scom PLAN LOAN lawcom liloinsured IHE BANKOF NOVA scam wn cumn nu ms nu mm wllh ma mm lendm X911 Plymvulh Hub 1m mmqu mm Wmn use cnmmr ms va mm mm dmu suulh mnmy on nun oi Thurman Tilpm vy mm MAIIIOL Onlulu wul an In pomlhll Iar ny bu lneuma In In nlml nun lm am Oilm luv ma wuhnul my vau ranunl vAUTOMOIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SAL uIvn my Inl nrphnnu PA Hill mm Inlemllllan ml 1ch In nod may VOLKIWMJIN cunom 11 load tnndluun Cl II mm In Iolfl all Tl ham PA lull In PA 0510 PONTIAC LIIIllllllIn ulnmuc In load condition nd guL P5 1750 anm nuvnm mo Aumn cimhnd ln ma nonunion or new In Incln by nwnlr Mi me 1m rumour mamflu 13m danr dill Iwo an WM and bl Innlhll Mon PA 11 Ill Elm culv mm Ilnndud blul Ina yuunw in color uccunt common down mm PA um my um In nmIlnn ID CAB WIHANCII Ell or pnllnld dflvnn WI any mm nnrdlm cmumunm ml am up flunuu II Cm ll mun PA 06551 nu amen mull mom Ind mumnon twn lam am hlul mum one hllphonl PA 1m mum dag emumi IVan on ne Am mm conch Iundnd HI mfnflw Wm un bu cuwm mm my ADDWIIIEIMO In mu unau me chmonl tmx 1st ma ml Iprnllll SupHui Huh mu mm Thurman 11 phvnc Ill my ng 11o ro mm mm mnmlllc cullom hr mo mu Mlni mm um ml Inn And vim nn mt on nme ma pm Inn llll PONTIAC Llurl II our door mumu Imuml an un Iem mm Twa la thou hom on In um cylllld 10 down up to 36 monthI on blllnll Tllwhnnl PA NO l0 PONTIAC Plfllllnnl llhh VI mokfl Pow 111 Ind brlkel lnmfllc numb Alon CIIIWm In For Ihl Ix tnqu law vrl Mi down TIllphan PA um Iunl min on Ill Inlnmohu mommy manfl Nulr lfl flvwn TI Dill PA VDLKIWDIN hlnl DI If wlsnn nod cnndman um Inf to mull mum oxllmln or hundymln mu Mn law chrymr In In nod ton amon mu Au mm mad lpmlluofl MI PA um CHAMPION Man on hvdroam RH Tllehcnl PA MN IMALL ll TIIUCK um um pnlm PA HIM lflu wn Tullphono tompr ARDO on Irurk male body in load cvndmon mu mo 11mm PA hm me nucx mu wh 11 limo munI ma Ind bal mu mum rum AH 216 my 1111 phonl PA um uppummmi ol uni in r1 pm IA Mm 107 dawn PERSONALS Inn mmn mm and mm Cun unmm luvnl mm mmmy mlnl pm vhanu PA 06 Ill Illflf Cnldwl mum man hum ul us um mm Illll nltnomphu lnr enllnurlnl deputan Should In Utah ounlly exporltnrod WOMAN Wlnl ma ell our my mm cLluo unlly In 41 me mm IO HELP WANTED autumn 1N uovm WITH CERTAIN NEW CAR mucxs TRAILERs siu AVON 0er 5m mu IN ON HI bl Full Ind hrlll mu Salllnl Mum Irre unl AVON In your lmummd WIN Mu Wnlhr Thurman 8L llnulo or all Mm Apply MANSFIELD RUBBER CANADA LIMITED DARRIE WOMENS COLUMN Buy now wlth MOBILE HOME FEMALE HELP WANTED TIlOPhcnI mum oi IIAIIDRIIIIII mama Mud BI Ihll Ia hlnlll 91 mm WI In Box IMI lxmlmr llAIYllnln nuulna mu Ind mu am Innbu wnh mum cu mm mm Im mum PA 04 HOUIIKIIPII WI my ham an lul Ir wait not um erll Ilox I1 llnll him Illulll pmlanlm IO HELP WANTED Luca mnnulnctum toqulm mula Ind lemnlo or Inletmedl ate volition ln Iccoununl db pmmenl Mun bl mm mm matriculnnc and hm Inner accounllnl buckmund Five day 40hour wuk m1 nnu of mployeo lanolin Apply In perm Mr MIcDonfld WEST BEND OF CANADA LTD INCREASE YOUR INCOME The quickest my to do II to look after lhl uh of our mm Pupration In your dlaulcl Very and mm yramplly Then null mm or you Wth Rnwlcllhl Dept mm 400 Richnllan MantraL married men nqulred or lrulnhm in the ham Improve mcnttlcld Hourly wm and cornmlulon Cm or previoul oxperleneo not unwary For Ippolntment all PA mm or come In to 40 MIpervn Ban19 RAWLEIGHB ARE FAMOUS FOB QUALITY Bawlelgh Dul own their bullnm Se their warms houn No ear or hy 0111 study work uudy In come Build mun1U or Mun Pure black mm pun cln mm Ind other mice In lemon and other flwwrn amem Amen tablet1 mod tad olnlmcnl and vllamlns menu waxes dcodarnnu hhu dhlnlecunll Inlecllcl es muted lurch nod producu aeromh alrlrumener moth proom mary Ink nak Aenol galaan Iaapl dental gr shener proom mary Ink nak Aenol caluna dental preper 110m clumm cur polllh Ex panding popuhuan cream need or more dealer 1n choice dil Irlcu Far lnlormllion about my Itullnz plm wrlu Raw le Dgpt Minm 4m Richelieu Mannen MAN WANTED or hlfllfllnl lumlw III hour T41 hou IVRI lv 51 In Mr VII and II RB Thurman IRUCK muvz vu work In Illnll Oflllll 0100 mm mu 3m ul amt ALIIRIA plum canllm Ian Mnl to 11 Nam1 In YQCO flux Dam WANIIDI ll Ifllncod Iluminum wluduw and nor lull1hr hlvl mm Am Ind mplflylnmt TI on PA 01 hr Inly Ron IALI AN nqulrtd 61105 In Cun mldltll VI monthly bun mun 53 ACCOUNTING CLERK nmxm mnnm pgulmpq uumlm wnM on emu my gun Ind oqulpmum nm on cummiulon um hm mm to no mm Illmhn PUIATD CHIP DISTRIBUTOR WAnm by CanIdlln Mmuhc Iuror vroiecud lmllory lam embllmd Willi mp olltd lruck mqulrod lama ulllnu expelIona fund Ierll Box so um Enm nrr mid771 mm In uni IH aul nymmuun mu GIDWINO Orlnlnflm nqulrll lilo Mn lylfllnu MI MW in Ill VIH pmvdc MNMII Irlln n1 ll you In nlnuny Inlmmd In yumm ml allllun In lulu II IllLN In pJIL Ilandl lb hldly mm mm at Ipyolnlnlnt SALE HELP AGENTS EMPLOYMENT WANTED DAV CAII lo MM Will mind rhudnn In my hum Tlllvhnnl 50 lxulllNcln am new mlldnn II III Gullah In To Mon TA mmï¬mu emxlï¬n 1n Jami 19 an cpnq IA IIAVI Amt Mth INII In In Inn ll MDVI Inna an In Inllnuor ml Wall IXUIIINCID Clrvunlu duh Wall Addllm lInOvlllnlv In Im lfln mm lint In II II of II Mull lo mu mm my llm um Eu naaf rA comm ll In rim III MIMI haul PA noollnru llyroll mm In or nu Twin omnl mung lmvm In um may In MALE FEMALE SALES CAREER Wm mm mm until am Day helm Mlluunn PHONE PA um FEMALE ului MALE HELP Barrie For By Virtue at wAmn hm Ielzed the following chattel Mr llld Mn Keith Bradley and will alter Iamalor nlo by pub lic auction on Friday avenlnl at It hour 730 EM SHARE It Vlllayl Tnxl Garage 15 myaï¬y grimpnl ElamIa ultimatum Wash ing Machine 24 Electric Rlnu unauer and duh 10 match Guy Conch Linea Limited Tender For Leasing Taxicab Concession Barrie Bus Terminai Seaied tender marked Ten der er Taxicab Cancesnion Barri Bun Terminal and Id dumd to Gray Conch Linen Limited Gmmi Seenelm 0iiice will received by in Company ill Held oilica 1900 Yonne sum Toronto unili our 00 PM sundard Time on Monday Navambu 113949 lEGAI NOTICES ERMS CASH Dmd It Barrie Ont thla 12nd day at October 1963 MYRILL DEAN Ball JERRY QOUGHLIN Tender arm Ind condizlmu tenancy may in obtained irom the Agent Gray Conch Line Limited Barrie on and Iiier My ay October 15 The hlzï¬szor any ehdér will notnmmrny be accepted mm TENDERS CDLLINGWOOD ONTARIO Tender an lnvlted or the Conurudlon of LIBRARY or an gofllnzwaod Publlu Library all Plans and Speclllcntlom are avalllblo at the Ofï¬ce the Ardlltectl Cauwell and Gflex blch 306 Hume Street Calling wood Ontario on deposit ol ClnsIng date for Tender wlll be on Nuduy November was at pm at the ofï¬ce lbs mmmu Iowh or any tender will not necessarily bu accepted CARSWELL GRIESBACH 5m 0113 head bed Ind dalry nllle mllklng equipment so pulleu pay Ind min l2 TENDERS AUCTION SALE Monday October 28 at pm sharp or GEORGE VARTY In 20 cnnmllon Nom vvuan Townlhlp 1v mllu 1le 0th Dunlroon on highny L14 FIxï¬cnon SALES Term capillrnarmerve lha awmr II remodeling hh build my AUCTION SALE Wednesday Oct 30 sharp or NE MOTORS ELMVALE ONTARIO an Hlthy 11 the comm BALE gum and property In sum equlpmufl law truck Inuw plawlnl equipment Ind cm Tenm mh No reserve except on properly In ha own going out bulnm JERRY COUGHLIN SATURDAY OCT 26 pm SHARP Far ELDON POTMGE Lol Concculon Sunni ane anmhlp mllcl Aoulh ml 01 Slnynu SALE 01 um plll Irm ml chine hay Ilnw lulu Ind lama unhold allecll Tum cull No mam llrm laid JERRY COUOIMN Jewish Community Said In Danger AUCTION SALE Wednesday October 30m Lam exlemlvo clurnnco nuc Mon 10 Iuamolva lunpllu uporunz mm mm hurdwm tho Nmpldu Ilorol new Inm lory och Pr rly of OHr BERT AUTOh OTIVE Ind SPORTS SUPPLY STORE II No tow PIM 5L4 Vllltm n1 Woodbrxdn Sula IMO NOON Nn mrrvu Prom alor qullllnl bullneu Termn mh Sta ulo pollen or lull lnhrmlllon KEN AND CLARKE PHENTICH Antllonml Mirthm mam WRONTD II Unllnl time ube Inld Vldnmlu ho Jowlah rummunlly In Nflll Amuch II In dlnur Mlu my unlm mnmhfll my man nurnllnn In lhtlr hrrllul ol mm lrndlflan Ind Immune lllMIl Imhur Lol vrld CI ml lnrmvr nulnnnl III or ho llnnl Drllh lllllol nundllom Id In Jowlnh mmmunfly In the Unllnl Blalu II Imdfly dwlmnlnl lwuuu lnlumnr Md hlrlh mo nnl udequn In mnlnlnln UIO wwllliun laid Um munl mullnl lhl Unlle thh Welfare Fund nl Tnmnlo mu Imlnl 1y pnmu mm ud wmd In lhnn In nuc AUCTION SALE BAILIFFS SALE Arihlteclx 305 um Street Collingwood 0nurlo JERRY COUGHLIN Aucuoneer Emmi Suntani Kucfloqoei udlunm Iluuloneer record Pralrlu yield In ex pected to pthmnl when pm ductlon in the nu harm to mags than 790 Pulhellu The Canadian when Board the Crown nlel agency Ix pm to un least um much balme next July 31 and of the logsM cragxegr Eaiu official eatimule ex port will hit 11ch 550000 000 busheil with the 239000000 hulhei min to Russia providing mg mulln impelul WINNIPEG CF Clnldl 11 um lo 11 about Al much eat mm in he curv rent crop yenr but therel plqn leno ally another 150000 one human II med domutw ally each year smx Lemma 000000 bushfll zo Ing out Canaan will ha len with when stockplla about the me hi carryover mm the Ian crop year491000000 husheLL finManx export mord wal 105 900111 1m Th1 bould dlp aven lower un til the mm tall harvm comet Into the blnl omclnla lndlcata thera ahould ha enough on hand to look aner all mmmllmenta even the bl nuaaia urchnaa 9000000 buahell as math ll repeated They palm out that even Canada had an average crap um All around 475000000 bushel Iota auppllea in the next crop year would amuunt In nearly 1000000000 bushels ampia to flu domain and In ternational ncudl By BOB THOMAS PUEMO VALLARTA Mex Ico AmIt seemed to he 105511 dream Richard Burial on location wlth 141m Indeed Iome prudltlonm menu Journalism herealreudy have tried dream PVfllflnl of mm l7yeamld nttreu Sun Lyon tryan to lure Burton awny 1mm Ellqupm Taylor The only Omubic II um no body involved 15 crating Conscious ha dluuton Bur been alone with lha yaunl ndreu only when they are Xn mm cnmem Ha hu vetoed my photon Ahnwlnz Sun and himself alone Sue Ina syn dont no how anyone could connect us when he lpendl all lIme wllh Elizath and spend all of my glme mu Mario WAS DANCER Marlo Ls actor Hampknn an char Ill He once marked flamenco dancer ln Spnln undzr an assumed nnma ha hll 111de All sen Like Mm Taylor Fancher In aflcn near the of Night of the Iguana Whenever Sun Isnt tugm ghq hugrlu lohlm NIth the lgunnl In Sual Hm plctum since the lenmlon ridden 141m whlch mlde her Imam Hy¢amld She hm no ream About UM ï¬lm or the long lap belwccn plduru went Into Lollu wflh my eye wide open Iha said know that It would be comm vmlnl and In mlzh reflect CANADIAN rut53 Wigwam ou 0L CANADIAN IO DE JANEIHU flrnlll MUA Manual rouylu him Imn muted Ir mmnn po lch in mnnmhn Illh m1 000 Ilnynl Mnll mnoml tnr mblmy nl Maul Lulu Imr llnmrul Inn ynr leol Im munml Wnlnudy 1119 um ldmllflul Leopold Damn Ill nnrl MI Himold Ille Lug Iollrclulul lho my THE MOVIE SCENE TIIUIMIMV pmhahly CIIIMII Still thsyLeft In Wheat Bins Parliament ï¬t Glance Minhler MncEnchen limouan lhnl lhn cnblnct rm proclaimed the 111mm union lruatmhlp lhul makan ll fly NUI lAmkr Douala dd 1qu uhllc ll dmmndlnl mom elllcrenry and mm mm Cnnzdal parliamentary Ayv lenl llo named Mr Julius Dryer nl Vuncaum Judka Rem no or Manual and Allan at Toronw ha mum Ovpollllon Ltmler Dlelcn bnkcr In oppollllan pmlu In cndanlnl the nclloln aimed at lha mhcllleul Sennmn Imrmnllnnnl Unlnn hn uh pm vml lo modcmlm Common proreduru mould llflld In croallni lhu pawm mo Cnlvlnolu 1m Cammnnl nMI 130 pm In drqu lnmlm lax mollulonn lmm llu Jnm mam Thu Small mom ll run Mela Cram Ludlr Thumpon um limp av haul In needï¬l became ma unlit lull nl lnllnrmnl II In dellmynl whablytouldï¬ï¬ thunk Ila Burton Ignores Lolita OnIguana Movie Location omdlll Indicate could run hurt what or In International cullamm next you 122mghr1°ré In In yn righrugnda 01 whmplnd 11nd Inz Iho ull Ind port Include toihanqle III volume Ruulln InIe Canada hu made bl Ind lmla mu rgcentlyzozm mt other Commnnlll counlrlu Chln Bulgaria Ind tho Ilovnklm Chinese Ind Bullamn dull are both Ion rmex tending be and current crop yearan provlda mild export market in lulu yearn com VIIUN snow 1T Admulht remlï¬llcent 1961 relulcnd In belowAvenue 9m Ellrecanl dean hav nho him made to Japan Ind Bril an Demand remained It um peak in th nzxt crop m1 Maanwhllo baud ufllclall lure then Is no can or Ilmn in sh menu from mm to pquntry evalorl Farm dellverfel to Oct In lhe current crop year culled 59700000 bulhell compared 99500 all Year Quota wm hliller earlier In the last mp year because there wan Illll elevator 1pm Avnll able 1n the wake ol the 1961 drought that helped produco partial cleanoul One omcm 1d But of he reason for flu decllnn ll lower deyveyy qnomulhjl cropuytag ï¬nished lhe pldm year no but the wait Ill olher movie hasnt bothered me IV me lime to row emnl In he In low month va dimmed method nctlnx and It hu chanled 1m my 1110 and my wnrk on me Bu you know In are lot nicer than you Eva them credit for Ive never had an unkind or vulgar Ihln slid to me becnuu Wu In In The actor Admire most Mnrlon Brando Pm Newman Shelly wintm Joanne Wood ward ll me the method Thar Rood enough or me THERES PLENTY or FREE PARKING ANDSHOPPINGIS EASY OPEN DAILY am T0 pm McFADDEN HWY 27 MILES NOITH OF 400 HWY REGULAR PRICE $36995 This In Hmllcd limo omr Ind flock llmlted no no lodny 11w Fm Cabin TV omr lppllu only In the TV 1th Area OUT OF HOSPITAL dont know what will hay pen now There an variety of course open to us but any comment now wouid be Unaw lnl man In on tha lire WASHINGTON CF Paul Hall president he Scalarera Inlemlloml Union North Amerlcn took tho news Can ndnl Imlwhlp ncllon Ixnlnst mnrlllme unlons calmly but sadly Wednegday Wu hid Eoped or the but an expected the want laid Whatever we any mm to be wlated up nonh belnz anuCanadlan and meddling In Canadian allaln But you can any thin much Im proud to ba anoclatad with Canadian tall an Ive teen picture of these who wars in Ottawa Canadian mlan Ara Iha ream In tha world NUIED FIGURE The Statue Liberty In New York hurbvr wish 225 tons and wu presented to the Unllcd sum by France In um Lady Clementine Churchill luvu hmdonl Wentmlmte Hamlin Wednenday or lhn Churchill ham in the British cgplgIL 1197ayerold WHO the Brï¬dsh lineman en tered the hospital Odobn 15 for mi and checkup AP Wkephom Paul Hall Is Calm BuLSad At Govt Action Sugar Brides Rising Again YOU PAY ONLY Imam Em OCTOBER 198311 MONTREAL CPIWI call lnz lha canlumer twice much In faultyihlnlwnl oath tadny It wu tha bzzlnnlnz of hla year Lu Jun the price lunar at the local grocery slormwn In cent or llvepound ha and 99 mm for Iopound The wholegnla price at flned MIKEY hi hlthut level Ilncg July mo enrly this week when three major emem re llneriust Lawrence Atlantic and Cnnadn and Dominion rnmd heir price by mo to $1765 Impound bal and than ganglia Wliifl behlnrd thin much on fulcrum In July 1m Ihe prlce reached an IllMme Huh 07A 1W SIMPLE LAW The Ilmple economic 1w nupply nnd demand IIYI re ï¬nery lpokesmln the con Iumer wants more of cam modlly than II readny nvallnble price on 11 Reason for the man lupply Ire many but laremau Imonl them an the devamuan Iha Cuban Inglr crop by Hurricane Flora and allure he Euro pean iugnr bee crop to keep with the normal Incmu world comumpflm Thesedevelopmentl have cre nled manage on the world mum Ihoollnl the price Iharpiy uywnrd spokesman WRONTO CHMamba the Sealaan Internadoml Un lon In Tomnto voted ovcrwhelm lolly Wednesday In stay away mm their III In protest against the oral govern mentl leguth putllnl mgr lume union undu public my hump The SIUI 7mm amt WLl llnm Glmow nld um um vote um the II nhlp tied up here will not be vlckned be cause the men depot gmldgg ha walkout mike He laid the unmen have just decided my Mom Seafarers Vote Stay Off Ships 153510 the mm raised their FURNITURE AND APPlIANCE PARK $26933 laid Canada buy her mm on the world mark and 40 must pa mg 0an price Thu IpokEimin aaId how ever there no danger or abortin occurrlnnln Canada lonl as Canadian am wil lan to my tho price ma Com monwea Ih counlrlea will supply Canada wlth quar Under ha Commonwealth Sugar Ama monk hm countrlea have agreed to mom enough sugar to aupr Canndnl needs no aalda Usually when the prlce of an llern lncream he conlumer wlll employ Iubstllum tn avoid paylnu he hlsh prlce Far lu llanne ll butler were In double ln prlce many consumer would Ivzllqh ta margarita But aui baxlc commod lly and hu no lublulula or do mgsljc pplrpvfll Indultrlnl um can 011m higher sugar rice to teruln extent lhroul the use of alu cma thick elem1m vhcoul liquid1n cunning and lam and Jelly manulaqlurlng However glucose manufactur have been no hardpressed by Industrial orden they couldnt mpply ho menu for dameullc use even the da mand dld urine spakesman tor weary chaln nld than has been no Illiclkcnlng gun mes There have been nccusaunns In lhe Home of Common um chMlenl exmar In the luzar ndunry but refinery olflclnll deny this hands Mr Glasgow aub llmd the mutation and he lln Ished leanAnn Fred Gama grabbed the microphone and yelled Tha government ll get our blood move Ive It the Red Oras r1th awaygr lull with 1110 gov Tho Canadian PM mo neously nported Mr Ghlzow wing to the meeting 1m kl the government to go to hell and pmwllnz that thu Toronto union memberl lo the Red Croat to dam hood PHONE PA 89208 lud