Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Oct 1963, p. 9

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am If Winger Gordie Hawa scores his his goal mm Maurice Rlchard wont do any car wheels The Rocha mncedes that Howe L1 gm hockey player but also lnds null with the Dggrolt Rgd Vln 3mm RoCkét qus HiSNGmQ A1 AShould Stay In Books Thu Duke of Windsor who ab dlcaled In 1536 fur the lave woman Just another figure In the golf galleria lollawlnu the Canada mp and lnlemaklannl trophy mnlchu It ha Saint Noanbreleche Club on the outskma at Paris NOT NUHCED pa almaxt unnollccd through the crowd movlnl mm ca Io men Pardon me ha Iayl An lrrilnled an gives hlm an ugly look and he ML an flmldly nlman npolondully The Duke an ardent In and player came out early Wed ncldny tn wntch US Ilnn Am nld Pllmcr Ind Jack Nlckhnl lay unbup match wilh Gary layer and Rule VanM South Alrlca Ila wow pnlr of brown cor durnry lrouml In phld lpom coal wllh gold hullons lharlIlccvnd upon win And bmd yellow Ila wllh wide no The Wings meet the league leading Chicago Black Hawkl and win would give them share first place Chicago with 41 record in five mm lost Its only gnmu In Do Lrolyl home npenu this sea Ion The Wings and Toronto Mapla Lenin are tied with 32 Room In the only other game might New York Rangers travel in Boston to may the Innplace Emmi Richard who mired In 1960 wan outspoken Wednesday In his discussion of Howe lle charged umoig oum Ohms that Howe Isnt at hls PARIS AP Down In yew Sheeplshly the rail lmle man with 1115 mark whim lulr Illppcd the sent 01 his wool lng suck and bent down on lbs 0ng the green Thats ballet he Ipectabnr lald In lnud vnlce Nobody paid much altenllun nlflmulh he mm man who was the target of the lpectalurl barb nnce was the King 01 Eng land ll mind unheralded and abnul no mlnulu alter the play ou hnd Iced all LOOKED LOST ha Duko on on the mum In direcllom In lonkod Inst bluccouud olll clnl rtmrlcd In lhe hlz Ilonu dubhnuru nondnm we an cm on lo omcm ma owe Huh National Hockey Lnague season needs only nne goalhi SMUIlfl la the lifetime soaring mnrk cum piled by Richard 111 regular sen lan game duling his gear cnreer diam But dnn target said the Rocket Wednesday Howe played in mom than 1100 games 3nd got my goal In 978 think hey shouid keep my record in the book just like they dld with Babe Ruth when Huger Maris MI his 61 home mm In 163gnmea5 few year protec tlve guard over hrulscd ankla av wearing skate with the ankle cut nut gets another chance onlth for the coveted goal belom his homemwn ans MEET THE HAWKS Thu dukovdccllntd me ha cnrl hul he not ltd nn lrr vlnlon lo movn deu hi DENVER 0qu CF Thu Mnmun ll Iuppnud Um plnymnlnr In hamy but lnry Jam ll mILIM an or ldlwhmk Tho young lrflwlnxor Id up three anal wwnulny nlfhl Drnvrr Invndm ball rd throufh avcnlmc lo WM om loan Mum Ho wlh Um VIIJun firm Franchm Bull nluhl lelrr Jamil Ibo Lhm call In II tary lhnl pushed Donut lnlo lwgvolnfi lm kpd lu Flt on oi uuhnnud um Ind Mmln nunM nl Mansion we mde Wnlnudny Hm 1m mm Cu mm whim you IMA In lho lmrwm In nut mmlh Stun we ml Iml Hill Colllnl 10ml llrdnhl nm npluro or law 5M mum um Nlck Mldu om IMry lmkl llny Cyr ml lAn Haley McKan 54 Km Flanhhjmlglnl ol Six Assists In Games midi Prul 54 Write Duke Unnoticed At Golf Course Ho cnrrlcd In new wnlklnz NAME TEAM MV 1me AllClyck wm Momeal cana mould mm hlm nnolhcr VERSAILLES France rolling to held up the aim at lha um annual Canada Cup in ternational gal eanrnnmeat for hall hour today on the new SaintNam laBmtcche course one part of tha huge French estate King Louis XIV The first team to tea all was Alexander Mucuan and Klaus Nlcrllch Austria In the 33 country blueribbon tournament mum4 vppurlull Ry this Is he said acting like youngster wllh bright new ay best when the chip are down lhal he doesnt hunks In much as he could and that he In no he gentleman an skates that pagglq bglieve dont remember him acor lng many Inmowhmlng goals raid the RockeL To me It al ways looked Bl thnulh he would even be greater player If he hustled morer CRITICIZEE CONDUCT On Rowes conduct on lhe me Hes cleaner player than he used to liebu law him give out many dirty checks guess gave out some dlrty check too But It was became fumed In retgllntg The Rocket nho feel Hnwe has had an edge because he hasnt been as pron ta Injury as Richard missed 169 games because of lniurles flow has been luckier that way hadnt been hurt an men would hava 503129 109 more stick and sat down whlla wni Naif 68 fig old lhln and wrinkled he wore worried ex prgsslqn Mn loakzd tired but his k1 Ieresi seemed to perk up each me one at the golfer good shot Bravo he was heard myrmur Richard howmr 11 Ingest Howe stumblebum Later be nahd ta pose ha gollm Palmer Nicklaus 2To1 Favdrites EZZméeflfl 92W IOI DUNLOP ST Murrays Shell CP mm Rank s250 Gas Purchase or over EREE DRINKING GLASSES WITH EVERY SPECIAL We tnuchnll bases on getting your car ready or cold wtnmcr radlnmr battery lubrlcnuun antifreeze en glnu luneur brakes heater elc complete lurking Job AS LOW AS WINTER SERVICE muv Hicks and John Ferguson coll dad Hicks went to holpltnl wllh anvinimg right wrist but there was no fracture ThrChIcngn conch wu de fending his own dbfenceman naughty Howie Ynung who Relay says is large for re ems He must huvn been mis quoted nld Baun only col lected 65 minutenn the penalty box last season which Indium that may ba tough but no mush In which the Unlked States an try of Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus wens rated the 2404 153911 unomclgl 31131 Those who wnlched Palmer and Nicklaus practising on the undulating par72 course figured fourth cnnlecullvo Amtnun wIn wpn mmertalnly Canada and Auuralln were second choice to Enl lnnd Scatland and Wale were bracketed waelher at to with South Africa rated at to and Spgln qng apan ID to 17 Canadas planed on Stan Leonard of Vanconvtr and Al Balding Markham Ont Lennard who won the In dividual trophy in 1954 and 1959 was making his eighth cup ap pearance Balding hll menu FAVOR NICKLAUS Then came Palmer who has earned more than 2000 ram 01 Ihls year And Gary Plays South Alrch to The Canadn Cup goes to the lawns total scans at twoman team over 71 holes Thu Inter national 6011 Tournament Trophy in nwnrdcd to he but lndlvldual Elghlccn llale round wlll be played May through Sunday hackel Howe whn has played 1125 games could let the milestone marker against the Hawks He scored we again Chlcaxo In hejr In medium Montreal Canndlens We to nlght received start Wednes lrIpracllce when lotwards Tumnfn bmmng Bobby Baum wax objectlnl to Billy Reayl description hlm the NHL roughest player Nicklaus 23 year old Masters and Professional Gal ers Association champion will the MM luvofltu or the indi vlduul Illa Hau Ii better nll round 31er lhan wan Inld tho a350 PA 60112 MONTREAL CF Suka cheyzan Roguhrlders wlll be gunnlng tor Inyoflheflh the Western marencewhen hayqu on the Menuoil Alou mes hm tanlghl In Canclan Interlocking lootbafl Jeanne Kfiffle 11th turn out bi hauler min 915 ngzhie paucigateg umbaciéifiriiafilds 1n WEYIE 93° ye Clnr also side lined with similar knee injury toned about lightly with the team At workouts Wednesday night and may be ready hr the playoflx But the hobbled All will be presenting bullied lineup or the Regina lame although coach Jim Trimhle expects to make it rough he can tor thgwestem yislwn HAS TWO GAMES Montreal also has only two games lelt to play but cannot catch the emem condemned mmmum Ottawa and Ham mmfizm ace p0 on ay melt final game of the regular key pl er Wednesday when medlcnlwexmlnnllanl mowod thattwowny and Mm Mum1 ha torn Human lnkbll Ken knee humy pkle In sum in the Al 3121 on In mum He will be lost or the team Along with delemlvo gabpy Jnckpllveg Ind cmAer The Rough need only on win In their next two Runesg they play tha Argonauts in Tar oma on SundayM cinch play on berth In by west Als L¢se LuStet Resti Of Season gin prMIknfiiflunsDnfomosmvuulma Have Dow Its brewed to suit your taste tastetested by men like you men who trust their taste and know their ale Thats why Dow always measures up to your taste expectations always gives you the smooth mellow fullbodied taste you want in an ale schedule here Nov alas thw who omwa ndHujmllon clash Sammy Invfller town 1n name that will decide In place whlle ha Joser will meet Mont ml In suddemath playoll amiable conch Bob Shaw will mm um whh but Run Lancaster whle Trlmbla has Inle in will to Alon with Wm Babb an la ch lrmn loa Senate Mum and monopoly committee The subject will arise durum usually adlvo baseball player mam periodmain alter he first of Januarywhat his auhcommluee takes look at baseball exempt status under the anthrax laws The business ast all oflm 03 professional mm mm an lubjed to unutruat mullwon rho no bamballa The xnbcommluco plan to la WASHINGNN AP United States senator plan an investigation In decennim Why New York Mei and Houston pain In Inch bad bunchii 13mm Summ th man we ed mj hm hm the mews lly major oague baseball tegda 37R Wham Investigate Colts Mets After work Illllll ullAIlB IIHLWNNN NEW YORK IANYon how do youleel about mnnaxlng la day va given lo thought to managing But only In the bl leagues wouldnt wan to nut to the mlnm II havent been nbla to learn about man aging in all the years Ive been up here Ill never Jenm io manna you have no to ho Abio lo 19 lion with your players know can do that manager has aoilo know how to handio pitchers Who do you think he been doing nil these years Ihink any guy who ha been niche lul long iima litanyelf goqu hola mahoggr quire whether Com should treat them all ruler There has been grumbling by an and some club manage ment that strong team lend to stay strong whlle weak one end to may weak because something always seems to block the perennial losm nt mm to acquire mush boiler playerl Yogi Gives His Views On Being Manager Thu lama Innonneemenl of You mmn Ippolnlmenl Il mlnllenot New York Ylnhel ll expected Mu AP blleblllwrfler Joe Rdcblar Intervkvml Barn on whim of mannan lam math no Ila wrote Met mry II Inc Inn Now he In In oul bl note 10 lamina this dr tilled ILmy onlmw Bern hell About manual the brew tastetested by men like you the team Thu manager talks to him about puchlnz changes Ha ask his advice The catcher usually ll In the huddle when Ihu manager Zoe out to talk to the pitcher He hear everything that fine on Ind if he has an ounca of sense In his head he remember lhesa things Why do you think so many catcher are manger and good anus tee ii Aint no eccl deni Some or the but man exen were catchers Guys like Connie Mack Wilbert Rubin son Mickey Cachrene Paul Richards Today we not guy like Birdie Tehheiis and Al Do pez and Ralph Bank of the Yankees SOME TOUT MINORS you don How can you learn to manage in tha minom You dont hnva no bench down there You dont have enoughplkchen mnnowm or even make changes when you think you ought to You hnva no pinch hlt tern no pinch runners maybe one relic pitcher The ward or me In nemnncl Isnt Well you aint not none know some metal man agers helleva you Ave to have minor league Hence to an In the rs any Another thing You dont me no wrilul traveling with the team Mlybe one So what do you learn about public rein Uom And dont all me mn nxer dont have in know about public relation Hel the teams has publicity man The helm hn leis alonl willi ths writers and inns the halter ii is for he lhlnk he dmt bring million lioiiarrs worth publicity to hit eam dub Look at Cam Stanza Now alnt knocking manI league manner Managing 1n the minors help to certain extent You 00 mm aim the kids but the purpose is dll crank All the minor league clubs are owned by tho majors and they are Interested only thgtynu develgp the kids course they want to win co and than why lot of mnn users get fired gum Be cuusa aint easy to do bath But the main ablecl la the ml non Is to develop the kid The only Meal In the major In to wqlha genugnfi Me 1m Interested In only one thing too want win the pennant As for being ready Hindi Im as ready as Ill ever DANGERFIELD morons um PA um am REPAIR NOW PAY LATER with our convenient BUDGET PLAN

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