Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Oct 1963, p. 18

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IUEIJU flllA malhemnl Iu nmlmar rum llu Oullrln ullm Edutallon pmlmrd nhvminy Hqu ndlrnlly rill lflml mun lnlhanh mm luthlnl nllhml Th MIR hum HIM Miln nhu lmlay nlmwl paymrnll In llvllllh rllnru ImlM lulllvhd In In llllll prlrll hum mlnz LONDON Ulrulfu lll nlnl mun lmnul nrlnl Wrdnu da nlllll In mflm Ihn lenw or mmumm all IUEM Prlru hit mo pound mm Ian Hu lxmdon Huhl 17w mmluvl pm hat Hum 11 mlmll WI um 501 Inn mm mnlum Flou Ill 1th run In mrro danmzo lo mu at yup OTFAWA GUVlrrAdmirnl Mninguy pmldcul and moral mnnnnrr me Gm Lnkn anrrwnyn Develnymcnl Axmrinllan Inld Wrdnudny HIM Mulls ll would Ive nbwhh lrIy Inly mlvnrna the mmnl all InllI 1mm lhn Ltmrrncr Smwny nn AHAmm Almuld Ive lumlr In ncnrtr llm cm he pran uuah lulll vm mlmlml Mulnxuy line In mrel Trnmpml Mmmrr Mcllrnllh nml mrmhru lnr linmml wllh Illl nunclnllnnl mw llml uhrmrr poulhlr lrrwny lull mm tome noun mmwe minim mu Inth my mummy 0m mpflnl be pnld on hy lhrw charm Execuum In many fields eyed he Inmflgnunn hcpelul that It would turn nul to be rau llne and no mum that mlzh pro hnmulnl bush nm In acncral Tho luhpoc uninz In bl Mccl producer nppnrcnlly took Inc Industry by lurprhe On Wnll sum lccll np pcnrcd Io hnvn wznlhcrcd Tuudny Icnrn lollan when MW 01 Iha grnnd Jury Inqulry uni Ilan prim lurnhllnx In heavy nelllnz Induslry Ilnckl nhnundcd unnnlmously Vrd nmlny nlthuuuh mm aim lnlcr um lrlmmcd Predicls Chango NEW YORK AWIt iodbral grand jury Wednesday launched an antitrust Investigation oi the US xicel industry with em imll on pricing practical The government is shlp owner bncnum hc Nallannl Harbors Board has contracts with Iho SIU or the crew 01 NHB tugs in Montmnl The lug crews walked an their jobs with other seamen and have mluscd return to their ship In r04 Ipansu to government buck wwark order Thus Iho government could act on behalf of lhe Nnunnnl Harbor Board under the pro vhlons he Canada Shlpplnl Sugar Board Acts The Tmstccship Act a1 pmvod by Parliament Elves the trustees maxsivc powers to run the SlU and our other Great Lakes labor unions OTTAWA CplThe gnvcrn men may act as navcmmcnl or as ship owner In any lcgnl nctlan against tho Scnlnren International Unlon Canada or Inclllng an Illegal strike As gnvermfimlv ll cnn In voke the powers out the Mnrlllmc Trnnsponnllon Unlons Trustees Act tnklng over con trol and management the SIU by appalnllng three ms 1m In whom lull aulhmiiy over union ailnirs would bu vcslmL Tolls Discussed Mr Nlelsen coule lhe Oct dunlnls wILh statements by Mr Deals In Ihe Common Tuesday night which he sald clearly show thru such document Mr Plckcrsulll said on behall the government that there lhch denials false Mr Nielsen said retor rlng statementsby the min lsim Oct 15 but there wns no list of consullnm prepared by Mr Bank or cahlnel mlnlucrl naming umz fiAlmlE amnNén 1111mm down 1m OTTAWA CWErlk Nlclicn PCYuknn proposed Wednes day that the Common cammlt In an privileges lnvcsllgntu hh contention that PostmasterGem ernl DEM and Stnle Secretary Pickersglll mlslcd Parllamcnt In denying the existence of document Opposlllun MP5 have alleged lhq list Includes nnmc 01 de legated 711mm cnnqlqmu CAPSULE NEWS Trustees Hold Complete Power Over Canadas LakeUnions House Query 157 Demanded BY MP US To Quiz Steel Industry TIMII um In Ipml up lhl frnnrnIllnn moms un mm lrllmlneu lMOllNfl HANNED RCMIHOIIOUGH Enllunfl IllSmnkln hnnnnd ll Nu onltrmr nulnlna NI a1 nocmy lor Clan MI MUNTlllIM lll RCMP uwulnl anuday lha urnll mm mm In In mlu In rm Illrnl IIIIII name wlulrh we lelrud In Mu nrmlurrd tnlllnlnllll hallu lmld In numlvrr mwly lye Ilnu wry Immu flu mlltln quxl MI RCMP pro mnnn Inld IM lluunr mu pm at allnn In bmllalwn whn vlilulrd II and rmle II uumo lmlllr TORONTO CWAn lmtcll Mn upcclullnl Wednmlny ul lnrkul ncwumpm Ior IHMHHY drvnllu unJullllnbly gluing hrmlllnu lo llarlu nl humn dmlhl Ivellevcd to him mullrd mm nrllcldo pallonlng Thml IInI brrn no lumwn dcnlh or mm In Cnnnd dun urlllchlrl Mun Duy huvl brrn Wld ul Illrrclrd Dr onprr Inhl Ihn nnnunl meet lnn nl Hm nnndlnn Mnnulnclnr at Thrmlul Smdllllll Al mlnllon hm lulllnn Iludy cnmmlllec Wzdnudly lhul he palm IIrud upon by committee mcmborl will be lor mulnlcd lnln brlrl And In mlurd lo Ihn nmvlnclnl lovem mrnll Iludy on llxlllon in No wmbtr Prnicisir lchéan made he predlcflon at lenchm 1n nlllule gqnlrcrencrar here He said the ahlllllu puplll In Credo And have been undercsllmnlud and that com elrdy an be luuzht In Grade an CHATHAH CF Exlemion Ike Ichoal day mm mm In pm among mljor pm pmnh Io bu ditcumd In mm on Innlzhl by commlllu lbs Onlnrlo School Trultul Ind Haltpayer Anotlullan will he used In Grndu Ind no year Recommend changes In the constitution or bylaws of the nlon In ensm more cnl emdlva or dlmcz control lhe unlon by the memberl Exercise all he power of the afllcen thevunlon un der ho eonsliluuon and laylaw of such unlon motion of Solo Idvison mundl of semen and ship owners to develop good relations except use rdlrmrily 5ng Mod whh collective bargaln lng Under the Trusteeshlp Act the three government lrustm are empowered to mnnaxe and control each of tha maritime un lons and do all thins necessary or udvlrnble far the return or the management and control of ench the mnrltlmo unions to duly elected and mswnsthle ot flcm 01 Inch unions at the ear llest data conxistent wlth the national and publlc tntcrcsts Canada Théir power and dulles in clude Promotion of the cstnhllsh men or advisory counth ol seamen Io help he trustees do RichJob Papers Blasted Men Arrested Mr Plckmllll uttede ta unanimous consent mmxthn Commnslo rarer Mr Nielsenb motion to the privilege mm mluce Anyway so that lho mg cub esgghumednfi Act deallnn wllh daemon or bejyg absent wlhout Maven was no nbkcllon lhechhn proposed by Mr Nlelnen Foncas van The Speaker mung was up held by voleof to 100 with Liberals and nlne Soda Credlt MP voting to uphold Speaker Mucnauxhton Ind 70 meulva Conaervatlvcl II New Democrat andvlo Cmdll lsc vgljng ammo firuyng Hiwavcr in Nielsen Inalmd lhnt the Commons vote on Speaker Mnmumonl ruling Talk School Day However Speaker Mm Mm naulhton ruled Mr Nlulscnl motlon on Dldfl Ind me Cour acrvallve MP challenged ha ruiinz uqulrlng recorded V0 HI clients lawyer in eluded the glanl Sleelwmkcrs union and HI outcast Team sters And Mu adversaries In the WORKED FOR UNWNS Still fresh to he judlclnl bench he look more Ilke what ho used to ben sharp mm mm Vanmuvcr lawyer who did lo work or Irnde un lmu In cancillnllan and mndln Han slapped cunlldenlly lnlo llle chslrman shlp of Ihe threemnn bonrd ol lrnslces that has been given slb perpowers by Parliament In sweep lawlessness and comp llon ant al walerfronl lnhnr There is lab to be done he ma reporters alter an nil dny mm to Ottawa from Van couver where he ascended to the bench of lhe British Colum bln Supreme Court Just Ihrca If the iavernmcnt wants me to lake It la us Im canA corned lhatl HI and or the mat lclj have In do it The 52yeawld Jurisl dark eyes flash when he mks He has polished mallcroHacl 311 clcnncuuaca and dark greyan hair omm cmvicior Leon ard Dryer says he like 10 know the mu check lha lawand then Than what htdld Wednes day night wilhln hour taking on probably the toughest assign ment on by federal govern mgng In rchnt years MBOB MIN Mac Eachen announced the appoint mm or Mr Justina Victor Dryer Ken Judge Rene Up 0f Up To 550000 In The BARRIE EXAMINER Mail Subscription Contest Govt Trustee Acts Quickly Slx Mann Onn Yur Two Yuu MR5 JOAN POPE Ropuunllng Slrnud Am Phanl MRI Smud Slx Munlhn Om an Two Yum HERE ARE THE POINTS YOUR SUBSCRIPTION 0R RENEWAL WILL EARN FOR ME SCHEDULE OF POINTS NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS WINNER THROW OFF OR BY MAIL THROW OFF OR BY MAII Ill be calling on you soon Could Be With voun Help RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTIONS It was legal commutation nn examlnntlan for dlscnvery 1n Montreal law office durlnz llt lgaunn Involving lhe 511 and the National Assoclallon of Ma rina Enzlneers holh 01 which are under the chernl nume ship put Into law Wednesday He said the case was set tled but declined unherje tails And he refused to fly any lhlnggoud or hadabout Mr Banks Working with ltlr Justice Dryer are Judge Rena Llppe cool crisp magistrate from Montreal whn hit the headlines rocmliy with his successful me dinlion at longsharemens dir pute timt crippled St Lawrence River shipping iur almost two week and suitspoken Charles aliilardl who came out 01 re tirement one nl urgunimd lu bora elder statesmen tn join the trustee board He met Ih SlUs pudgy har mlchested bass Hal Chamber Iain Banks In 1960 court of law hava includedflm Seafarers International Union Canada FIND BODIES PENZANCE England Beul ersNlne bodies have been re covered mm the 15mm new the sazon Spanish coaster Juan Ferrer whleh laundered Wednesday southwestern England Four men were saved find two were still unaccounted are pa cenlre and H7Mfl1anl right as lederal trustees ov er Canadas maritime unions Mr Justice Dryer duakmnn 5000 pain 10090 polnll 10000 polnn l0000 polnll 15000 palm 50000 polnll I7 Gowan 5L PA 66488 Hrlalue decided she wasnt ready to meet the press She sent word xha would need When she finally entered rooms the press recepflon phonograph pushed hand shoved eanh other In an cflorl lo phnlogrnphse lhe mob advanced Brlgille fled LONDON APBflm6 Bar dot look mm In kllchen London hotel Wednesday night entry photographers ought to near her The Imuble hogan when her plane Irom Parls arrived 65 minutes Im hmher Ima was lost gnthulng her luggage When Ihe Arrived at her hotel nearly 100 photographer and reporters had been walking nearly In hour or her Peeping out lrnm under her blonds hayslack halt style the Menold French actress Iald Why urnthey so angry Whats wrung with them Bardot Flees To Kitchen or the Inuleeshlp was recent ly arevlted to tho British Cal umbin Suprema Conn CF Wirephoio Ill IIIXUIWUI IIIMMWI Pull OWIIII 0an Al Illlml Ill Mill Dull MI AMBASSADOR V8 by VIAU MOTORS llMITED If with dlsxlncllvu boautv ThoIBMmbassndmvflhnsusmml clean look1M Iosull of Ramblers oxclusivo Unlsldo consuucUon Unl tldo constmcllon wim 010 who doofhncamnmpodoulolslnalo Ihoouolswolquoulolnnmblova famoul SlnaloUnll conslmcllon ll odd lunclionul beauty lo uraalor Itllopolhundllopuollllo 9904 Door Bodn luxury or more distinctive features 1th he now 1984 Ambassador V8 Thopaddodmmpmwund dashcuwo amoqu Into the doors wood guluodfinishnddsdisllncfivobonury loInurumomnnddoorpunolthoms curvodalnsllnlho sidewindows lich upholstery and cmpalina wldo soloctlon wanna mango mom made in Capqgo girorgaroalor II civilllh powavto pmo Tho WASHINGTON AP The United Stale has no chalca but maintain Ill present my nomlc measuru awns Cuba to long the Fidel Castm gov emment follows It aggressive mark the slam department laid Wednesday In long and blue stutemant the depanmem rejectedmom by the Castro nzlme for an eas ing of economic pressure which Premlu Caslm claims have caused the loss of morn lives than hurricane Flora the samu Ilme Puss leer Robert Mccloskey whu read thy stalemem sald further lnvmlaadon the strafing ha mowed are ship Louis Indicates several jet fighter pruymed to be Oman wen In volved In the attack shortly after Tuesday mldnlth McClnskey said the lmmerll ale oflcr of relic mm the American Red Cross liter hub Ileana Flora bmmd Cuba was In the best humanitarian lraduon Castro chose in reject lhls humanitarian ollcr as hypocrit lcalund rejected any nld mm lho Unmd States USIo Mainiéin Cuba Sanctions Maciaskey Bald the Invmlga llun has not yec been completed but um protest will filed through the Swiss tmbnssy In Havana Castro in wcekmd broadcast from Havana advanced human suffering mm the Mom Is an argument lnr lltungol tho US emnomlc cmbargo rovllslulieflmm mensumlmlnynu un caunmnemmmmumulumrmu plums PARADOL Bradford 5L PA 61771 HOLLANDS GARAGE WG2 Door Hardtop If carwim value In addition to performance in addition to luxury and dislincllvn bonmv the 1064 Ambassadovve unlum Iho wovldt most comnlolo mlproofina guar anlnad CovomlcAvmouvod mulflor systom ounlunlood balmryand cool ant bauo awn nllomuov yr or 3300 mm ubrlcnllon ynnr or 24000mlla warmnw on tho cnlim cm and soIludJuuina Doubla Snlgty blokes Thom no quasllon about IL Tho 1064AmbnssndorvaIsuvawspacinl canIoIavoMpoclnlpmon liliyou Opposition Dlefen baker and New Democmlc Leader Douglas aimed that the Common wastes considerable lime Eu they warned awash any changes that would tum ovzr more control to ha all powerful cannet In expense th historic right MP1 0mm Having passed hm item of leakin iiun inihe working days lines the session resumed the House Common Wednesday set up committee to propose way of making it more eiiicienl Allhauuh pll parties endorsed creation of limemher special mmmmee headed by Speak Man Macnauzhlon lhey wok dIUercnt approaches lo the Is ue streamlining the Linden Eula at parliamenlary proce The new cummlllee whow member will be named later will be empawtred In call ex pert wilnesse and ma Inlerim mom lo the House Prima Minister Pearson and Social Credit Leader Thompson mid farreaching rule than are needed to speed up lhs par liamentary machinery and boost the public image of the lawmak 1964 Ambassador equipped win powerful 250 hp V8 onuino 270 hp optional This engine qivos tho Ambassadorpowerlowolghmlio lhallslvulyoutstandinuparlormanco Ihgglsoxcollapgbyynvqmnqmds House Séarches For Efficiency 9ng phy Dunlap St PA HMS nll wiih VI mum look see In SOON BE SURE TO ENTER OUR LUCKY CHRISTMAS DRAW Tar 0904 Door Smion Wagon SIAYNER nmmmnmmmummm mum at wllhdmalt an any um 47 CANADA TRUST 4Hunou un Mon Thurs FrL Continuous 96 Dunlap sl Burn Prim Minister Pearson suz xesled queonn period he lim lled to 30 minutes except on spe clal occaslon that period he allowed for study pun licular bills and um tho House all beyond the normal 10 pm adjoummem In clean up until lshed husluess It starts with one sirlk against it since similar com miiiees sci up in recent year iaiied in agree on most of the proposals ihay discuxsgd Taday thu Common resum debate an amendment la he Income tax ac AHan mm the Juge 13 budlel The prescnl legislative pace was demnnlraled clenrly Wed nesday when prcllmlnnrles look up two hours leaving only 90 minute or study gown meat legislation1n this 0353 Mr Pearsons motlon for he pmcedura cumlnillee 41 04 4$0M DEPOSITS comma minimum Dunlap sl 3m Colxulalod minimum umth helmn mum at wllhdmalt an any um

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