Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Oct 1963, p. 9

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fht 0M loch lulu Im mum mm rlm bl Hut rlnu And pull num um um um Mn In um 1mm mmhlu In Saints Come Marching In lnul AM 54 Paul mnhm will In nah uhil not filan and flu III dull mmm mu Knlhhl In lot Drum Ml mud In II vim umMnlhI Omaha uy um lrl mm In lhlvd W11 Mlmwumlll llrnlm tulle Luv luck In mm mod mllamyulla pitoll lm un nilr um Mum um Ila fawni Baldlnon Inn chance la ind out In haw mod Pnckerl without their mular qunr 5m Starr WM 15 oul Both mm relatively healthy or the me Although Clavelnd hu patched up line Imklnl com flelullr rlght llnehlckor Gnlen Flu probably bwlll mlu tho context No other llnebadlen Mlke Luce and hm Mmon hm been pllced the injured renrve 1m Do OR DIE Lou Mm Iomwr much leo Arumuh call MOI on IM worn mwl In dam hml no no BOIUMN Coll hm 11m up pmlchcd the bowl palnL Balumon mun but Green 3y Pucker lo my In he rats he NFLI Wtucm Conler on when helm and Chl Sgp Bun dun the lead at high nearing Cleveland chllkl up It uvenlh win the mum muk ism mkka Foolhnll Loam Gllnu cm be counted out the rm An expected mwd 000 mm am will be rooting for Brown In repeax lhelr 1521 triumph of lwa week IEO in Ylnlm Sldlum whm thrown ran wild or three Iouchduwnl and 200 rd 1n running and pull Navr Yorkl dupmu Glnnu mum by two mm In their bid or lhlrd nulghl onion 2an Ulla will lbooc the work Sunday on Du pitching Inn oi mm In the baer nznlnst Jim 5mm Ind Ml unbulen Clovtlund Bmwn lummuiu Arnold PIImer hint on mp during yuurdlyl pity of Cand Cup compelmon ll the saint Nam LI Eretccho Giants To Meet Unbeaten Browns PIXCOACH IS RENTAL MRNAGER PALMER BLASTS OUT OF SAND TRAP Humanr fur mw homlng dnrltrnnrnl In mlurlm Ilc earlnhl lyutlmllrr rrnlal SUIIRESH DESIRE LONDON CPI Ilrilulul lriwn Orlicvrn machlion my Jnll wanders have 11m mpprosscd drain much lthr mlc mm lurnkcy to m4 clnl worker le YorkJory Archer ml New Yolk mnpnlnml uhln Camr 15 Panmm NHL 10 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS In Mher game Cnr dinnls mm Was Inglan Hod Iklns Vnshinglon Dallas Cowboys encounter the Slcclm at Pittsburgh nnd San Francisco Innulu with La Angelo Rams Frank ankcnlon or iiiinnc mia Vikings wont have la can lend with Jun Schmidi Dclrnils llerce middle linebacker in lheir gnmc Dclmll Schmidi is out or perimp manih with discipcaicd simuidcr Phllmlclphia Paglia Hmp Into Chlcmm lo meal Bears stlll Lmarflng alter an upset by San Francisco wcrs Euglu must make their snmd without 11 Jurld qunrlcrbauk Sunny Jnr genson with hmkvn hum John Roach Inherits Slnrrx jnh Coll aulplaycd Grch Bay lwlcc last year hm lost bolh nnmcs mm were bcalcn 3120 um Mk FIGHT RESULTS and Jack Nlcklnus with 2715 put lhaUnllcd State In lhrco way He or second plate lhe hnlIwuy polnl one 1mm Flam In nlny In Vlflnrln lnr munlll Al Vlw Only lvm Mid nnmr nrc clwdulul Tunlgm Guelph Im Friday mum cumulch gnmc hcmun lull and Vnodslock mx mnhndulcrl far Nov lol lnwing lhu lccmachinc break down SPiTTHfl GAMES The DNA chh lost II we Inn teams from last season when Challmm Mnronns and Windsor Bulldogs dncldud to Join lhe Innrnalanal League has hum plagued ln lhc pan th LnnctHulions and Icnm Impuuls The llometnwn Burlouka swamped Port Colbnrne Snllnrl while Oakvillc Duke ruIntd Guelph ncgnls homu opener by scoring 53 win Twu games Involvan spank Ing new cnlrlu were played Welland and Guelph whllo the other scheduled or Woodstock was cancelled due lo break dnwn In the lacmaking ma chlnc Dy THE CANADIAN PRESS The ommu Hockey Assoclm llun Scninr League which fur the last cw ycars has been calming precarioust nn lhn brink of cxlincllon gal la shaky 1961M openan on two mm Frldny nlghL IIIG IVER The Orinoco mvor ls about 1700 mIIcs long and nlmnsl ll mllcs wide mouth on lhe Allnnxlc stroke bnhlnd he leadlng team lrom South Arrlca AP Wire pholo Senior League Starts Shakily Tally bed rt lhan 00 1mm during hll mum Mfll nnd nc hut morn than mm mm mun 11m mun erh nn up huge winning retard aznlnsl Ihc hut pmlcmonll and Icmlprn mm In mu mo und 1100 wu ltd by player mnnnzcr Doc Tully Iho ngrgcd nape mun Kcn Chane7 Mid lilll Mc Gownn and or Part Col borne Thu onceAmou Houumol Davld umlprolmlonul hnu hall cam lulled overdam In lhgcnrly 150 Vcllnnd wogonl perlorm Ancu frnrn Chester Warehol Bruno Health and Vanna Mlllor whlla Bobby Hull and DIV quly nlslkcd up ling The par Mom In the Hausa Dlvld relllimu tull whlch wax xlnmd In 1m nnd nnc had 1500 mmberl law has lcwcr than 100 arm slbhlck with we And Rosa Dryden Jim Murchia And Bob Bishop neared or Duh whlie Bub Brown neared lwicc seven ucond apartInd Ron opts for Benin BENTON llMlHOlL Mich MP The baseball park where the Burded Babe Ruth and hlr bearded lenmmale once drew overflow crade may soon bcmmo graveyard or nutamohllu ncxals who played last son in Ihe DNA In Kllchener Waterloo Dulchmen lurked xpaclaculnrly by laklnl land In the Hm hm mlnulu and 12 leconds but Dukes tulle lng 31 gala lnlo the Hall per lo cruplcd lor lhm In Ihm mlnulc and 34 mend Ia pull aul the win ONCE POPULAR PARK IS GONE JB Blylluld $9 The oukviiie Guelph lame pravidcd willing contest im 1500 inn as Dukes rnliied with tourInnis In the third period to main ihe viqiory vol to Gnh Ind Sunday Wel Innd plnyn nl0nkvmet ler lendlnn lurnllun mm In nnrrln ll Clnrkn when uu MI llml good ulrcllon qunllly urncmon IMHH Shaltonnu touchdown hl Iron or 68 polnll almost hull ho Toronto Iota In 12 games Tn lles hlm Ir lha Ionnun lend wlth George Dixon Montreal Alouencs and Shnuo has an extra sums to plny LEADS AS RECEIVER The bl game lb weekend howevgr wn Igheduled lodly In Hamilton when he mm Call played Ottawa Rough Rld on In male decide first place Thawlnner 1h nma be tween the ourlearn lmueu coIenden wouldcllnm Um mla lle game however would pro lani the luspcme unlll he Ich edgl upnexz yvgekand Shana one lbs law mht apols In dllmnl Armu new non termini the main foul palm or Canndlnn Football League Interlocking canton wllh Snskalchewan Roulhrldurl In Turonla Synday CM By ma CANMMN mu Wm nothing to root or durum the Ennun Football Cnnlennce lemon anonln Ar gonaul am can 1m he munqu they hnva chk Shltlo mm lli eddlllon Gbelng 1n First Place AtStake In EFC Contest Today The victory rnlscd ha mull cum more to palm lnr nhnnd of runnerup Amen llnl which ml is pain desplla belnz lhut out or me Prlx do Nallom wind hcld mm mm wllh polnu and cumin wnx Iasl with 41 polnll The Prlx do Nath 15 the huerihhon Wm my hone thew and lhls was he hrd night yur lha US had won Ill Uni enmylxlnlg Nullqnnl US loam unuln Billy Sleinkraus had only me knock down on mh of MI lwn rldu Slams also had only one knock down Invlwo rldup bmeach lime he exceeded lhelime Hmll Ind wnl charged wllh lrntllnnl olJaulIfi couru IInnIly In me evenlnl up ONLY one None of tho thrown riders two Amnzlnlnm And Irelandl Dllnn Connolly Curewwn rloully Murat remllncd lar Irelandl Cant Rlnzme ta muxler the couru IInnIly In III 13 rlde me evenlnl The rugged ml was run In two round Illarnoon and evening The enualtlcs occurred In lhe Inernoon Argumlnl bcclun one nflu honu came up lame Item had spfll WI unable l0 compel In Iha nlght round The US victory also cllnched the learn champlonshlp In tho wecktlanz Inttrnallonal Jump Ing mmpelillon whlch and nlzht Candi finished second in the event with mill compmd to 4975 Iauhs lorlha US 1m llnd hid 35 faults or third place HARRISBURG Pa AP The Unllcd Stale won Iho Prlx del Nlllnna II the Pennsylvania Natlonnl Home Show Friday mm In test so difficult that Ihree rIdcrs wero thrown ham was lnLurcd and only on campelltor ad faultless round EskImos nrlpplcd wllh injur lel laced Cnlury Sum cderl who hnvo Iven more Almznu ll Edmuntnnu Clarko Sladjpm Ionlght In 1h 11m two week In wemm Cmda Edmon ton Esklmos Ire lull lmklnglor their In victory over West ern Foolblll Conference oppon en mson Ho Also has 75 reCFpllon Ilnce his Toronto career benn In Manly an by at tho no on lolnl caught by Red DQulnn ormzr end with Montreal Ind now zenenl mlnlzcrol Rouxh Riders mm Ho claim lhla yur lend 15 our speedy flanker Whll Tucker at Ottawa Rough Rlde Ior I56¥rdl Avonah pasluon to lend the luzuu 1n Icorllu Shana Ihooln lo ha ha lendlnz pm receiverham on lha yur llld lnpllLFuurM or HOME FURNISHINGS Congda FinviShes Second In Event TOMORROW DANGERFIELD MOTORS Ia hmnln day Eradlurd Corn In uni whll mun PA Mm Storm wan chariot with lulu Gall Ross of Edmonton wlth eight and Moffalt Dunlap of Toronto with 15 Invthe nflnrnoon part he campeUflan tho us had us nulls Canada 215 Imland 67 and Aricnllna 0175 nu Tha W1nnpezBC haulo Ell WFC conpestwver held in the Manitoba clly onSundiy wlll tunluru lancluhca bid or the league scoring Mlle Bambm George Fleming 1113 117 pounds more than new Peter KcmpL The Lions flanker also will in out to lmprova an record 22 field ml this season Slampedm nJury 115 hr cludes Quarterback Eagle my hmlsed kidney safety Harvey WHey delenslvo pnd Ron Payno 53 vnhgnd Cnnfag Hum and WC zumu firlllsh Colum bin Lion lelt Elna Bombers In Wlnnlpal Surxdny my LOST Esklmus who mvc lost 10 lama lo WFC npponenu havent many player 1011 to muffle but much Eula Key plans uvml chums ll ynu hmrnl bml cmlulod all If mr nenml Mulllcnrn Ilquumlaliw Dont Mall and b0 diuppoinltdl Nu funher ulnmlon II In pumhlm oll um um mm Am rum at mm IE 34 um mm AMI avAfic Au NC hm Ill mum nu mm It Hui II RUMBLE AGENCY MUlTlCARE GROUP NAN PA 84110 Canada Health Accident Insurance Corp $0le CANADIAN COMPANY or II Mqu nmu Dont Procrastinate ONLY DAYS mi GET All THE FACTS FOR YOURSELF The Finest Group Insurance Plan Ever Offered In This Area 24 hours aday days Mei 75 ANNE ST Tharal no bellu healing oll than lcxncn Fuel Chief and Ihcrc olhlnz lo beat Slmcoe Petmleums roundlhcclack rec acrvlnc an more yothl an annual cleaning and mljusling at your all heallnz equlgmcalalsu completely lrcc You pny onlyfur delec llve parts at Instance furnace sccliuns and smnkcpipe are cleaned and vacuumed lhcrmnslul lixnil cnulrul and lranslormcr llnltlon are checked all burner molar and circulnlm pump uni are lubrlcakcd and many mum items ICCCIVD mlcmlun CALL Hershey anldencc gum 1d pr mums THE EARREEXMHNERy SATURDAY OCTOBER Amerlcln Lulu Eulem Dlvhlnn SIMCOE PETROLEUM SIMCOE PETROlEUM DAYS HEW llulnv lunarml lint II Illln ll PM PA IOIII llIvIIIVI AM 39 II Dull IL lhu III lhfrl flmdll mm lk if Ma PRODUCTS LIMITED ngn 75 ll hum IIV nm um 10 euro in Toronto Pctorhamugh Montreal SL Catharine Oshawa Kitchener Hamillon Onlarla Junlnr 0C1 PA 81563 20 19630

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