Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Oct 1963, p. 12

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When Monsignor Clnlr of St Marys Church first be camo Interested in rndlo than were no vacuum tubes no radio telephone and mom code was sent by jumpan sparks through the air between two electrical pales Mm Clalr used to listen to lbs new and baseball scores an home bum crystal receiver at his fathers arm in the Niagara lrult belt later while aim in high school he couhl hear the German cruisers talking to much other on tha Adnndc ocean duflnx the first World War MORE SDPHISHQAIED MSGR CLAIR of SL Marys Church concentrates at his mom key Ha newly licenced amateur and sllll work only In code He first became Interested In radlu as boy and bull lrnnsmlllers and melvun berme licence mce lheso ry nys India equipment has bucoma good den mom sophisticated but ra dIa amateurs are null alluded In lhehobby or the name re son they were so year ago Host lhcm lIst an Interest In phyilu or more pnrlIculnrly In electronlcs lhe force which drive them In spend hum In buIIdlng ImprnvInz and opnrnl In lheir sets But nhecr enjoy ment opernllng alkIng In ham In dlslunl parts the world exercisan Ihclr skIlIx In Inlegrnphy nnd chewlng tho lnl with other amateurs also draws Ihrm lo Iho hubby When an nmnlcnr with the lap grads licencu on on ho nlr there are number of achlUu 0pm In him llrst choice In probably whether he wm usn mom code or volco lrunsmls slow and most nmnlouu have delinlle prdcrcnco or one or ho nlhcr mode Therere Many Reasons ForBecoming Ham GREATER SKILL un nnu men hnm whn Hm on he Shnnly my mad llkcs lo work In mom coda be causu ll lnku xrcultr skill and has grcnler polonunl In cullan mrounh lmerfmnco nnd smllc Another local operator Slaw Ogden like volcu llnnxmlsslun becausu hu just llku an lho nlr and gab WhDIIIur an nmnlcur uscl code or volce however he will choose mm 01 lho nlrlcll dellncd am But rmlln Inn whlch but lulu the Mud nl work Inn want In do II he lnlnrcslcd In coll lnx dlslnnl polnll DX work he will chooge onu nl ho hluhor Ire ucnclu whbro hll alsnnl can be can roun lhu world though II unlikely be heard In radlul Ion lhun 500 mllul and will probably upcclly In hln all he country or am In want In toulucL Ho wlll nlw kimono limo whm lho clmraclcrlnllu ol the nlmmphm am most proleUul lnr Innl dlxlnnca tommunlcnllnn and when lhm wlll ha amnlmr Iwnh In tho munlry ho ul Inn my be the deIn ul he nluM lhm when It ll nllemoan hm Amnlturl lulcmluj In DX work ollrn link la Manny um um lnln Mir Ilnllum ul IInl up uprrlnl Mulpmml mI Iblu Ihrm lo wnlk dlllnm Inll Dmuuh Rm Innu III II 50 mm Irnnnmlllnr Illa maxl mum pow momd am tleurll and MI Imam nn lrnnn In mncrnlulc Mn Ilnnnl In partlmlnr dlmllnn ha nyl Hm wnrk rnn ho xlvmo wllh murh lm elnlmlnlo nqulp Inml POPULATION mm In IM III ml at In pemnn lhs Ul Ilml on Inrmc whllq lm mly WI llvrd in mnl II LOT OF MONEY In England lnr unmplfi nm Ilmn urn llmllod An oulpul no final ml in lhuy work llw mid run ulr ml Thou lel nmnlrur lam In DX work gree Ind wunl to have mamd ol worklng 100 counlrles as soon as possible after ohlnlnlna lhelr llcence mnny stlll Ilka to work loenl slallnns witth 500 miles and lnr lhla they SD lower re quenclcs where slgnnls can he heard locally and wlll no so too at abroad One at he more inlerestlnl acllvllle on these local bands relnylng messages servlee whleh amateurs pmvlde roe They are nol allowed to use the Bll waves or commer clnl purpose Formlng net works they relay mamas mm palm mm by mllo nd then phone or mnll them to lhclr dea llnntlon The messages are mull ed only ll they cannot be de llvered by phone and under nu clreumslnnee are lhey ever nl lowed to die or remaln un dellvered wcmmqulrcd He didnt bath er mung licence whan he mqulnmenl first came in mud was oniy last year that encouraged by In Instructors of the Emergency Measures Organiullon when ho had taken the limited operators ILELAYING MESSAGES These mtssnge rclnyinl nets are probably has known to people who hnvn fiends or rel ative In remote spots such as mu wealhnr slatlon or mll llnry buses Where lha mall scr vlca slow or mmy gel out nmnlcurs pmvldo llnk wLh ham and lrlcnds Mus nmaleura no on ho nlr with no olhar purpose than to contact other umnleura howev er when they do thls thuy urn likely to talk about anything mm their equlpmcn um weather In DX work they ol ten discuss lhelr most recent dlatnnl contact but pollllcnl aubkcu are Avodcd by general coman Tho rcqulrcmenll or hnm llcente mm farmldnbla to unlnlllnlcd but hum wlll tell you but they nru qullo simple basic lumwlcdxo of warm HO BRADFORD ITRIIT lc circuitry required along wflh speed of 12 words per mlnule ln mom code Alter year of apexnun 1n coda alone us may ho writ ten or radio elephona llcence speed 13 words at minute In code required or this ll cence and more dclnllnd knawledle eluctmnlu In me my ilams enthusiastic about ihelr hobby Ran lune mom mend it wonderiui imb by tar boys and girls He feels that ii in in nicely with the modem interest in liecironlc and mmmunicaiiom and pro vides an oppanuniiyiior young aim in appiy he princlplu oi physics um lhuy lenrn in high school szumsM course Ms Clalr took lhe use or his canoe Next month he wlll be Able to take the test for the advanced licence which allows phunu opera tion but he may he preteru operation In morse code Ex aminer Photos While it provides nnoullel for ingenuity and Yield much ant lsinclion Mr an9 pain out um it requires only 11 limliud nmannl oi knowicdzn and that mm high lchool tindenis imm Grade ll up can mullet the knowledge required in ilccnco The only other requimmenls in five or file hobby are cnlhub ugrp nnd nppiicgiiun Mos hams will also tell you that nllhnuuh great den money can bu went on tha hob by it can be Iupported qulle chuanly ml hobby for lhc rich 5an Mr Inns and sallsfmnry xlntlon can ha 39 lahllshcd or lllllo $50 An lndlcntlnn cl lha cnlhuslnrm mos hum develop In lhnlr holr by ll wnrnlnl Elven by Steve Olden Dont take up marrlago and ham radlo at tho Inmo lime he Inldr They dont ml bccnuro youll llnd your hobby lr Inkan mom cl your llmu tlmn Your wlfo likes Clalr took BARN enbnker In eelhhnrmed pollu clnn who laundered because he couldnt help heuevln hll own lexend Peter Newman an Ounwn correspondent for Mam lenn anulne Write In hit new bunk Rencgnde in Power The Dielmbnknr Year Mm Clelland and Stewart in Jaurnhllala chronicle the rim and all oi the Con rervnlivu lender and men your prime mlnlslcr lured on Low inicrvicku with the Erlncipnl churncicrs clicth lslnry on he run No other Canadian Hilclan In this ccnlury could nim tho cmolionni conquest ol lunar alien yet no prime mlnluu ever diallluslnnnrl his dlscipiu more Mr anmnn wrlles John Dicienbukcr had large abidan lava or his coun try lie nave pmdlziou energy to his allies and tried hard to bring the icdernl ndmlnlaindon Into morn meaningful relalion Ihip wlih ha average clllmr Enrrle tunes his mum be tween lrammlnlonu Mr Sel wrlzhl mm at lulil Book Describes Die The Charmer Who Floundered Yet he only rarely had the couran lolow hl privately hcld canvlcllona Thu right in ancu were In him but lhmughout his stormy alewnrd lhip they lungulshcd in he mp 1mm of his soul Mr Newman my ha whan Mr chlcnbnkcr was wept Inln power In 1931 and me he Illned full trust unon tho voter wlh Icnse mulon Winston Churchlll or Franklin Roosevelt but me th Wyn terribly wmpg Ho 1an mo pcople load ushlp cull wtlhnul lundmhip leckd us spiritual 70nd at llma imwlnx national In doubL John Dlelenbnker Iurnnd ouk to he not Iplrilunl leader In all but renmde In powera rcncludu both hll own muse and lo the mm uplrnlionl cl lhu nnllon wnl mount be Kunming OTIAWA CF John D1913 BILL EEAWRIGHT RR PHONIIPA 6650 WINNIPEG CPD ledl has In export mum or every bushel of what can load on INpI Tndo Mlnlmr Sharp nld mesday nlzht Itnndlnl Ind like mm mm Immnrl hu bulk much of hi Imlon equipment hlmnfl He does much at hll open In much In the Inmul meeting of the Munllobu Pool Elevman ho lndlcaled um tr malnl by Prairie lumen on their win Imam aux year may I36 necullry HI 10mm In active de mnnd hr when and lead rain hayond he currenzcrop year en next JulyAal nder hm lavornbla clr cummnm Arman wlll luv the opportunity of deddlnl what to grow and when In the Huh Ihelrnown lndlvldnll circum advice by Mr sh wu In centrist to hll caulonnry npcechel urllcr this year that tanner thuld consider reduc In what mean In 1904 to Ivold pLUnx up hurdamamo lun plum muan mmunin The mlnhler relemd the chained clrcumllancclz huge ulu Rum Ind Chlnn re cent Hwy when agreement with Bulwmv and the fiveyear amemlnt with Czechollovnkln nlzned mm In the day It 01 nwa Report Demand Active For Grain Thu Conudlnn vixen handl upon large or tho current crop year wu 550000000 bulk 15 compared with the m1 enk al1us qyzrucoopomooo bu lL no indications were um nu nln lam purchm hi you wan tuxact mu poor cmplnot lnlornnllonnl pollllcll eonsldunllonIand that Iarloul crap Illml In the am land ol ha amen Soviet Unlon could regur mm llmn Io llme unher IndchHon wu um lho dlmculllel DIM Ill Com mnnlll counlrlel IM experlenc In In omnle their mu turd outpm remain and may Indeed have Increased In recent Mr Sharru Ipeech also con him an ndlrm re 1y to re cenl United State llclsml ol Cmdu fur making longarm fixed prim when agreemanll with nlher countries and or noi Inmuln wheat prices 1111me ma us wished llon on radio elephono and work on the Ontario plume not In nmnlnur message to laying Iorvlce levelll nights weak NUGHI HARD He nld the Canadian when bond 1m ought hard In keep Ila pllco world markets and lhey were dud right to protect thypomtqulng place After the efibmous when uh to Russia the when hoard idld not try to exploit ma mu thin the framework of air hlrzaln and Inkan account strengthening the mar ket which Ind already taken plus an board protected the million regular cuntnrn did no wlth my In 39 rrlovalll the responxlbla mm ar TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHDNF PA 52410 01 DUNLOP IT World Wldn Tnvol lonlu 107 Dunlap ll lm lmll Oppullo Oumm Hmll hmm BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE JOHNSON WHO nmcmnm EXAMINER mummy ocroamfi sq it LONDON AP mm mm court hul ordered Chris llne Keeler to and Ida In Old Bailey crlmlnn murc 9n chmuol concouan story that herJame Idver but Mr up convicted by flury Mlu Kseler could ha lent Io prison or up In In yen No date wa IeLlor Ihe lrlal TIMI year nld pufly glrl heard he dechion Tuesday than len or reunlnnylllh her num who said he abandoned hls lamly 17 years ago The Frlvnle meeting took place in he drawlnl room of house MlnKeeler renting near the tour Order Chrislirje To Stand Trial Fur Innnnnlon Ind Rncmflonu Wlinesse at mumflmlnury hemInn had tesllr um Mlss For Your RonniNoni Cnll New The SARJEANT DONT wnvrm Mary Sum Barrie SARJEANTS BUDGET PLAN Phone PA 82461 Spnad your luel all payments evenly over many months without luluuh Avoid henvyy midwinter payment when luel wnsumpllan In It peak Dellverlu are made nulamnucllly More you run low never havl to all in Sunbelt tha blendedhm in zlL Switch Sunhuz commt now 1m SERVICE INCLUDES Free Burner Servloe and Condiumlnz 24Hour Emergency Service basically You pay only or placement mm Cannot Snrklnll or Full Delulll SUNHEAT PAYMENTS HOME HEAT SERVICE Kocler cenknl figure ha Pmlnmo uandnlyhad been hm eased by Aloysius lLucky Got don Welt Indlan lmfalnzer who once ilved with her 11m wab more the Pmiumo Icnndnl Emuglly brokA the unnun lyluuu open win the mlmatlon John Dmefumo an Bfltalnl war mlnlsler Jun Hauling bll Uphollterlnl our am am NM Inn Eld Ilna 65 BRADFORD ET lmlu rFm ll UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK Beauluul Samplgg Free E3 FREE mm AND DELIVERY Phone 31438 BAY CITY PA 41 um an

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