fix Emma and yellow mum db curated New Lowell United Church for me wedding Mlsl ï¬nll Patricia Paddisan daugh ter Mr and Mrs Herbefl Paddisnn and John Donald St Clair son Mr and Mrs Jack 81 Clalr or Barrie Rev MncKenzie nIIicln Red the October tammoon geremony Mn Mackenzie was moist accompanied by Mn Anne Allcnhy Bafï¬n was glvcn in mar naxe by her father she wore traditional gown while peau de sole Iashinncd with sweet heart neckllne and cncruslcd with pearls The Multan skirt the gown was enhanced by lace insens headdress seed pearls hvld the brides wnlst lengh veil She carried hallun red cherheart mm Jnhnslon oi Bra cehridne was lhe maid honnr Miss Donna Cousins New well and Miss Penny Burke Barrie were ihe bridesmaids Miss June Paddsion New bow ell sister lha bride was the flower girl Vows Exchanged At New Lowell The maid DI honor and he hrldcsmnids wore gowns at hlue and gold pnau dc sole with tier ed skim lIcnddresses or match ing malarial were ashlaned for he allcndanls Dur lflllflli Pam nflcn Mlle and ask me what makes Inme childnn um am well and sum badly Why do Mme ynunnslm lmw up In npunsiblo luvlnu wellmljnmd udqu wluln nlhm mm losn lhcir wny1 Then are no pnl nnswm lo hm qucsnnns lmdny ls un drnlnhly lnrlnr hul um more and mm evidence nun Iflll lhe lhmry lhnl child In the ncl mull nl Whfll happrn lo him In hil tally yum The nlloulnz plccc cnmn Hm mall mm mner ll wns Ilunml Aulhnr Unknnwn Am wnuld like In nhnw Iilh you child limr wim crlliclnm child limr wim crlliclnm lu rnrns In mmlcmn in mmmy hr lulrnn llahl um mu rnr ha lam In nppndurmi ll chlld vu wilh wily ho Itnrnl In lrcl sorry fur hlnmlt MM Ihu wilh jcnluuny hr lemnl In hnh ANN LANDERS rhihl liu with tncuur nnrmml hr mm In umll dud mud um wulh 1mm hrfllenrnghlg DI npplrfln ha lrnrn In Mr Inumil mud livrl wilh Imxunl Ilnu he Iran ln km nunl hlld Hm wih lulrnm lu lum Juxlltr II rMIvl livr um Imuuly hf Ilnlnl Ill lmlh II hilt llru with IIINIIIII nru he Iumu Hm nu wnlul nlce plum In whlnh 1m rth Ilvu with nrrrpl mm INIIHI la Invc II rhlm Hm wuh 5111mm ha lrnrn In Mr Idnml Mv lvm rlvlhlun no In Itluml In Hwy Innl quuln mud Im nurnltnn mud drum uh luml lem Villdl TV nml In In lh lnllvlfl Ml IIIII lnmly npoLlully or mnla mmpnnhmhly II no unrl llml mmr nzuy ulm lIIVI muml livery uno klmu ulm Ilwu ummn In Flrlm raw Dur Inu lmm hunw Iml nilllnl mm Ind hunt mu Ihlnk llur AMI think Im My uHr Mm Imlmml In an Inlmb IHIIIIHIIIIII IIIHnl HM Illlh pliml My lmn ll lflfll lnr Id Nth Mul In hum lor In urrhl Tnm flower girls rock was Warmth And Love Create Good Growth MR AND MRS JOHN DONALD ST CLAIR designed to carry through lhe heme Ihe bridal gown uul she carried bouquet Identical In that of lhe bride Ron Gavm of Barrieallendad Ihe bridegroom The ushers were Kenneth Paddiwn New Lowell and Paul St Clair Barrie nrned the head table at lhe reception belonged to the hrida grandmother Mrs Ed Paddison New Lowell and had been used or her reception 53 year ago The reception was held at the New Lowell Communin Cen re where lho brides molhrr received guests wearing dress of pale blue organza over laflcln wilh while velvet mm cor sage of red mses completed her ensemble egmml mother as sisted wearing beige dress with pale green accessories Her engage was yallow r9525 or lravelling to Nnnhern 0n lario lhe bridn chose beige dress at double knit wool with mint green and brown INS series The newlywed Ire mnklnl their home an Kcmpcnfell Drive inr he cily lawn zunsls were pre sent mm Gravcnhurst Brace bridge Minexing MidhumI Tor nnln Welland and Barrie my husband would be 50 brand mlndcd or lion hculcd Algppgd nn hlm So at Ive Iucn 100 per ccnl luilMul but Hs buomlnz in crmslngly dilllcull nulllu wink harki1 you know what man llrr Ann wnn xlmlpnnluml In your Illaul knouk or danc In ulmols You Inld Tnkc lhll llyrnr nIII kill on lhnl Allly hm hm xchnnl and put hlm In YMCA nwllnmmx rlnu ADULT EUIHIIVXHIDN Jml manna lhn lldl nl into kluln unnu pally nr lh dunrlnl rim man no Mum In hummp Nu man Whrrn wm lhe pmnln whm lhll mllllmru wnl xulnu an II In lhrlr lnull an In null Hm dandnu mm 1min mo mum mum mull XML5Illr nulllu nurnamu mini run Mi NAPIER TI chin16 NiziLsoNVéi mu THE COLONIAL COTTAGE FRESH HOMEMADE By MARIE MARTIN ALLANDALE COMPANY km wllh all groups throughout the city the First Allandale Gulde Company Is gmyllngjnpidly hnvlng reach ed mcmhership so zinc ll Septembgr openlng Guest or an evculng wllh the guides rccenlly was Cornme sloner Dyer who ulticlnled at walkup ceremony when slx brawnies ol the semnd Allan dale Pack vwere received lnla Ihe humshoe as recruls They were Palrici Cain Paul Dewar Cnrol Applcgnle Lor etta Dclang MaryJane Ferry Ind Rosanna McDonald Following the ceremony movie was shown of this years guide camp at Oller Lake with the patrol lenders serving re Ircshmmu allgrwnrds Two badges have been enm ed thls lull ploncer by Pat ricla Dyer and needlewoman badge by Patricia Applglmll The grnup ls lorlunnla hav lnx lwo liculcnanls this season Miss Gayle Tucker and Mn rune Sager who has juslw burned mm Germany where her husbnnd was natioan with lhn CAP SECOND ARR The uuldc of second Earrie Company held their ï¬rst enmi mcnl ccrnmony or lire year on Oct I1 when Cnplnin Parry heard the promises ni recruit Mnry Brent Jackie Tayiar and Linda Wallis wilh Bannle Mar lin bring enrolled hy hrr mother publlc reinllnn secretary or lilo divislon This cnmpnny has also wei NeWs 0f Kempenfelt Division Of Thé Girl GuidesOf Canada cnmpnny has also we amid new lieulemml Min Madge Pcnrcc ormcr xulde of ï¬rst mule Company On October 19 number or lhe guides enjoyed hike Io Bells bush when hay rltd lhclr hand at all cooked din no Soma wm has than gourmet dellghl hul lhe xuldu nnve prolilrd from hair upon knee HADGF WORK To kup zuldlnx bnlh munan ful and challenklnz it is necta 1rylhnl llnndnnis In all badge Mrk be knpl my hlkh Til musl be lhercgncun cl he yuldm and mm at wall as the cnmmlsfloncrl Load musl nivï¬ic lhnl It qualin nnl qumllly or lovely mlhellr hrnllhy and do myulL um Am not In war of 11year old lmyn lakan Imam In hill mum dnnrinu ll pull young nlm In an ndull lypo ul ul linz whlch II pnnnyurnl You Iro rlxhl hawevrr In nylmz Hm 11mm and nut th IKllmfl wcm In blame for mu maven or all unit nmxl Mil Ihnuld nnl haw bun wlth nul adult Iupcrvhlon In IL Allu lhou PA um nmu hm III IL Apmlnlm only HAIRCUTS 5106 PERMANENTS EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE stin whim 550 VIII which Ihe movement strives And that helplnz no on Io push 1111 through and award badge or 10va or lllvprcpnred work Proflcleqcy badggs must he done In pmliciant manner following exaclly Illa require ment In Policy Orgnnhalion and Rules In many cases lhl means that the guides must at lcnd series dam an parflculnr budge Ilnce he in Inrmlllafl my be dmicull for lhcm lo obtain an lhclr own and too Involved In be taught as part 01 company meeting is IIIUCIpMEd that several such classes wlll be held this year And captain are urged to slrcss their Importance chain in only as Ilmlll as its weakest link so lel it not he said Ihat Kempenielt is lhe weak link in badge work ngh standards are prerequisite int group which will appeal in girls generation alter gentra tion throughout lh world and it is Iha responsibility 01 all at us to mintin them CHOCflLME BAR Manday Oct 73 alert lnu date or cilywide sale or chucnme bars by holh girls gulch Ind brawnies In an ef mrl In rnlse enough money or he ellicIenl operallon of he divisinn throughout the year In nddillou In lhu sale in Harris proper the dislricls Edgar InnIsnI and Shanty Bay will also sell bars as lhclr conlribulion lo Ilia division of which may are part Each child will be asked lo loll slx bars and the mopemllon and lndulzuncn all il rrnucslcd ANTIQUE EILVFR Nlluul MidInn rmbdluhmmll lu well mlh Iu In pmurvcd lndrfln ï¬llvrrplnlm plml Mm mod phllnl Imm In hlully nnlrd or whlu Clyllfl pnvltlvur carver hm Ind pmer plocu mny Don Ml Ihmn Iluumrlnll iluaï¬iinilpdf lmm ll odorlm Ind mule Don not dun Tlmllhpvml nevor lIlel polllhlnl nn In mum In dllhwnlrr hllh Ilnvunl Munl UrnKM by lmxll lnrludlnl ll Inn munlud Inlflnl roll mm and lemm nnluul color Illm Prucrvo Your Surllng and Hollowuo RESILVERING DRAYCO PROCESS SALE by John McCale 76 Dunlop In PA um Mri Jory VicePm denl or Slmcoe Centre Slm cue Presbylulal planned Ind presided th Regional Rally held at Eunnn Avenue Unlled Clgqrchxm finisday Mrs Lloyd Foster President olBurlon Ave United Church Women remarked that her women had spent busy week nd Sunday Ihe church had celo bruled ll sou Anniversary and on Monday 66 had been sealed Inr Congregational Dlnner and on Tuesday mnrnlug it warm groupl pleasure to prepare for approximately women lrvm Simch Cenlre Mrs Leslie Walker Orznnlst It Essa Road Prusbyteflan pro vided background music at the organ Mar to lhe Worship SOP vvlce conducted by Mrs Campbell and Mrs Sander san Gulhrle United Church Women Mn Leroy Tay daughter of vicepresidenk Mrsr Jory sung mm This Mouser Mrs Madman Barrie re purled an me last Regional Ral Rev David Reeve at Burton Avenue Unltcd inlroduccd his brotherinluw Rev Donald Juy who explnlncd The Unialding Drums at the Bibla 1ikcnh1g la slaga play Atl Onu bring the exodus nl Gnd chos en people rum Emu wilh on curlnln comlng dawn the end the act upon scene or dlsns or and tragedy Act Two Iheh relurn l0 Jerusalem and the building the lumplc with lhu pmllzhl on Ezra and Nehcmlnh and huh dcdlcnllon ha she luw ol Mnscs Act Three The Church Emerge ufler Jaws Chrlsl nap on the stage hlslory nnd tha Good News iprcndx Aller the Mining was receiv ed by women or the Angus UCW Mn Schnrf Forest Hnmu dedicated it to Christs work Mr Pmsxcr Slayncr and Mrs Trntc Elmvnk con ducted conlcrtnce Irdups when problems of he unila were dlx cussed The new study books were pre senled by Mrs Dabsnn Barrie literature secretary or use with the 1963M llIema The Chrlnlun anment In 50th Asia Mrs Gr ThompsonCreemorc advlsed ï¬rst there was $05127 ln he Bursary Fund and re queslad that all treasurer ml in luck report quarterly Mrs ll Macbmn Creernore Chulr man of the nominallng corn mlllee requested that all UCW group send lnlclters sugges Ilng names or olllccrs for Slm co Prggpylerlgl Mrs Doidge President ntvCentrai United UCW introdu ced Rev iioy Jnrdisun on inr lough from Trinidad the Land at the Hummingbird Trinidad mulliraciai hu rnld blen dingoi Arabic Spanish Air can French East indlan and British spanking English with in qxiord accenii Only 50 per can oi the teach era oi Trinidad are Christian which perhaps is why uniy 000 out oi 250000 are Christians Teaching has guns ahead but we have become an involved in adminisiralinn that Evangclism sunning iinwever Ihrnugh caching we hnv our on in Ihn door and Iicp Ira being when in strengthen cvnnzei is hpiatnd Mu Lloyd Cook than her solo The and Jam Young Adult FASHION COUNCIL lst GENERAL MEETING SEE will be hold In Collier Sweat Unnod Church Fellowship Hall Saturday Morning October 261h at 10 WALKERS STORE 0R COUNCIL MEMBER N8 You can brlng your illtor your molher or your qupdmolhor WALKERS FAMOUS HAIR STYLIST FASHION AND FUN FREE GIVE AWAYS EVERYONE IS WELCOME BE SURE TO ATTEND Got your Invhallon frofï¬ your kmn 31mm EXAMINER mmnhvamonzy The October Dlnner Meetan the Battle Klneltu Club was held at ha Colnnlll Room Mayor Mulch Five new member were In ï¬lled by MmLoxna Cum Ind Mn Henderson leb The new member IN Mn Boa Rice Mrs William Brawn Mu Kla onennan Mn Joe Wlnnn Mn Wlllm Wlleon Thirty lhree wives of Kinsmen are mw active memberl the Kineue Club hlilrimls inshion show oi Rummage Sala Ensemble wn presumed reminder in coi led or ill inflhcuminz Rum mm Sale Mrs Jahn Giiiespla he Fashion Commentator udd ed much tun with her lowing commznilyy AT DINNER MEETING Mn Rosa Appleton announ ced lunher plan tor lhc Rum mm Sula to be held an Nov It lha Loyll True Blue Hill High St II 930 mm The Klnelles plan to buy wreath for th cemlaph Presl denl Mrr Harry Hidden will hy the menu on NW 11 DID JOB WELL EASTEOURNE II nd CPD when rudaraiailnn was built on in Sussex coast during the Second World war the concrete building were made zxtrn thick to withstand bombing Now um RAP il try ing in demolish the die but the hiockhouse is withstanding pound dynamit chums PaSt Prééidenté 0f Kinettes Install FiVe New Members FREE 35 MM 20 Exp Mouinhd H7 12 Exp Mcunhd 36 Exp Mountnd KODACOLOR DEV Ind PRINTING Exp Exp htludlnl Free Film Ind Print REPRINT523C EA Ramimrs 06 EA EKTACHROME suns PROCESSING MAIL FILMS Gum Glm Fnr Nahum Not Pflnled ï¬end Cllh Monty Order Of COD null WITH EVERY ROLL SENT IN FOR BOX 222 Tongue 1931er ALS PHOTO SERVICE GIRLS Have you heard the exciting news luccess ol the Fair Booth Pm 1am donaflmto the Unlled Appeal Fund ald In the Men Heallh chrlnmu committee Mrs Marilyn Campbeii oi the Spinning Wheel Yarn Shop Essa ml the medal guest Sha brought with hat display ni Mohai Yarns Need Baby Wool Ind Paneln 800le Mrs Cnmp bell slated that Mohair water and hand knitted null and mu vtry much In demlnd Bau cie is becominl popular 1km Hind knitted articch or younp tiers and adult wen shown nurly new sale or chlldrenl and iadlu wear brought 1h meeting to close Th flax mmlnl will he held on Nov 19 we Colonlnl Room Each member to bring 51m 10 donnla to the Mental Henth Aasnclnuon Other bullnesg lncludgd tha PA mm fflnll Inclndlnl Fru Fllm Ind DEV PRINTING BLACK WHITE mm now or Sprint um hunky Harris GENUINE IMPORTED DUTCH BULBS 00 20 200