contract mm HANDY Mr and Mn George Lcdyct and children but returned from Vlllllnl rellive ll Sun 51 Mnrle of Him club lrlck Huh away But when Weak continues de clam rum and now you mm runmu your thinking to that line goal of mu our rich ME by me lame olbcr wgy Mr and Mn Percy Worry and hmfly ol Bowmanvfllo were Sun day zuuu of Mr Ind Mn Cart nue Trlnlly United Junior Choir wnducted by MrLLeonurd Wm and acompmlnd by Mrs mack mania led In the um of false last Sunday morning dlurng lhc mum church co Funeral Icrvlca wan mnduc Ied by Rev Loonard Wm Im me Iale MII SIophen 010 In June FuneraI Hams wlth Interment In Thornton Cemetery In Mondly mumn Mn ï¬rm who Ind Men lIvInl In Suuon dIed In Nuwmarkot Sym pmy out to lhu IOIIJMIW mi daughter Mr and Mn George RotI Willh Sutton and other rurvlvlnl When Mr ng Mr prose 31an lujngd tinHighway 27 and lived in Mutton village or number 01 yam Then they mululy Attended Trinity Unlled Church WONDER VALLEY was liven by Key Page of Churchill Mr Ind Mu Scorn Hall attended alter belng nut that day wllh Mr 9nd Mrl Vllter Andmwxnflrad lord Thomlon ma Hbuy churth hymnMun In Sud um with In attendance oL 41M moon SNVIUNI l0 IallflNnH Al IIMIIDH IUIHM VDVIIHDON non mun NIW SIM la 05 NLIM Ave tmouAm 0542 saumtigznm VAJMQHA nommu on E51 mu ommAmss ommms WHATS BEEF PAV you meg anAvLom onlou WW Wu amw WIMMAMDHMK JUSY Li MEMW YOU mam k7 THSMDNW NIW IIIHVD WINDOH 1VAOI ILINMiHJ IWOJUM nwnmo anow vamnow SIN IZIMVI In S11 IS NOILVIMOI IN onus the maxi mum momm In mm Amman mum mum to nus1v 2J WZLh scmï¬w ï¬nkE 52 0022 SE gimbaiï¬m Emma in 332 C28 Mmom WWW amourmu ammo Manna