Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Oct 1963, p. 4

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There is merit and sentiment in the troposal to name the Barrie Central Col egmte auditorium In honor of Fisher head of the muslc department and leader the school band 11 came from Bar bara Duckworth collegiate student was turned down at meeting or the collegiale board this week The boards decision was reached with regret largely by reason of the fact ihallhe auditorium has already been named the Barrie District Central Collegiate Auditorluml Perhaps in ihe future this decision couid be reconsidered Music is Mr Fishers life and the hand is his ride and joy Through his eituris the and has won nationwide reputation for ailround exceiience desplie lheannual change in personnel due to graduallons mm Publisher Leader Of School Band Is Deserving Of Honor WAR DAYS 70 YEARS AGO Bnrrle Examiner Oct 14 1943 Can adas Flllh Vlclory Loan opened ln town Monday alternoon wllh largest Youth Parade ln Darrles lrlstory plus Army and Alr Force nnlls and three bands Group Ca leln CnrllngKelly C0 Camp Borden ll AF look salute Sllneoe Wesl objeellvc $3175000 Colonel McCamus MC became Commandant A413 Armoured lralnlng Centre auc ceedlng Colonel Gnrryl Lee MC Rusted overseas on Rnlslon Ilnlster of Nallonal Defence opened new range or cannon and tanks ln Men runl area on Georgian Bay Womens lnslllule county convenllon ened ln Barrle Mrs Alfred Wall MB cl Col llngwood lCSlllEHl Asaoclalod Counlry wonwn Worm sald all women must nee lodnya chnllcngcs well as men Sgt Mr Gunner Robert Pnddlwn nr smyncr rcpurlcd mlsalng allowing rnld over enemy lorrltory How ey manager employment and sclectlvo acrvlcu ulHLc announced plnn to trains or farm worker lo monllnl lndunlrlcs during winter Mcmorlnl nnd clmml nnvcllcnl and chkalcd Biggln III En lnnll runtnlnln name more lhnn 20 1013 who loo ln Svllllm Ind Hur cane from lhal nrlltxl and did no rclurn Nmne Included how from Canmlnn Hm nvcrmn flghlnr unll one Vlnmnn bu IM Cl In Aunllflu All III II In III th uly umw In on an mm In on rm Am m4 mm nu nln In but In tow1 Aulhvll MIG run In Iml cum nunM UN FINN ll IV mm mm llllumr mame lumnn wuu MIA ILIIOI 1km Hull IIIIRIIDI Ml Illl ll MUIIAI Illlrl IN All In In IIICIIAIL DONIILL tlmlllln HI Iuwnrum VIII III nnm IN IINHV III JIIIIII rm Ill ll 0M1 no mum mo mum on mm In up ma Irma numbI nu Im mu you III IIVNII Tmnlfl I0 Cult umu loam1 um cum IT SEEMS TO LOSE SOMETHING IN THE TRANSLATION 3112mm The Barrie Examiner Published by Cnhadlan Newspapers unwed 16 Baytield Street Barrie Oqtano Mmm Erwin Slnlxhl Gen THURSDAY OCTOBER Plfll DOWN MEMORY LANE Few of us wlll forget the honor which came to Barrie result of the selec tion of the band 19 play at the Seattle Worlds Fah two years ago If more reasons were needed to back the students proposal one could refer to Mr Fishers unflngging eiiorts to air tain the new auditorium and his close attention in every detail oi construction including acoustic qualities Mr Fisher would be the last man to suggest monument or even plaque 1n honor Hls Interest lies In the de velopment of young musicians and en couraging them to follow mustc as career or an avocallon The board however could lake this one small slep to recognize the work and the achievements of this remark able man of whom was Pilot Officer John Pat ton on son at Mr and Mn John Pal lyn of mllqndale Tn dayh ald of Royal Victoria Hospital netted moro than $400 Mrs anlcr Perkins presl dent of Womens Auxiliary was convene er llnrry Holmes roprietor Corner Cupbonrd served lk and cake free to 50 girl taggers during day Darrin Victory Loan committee arranged can cert In Roxy Tilcnlre Sunday evening tenlurlng Wlshnrt Campbell famous radio sin or and At llsher BCl eon cert bnn Sgt Navigalor Victor lcd Reynolds local hockey and football star arrived overscnsAnlth RCAF contingent Pilot Officer Elmer Dungcy reporch ndsslng In July after nlr opcrnllona ar rlvcd cl back In England Rev John McG IlIcuddy lormcr nanslcr of First Ilnpllsl Church dch auddcnly In Woodstock LL Jnck Fo WnIIncc porlod wounded In aullon In Italy wIlII IZth Canndlnn Anny Tank Re llnonI UnI ue record In Masonry Inmc Cor Inlh nn Lodge when Charles Caldwell was Inlllnlud lho IIIII brolhcr In the rnn Inorgo nlIlchI WM of tho ludgc 55131th In the ceremony The are the ll mm 01 lhu 11m Thomas Caldwell who had lmn Manon le Mn Cnldwu of Nuwmnrkcl Mon llIchnldwcll boys were XIr In IlnrrIo Im Order Enter Slur ndyvlcw gin ling day 91 nh blood lunar tllulc lhls year Maximr ionl Ncmllmmn Cl Ioothall loam Inhaled llckurlnn nllrgc in openlnu 511m on lnuclr down Ivy Nixon make cople unTunrn En llnh ll Wu not III on bul lndlm rlme Mlnlnlcr Nehru who doucrlhrd Hn Hall as lndlla wlnduw on ma wurld wh ch we darn nut WINDOW ON THE WORLD Wellnml rrllmno Wo ml that nobody nhnuld ever be inrml Io drop hls nmhcr lmmue nut VHII lhu unread of En lull BI an Inlur nallnnll lupgungc jyln lry lg OTHER EDITORS VIEWS 111 Youn GOOD JHEALTH OSEPH MOWER M411 Dan Dr Molnar Why do lamqwamen pull to be vu clnned or lmIllpox an the up ner um Ind olhm on In mmmn lhc mean to Inch mainHon It min In helpful in mm women who ohm abmd to have Vchnauon Inn enoulh Warmth trip ma the viill by no unllshtly mark huh good quullou For medicl purpolel the Ill Vlcdnlllon II no lmportnnt in the old duo who lnrga our wu mull womanprefzmd iHo be on the non where It wouldnt lhDW However with modern luhlonl In bnlhlnz mm hfml no much hidden pm Vacclnallan Icaru Ire nnw very Imnll no more at lan nub IIllll£l Hera Enhree hail reactions The aka reaction Thls ncwn in from IN days as rule and ulually In person who has pever been vaccinated Flm Lplmple Appears than vulfle pustula finally the Iclb whlch laler drop ofl lclVLIIK the Inn The 11an canee of lhe take that he pcmn had he Immunity Ind fiance we In need vaccina nn There may be some levelIsh neu perhapp headache and hue an be lama knots or Iwelllnz lymph gland In the nelzhhghao deinyed reacllnu TM in much milder and occler sooner usullly in lhue or iour dm with mail vesicle Imali pustuie mail will and maybe mill mr Thin indicate ihai Iho peron had mne mislance lo the din but wu aim in needrqi ygccinaiim mmzdlale rucUcn This occur within 24 la 48 houn and mounts Io nothan but pimple commrlble la ma quito hlte ll Indicate lhnl lho person already had good pra lecflan axllmt Imnllpox Dear Dr Molnar am 13 and lklnbmkl out was laid lamln will help Whnt do you think lth recammcn damn of all Im ralhu plea ud llyeamld can spell re commendallnn correctly Se cond yes Vllamln qulu ullell helps but not alwayl Ilnd even when does there are some procedure whlch do 2m deal 01 good wllh 01 without Vitamin am the vine ye the lirlnchelx Ila flu Ibldelh In me Ind In him he um brlnlelh lorlh much In of wllhout mc ya can do mm John 155 Splrllunl Irulllulnm is Impos Ilhla without recuznlllon of Ihe mum ol Illa and an mlm Nation of um power which main lnlnl llle FETEHIIOHOUGIL Elulnnd thI cum like lnnlnnlc ICMmI blan underflken ncnr Pmrbomuuh II known In Pclnrborvuxh pme dulxncd la convert upwmll of III mllllonlonl dull lhrown nul hy umncny gemrnllnu Ilnllom Ink nmu ol lmlle hrmlnx land Vaccinétionlficars Arje New very siiiau BIBLE THOUGHT nue Ichrmo hm II ham lhc drponillnl Hill dull In workmen brlck pill locnltd Iaml Iwo mllrl lmm Mubar ouzh II wlll mm In comrd cm with deep lnym lug nun colleenl rum nmby mm heel dumpl MI wII hnvln Dunn Inked mm mint hul ln be early mm lhclr promulna hm lunar nm umclnllnn at me Mm In chm lhlu helm ml ll wlll lnnllvvm llfllltlllfll nlmn llrl mu lnlo rwpIunrlnz lnml MAUI Inmhcaucd mnoundinn II unuld work lmmrnrmnllrm on llw munlryllde mul nl lhu IMM Hm hm decldrd ommlc luv REPORT FROM UK nmnrm JOII OF KIN ml NI nl lu HM Iver lllImM nl In propmllon tur Hm Won 01 um dm mm nu lrnfllllnl mm rp Ivnllkun rulzlt ymll um lulnl mnvnl 1an penal ma mnnlm TM nmounl nl mum1 lnvolmI would arm urpd 10 this and one loo 1er nm In Mo mllnl mm landl End In John OUronll Wlan dial nl Ihm Ind hull mllu II II ullmnlnl mm will nontuufly be Icuy lar lho 31 mil llml am at dun mldm Irnm he nvoduqlon Ix mllllnn Hm moduméu milllrm rnouum on Illoullt ol Llulvlclly mu Ulnh umlucu 11 yr unl of period 19 mn nrnnlum on vi the Unllal no prob Inna wilh Mala Will Employ Dust To Transform Land By MIINTVHE HOOD mam hm ha blood Yen Ill blood ll ml regard len ol race or mllnnnllty Char Icmlnlu Iutll Ikln ure laglnl lealures cw It not governed by ha blood but rather an trammllted by Iha mm cell ram whlch he body flown Therelme lnr tranflul lon purposes blood my be used lrom any race or nulonnlily pruvlded course the usual technical precautions liken usrmrda mulching of blood type Ind so on By non oimAIm TORONTO Nd change In really expected from the our mum under way in he prov nce Very leidam does recount allerrmnre than cw votes And he lowest winning mnr sin in any nl lh our riding blan appealed la 19 voles Branklnrdt Irx unlikely Oct 29 the Me of the modal union wlll In any of thq recounu firnlshed Hurnn Bruce Branllnrd Tur onlo Brncondale and Grey Nay will my epreungeqv All four members being chal lenged are lelllll And non can olflclally eleclcd until Alger thanppealv DemA Dr Mdlmr Do Ill hh hiiiéislon the nfllclal ulnndinz will be only 20le erals 77 PC and NDP BOOZE TALK There may be lurlher changes or the holler In our sully liquor 3W3 Melchcrl Diallllery was fined $5000 nr ulllnl liquor 1mm Ill office QUEENS PARK In lhls Mclcherl was the Soft ey all have agent pcddllng bnow And If you an cum tamer ha agent will brlnu you bollle In your hume your Iics pr anywlherq eheyqu Every major dIatIller In Iha cuunlry does the lame lhlng or uggflllllx pie lame ghlng Thll Juice is Ilrlclly lile Isl But has lonuvbeen winked development number wer Ilullnna along the Trm nllcy min Mldlnwdl low prlud coal The uh product mm llmu llnllnm ll expcded lo mo lo $400000 Inns In 1064 In more llmn le mllllon am In mu Mmuly about 200 um lcrclln lnnd um bcln rulnml by llllln ln ald mm warklnsll llul further Iml lnm dlponnl All are needed llrn llle lcltrbomugh jcrl lhn lnrzcsl ycl undrrln en Iml Ilnml Al hrlnllnxf unnlhrr 1000 Icm under tullvullonl 1ho local point of lhe work now In lmnd la Illa runlrudlnn of mermlr one nml qunrler mlln ln clrcumlcrcnu 11m will lupllly wnlrr lnr mlnln In ml and II lhll Almy mlxmu which wlll In poured lo Ill lhn rlnyMI Mull nl III Inth II bclnI nwvnl by nmlur Irravm 45 lm Inn and mun 000 calh nw Ill curry ml Iprud mm will urh my Thu Mn lunl ll Ipmll up 40 mllu an hour IllGIlBl le th nu nrnpm llnllh rnluhly nlmul IN ml mo Um work cl Innpow llnx lhl dull mm Km in Ilutlnnl will hum uwlnlly IllAlum gen le IE9 Imd In runy 10000 Ian my In In mum In tlrkln 11ml IIH lrvrllnl vle Ia melu Inp Inn of Ion In mm Hm but lnlnvlu complelu Hit rmllnl In Elm In Imulghllf rInyvln Ind le Hm Itflfllll which wlll Iwmmc mlrullu had All ton law 11 llme DOnt Expect Change From Vote Récouht nu CANADIAN miss upkhe Ielllng yroblemvmh Melcherl as pithy exnmplo Io mnkgrthem move Actually It Isnt against tho law or distiller hive Inlen agenu But in each candidate delivery they lhauld have 11mg 911 lrumAlhe cualampr lhls THOSE DOUBLE That Nun Falls hole which Marked lervlnl yard 11mm of beer whlle no med Lluss lha II mm on the Eu 7V The yard 11m were to mock the quuor Licence Board ruling which Iayl you can only nerve une glen or bottle but at time In atuilamer ocumm ATII Bright uh Army Iln der Montgomery hunched an oilemive unlnu Axln iorcel El Alameln 11 year no today In 1m Aim helvy preliminary bombardment along ll mile iron the way wu cleared through mlneileldl and tank lnpl ior Hi In mom breakthrough lhli lediu lunixia and the clan inz oi AXll tom irom Norlh Airicl law other hotels lhtn unrled urvinz quarll Customers unlht on Ind Italled asking or quum Ind nlhcr hotel had to llll nnck In Ihem Mas halal men dont ilk them But Ihey cant get 16 of hemtho cummer ll right The oddbull mm In hut the rule Ilalml double urvlngl or lglnnlly had nothan at all to do with the way person Ihuuld drink lastThe Taranlo Stock Exchanu WM opened mH lymph junlum war Ilarlcd durlnl the war when beer wnr rationedr To mall If everyone had chance the lupplle Vlllabh the one Inn at Ilme order went out And In Llcencu Board but never at Around la chanxln 1L wu wil minke by Jayme rlanes an the Ynnllle River China In nunrln will rd hnln In mom nnnvmu1 nl Comhdulllon In leu uun nlur Ihll nlllon In ad unr ham In unlmvm mm If land lo Illnn Imid prnmlmm lem In III annual mm lm damled TODAY IN HISTORY LOBLAWS RECALLS CANADAS ACHIEVEMENTS OHAWA were State Sammy Jack Plckemlll for dny would upend that dly ul lnu with the mlnluer ruwnalbl lor broadcuflnx and mm or hc mum telecnlinl mum proceed lnll of Parllnmenl pment our only taken Parliament In the annual opening urgmony enlaran the RCMP harm and the Peace Tower with the GnvemorGen ml and black End In lup ponlng mm and chorus ul redrohed Supreme Court lul Elglu 10h II we only hid color OTTAWA REPORT Instead of that creamipufl pageantry we shonldlnve rep ular ureenlnu of extract from the dnlly quutinn per10¢ which ILthe llvallut Ind most crowded hour in the House Commons wtll ll extract from keynute Ipuchel from Ieadlnu parliamentarian nneu would be recorded on tape and shown alter the pm new Ingram Thu deélrifed burpbse Ih tele vIIlnl MI essence or Parlla men would he lo kindle lhn smouldering public interest In In work WHERE OUR MONEY GOES The nvmze Canadlnngivu iniiniiely morn Iltcnilon lo hll chnice oi fly mninr piece of fiannehoid equipmwlwhlch cost him lhree weeks may thania the expenditure oi his iederai Axel which In iatni cost him hm monthl pay every year Thin isno merely had iiiunlhip ii in idlncy en couraging the everincreasing upward Afillrnl oi federal expen dilute ch in aamulmel ex travagant and wuitiui and hence encnnraglnu higher taxes MP who championed lflnlent and econnmlc avernment on our TV means would find Ihelr rulmlon made taller 0n the other hand exposure certain MP5 on television acrou the country wauld have salutary tried on the puer Imy Ind pompaslty which odny Hum Ihe Hamrd record parflamznlary procaedlnu Imonlne the lower of Indig mnl lellm whlch would flood in lo Inept MPI Greater use would 111an be made of tho pflvllele whereby anyone may wrlte to any MP free pox loge mm long the let ter II Iddreued to him ma noun Common It onm Such target mlghtba the MP who me In Me teal and liked the prime nflnjlter ggnggsts Broadgaélit Oizfiouse Spdeéchesit By mmcxmcnouon minan In In W93 gmhlug gum mil run In it mlrnnlnl yflovt Man nbv lye Wyn llgnry pith my Kelley mm uplam In mum hunllnl mum on nu ylld punk In mmuly lllll mm 70p In hill nl lhll rlnuu my may mm Does lhe governme lntend to km voltage mm to com memorm 1h acqunlunn cl Amerchn nuclm mm by Can ndl As the prime minister re zoned Io manyqueulano am both mum md out ordén TV would quIckIyrevuI he InIelIlgent orator and the quIck wllled parIIprant In thequer lIan perIod In short appurn an the natlonl TV mun would canslltule mum mm to Improve parllamenury performance In exmly thII way hraudclrtlng the Austral Ian ParIIamrnl hal Improved the prrlonnunce and IIImuInud pubIIc Intern InwubIIc aIInIu n3 snowmn rowznr Kennedyl tr ph over Nixon In the last US prexlden Mal campalgn largely won on tho TV Icreenl where hm outshone his rival balh in om cry Ind llanlflcanlly In makeup Till womd Illfl Icéflmtl Ihc undoubted Irend toward elggflonegrm by lelevlglan TV audienps nptoriausiy usa their ayes only nobodyllis tam in TV So appearance in at rent Importance Nixon hld the disadvaniale lva oclock lhadow which the TV camera exauernlea and hill made him look like the bad guy The audience wbcomciouaiy hoped iorvlho triumph oi thov good guy the lair haired all American boy whose ace wal shininl with virtu rather than Ihndowed with hrlelel We may political panic with dollar rich campaign chelu miaemnloylnx Ilamor girls and headline comic Atm hiring them to run an candl dntesi But least they wunld he more entertaining than the Ernieulonnl athletu who iihgriohnva hggn cynically Iv milled Into pamch Hullon Manllabu agrlcull mlnisler Tuesday announced ban an Ihe use oLpullddel gieldrln and nldrin In the prov fnce He IBM In an lnlnvIew Manl loba he flnl North Amari ca Jurlxdlcllm efleck Inch an Mr Hullon laid we look Ihls action aller cpndudinl Km den of research lntn tho ml of peldcldel Manitoba Bans Dieldrin Aldrin wergrgcn pg ceom 1m Today an lh NM plo Iuru IMII lha prnlvlo II olden Mr Boilam arm mud In mum Inn on Aul IO IIII Frnm lull lu lmn Ilrll In mnflmd Ihq clwblmlu ol lb Whom 49

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